2009-05-11 RGMMonday, May 11, 2009
Town of Wappinger
Town Board Meeting
- Agenda --
7:00 PM
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Chris Masterson
Town Hall
7:00 PM Meeting called to order on May 11, 2009 at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Rd, Wappingers
Falls, NY.
Call to Order
,.. H.
Salute to the Flag
Adoption of Agenda
Public Portion
Correspondence Log
2009-179. Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
Public Hearings
Draft Comprehensive Plan and Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact
Statement (SDGEIS) in Connection with Town Comprehensive Plan and Associated
Zoning Amendments
2009-180. Resolution Adopting Local Law No of 2009 Amending the Zoning
Law So as to Include Pawn Shops as a Special Permit Use in the
Highway Business (HB) and Highway Design (HD) Zoning Districts
2009-181. Resolution Adopting Local Law No. of the Year 2009, Creating
Chapter 99 of the Code of the Town of Wappinger Entitled "Collateral
Loan Brokers (Pawnbrokers)"
2009-182. Resolution Appointing a Temporary Employee to the Town of
Wappinger Senior Center
2009-183. Resolution Drawing on the Letter of Credit Posted in Connection with
the Blackwatch Farms Subdivision
2009-184. Resolution Clarifying the Appointment of a Member to the Town of
Wappinger Planning Board
2009-185. Appointing a Member to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Items for Special Consideration
New Business
Town Board Review of Vouchers
2009-186. Abstract of Claims and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by
Town Board
Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 51812009
Town of Wappinger 20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Town Board Meeting townofwappinger.us
Minutes — Chris Masterson
Monday, May 11, 2009 7:00 PM Town Hall
I. Call to Order
Supervisor Christopher Colsey called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Attendee Name
Status Arrived
Christopher Colsey
Town of Wappinger
William Beale
Town of Wappinger
Vincent Bettina
Town of Wappinger
Maureen McCarthy
Town of Wappinger
Late 7:08 PM
Joseph Paoloni
Town of Wappinger
Bob Gray
Town of Wappinger
Engineer to the Town
Al Roberts
Town of Wappinger
Town Attorney
Graham Foster
Town of Wappinger
Highway Superintendent
David Stolman
Town of Wappinger..
Town Planner
Councilman Paoloni Statement
Councilman Paoloni noted that Councilwoman McCarthy is on her way. She will be late
because she is stuck in traffic.
II. Salute to the Flag
II. Adoption of Agenda
Motion To: accept the Agenda
William Beale, Councilman
Vincent Bettina, Councilman
Christopher Colsey, William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Joseph Paoloni
Maureen McCarthy
IV. Public Portion
Motion To: suspend the Rules
Vincent Bettina, Councilman
William Beale, Councilman
Christopher Colsey, William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Joseph Paoloni
Maureen McCarthy
Public Comments
Councilman Bettina made a motion to suspend the Rules. The motion was seconded by
.. Councilman Beale and passed unanimously.
Gary Lindstrom was the first resident to speak. He had comments on the Comprehensive
Plan. He had previously submitted comments in letter form. He would like his letter to be added
to the comments on the Plan.
Mary Schmalz was next to speak. She asked if the employee that Resolution 2009-182
pertains to is a new employee. Supervisor Colsey replied that the person being considered is
Kathy DeLisa, former senior director.
Councilman Paoloni made a motion to accept the resignation of June Visconti.
Supervisor Colsey clarified that there was a resignation submitted in writing on May 4th, 2009,
by Planning Board Member June Visconti. Councilman Bettina seconded the motion.
Discussion followed. The motion passed 4-1 with Councilman Bettina, Councilwoman
McCarthy, Councilman Paoloni and Supervisor Colsey voting "Aye" and Councilman Beale
Town of Wappinger Page I Printed 5/21/2009
Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
voting "Nay".
Motion To: accept the resignation of June Visconti
MOVER: Joseph Paoloni, Councilman
SECONDER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
AYES: Christopher Colsey, Vincent Bettina, Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
NAYS: William Beale
Motion To: reinstate the Rules
MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
SECONDER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
AYES: Colsey, Beale, Bettina, McCarthy, Paoloni
Correspondence Log
RESOLUTION: 2009-179
Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Correspondence Log
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications
itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the
Office of the Town Clerk.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-179
0 Adopted
Christopher Colsey
❑ Adopted as Amended
William Beale
❑ Defeated
❑ Tabled
Vincent Bettina
❑ Withdiawn
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
Public Hearings
Motion To: open the Public Hearing
MOVER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
AYES: Colsey, Beale, Bettina, McCarthy, Paoloni
Executive Session
Motion To: go into Executive Session for legal advice
MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
SECONDER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
AYES: William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
NAYS: Christopher Colsey
Legal Advice from Attorney
town of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 5/21/2009
T.,,.,.. Rnard MPPting Minutes May 11, 2009
Motion To: come out of Executive Session
MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
SECONDER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
AYES: Colsey, Beale, Bettina, McCarthy, Paoloni
Draft Comprehensive Plan and Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact
Statement (SDGEIS) in Connection with Town Comprehensive Plan and Associated
Zoning Amendments
Councilwoman McCarthy made a motion to open the Public Hearing. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Bettina and passed unanimously. Town Clerk Chris Masterson offered
for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication, duly signed and notarized (These
Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof the Minutes of the Public Hearing). David
Stolman gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Draft Comprehensive Plan and SDGEIS.
He noted all changes made since the last version of the Plan. This is the third Public Hearing on
the Draft Plan. Mr. Stolman hopes that soon there will be a Final Comprehensive Plan adopted
by the Town Board. While discussing the section pertaining to the expansion of the Chelsea
hamlet, Councilman Bettina asked for clarification. Mr. Stolman expanded on the expansion of
the Chelsea hamlet and then continued with the presentation. Councilman Bettina asked the
Town Attorney, Al Roberts, what would happen for the people that have been paying for sewer
and water if the allocation is going to be reallocated to another area. Discussion followed. Mr.
Stolman continued with his presentation. Councilman Beale asked that Mr. Stolman again go
over the time -line from this point forward. Mr. Stolman described what would need to take place
at each stage. He first noted that the comment period will run for 10 days after the close of the
Public Hearing. After that period, the Board will decide whether or not to do a Final SDGEIS.
If that is the case, it will be done and filed. A findings statement will be drafted and adopted,
which will end the SEQRA process. An alternative is to issue a Negative Declaration, which
would also end the SEQRA process. The SEQRA process needs to end before the Board can act
on the Plan. Mr. Stolman has been working on Zoning Laws that would implement Zoning map
changes. Councilman Beale then asked how long this process could take before having an
adopted Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Stolman replied that it could conceivably happen in June.
Councilman Bettina asked how people were notified for this Public Hearing. The Town
Clerk replied that it was posted on the signboard and published in the Town's official newspapers
as required. Councilman Beale noted that it was also on the Town website. Councilman Bettina
then noted that he had asked at the last Meeting to have notifications sent out. Councilwoman
McCarthy added that she would like to hear from the residents in the Cranberry area about the
proposed density. She would not oppose mailings going out to the Town's residents asking them
to offer their comments. Councilman Bettina recommended leaving the Public Hearing open.
Discussion followed. Supervisor Colsey asked who would get a mailing. He gave the example
that his own property is not being rezoned and asked if he should get a mailing. Councilman
Bettina replied that he should not. Councilman Beale then asked if adjacent property owners
should be notified. Councilman Bettina agreed and recommended expanding the list.
Councilman Beale asked that the Board reach a consensus about this. Otherwise they will
continue discussing the same thing over and over. He also noted that people have had multiple
opportunities to attend the meetings and be part of the public sessions. He again noted that, if the
Town was going to send out notices, they should notify adjacent property owners as well.
Councilman Bettina again agreed. Councilman Paoloni added that the Board needs to come to a
consensus about the Cranberry property before closing the Public Hearing. Councilman Bettina
recommended going into Executive Session to discuss the item. The Town Attorney replied that
the Board could go into Executive Session strictly for legal advice if they have specific legal
questions to address. He went on to say that, with respect to Cranberry, as far as he is concerned,
the litigation is over. Councilman Bettina stated that he would like to go into Executive Session
for legal advice about Cranberry. Councilman Paoloni and Councilwoman McCarthy pointed
out that there is no litigation or legal advice to seek. Councilman Bettina replied that he has
legal questions to ask and made a motion to go into Executive Session for legal advice relative to
Cranberry. Councilwoman McCarthy seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The motion
passed 4-1 with Councilman Beale, Councilman Bettina, Councilwoman McCarthy and
Councilman Paoloni voting "Aye" and Supervisor Colsey voting "Nay". Councilwoman
McCarthy asked why the Supervisor voted "Nay". Supervisor Colsey replied that he doesn't
think that there are any legal questions and that he has no problem talking in public. The Board
broke for Executive Session at 7:53 PM.
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Town of Wappinger Page 3
Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
The Board came out of Executive Session at 8:18 PM. Councilwoman McCarthy asked
where the Board stood with the discussion. Councilman Bettina replied that he would like to see
the public notified with cards sent through the mail. Councilman Paoloni asked who would
determine who gets a card. Councilman Bettina replied that the Planner should give the list to
the Planning Department secretary for cards to be sent out. Mr. Stolman confirmed that he has
the list. The list could be provided so that the appropriate cards could be sent out. Councilman
Paoloni asked what the proximity limit for notifications for adjacent properties was. Mr.
Stolman noted that he could do that for the Town, but the Town staff could do it at less cost.
Councilman Bettina recommended that Mr. Stolman give the list to the Town Clerk or Zoning
Administrator. Supervisor Colsey reminded the Councilman that the Town Board has a
Legislative Aide. Councilman Bettina replied that he would prefer if the Town Clerk do it.
Councilwoman McCarthy felt that the Legislative Aide would work with the Town Clerk to
notify the proper people. Councilman Bettina then asked if the postage would come out of the
Town Clerk's office. The Town Clerk answered that his office has a postage machine.
Councilman Beale asked that the Legislative Aide provide the Board with a copy of the card to
the Board so that they could look at it. He then asked when they will be having Part II of the
Public Hearing. Discussion about Cranberry followed. Councilwoman McCarthy asked if the
Board was in agreement that the Town Attorney could proceed with the research that the Board
had asked him to do when they were in Executive Session. The Board agreed. Discussion about
Cranberry followed.
The Board then discussed the notices again. Mr. Stolman recommended that the Board
decide what the notices would say. Councilwoman McCarthy replied that there would be
different notices sent out that depend on the area that the notices go to. Supervisor Colsey asked
what line this mailing would be charged to. Councilwoman McCarthy asked what the options
were. Supervisor Colsey replied that there is approximately $500 in the Town Board
Miscellaneous line. Councilman Beale asked how much the mailing will cost. Supervisor
Colsey replied that the bulk pick-up mailing cost about $2000. Councilwoman McCarthy
recommended that it be done in-house. Councilman Beale added that he doesn't want a rinky-
dink mailing going out. Supervisor Colsey asked that the decision then because they have a
standing rule not to make business decisions outside of a Town Board Meeting. Councilwoman
McCarthy noted that the job should be done in-house because it's less expensive and it's not that
difficult of a task to type something into a computer, and then print and copy it. The Board
discussed the issue of how to do and pay for the mailing. They then discussed a suitable day to
adjourn the Public Hearing to. Councilman Bettina asked if the Board had consensus on a not -
to -exceed limit of $1000 on the mailing. Supervisor Colsey again asked what line to use to
charge this to. Councilwoman McCarthy told the Supervisor to find the other $500 from a line
and send the notice out. Mr. Roberts explained who should receive the notices. Discussion
Supervisor Colsey then opened the floor to comments from the public. The first resident
to speak was Gary Lindstrom. Mr. Lindstrom asked for clarification on the term "near" in one of
the Comprehensive Plan sections. His second question was why the section that he was referring
to was needed to begin with. His final comment was that he wanted his letter that he mentioned
in Public Comments to be added to the comments on the Plan. Mr. Stolman explained that
Comprehensive Plans are essentially a guideline. The implementation of the plan that will take
place within the Zoning law and Zoning map will be more specific. Mr. Stolman then explained
why the section was needed.
The next resident to speak was Ron Lafko. Mr. Lafko noted that he worked with Mr.
Stolman on the Comprehensive Plan Committee. He feels that public input is very important.
He then compared the current draft of the Comprehensive Plan with the Comprehensive Plan that
was previously adopted. He recommended leaving the Public Hearing open. Discussion
Councilman Beale asked if the Town should have a Comprehensive Plan Oversight
Committee. Mr. Stolman recommended against looking at the plan on such an ongoing basis.
The Plan should include a maximum length of time before the Plan is looked at again.
Councilman Beale referenced page 38 of the SDGEIS. There is a section on that page
that mentions equalization rates. The rate should be 100%.
Councilman Bettina made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing until June 1 st; 2009, at
6:30 PM, in the Town Hall. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman McCarthy.
Councilman Beale asked that the Supervisor's Office or Town Clerk's Office send out notice to
the papers. The motion passed unanimously.
?Town of Wappinger Page 4 Printed 5/21/2009
Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
MOVER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
SECONDER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
AYES: Colsey, Beale, Bettina, McCarthy, Paoloni
Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 5/21/2009
) ss:
John C. Masterson, being duly sworn, deposes and says:
That he is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of
Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York.
That on March 15th, 2009, your deponent posted a copy of the Notice of Public
Hearing on the Draft Town Comprehensive Plan and the Supplemental Draft
Generic Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the Draft Town
Comprehensive Plan and Associated Zoning Changes (the "Proposed
Action")., on the signboard maintained by your deponent in his office in the
Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers
Falls, Dutchess County, New York.
Pohn C. Masterson
Town Clerk
Town of Wappinger
Sworn to before me the 27th day of March, 2009
Not Public, State of New York
Reg. No. 01 R06130344
Dutchess County
My Commission Expires July 18, 2009
` APR 2009
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
State of New York
County of Dutchess
City of Poughkeepsie
Rita Lombardi, of the City of Poughkeepsie,
Dutcher, County, New York, being duly sworn, says
that at the several times hereinafter mentioned he/she
was and still is the Principle Clerk of the Poughkeepsie
Newspapers Division of Gannett Satellite Information
Network, Inc., publisher of the Poughkeepsie Journal, a
newspaper published every day in the year 2009 in the
city of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, and
that the annexed Notice was duly published in the said
newspaper for
/, one insertion
successively, in each week, commencing on the 1 5 t h
day of April in the year of 2009 and
on the following dates thereafter, namely on:
rind ending on the day of in
they ar of 200 '', both days inclusive.
Subscribed an worn to before me this day
in the year of 2009
Nofary Public\,'.._'/
My, �9il�ti4ils ioiiiex t e.sl` r C% / (/a a
Affidavit of Publication
Re: Legal notice ##83824
State of NEW YORK
County of DUTCHESS
I, TINA HEATH, being duly sworn, depose and
say: that I am the Publisher of Southern
Dutchess News, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation published in WAPPINGERS FALLS,
County of DUTCHESS, State of NEW YORK; and
that a notice, of which the annexed is a
printed copy, was duly published in Southern
Dutchess News once on 04/15/09.
Sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 2009
Notary Public, State of NEW YORK
No. .14-8240760
Qualified in DUTCHESS County
My commission expires on May 16, 2011
Affidavit of Publication
Re: Legal notice #83823
State of NEW YORK
County of DUTCHESS
I, TINA HEATH, being duly sworn, depose and
say: that I am the Publisher of Southern
Dutchess News, a weekly newspaper of general
circulation published in WAPPINGERS FALLS,
County of DUTCHESS, State of NEW YORK; and
that a notice, of which the annexed is a
printed copy, was duly published in Southern
Dutchess News once on 04/15/09.
Sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 2009
Notary Public, State of NEW YORK
No. 14-8240760
Qualified in DUTCHESS County
My commission expires on May 16, 2011
'GIVEN that the Town
Board of the Town of
Zpinger will con-
duct a I?yblic Hearing
on the 1'lth dayofMay
2009, at7:Q0. PMatthe
Town Halls 20 Middle -
bush Road, $ VVap-
pingers,�Falls New
Yorlt; at which time all
parties in interest and
Citizens shall have.an
opportunity to be
heard regarding the
Draft Toyun . Compre-
hensive Plan and the
Supplemental Kraft
Generic Environmen
tal Impact- Statement
prepared for the Draft
Town I Comprehen-
sive Plan and Associ-
ated Zoning Changes
(the "Proposed Ac-
Towne Board has de
ternjjn d atth6 Pro,�1
posedAct'ion is a Type
1.actio npursuanttoAr
ticle8 of the Environ-
metal Conservation
Law, Part617 NYCRR
(corpmonly-Known as
"SE¢RA") and purr
suant to Chapter 117
of the Town Code (the
' ' p's Environmen
tai , IQuality,5 Review
aw; which r estab
lishes locally, desig
nated Type I actions).
isayq}n(i uo!}eool
?!#O_' '6002/W/ NO
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Uoi}euajoj}o abl}oN
•a;ep.oi}iaads i
INPnlosslp LL IM, j1
Poughkeepsie, I.Y.
State of New York
County of Dutchess
City of Poughkeepsie
APR 1 2009
Rita Lombardi, of the City of Poughkeepsie,
Dutches,5 County, New York, being duly sworn, says
that at the several times hereinafter mentioned he/she
was and still is the Principle Clerk of the Poughkeepsie
Newspapers Division of Gannett Satellite Information
Network, Inc., publisher of the Poughkeepsie Journal, a
newspaper published every day in the year 2009 in the
city of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, and
that the annexed Notice was duly published in the said
newspaper for ' one insertion
successively, in each week, commencing on the 15t1,
day of April in the year of 2009 and
on the following dates thereafter, namely on:
And ending on the day of in
the year off 2009 , both days inclusive.
Subscribed a40worn to before me this � ay
-in the year of 2009
lary Pu Tic /
IVOT?.Fi`f F";.3�q IC vi�commission expires /'4 ,�
TMAin Rnnrd MPpting Minutes May 11, 2009
VII. Resolutions
Motion To: do all Resolutions as a group
MOVER: Joseph Paoloni, Councilman
SECONDER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
AYES: Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
NAYS: Christopher Colsey, William Beale, Vincent Bettina
RESOLUTION: 2009-180
Resolution Adopting Local Law No. 5 of 2009 Amending the Zoning Law So as to Include
Pawn Shops as a Special Permit Use in the Highway Business (HB) and Highway Design
(HD) Zoning Districts
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has determined that the Zoning
Law should be amended so as to include Pawn Shops as a Special Permit Use in the Highway
Business (HB) and Highway Design (HD) zoning districts (the "Proposed Action"); and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the Proposed Action is a Type I action
pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law, Part 617 NYCRR (commonly known
as "SEQRA") and pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Town Code (the Town's Environmental Quality
Review Law which establishes locally designated Type I actions); and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that the proposed Local Law is an action for
which there are no other Involved Agencies and that the Town Board is therefore, by default, the
Lead Agency for this action; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Local Law has been on the desks of the members of the Town
Board for at least seven (7) days exclusive of Sunday prior to the adoption of this resolution.
1. The Town Board hereby adopts and incorporates the recitations and statements set
forth above as if fully set forth and resolved herein.
2. Pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review regulations, the Town Board
hereby adopts a Negative Declaration, attached hereto, on the grounds that the
Proposed Action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.
3. The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger hereby adopts proposed Local Law No.
5 of 2009; except as specifically modified by the amendments contained therein, the
Zoning Law, as originally adopted and amended from time to time thereafter is to
remain in full force and effect.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-180
', Abstain
0 Adopted
Christopher Colsey
❑ Adopted as Amended
William Beale
❑ Defeated
Vincent Bettina
❑ Tabled
Maureen McCarthy
❑ Withdrawn
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
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Town of Wapp ing er
A Local Law entitled "Local Law #5 of 2009, for the purpose of adding the new use —
Pawn Shops — to the Zoning Law."
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger as follows:
Section 1: Title
This Local Law shall be known and cited as "Local Law #5 of 2009, for the purpose of
adding the new use — Pawn Shops — to the Zoning Law."
Section 2: Legislative Intent
Pawn shops are not specifically allowed in any zoning district within the Town of
Wappinger, and the Town Board believes that such use should be permitted. This local
law would add Pawn Shops as a Special Permit Use in the Highway Business (HB) and
Highway Design (HD) zoning districts, subject to the provisions of proposed Section
240-81.4 of the Zoning Law. This local law is determined to be an exercise of the police
powers of the Town to protect the public health, safety and welfare of its residents.
Section 3: Zoning Amendments
1. Section 240-5, Definitions, of the Zoning Law shall be revised to include the
following definition in its proper alphabetical order:
PAWN SHOP — An establishment operated by a person, partnership or corporation
which loans money on deposit or pledge of personal property, other than securities
or printed evidences of indebtedness, or deals in the purchasing of personal
property on condition of selling said property back at a stipulated price.
2. The Schedule of Use Regulations — Nonresidential Districts of the Zoning Law
in 240 Attachment 2 of the Town Code is hereby amended so as to list "Pawn-
Pawnshops (§ 240-81.4)" in the category of "Retail" uses, as a Special Permit Use in
the Highway Business (HB) and Highway Design (HD) zoning districts.
3. A new Section 240-81.4 shall be added to the Zoning Law and shall read as
§ 240-81.4 Pawn shops.
A. The pawn shop shall comply with the provisions of Article 5 of the General
Business Law of New York State.
B. The pawn shop shall possess a current and valid license issued in
accordance with Chapter 99, Collateral Loan Brokers, of the Town Code.
C. The proposed pawn shop shall not be located within 1,000 feet of an
existing pawn shop.
D. The Planning Board may impose such conditions as it deems necessary to
avoid or minimize impacts and the impairment of the use, enjoyment and
value of property in the area of the proposed pawn shop.
E. Parking for the pawn shop shall be provided as set forth in Article X of this
chapter and as required by the Planning Board.
F. Upon certification by the Zoning Administrator that the applicant has
complied with all conditions of this chapter, the Building Inspector shall be
authorized to issue a certificate of occupancy for the pawn shop.
G. Each pawn shop shall be reviewed and/or inspected by the Zoning
Administrator every year in order to determine whether the use possesses a
current and valid license in accordance with Chapter 99 of the Town Code,
and is otherwise in compliance with this chapter. Upon the determination of
such compliance, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a certificate of
compliance. The certificate of compliance, once issued, shall be valid for a
period of one year, provided that the use complies with the teens of this
chapter. In the event that the review and/or inspection determines that the
pawn shop is no longer in compliance with this chapter, the certificate of
compliance shall be revoked and the Planning Board shall then undertake a
review to determine whether the Special Use Permit shall be revoked.
4. Section 240-97, Schedule of Off -Street Parking Requirements, of the Zoning
Law shall be amended by adding the following use and parking requirement
so as to be located below the "Retail or service business" use:
Use Minimum Number of Off -Street Parking Spaces
Pawn shop 1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area
Section 4. Ratification, Readoation and Confirmation
Except as specifically modified by the amendments contained herein, the Zoning Law of
the Town of Wappinger as adopted by Local Law No. 5 of 1990 and amended from time
to time thereafter is otherwise to remain in full force and effect and is otherwise ratified,
readopted and confirmed.
Section 5: Inclusion in Code
It is the intention of the Wappinger Town Board and it is hereby enacted that the
provisions of this local law shall be included in the Code of the Town of Wappinger; that
the sections and subsections of this local law may be renumbered or relettered to
accomplish such intention; and that the word "local law" shall be changed to "chapter,"
"section" or other appropriate word, as required for codification.
Section 6: Renumbering
The location and numerical designation of this local law and the sections included herein
shall be delegated to the discretion . of the codifier, General Code, which may renumber
this local law and sections as are necessary to accommodate these amendments.
Section 7: Codification
This local law shall be incorporated into the Code of the Town of Wappinger and shall be
assigned a chapter number and appropriate section numbers by the codifier, General
Code, in accordance with the numbering system of the Code.
Section 8: Codifier's Changes
This local law shall be included in the Code of the Town of Wappinger. The codifier
shall make no substantive changes to this local law, but may renumber, rearrange and edit
it without first submitting it to the Wappinger Town Board. Any such rearranging,
renumbering and editing shall not affect the validity of this local law or the provisions of
the Code affected thereby.
Section 9: Separability
The provisions of this Local Law are separable and if any provision, clause, sentence,
subsection, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, or inapplicable
to any person or circumstance, such illegality, invalidity or unconstitutionality, or
inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses,
sentences, subsections, words or parts of this Local Law or their petition to other persons
or circumstances. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent that this Local law
would have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional provision, clause,
sentence, subsection, word or part had not been included therein, and if such person or
circumstance to which the Local Law or part hereof is held inapplicable had been
specifically exempt there from.
Section 10: Effective Date
This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon adoption and filing with the Secretary
of State as provided by the Municipal Home Rule Law.
Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
RESOLUTION: 2009-181
Resolution Adopting Local Law No. 6 of the Year 2009, Creating Chapter 99 of the Code of
the Town of Wappinger Entitled "Collateral Loan Brokers (Pawnbrokers)"
WHEREAS, a Resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger introducing proposed Local Law No. 6 of the Year 2009, Creating Chapter 99 of the
Code of the Town of Wappinger entitled "Collateral Loan Brokers (Pawnbrokers)"; and
WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was duly advertised in the Southern Dutchess News and
the Poughkeepsie Journal, the official newspaper of the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was opened on April 27, 2009, adjourned to and closed
on May 4, 2009, and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf
of or in opposition to said proposed Local Law or any part thereof; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board determined that the proposed Local Law was not subject to
Environmental Review; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, after due deliberation, finds
that it is in the best interest of the Town to adopt said Local Law; and
WHEREAS, said Local Law has been on the desks of the members of the Town Board
of the Town of Wappinger for at least seven (7) days exclusive of Sunday prior to the adoption
of this Resolution.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger hereby adopts Local Law No. 6 of
the Year 2009, Creating Chapter 99 of the Code of the Town of Wappinger
entitled "Collateral Loan Brokers (Pawnbrokers)", a copy of which is attached
hereto and made part of this Resolution.
3. The Town Clerk is directed to enter said Local Law in the minutes of this meeting
and to the Local Law book for the Town of Wappinger and to give due notice of
the adoption of said Local Law to the Secretary of State of New York.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-181
0 Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
Christopher Colsey
❑ Defeated
William Beale
❑ Tabled
Vincent Bettina
❑ Withdrawn
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
Town of Wappinger Page 7 Printed 5/21/2009
A Local Law entitled Local Law No. 6 of the Year 2009, Creating Chapter 99 of the
Town Code, "Collateral Loan Brokers. (Pawnbrokers)"
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger as follows:
Section -I: Title.
This Local Law shall be known and cited as Town of Wappinger Local Law No. 6 of
2009, Creating Chapter 99 of the Town Code, ``Collateral Loan Brokers. (Pawnbrokers)" This
Local Law No. 6 of the Year 2009 hereby establishes and creates Chapter 99 "COLLATERAL
LOAN BROKERS (Pawnbrokers)" of the Code of the Town of Wappinger.
Section -II: Creation of Chapter 99: "COLLATERAL LOAN BROKERS."
Chapter 99 of the Town Code of the Town of Wappinger is hereby adopted to read as
§ 99-1. Legislative Intent and Purpose.
A. The purpose of this chapter is to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the
people of the Town of Wappinger, New York and to protect and preserve property values
by imposing requirements that insure that collateral loan brokerage businesses are
operated by citizens of good character and are located in such zoning districts as may be
designated by the Town Board as appropriate for such activities. Collateral loan brokers
are commonly called pawnbrokers.
B. This Local Law is enacted pursuant to the authority granted to the Town by Article 5 of
the General Business Law concerning Collateral Loan Brokers and by Article 9 of Town
Law concerning Ordinances and Licenses.
§ 99-2. License Required
A. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership or other business entity to
conduct or carry on the business of collateral loan broker unless a license therefor has
been duly issued as herein provided.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, partnership or other business entity to
conduct or carry on the business of collateral loan broker at any location other than that
specified in the license issued by the Town of Wappinger.
C. Only a person duly licensed as a collateral loan broker pursuant to this Chapter shall be
permitted to use the phrase "pawnbroker" in connection with the collateral loan business.
§ 99-3. Authorization to Issue License; License Fee,• Payment to Town Clerk.
A. Pursuant to the authority conferred by General Business Law Article 5, §41, the Town
Clerk of the Town of Wappinger is hereby authorized to grant, under his or her hand and
the seal of the office, to such citizen or citizens, or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent
residence in the United States, as he or she shall deem proper, and who shall produce to
him or her satisfactory evidence of their good character, a license to carry on the business
of collateral loan broker, provided that such citizen or citizens or lawful aliens desiring
said license shall make application for said license to said Town Clerk, submitting the
required information in writing and under affidavit together with the license fee required
by the Town Fee Schedule set forth at § 122-16.
§ 99-4. License Application.
A. Every person who wishes to engage in business as a collateral loan broker must make
written application, under oath on such forms as the Town Clerk shall provide which
shall contain the following information:
1. The name, age and address of the applicant, specifying, in the case of any
unincorporated association, the names, ages and addresses of each member
thereof and, in the case of any business entity, the names, ages and addresses of
each officer or member thereof.
2. If the applicant shall employ more than three employees, the applicant shall
designate one individual as the manager of the collateral loan broker business in
accordance with General Business Law § 41-a.
3. All crimes, if any, of which the applicant or any member thereof has been
convicted and, if an unincorporated association, that any officer thereof has been
convicted, stating the name, if any, and location of the courts and the dates on
which such convictions were had and the penalties imposed therefore.
4. The experience of the applicant as a collateral loan broker, if any.
5. The address of the place from which the collateral loan brokerage business shall
be conducted.
6. The applicant must demonstrate that it owns, leases or subleases its business
premises by providing a deed if the applicant owns such premises or by providing
a copy of the lease or sublease agreement if the applicant leases or subleases such
7. Every applicant shall submit a complete current schedule of fees for all services.
The schedule of prices to be charged may be revised at any time but shall not be
effective until filed with the Town Clerk.
8. Consent in writing that the applicant authorizes the Town to make a request for
the applicant's criminal history record from the New York State Division of
Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) or approved private company upon a form
prescribed by the Town.
9. Two sets of fingerprint cards for all applicants prepared by the State Police, the
Dutchess County Sherriff's Department or other entity approved by the Town
Clerk to perform fingerprinting for identification processing.
10. Any other relevant information that the Town Clerk may deem necessary
B. The application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable application fee as set forth in
§ 122-16 of the Code and a criminal background investigation fee as required by DCJS:.
§ 99-5. Criminal Background Check
A. The Town Clerk, or his or her designee, shall forward the applicant's fingerprint cards
and all applicable fees to DCJS..
B. The criminal history records processed by DCJS shall be submitted to the Town Clerk or
his or her designee, for review and consideration of the contents of those records.
C. If the information received indicates that there is a pending criminal offense that would
require a disqualification, the applicant shall forward documentation to the Town Clerk
evidencing the disposition of such offense in accordance with the procedures established
by the Town Clerk.
D. Upon a determination of disqualification, the Town Clerk or his or her designee shall
notify the applicant. Said notice to the applicant shall include information regarding the
right to appeal and contest any claimed ground for disqualification in accordance with the
procedures established by the Town Clerk. Any challenge to information contained in
criminal records provided by DCJS shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable
DCJS rules and regulations.
§ 99-6. Issuance of License
A. Upon certification by the Town Clerk that the applicant has complied with all applicable
provisions of law, and upon payment of the prescribed fee, the Town Clerk, or his or her
agent, shall notify the applicant that the application has been approved. Such notification
shall inform the applicant that in order to receive a license an acceptable bond as required
by § 99-7 is required to be posted.
B. Upon receipt of a bond in acceptable form, the Town Clerk and provided that the
application has been approved, the Town Clerk shall issue a license to conduct business
as a collateral loan broker.
C. All licenses shall be issued for a period of one year and may be renewed in accordance
with the provisions of this Chapter annually.
D. Each license issued hereunder may not be transferred.
E. If the Town Clerk shall deny any application for a license, such denial shall be in writing
and state the reasons therefor. Any applicant who shall be denied a license shall have the
right to appeal such denial to the Town Board at its next regular meeting. A decision of
the Town Board to approve or deny such an application after an appeal to it shall be in
writing and entered into the Town Clerk's minutes. Such decision shall be final.
§ 99-7. Bond
A. An approved applicant shall, at the time of receiving such license, file with the Town
Clerk a bond payable to the Town of Wappinger, to be executed by the person so licensed
and by two (2) responsible sureties, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars
($10,000.00). Said bond is subject to approval of the Town Clerk. This bond shall be
conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties and obligations pertaining to the
business so licensed and the observance of all laws and ordinances relating thereto.
B. An action on the bond may be instituted by any person aggrieved pursuant to General
Business Law § 42.
§ 99-8. Hours of Operation
A. No premises in which the business of a collateral loan broker is conducted, either alone or
in connection with some other business, in the Town of Wappinger shall be open except
between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
99-9. Permissible Zoning Districts.
A. Collateral Loan Brokers shall be permitted to operate only in such Zoning Districts as
permitted by Chapter 210 of the Code.
§ 99-10. Compliance with state law and regulations required.
A. A collateral loan broker shall comply with all the provisions of Article 5 of the General
Business Law as well as all rules and regulations promulgated by the State Comptroller
pursuant to General Business Law § 55 and all applicable provisions of the Town of
Wappinger Code.
§ 99-11. Record book.
A. Every collateral loan broker so licensed as hereinbefore provided shall keep a book in
which shall be fairly written, at the time of such loan:
1. an account and description of the goods, articles or things pawned or pledged,
2. the amount of money loaned thereon,
3. the time of pledging the same,
4. the rate of interest to be paid on such loan, and
5. the name and residence of the person pawning or pledging said goods, articles or
B. The collateral loan broker shall, at the time of each loan, deliver to the person pawning or
pledging any goods, articles or things, a memorandum or note signed by him, containing
the substance of the entry required to be made in his book, as in this section provided,
and no charge shall be made or received by any collateral loan broker for any such entry,
memorandum or note.
C. Said book shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of the Town Clerk the
State Police, the Dutchess County Sherriff s Department and all other parties authorized
by General Business Law § 45.
§ 99-12. Interest rates; storage and sale of goods.
A. Interest rates and other fees charged shall be such as will be allowed under Article 5 of
the General Business Law of the State of New York.
§ 99-13. Notice of Sale, Disposition of Surplus Moneys.
A. Notice of every such sale shall be published for at least six (6) days previous thereto in
the official newspaper or newspapers printed in the Town of Wappinger, and each such
notice shall specify the time and place at which such sale shall take place, the name of the
auctioneer by whom the same is to be conducted and a general description of the kind of
article to be sold, together with a statement of the inclusive dates of the pawn tickets
representing the pledges to be sold. Any person, including the collateral loan broker,
may become the purchaser of any or all goods, articles or things to be sold at any such
sale. The surplus money, if any, arising from the sale of each article or thing at such sale,
after deducting the amount loaned therefor, the interest due thereon and the expenses of
the advertising and sale apportionable thereto, shall be paid over by the collateral loan
broker to the person who would have been entitled to redeem the same in the event such
sale had not taken place.
§ 99-14. Continuing Education.
A. All. collateral loan brokers shall comply with the continuing education requirements of
General Business Law § 41-a and proof of such compliance shall be filed with the Town
B. No license issued under this Chapter shall be renewed unless the continuing education
requirements have been completed.
§ 99-15. Enforcement.
A. The Town Clerk, the Building Inspector, the Code Enforcement Officers, the Zoning
Administrator and any police officer or peace officer as defined in the New York State
Criminal Procedure Law shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this
§ 99-16. Penalties for offenses.
A violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed an offense punishable by:
A. a fine as set forth in Chapter 122, Article V, Section 122-20 of the Code for a first
B. a fine as set forth in Chapter 122, Article V, Section 122-20 of the Code;
C. a fine as set forth in Chapter 122, Article V, Section 122-20 of the Code or a period of
imprisonment of not more than 15 days for a third and any subsequent offense.
§ 99-17. Penalties for state law violations.
A. Pursuant to General Business Law § 51, the Town Clerk shall have full power and
authority after notice and a hearing before the Town Board to impose fines and penalties
of not less than $25 nor more than $100 upon persons offending against any of the
provisions of General Business Law Article 5, §§ 42 through 50, and may also suspend or
revoke the license of the collateral loan broker willfully violating any of the aforesaid
§ 99-18. Revocation of License.
A. Any license issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked by the Town Clerk, due to a
violation of this chapter. or Article 5 of the General Business Law, after written notice and
an opportunity to be heard.
Section -III: Amendment of: Fee and Fine Schedules in Chapter 122
A. Chapter 122, Articles IV § 122-16 "Fee Schedule" is hereby amended to by the addition
of the following:
"Chapter 99, Collateral Loan Broker.
1. § 99-4(B). Application Fee $250.00"
B. Chapter 122, Articles IV § 122-20 "Fine Schedule" is hereby amended to by the addition
of the following:
'Chapter 99, Collateral Loan Broker.
1. § 99-16 (A) fine:
(a) Minimum: $ 100.00
(b) Maximum: $ 300.00
2. § 99-16 (B) fine:
(a) Minimum: $ 200.00
(b) Maximum: $ 500.00
3. § 99-16 (B) fine:
(a) Minimum: $ 300.00
(b) Maximum: $1,000.00"
Section -IV: Numbering for Codification.
It is the intention of the Town of Wappinger and it is hereby enacted that the provisions
of this Local Law shall be included in the Code of the Town of Wappinger; that the sections and
sub -sections of this Local Law may be re -numbered or re -lettered to accomplish such intention;
the Codifier shall make no substantive changes to this Local Law; the word "Local Law" shall be
changed to `'Chapter," "Section" or other appropriate word as required for codification; and any
such rearranging of the numbering and editing shall not effect the validity of this Local Law or
the provisions of the Code effected thereby.
Section -V: Separability.
The provisions of this Local Law are separable and if any provision, clause, sentence,
subsection, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any
person or circumstance, such illegality, invalidity, or unconstitutionality, or inapplicability, shall
not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, subsections, words or
parts of this Local Law or their application to other persons or circumstances. It is hereby
declared to be the legislative intent of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger that this Local
Law would have been adopted if such illegal, invalid or unconstitutional provision, clause,
sentence, subsection, word or part had not been included therein, and if such person or
circumstance to which the Local Law or part thereof is held inapplicable had been specifically
exempt therefrom.
Section -VI: Effective Date.
This Local Law shall become effective immediately upon filing with the Secretary of
State as provided by law.
Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
RESOLUTION: 2009-182
Resolution Appointing a Temporary Employee to the Town of Wappinger Senior Center
WHEREAS, Kay von Reyn, Recreation Leader of the Town of Wappinger Senior
Center, has requested vacation from May 22 through June 11, a total of fourteen business days;
WHEREAS, the Senior Center requires a minimum number of staffing to ensure the
ongoing quality of the programs and a safe environment; and
WHEREAS, the Senior Center has a staffing compliment of one full-time Recreation
Leader, one full-time Recreation Assistant, and one part-time Typist, jointly shared with the
Recreation Department; and
WHEREAS, the Recreation Leader to the Senior Center has requested authorization to
utilize the former Senior Director as a temporary employee at her last employed hourly rate of
$21.23 per hour, and at the daily schedule of 4.5 hours per day which reflects the open hours of
the Senior Center
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that former Senior Center Director Kathi
DeLisa is hereby appointed as a temporary employee for the period of May 22 through June 11,
at the daily schedule of 4.5 hours and the hourly rate of $21.23, at an amount not to exceed
$1,350.00 from Budget Line A7620.100.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-182
Christopher Colsey
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2009-183
Resolution Drawing on the Letter of Credit Posted in Connection with the Blackwatch
Farms Subdivision
WHEREAS, Blackwatch Development, LLC, as successor in interest to Robert B.
Oswald, has posted a Substitution Performance Agreement dated June 1, 2005, secured by Letter
of Credit issued by M&T Bank, in the original sum of Seven Hundred Five Thousand, Six
Hundred Eighty -Five Dollars ($705,685.00), which Letter of Credit has been reduced to the
principal sum of Two Hundred Forty -Three Thousand Dollars ($243,000.00), pursuant to
authorization duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger; and
WHEREAS, the aforementioned Letter of Credit issued by M&T Bank, bearing number
SB -907772-2000, has been duly extended to May 22, 2010; and
WHEREAS, New York State Town Law § 277, as well as the Town Code of the Town
of Wappinger requires that the developer of a subdivision guarantee all of the obligations set
forth in the Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Code and Highway Specifications; and
WHEREAS, the Substitution Performance Agreement secured by the M&T Bank Letter
of Credit executed by Blackwatch Development, LLC, and personally guaranteed by John
O'Donnell, individually, and James Chirico, individually, guaranteed all of the obligations set
forth in the Subdivision Regulations, Zoning Code and Highway Specifications of the Town of
Wappinger in connection with the Blackwatch Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, certain land was offered for dedication to the Town of Wappinger as a
condition of approval for the Blackwatch Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has been notified that the real estate taxes on said land has
not been paid and the subject land is about to be sold at tax sale by Dutchess County; and
WHEREAS, the land is identified by tax grid number 135689-6358-02-785898-0000,
Tax Foreclosure Index No. 2007/5320; and
WHEREAS, per advice from the Dutchess County Office of the Commissioner and
Finance, the unpaid real property taxes total Six Thousand, Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars and
41/100 ($6,950.41), and must be paid to the Dutchess County Commissioner of Finance no later
than May 29, 2009; and
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Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to pay these unpaid real estate taxes so as to
guarantee acquisition of the lands offered for dedication; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to draw on the aforementioned Letter of Credit in
an amount sufficient to pay for the unpaid real estate taxes and any related expenses.
1. The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set
forth and adopted herein.
2. The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger hereby authorizes Supervisor
Christopher J. Colsey to draw on the Letter of Credit issued by M&T Bank,
bearing number SB -907772-2000 in the amount of Seven Thousand, Two
Hundred Dollars ($7,200.00) to pay for all unpaid real estate taxes and any related
expenses due on the land offered for dedication in connection with the
Blackwatch Farms Subdivision, identified by tax grid number 135689-6358-02-
785898-0000, and upon receipt of said funds, to promptly pay said amount to the
Dutchess County Office of the Commissioner of Finance to forestall the tax sale
of said land.
3. Supervisor Christopher J. Colsey and Attorney to the Town, Albert P. Roberts, are
hereby authorized to undertake any work and to execute any documents necessary
to draw on the aforementioned Letter of Credit in accordance with the provisions
of the Letter of Credit and in accordance with the provisions of this Resolution.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-183
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
RESOLUTION: 2009-184
Resolution Clarifying the Appointment of a Member to the Town of Wappinger Planning
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the Town of Wappinger Planning Board due to a
voluntary resignation; and
WHEREAS, a majority of the Town Board resolved to appoint Constance O. Smith to
the Planning Board through Resolution 2009-155; and
WHEREAS, Resolution 2009-155 contained a misstatement in respect to the specific
vacancy being filled; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board offers this resolution to clarify the appointment of
Constance O. Smith to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board to fill the unexpired term of Lori
McElduff, which is available due to a voluntary resignation; and
WHEREAS, the unexpired term runs to January 1, 2013; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Resolution 2009-155 is hereby repealed;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Constance O. Smith is hereby appointed to the
Town of Wappinger Planning Board to fulfill the unexpired term through January 1, 2013.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-184
Christopher Colsey
Adopted as Amended
William Beale
Vincent Bettina
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
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Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
RESOLUTION: 2009-185
Appointing a Member to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board
WHEREAS, a vacancy exists in the Town of Wappinger Planning Board due to the
expired term of Marsha Leed; and
WHEREAS, Marsha Leed has consistently contributed to the deliberations of the Board,
maintained her mandated level of annual continuing education, and achieved satisfactory
attendance since her appointment to an un -expired term in 2007.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Marsha Leed is hereby appointed to
the Town of Wappinger Planning Board to fulfill the expired term through January 1, 2016.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-185
Q Adopted
El Adopted as Amended
Christopher Colsey
El Defeated
❑ Tabled
Vincent Bettina
❑ Withdrawn
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
VIII. Items for Special Consideration
Councilman Paoloni New Business
Councilman Paoloni noted that, at the last Town Board Meeting, the Board had
previously discussed who would be the Building Department dispatcher in the next term. He
understands that a letter went out identifying the subsequent dispatcher to begin in the following
61M term. He explained that a specific name was put in as to who would take over after Sal Morello.
He doesn't feel that the Board agreed to that. Councilwoman McCarthy disagreed and said that
the Board agreed in concept. Supervisor Colsey disagreed as well. He stated that the Board
specifically named a successor. Councilman Paoloni stated that they did not. Supervisor Colsey
then said that they did. He went on to say that he took the notes from the Meeting and put a
letter into action within 24 hours. Councilwoman McCarthy agreed stating that the Board
discussed the rotation to be among the three Code Enforcement Officers. Councilman Bettina
agreed that it should rotate among Code Enforcement Officers because they are the ones that are
trained and certified in those areas. He then asked the Supervisor how many were considered
Code Enforcement. Supervisor Colsey answered that there are five people in that office that
have their Code Enforcement certification, but there are only three that are designated as
Municipal Code Enforcement Inspector. Councilwoman McCarthy added that one of five
employees that have their Code Enforcement designation is working under a different title.
Supervisor Colsey clarified that the Councilwoman was referring to the Planning Board
secretary. Councilwoman McCarthy went on to say that that employee has resisted doing things
outside of her title, because of her title. Supervisor Colsey noted that that was performance issue
and recommended that they not get into that. The Councilwoman felt that suggesting that they
designate duties beyond the Planning Board secretary's title may be a problem. The three people
that are working under the title of Code Enforcement Officers are the only people technically
designated as Code Enforcement Officers in the Town. Discussion followed. Councilman
Paoloni asked why the others in the Building Department couldn't do the dispatch job.
Councilman Beale answered that it is not in their job description. Councilman Paoloni added
that it is not in any of their job descriptions. Councilman Beale agreed and went on to say that
those people are operating outside of civil service by dispatching work and acting in a
Supervisory capacity. In essence, they are the boss that is assigning the work. This is why
Councilman Beale voted against this "restructuring". He also noted that they do not have a
definitive person in charge in that department and they are looking for people to step up and do
it, but it is not necessarily in their job description. Supervisor Colsey reminded Councilman
Paoloni that he disagreed with this idea, but within 24 hours, he put out an email memo to the
three employees that the position pertains to. He feels that his notes are accurate. Councilman
Paoloni replied that the Board never agreed that it would be specifically for Code Enforcement
Officers. The Board left with no consensus in his opinion. Discussion followed. Supervisor
Colsey recommended that Councilman Paoloni propose a resolution at the next Meeting.
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Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
Councilman Paoloni polled the Board to whether they recall talking about someone specifically
taking over as dispatcher on October 1 st. Councilwoman McCarthy doesn't remember a
definitive successor. She did note that, if they were going on the "Code Enforcement Officer
Only" model, there is only one other person left. Councilman Paoloni replied that they never
said they were going on that model. Councilman Bettina clarified that Mr. Morello is currently
handing out the work. Supervisor Colsey asked if the Board recalled appointing Mr. Morello.
Councilman Paoloni answered that the Board agrees with that, but they did not say that George
Kolb was taking over on October 1 st. He then stated that the entire Board remembers that.
Supervisor Colsey replied that he does not agree with that. Councilman Beale commented that
he remembers saying that this idea was not going to work six months ago. Councilman Paoloni
applauded Councilman Beale -on his consistency. Supervisor Colsey asked for clarification as to
what the Board would like to do relative to the successor of Mr. Morello. Councilman Bettina
recommended putting this off since October is a ways off. Councilman Paoloni agreed with that.
Discussion followed. Councilman Beale again noted that the Board is running that department
IX. New Business
Councilman Beale New Business
Councilman Beale asked the Board to pause from deliberation and remember that, on
April 16th, there was a vicious Pitt Bull attack in the Town. A 5 year old boy was attacked by a
Pitt Bull in the Town and sustained serious injuries. Councilman Beale wants to make sure that
the Town's dog warden is being as aggressive as possible with dogs that are on the loose. Two
residents have contacted him with concerns about pit bulls that are loose. The Councilman asked
the Board about the duties of and the procedures followed by the dog warden. Supervisor Colsey
replied that the dog warden patrols the Town, carries a cell phone and has a telephone in his
home. He does work for multiple towns. Councilman Beale wants to make sure that the Town
has the ability to be as responsive as possible. He has spoken about this on the radio and has
information posted on his website. He also felt that this was worth mentioning at a Town Board
Meeting. Councilman Bettina felt that it is unfair to say that every dog is a mean dog. He went
on to say that this dog was a family dog and was not just running around the neighborhood. To
make one think that the dog was out there randomly wasn't a true statement. Councilman Beale
clarified that he just wanted to raise awareness.
Councilman Beale then inquired about the orange bags that were filled during the Town
wide clean up and why they were not picked up. Supervisor Colsey responded that the bags that
are still out there are from a roadside clean up that took place prior to the one that the Town had.
Graham Foster offered to call the State DOT to make sure that they will be picked up.
Councilman Bettina New Business
Councilman Bettina would like to meet with the NYSDOT concerning the speed limit on
Chelsea Road.
Councilman Bettina then noted that he had a meeting with Town of Fishkill Supervisor,
Joan Pagones, about doing an inter -municipal agreement. Councilman Bettina had asked, on
behalf of the Town of Wappinger, if the Town of Wappinger residents could use the Fishkill
senior center and dog park for a fee. He would like to work on this to help the residents out.
Councilman Paoloni asked what the fee would be and if Councilman Bettina was asking that the
Town pick up the fee. Councilman Bettina answered that he and Supervisor Pagones discussed
having an inter -municipal agreement that would include a fee that would be fair to both parties.
He is also suggesting that the Town of Wappinger pick up the fee. Councilman Paoloni
suggested a similar agreement could also be done at the proposed Veterans Park Community
Center and might be a cheaper alternative to building a center.
Councilman Paoloni New Business
Councilman Paoloni asked for an update on the Red Hawk Hollow issue. Graham Foster,
Highway Superintendent, stated that he went out and looked at it. It is a regular building lot.
Councilman Paoloni stated that, if the Town has no use for it, he doesn't see the point in taking
ownership of it. Supervisor Colsey mentioned that if the Town did entertain taking the property,
Bob Gray, Engineer to the Town, recommended conducting a Phase I environmental study.
Councilman Paoloni then discussed the property on Montfort Road that he had discussed
at the last Meeting. He asked if the Town had looked into who the insurance broker and banker
for that property was. The residents in that area want to start contacting the owners to see what
is going on there. Supervisor Colsey replied that a letter was sent out that he may not have
gotten yet.
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Town Board Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
X. Town Board Review of Vouchers
RESOLUTION: 2009-186
Abstract of Claims and Warrant for Payment of Claim Audited by Town Board
The following claims have been duly audited and allowed by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, New York (the "Town"), and you are hereby authorized and directed to pay to each
claimant the amount allowed upon his claim as hereinafter set forth:
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
NY Communications Co
NY Communications Co
NY Communications Co
Home Depot
Southern Dtch News
Home Depot
Home Depot
Home Depot
Orkin Pest Control
Mid Hudson Fasteners
Bottini Fuel
Bottini Fuel
Milton Alley Inc
Stephen Churchill
Lawson Products
Sir Speedy
Brady's Power Equipment
Eileen Manning Petty Cash
Ruge's Part Center
Arkel Motors
Arkel Motors
Highland Auto Radiator
Hudson River Truck Equipmnt
Village of Wappinger
Justice Court Fund
Tilcon New York
Tilcon New York
Zee Medical
Wells Fargo Financial
Lithography By Design
Gellert & Klein
Van Kleeck's Tire
Community Energy
Interstate Refrige Recov
De Lage Landen Financial
W.B. Mason
All State
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management
Hudson River Vly Tours
Taylor Recycling
United Rentals
Verizon -NCO Financial
Quality Communications
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
NY Communications Co
NY Communications Co
Southern Dtch News
Home Depot
Home Depot
Town of Wappinger Page 12 Printed 5/2112009
Town Bi
)ard Meeting Minutes May 11, 2009
Orkin Pest Control
Mid Hudson Fasteners
Bottini Fuel
Bottini Fuel
Milton Alley Inc
Stephen Churchill
Lawson Products
Sir Speedy
Brady's Power Equipment
Eileen Manning Petty Cash
Ruge's Part Center
Arkel Motors
Arkel Motors
Highland Auto Radiator
Hudson River Truck Equipmnt
Village of Wappinger
Justice Court Fund
Tilcon New York
Tilcon New York
Zee Medical
Wells Fargo Financial
Lithography By Design
Gellert & Klein
Van Kleeck's Tire
Community Energy
Interstate Refrige Recov
De Lage Landen Financial
W.B. Mason
All State
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management
Hudson River Vly Tours
Taylor Recycling
United Rentals
Verizon -NCO Financial
Qualitv Communications
Totals 1 $7,899.58 1 $19,611.25 1 $9,524.00 1 $17,793.33 1 $8,491.67 1 $13,025.00
CAMO Pollution
CAMO Pollution
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
Central Hudson
NY Communications Co
NY Communications Co
Southern Dtch News
Home Depot
Home Depot
Orkin Pest Control
Mid Hudson Fasteners
Bottini Fuel
Bottini Fuel
Milton Alley Inc
Stephen Churchill
Lawson Products
Sir Speedy
Brady's Power Equipment
Eileen Manning Petty Cash
Ruge's Part Center
Arkel Motors
Arkel Motors
Highland Auto Radiator
Hudson River Truck Equipmnt
Village of Wappinger
Justice Court Fund
Tilcon New York
Tilcon New York
Zee Medical
Wells Fargo Financial
Lithography By Design
Town of Wappinger Page 13 Printed 5/2112009
Town Board Meeting Minutes
Gellert & Klein
Van Kleeck's Tire
RI Adopted
Community Energy
❑ Adopted as Amended
Christopher Colsey
Interstate Refrige Recov
William Beale
De Lage Landen Financial
❑ Tabled
W.B. Mason
❑ Withdrawn
Maureen McCarthy
All State
Morris Associates
Morris Associates
Stormwater Management
Stormwater Management
Hudson River Vly Tours
Taylor Recycling
United Rentals
Verizon -NCO Financial
Quality Communications
The foregoing was put to a
vote which resulted as follows:
25 1 $1,583.33 1 $2,877.75
May 11, 2009
✓ Vote Record - Resolution RES -2009-186
RI Adopted
❑ Adopted as Amended
Christopher Colsey
❑ Defeated
William Beale
❑ Tabled
Vincent Bettina
❑ Withdrawn
Maureen McCarthy
Joseph Paoloni
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
May 11, 2009
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
XI. Adjournment
MOVER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
SECONDER: William Beale, Councilman
AYES: Colsey, Beale, Bettina, McCarthy, Paoloni
The meeting adjourned at 9:29 PM.
ohn C. Masterson
Town Clerk
56.50 I
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