001O am D's
914 297-3723
�,Joojkj 4aw Veined not pe an bljglble
PLEASE TAKE "P10TIOE that .,,r�#Sjfthce.
vhtf*jse+tthqanr0ve f
following Ordinance Arnending thenoel, ,,rdf ifts -pertilioate �of
tdinance tet. own trily-t:
;tWn av lch part-
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n ,the
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an Jo n
nsbaoa end,
�A vacoess� uo d 1 °hes the[
Spa Tresides h hall
ler-, rrnmli doBProf,
oft Iowa f�de th
a rnitState of New York,
Se RP."Pose
-shall tie It kol
a d coeaso este, Obvembin
an 21ow'' 1 - - 1 1, - County of Dutchess,
T_ 1- 11- IT11r);Id
apart :O enFe,'
ar yges ence
't I , -
�X , b
a, =M -A Town of Wappinger.
relat ifakpdrtl rl.y, an
11Y."imeZI, el-
ftnttetl'40 0- o,rerlWn
those M' M
a 40*ownity, nity I'll
the r, n 4resoMmnal esaindAthethours 1,
owns yaxifiem r�w
Uisc,`_ 'Chr -Z
acce rylapar. ntinae.useeof it
the .1roldelpttal reandliesite' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of the
M 11-7 - Wwe
ore *VflwenvAu.F1 is
61 noe., r ,
S �?Avxpov 4f, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York,
the so g n e� t,,r
ne rt
(01eNtdfinifio c1p
being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several
0 "I'll, 6 h a',
times hereinafter was, the . . ..........
cjwdllin •Date: ie
residence JW'%fjbor;dlp -we kmw er "eVan&1
Ili printed and
princt 'At a fit of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper
alarms nce a$ nullv
Moir Apkg�4,�, I e Town of
and a wQid. rag
published every Wednesday in the year in th
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the
- D Eli a o newneriapti ill bei annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said
10Ot Sued props t
pprov er for . . . . Qtlt! . . . weeks successively - .01 - XZ.
-4u it xandM
7%�n - newspaper
dwelling 9,yA S'Go; GleaJc t prior to
6 each week, commencing on
zRabiam. It -'fore in e the. .26thday of. :)c
re 9_1*t I wi 19.8;3 and on the following dates thereafter, namely
ssoy rta
news[ ofd.
rsstde esIngle I
10S,110fe-, rmitte'd Ouse`
iss>aTralpeanritj'ep-ndeirs nupon,. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
coed nerd r oc
e, St �h
this I= and ending on the .... 2=�l ... day of.... Cct.,
_q aw
,be -in typos oar dfVrern Sea,!,
'Special 4he2,onmrg'11o4hekoningTioard,- 19.87. both days inclusive.
1 10
Board pltoarttshaW - -10
etal11 sAhe.Z nti *the, cry
, n and �.,
�Boafd Z Appeals :shallprescrioa TPhise re OTIS
the lni*l Application loran accessory o itions ahai n -)=the land
apedImant. 'Theaplocation feb"Nopfa ct -to the t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Special. 'Pern* 1,for •an ak6e pi Oto a h'; 11 own oft
apattmerit ahAll be $InOnO. a -eft tom", dU"- I 1,,,j '.
y, -,,..ore q6t4he rsatdir tions,imrovertantsS`-_
holl'be twoJ2) yeaflbiri:,� h. t A
!SpeciaflPeT d conditions
ouratteii, as ct to earlier terMirMUM �,tqald ownerwr,ew qof,the,' renrilsewi
"Os ad a
INS locoaw,an=�,1' -_h�rsln described Iantl:,such�zvright ort. Subscribed and sworn to before me
newal $pan ppll privilege ah-
All 1)6 elftdtual without they:
"and consent of . any 4a4jacent 'vr other-,
wners-oellonorgc$kti�bVropefty^,,i-,, this day of .... Opt 19. - �r;...... .
giver,, pptoval stpall1,� "i's and �of p (d) This Declaration Of Doveriants
,an 11 shall 'run with the tend anb shall be
'bindiRg upon A "'heir,, . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-ex I ad- prevent' dl6trlbutees, =T4 Notary Public
orderlyaridTM na I S ,ad oent m1nl#ftators,succesSVM;�dase1glns.
pr0perh"kft-,*W%)fpro ITV dlacerrt -4445.,6^m�cupaM-ofteagane (1)
use disiffilts; of the dwelling units -on Abe premises
2. That theaSe will not prevent the shelf 130 4W
orderly arA *e_WdW4LbIe ,use ,.of per -del Pwcfather, t r, _ or
milled or legally established -uses +n'brother sister, Vrentip ,or rand -
the district wherein the'PrOPosed—is child oi th"o6wp9nt theac cry My commission expires .........................
to be located or of ;permitted or -legally, spartmentpad the same shall the
es"blIan9d Ajaps. _jp_adjacent,,yse pof ' f -that pe _. A
tVWftC"mother--In-laW, y
ancy subsequeV' the
K M!, 7,
the =*or of the town or its residents mast
0.4y part ' Q'I IA;
,va zW be adversely affected litna units
proposed use and its location; and per lot shall be pOMIltied.
W -W -TJW the use *Vill 'be its hatmmW 44452 An accessory apartment:Shall
'tied 14AROH 30, #9 r1
with and promote the::eneral Pu(POSS be parm only within the main
and intent of the local law: structure and not within any accessory
(b) In making such determination, the building or upon any separate foun-
7-1— A—M M Annals anal [Slao %live Aifl.,n Aefetifin" to the residence shall
most; -u tole nt of the
ropriateusaso lnd
effect that
have seperate aecess noobservable3-The
from the
the location of
the proposed use may have upon the
street, unless there Is a single
access from the front of the building
orundua increase of vehicular
traffic- congestion on public street or
with asplftaccess inside the building.
§446.10 All building, code
4. To the necessity_ for paved
or other
requirements under local law or 'or.
dinance and other applicable laws
surface space for purpose otoif-street
parking of vehicles inc Id to the
regulations shalt complied with an a
Building Permit as well
use, and whether such space is
reasonably adeqquate and appropriate
as a Special
Permit obtained for any changes or
alterations requiring, such a permit,
and can be furnished by the owner of
the plot sought to be used within or
' Cart" ate`` of Occupancy shalt be
obtained before occupancy.
adjacent to the plot wherein the uee
shall be had;
§445:11 An accessory apartment
shaft occuPya minimum
5. Whether the use, or the strut-
tures to be used therefore; will cause
of 650 square
feet to a maximum of 35% or the
existing habitable floor space
an overcrowdingg• of the land or undue
of the
building in which it is contained' the
of population;
8. Whether the plat area is suf.
ficient, appropriate and adequate for
dweliing„ units shalt not' contain
more than three (3) and two. (2)
bedrooms or an aggregate, total
the use and the reasonably anticipated
(5) bedrooms•
operation and expansion tbsreof and
(c) -=The 2omng Board'
§945.12 The minimum lot sizes for
buildings containing
of" APPeaiis
shall; in authorizing, such° permissive
uses, impose such conditions' and
apartments shall- contain at least
20,000 sq, ft: and shall also conform
safeguards asit may deem appropriate;
necessary or desirable to preserve and
the; lot size and: other zoning_
requirements of the district. in which
protect the spirit and objpctivasof this
the buildIng,is located: s
§9pt5.1-3 The building:shall,
(d) 1. A- Public, hearing, shell be, held
degree. 'reasonably feasible, maintain
for every application for a special
Permit or renewal thereof: The, Zoning
the character an tl appearance of a;
singIe'fa iiyfdwailing,
Board of Appeals: shall fix, a=time and
§445.14 A• residence conta(ning�-an
give, at the expense of' the, applicant,
accessory apartment shall have: a
minimum of four (4) oftsfreefparking,
n the official newspaper of such
hearing at least ten (10) days.pr(orto,_
spaces and such additional spaces; if
any;; necessa to
thedaterof the.putiitc hearin .
accommodate:; all 4
vehiclesowneWand used by^occupants
2` Tile su property( is to be
d for.. aperaoWafnotlessfthan
of ins-dwellfn °'In an RM5.district;, no
exp�sion nX.
days immediately precedIng`the
o existing, parking area
shalt/ be- Permitted in order to=
public _hearing br an- adjournedo' date#
thereof: Subject'to rebuttal; tha, filing,
this. off-street parking; requirement -;No ,
parking, areas shall be,, created
by the applicant reciting, the facts of
yards: ir, front
such g,
postin shall bees deemed sum =
§445.15 If the,
he' premises are,rnot
s"rviced' by & 1.
- 'L Th Heir..... ,, ._..___._
community, sewers oc
The," applicant' shall erect on
the affected property a -sign must
be, obtained n
from the building, in-
spector's office which 'shalt - be
Prom! nentlydisplayed on, the,premises
facing each public: street; maximum-
spacingg of two hundred' (200)' feet" on
aabnnts emback n t fah morathanaffected ten (pj
feet from tha property line;; and,shall,
Hat^be-less. than two (2) feet'nor more,
feet abamAnabove the _H. k_
than six=(S) I
;- rern)OU beforee issuanee.< off;as,
§445?16 If the. dweliing'is within"a
-Water or sewer, improvement dlstfict,
the premises shall be subjectto-dbuble-
the amount of Water orsewer Charges= '..
applicable to the premises« unlesskthes`
- accessory= unit is. saparately. metered
The_ applicable charge,, shalt' bet the
higherofthe+ metered, tate or; the
minimum quarterlyrate of'the=dlstrict.
proFerty line;, g
not ce. that the._-apr
permit for tem;
dwelli ngris. pending
..._and place -when -the
11, An affil
the public notice,ta
to be filed'not later
hours,priorto; thepa
petitlon, stating the
not more than two.
apart, have:°been,cor
along the - street fro
(10) days,pr•(or toy th
Public Hearing.
445:3 Oniy a real(
Certificate- of OOCL
issued Prior to.thedi
of Mis §445 shaft be
an accessory apartm,
built after tha. off.,
Vla:person unrelated>to
ant Agyl j1na,;nclaj;,J0;,,.
PtroOemenneoessary ,
sssory;aPartmentshalt '
fully amortized.dur(ng
iee(al Pbrmit.
ordinance shall not, j
usef any pce-existing;':
not conforming toav
aws A=Special, Pakmits
try for a= pis-exiaifng,
yapartments r
tfftcate^of, Occupancy 9
ill theTownAssessor ,
inr writing in, thea form=
the, finat costs of+the ..
ftie>-Assessor ,,may4;;
local" law- shalt take
'..upon filimawithdhe
.:or Inv [own ofWappinger do_heteby;;
-certify. that the foregoing.,
Ordinance.Iadopted tReTownBoadoftt .11
Wappingsrheld October 24th',_ 19M" ate
which time a quorum was present. -and
"participated throughout ands thaU`rthe
same" has not' been In any.: manner -
rescinded or annulled' and that" tiles.'
-same is still fn=force°and effect and is
-duly, entered in' the minutes of said ".
hereunto set my hand end the seat of
the said Town ot'Wappinger this 25Th`
day of October, 1983.
Elaine=H: Snowden -
Town Cjerk,
Dated,,October 25, Tg6o,3wn of Wappinger,
Nit of posting, of tie d€
3ther with- acopy theme
an forty-aight.(46) §4
Ilc heanng,on thecreat,denticalposters, accea
undyed (200) feet" 'then(
Pico usly posted shall=
age*atsaeast ten and --n
date>set`for the sha§II
neecforl;which a� has.bi
ancy Has. been Of an
Vla:person unrelated>to
ant Agyl j1na,;nclaj;,J0;,,.
PtroOemenneoessary ,
sssory;aPartmentshalt '
fully amortized.dur(ng
iee(al Pbrmit.
ordinance shall not, j
usef any pce-existing;':
not conforming toav
aws A=Special, Pakmits
try for a= pis-exiaifng,
yapartments r
tfftcate^of, Occupancy 9
ill theTownAssessor ,
inr writing in, thea form=
the, finat costs of+the ..
ftie>-Assessor ,,may4;;
local" law- shalt take
'..upon filimawithdhe
.:or Inv [own ofWappinger do_heteby;;
-certify. that the foregoing.,
Ordinance.Iadopted tReTownBoadoftt .11
Wappingsrheld October 24th',_ 19M" ate
which time a quorum was present. -and
"participated throughout ands thaU`rthe
same" has not' been In any.: manner -
rescinded or annulled' and that" tiles.'
-same is still fn=force°and effect and is
-duly, entered in' the minutes of said ".
hereunto set my hand end the seat of
the said Town ot'Wappinger this 25Th`
day of October, 1983.
Elaine=H: Snowden -
Town Cjerk,
Dated,,October 25, Tg6o,3wn of Wappinger,
Nit of posting, of tie d€
3ther with- acopy theme
an forty-aight.(46) §4
Ilc heanng,on thecreat,denticalposters, accea
undyed (200) feet" 'then(
Pico usly posted shall=
age*atsaeast ten and --n
date>set`for the sha§II
neecforl;which a� has.bi
ancy Has. been Of an