001Uy. and 3's D-0 NEWS DISPLAI' ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET-11'APPINGERS FALLS 1 NY 12.590 possible: be chosen4nr--1iei,.ti , ...A AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Gisela Schmitz of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the ... Boo1c] qVP'P1'....... . of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...°fie .... weeks successively .. once in each week, commencing on the .19t4. day of . Nov.. 19A6. . and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ........................................... and ending on the ... 9th .... day of.. Noyember 19.$6 . both days inclusive. \, (,aryl .............rl.,............ Subscribed and sworn to before me this .. 19th .... day of.... Nov 1 19. $ ...........- ......./'". Notary Public My commission expires ......................... F, subsoctio l woras, or ince or their application or circumstances. It is be the legislative intent ice would have. been Illegal; invalid, or un- islon, clause,. sentence, )r part had not been ih- id if such person or cir- ,h the Ordinance or part napplicable, had been it therefrom. :a shall take effect upon t and publication as vn LOW ELAINE H. SNOWDEN ­­«,e, ,,,,, a y ­.W" with Applicant. After referral to the AAB, applicants shell be encouraged to sUbhiit preliminary designs for AAB review and comment prior to final design sdbmidtion. The applicant shall further be givenhe discuss the proposed oppbiiuhity _to pane with the AB at one of Its meehngs, 428.43 Site Visits. Insofar as is possible, and whenever deemed nebeesaty by the Chairman of the AAB, members of fhe AAB shall visit the site of proposed construction. 428.5 STANDARDS FOR RE�rIW f ftfrl` Board df the town of Wappinger'WIII did a Public Hearing op December 1st, 1986 In col lil he evleW, B shah evaluate the prttpos§d archifectufal and landscaping plans, in accdrdari With the at 7:00 P. M: At the Town Hall, MiddibbUsh i r Road, Towh of Wappinger, Dutchess Coun- following Standards:; 428.51 NeW atfUctures shbufd be bon- ", New Yofki 6 '.an Amendment to ifie Zon- ingg Ordinance Pfbviding fora Board of Ar- + Review and Distfict Ad t structed to a height visually compatible the buildings and environment with they, are uaily rblated. With which chitectural Historic via Board aA,follows: AMENDING THE ,vi 428.52 T�e, grbS v61Ume of dfiy new structure should tie visually compatible With AN ORDNANCE ZONING ORDINANCE OF the buildings and environment With Which they are visually related THE TOWN OF The following OMindl WAPPINGER was offered by 428;55 In the street evaluation(e) of a Who moved its adoption: An amefici t to the Zoning Ordinance building, the proportion betwell the width and height in the facades) should be Will the buildings and en- of the Town of Wappinger of addin Anew Sbction,entltled for the pUrpose "Architeo- ly compatible with vironment with Which it is visually related. 428.54 The roportions and relationships tura) an Histdrfo BE IT RESOLVED Dlf3tr bt Advisory hoard." AND ORDAINED by between doors and Windows in the street the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, facade' (a) should be visu compatible with Which as follows: 1. The Zoning Ofdihahba of the Town of Wappinger, duty adopted March 10, 1960 tbuildings and bally he nvironment With it is visually related. 428.55 The rhythm of solldt to voids, and as amended fro time to time is fur- - ther amended byad�ing Section 428 As created by openings in the facade, should be visually compatible with the buildings follows;, SION 428,,�f�ONITECTUFIAL AND ECJ and environment with which it Is visually related HISTORIC DISTRIO 428.1 FINDINGS ND ADVISORY BOARD PURPOSE 426.56 The existing rhythm created by b existing building masses and spaces et- The Town Board f nds that the economy and quality of life of t�e TaWn of Wappinger , ween them should be preserved, insofar as practicable. by rts visual ehvlronment. The 428.57 The male ftals Used in the final are affected ggeneral welfare or residents and of proper- ty owners as wet{ as property values an cj i facade(S� should be visually compatible with the bulli rags and 'environment with which the tax base are efihanced by natU[[aI and man-made featuret and Structures of visual and historical value. Excessive uniformity, , i it is visually related. 428.58 The texture should be visually Inherent in the facade compatible with the dissimilarity Indpproprlateness or poor buildings and environment with which it Is quality of desigh in the exterior appearance ip visually related. 428.59 Colors and patterns used on the of butldings erecl,'tl any neighborhood adversely affects tte desirability of tlhe Im- facade should be visually compatible with mediate area Arid `' wghbbring areas for t the buildings Aird ehvironmbntwith which it is residential and bull Asa purposes, r other ' use and by sodding frnpelrs the enefits visually related. 428.510 The design of fhe roof should be of occupancy of exist f"pg property n such " areas, impairs the stability and value of both + ' visually compatible With environment with Which the buildings and it is visually related. improved and UrYlrfi a ved real pro dirty in ! such areas, pr6ved a the frost appffopriate 428.511 The'landscap pian should be sensitive to lhef indivil building, Its oc- development pf suoh areas, produces i degeneration of Qf6pfiff jr in such areas•With f cupants and tneeds. Further, the land- heir scope treatment ehhould be visually b„om- attendant detenoratloh o} 6onditiolis affec- p tiny the health safety comfort and bOrieral ( pat bid with th buildings With which It i visually rand environment hot to welfare of the thhaf '{{ttlhis thereof, and " destroys a propfif f$iatidnehlp between the 428.512 A11 s reef With otfier tlUfI ings facade(s)ahoutd blend At dlrectlohal ex res- taxable value of Ail �kotretty in such areas t sion. When ad) cent horizontal buildings have a dom1- vertical expressiont this and the cost of mUn ciiiiiel berUlces provld- ed therefor. It is the purpose of this Or- - want or 6A ression should bs carried over and dinance to preyht these ahm- d other har ful effects of gut ' 6iti lot appearances of reflected 428.51'3 Architectural details should be buildings erectedddA ih any nbighborhbod and incorporated as necessary to relate Anil to and the new enhance thus to promote and prbtect the health. safety,comfoff And genetal we11-M of the With the old preservb the inherent c afacterlAtics bf the area. community to promote the pubho conve- ' 428.514 Tha@setback of the bUllding(s) from the str661 of properly Ilse, and the mance and ptospeh donserve the value buildings Al HA Ural and man-made other yard set acks should be visually of features' and encadfage the ;most all land dbntp,atib161NItIN th6 Whldh bdlldin g's and environ- � it is visually related propriate use and'tietielopment bf within the Town ment with 426 515 Sig s should be of a O ze scale Accord, To1HA 66ard of;the Town sty)$ material end coitfl�Uratton and it 1, of Wappinger hef+lbyflndA best interests of the that it Is in the billiz6ns of the Town luminationtha is compatiblsr'With' the building to htch it relates, and should of Wappinger and protective safety, economic and of their health, g6heral welfare to further be vis ally compatible with the buil'ding's and n4lronment with which it Is create an Atchitectoral and Historic visually relpp`te Fl GS District Advfsbry,SdArd0 (hereinafter refer- red ato As 'AAE") in dfdef to accompllshf ` 4' 42tl.6i'The AFfB may make the following these purposes and fnAdfb proper protec-{ tion and development of the visual dnvlydn-V : finding's: Recommen d! This finding shall be Irl Mani of the Town of Walippingger ,- i 4282 CONSTITUTION OF BOAAD All dicative thatdh plan Will not be detrimen- tat to the visU I environment, meets the RULES OF CONDUCT ' 428.21 Appoirltmerit standards re fired by the Town of Wapp- finger, and M proceed through the normal The AAB shhall be a t5difited by the Town' < the Town of ippinger and shall approvals p�pro ass: 428.62 Roc mmended with Conditions Board of consist of five (5) members, all of whom' shall be residents of the Town of Wapp- This finding hall be indicative that the plan will meet t e standards of the "Recol' finger, Of themembePefltAlAppointed one mended cat gory with modifications of shall hold office for th6 f6fm of 64 y6dl conditions If t e suggested modifications 'shall one for the term of two 't, one fot lhef ", term of three years, one fof the term of four Are made, th � lah be deemed "Recommend d. ' gars and one for the term of live years, trom and after his appolfitment. Their suc- , 428.63 Not Recommended This finding shall be indicative that the cessors shall be appolhted fdr A term of five ;, from and atter the $xpiratlon of the plan is found tc be detrimental to the visual environment bi d beneath the 'standards of years terms of their predecessors inoffice. Members shall serve With�out compel design require�J by the Town of Wappinger. and cannot be endered acceptable by the tion: Vacancies shall be filled by the Town ; Board for unexpired terms of any member's` " Imposition of i onditions or modifications. The disapprov d plan shall be returned to whose position on the AAS shall become the referring A n% accompanied by a writ- ten explanatio of the reasons for the disap vacant. 428.22 Members The AAB members shall, insofar as proval and the ails for the finding that I. a Plan cannot be rendered acceptable by the imposition ofonditions or modifications. 428.7 REPORT FINDINGS The AAB shelf report its findings and recommendatlne to the, referring agency in writing, with�n thitty (36) days of receipt of the referraf.rCoplet Of such reports are to be distributer" by the referring agency to Wappingger any agency of he Town of con- ' cerned with t project Under tonaldOration and to the apAlicant. 428.8 SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE OF AP- PROVED PLA �JS- Any substanitial change in siting or in the exterior appearance of an approved project may be sub act to review and reconsidera- if tion by the atriate the discyyretion of the pr4289 FINALrACTIONcBY g REFERRING AGENCY The findings and recommendations of the AAB shalf be considered advisory, and the final decision on approval of the plan's or application' shall be made by the ap- propriate referring agency. 2. The pro bf thi$ Ordifienge are separable aft rovis,on, plouse, sent rices r' or part ihtreof Is he� ^Ilia fititUHonal, or Ineppllh Eimumstance, auchillAl Hconslitutbnali- F, subsoctio l woras, or ince or their application or circumstances. It is be the legislative intent ice would have. been Illegal; invalid, or un- islon, clause,. sentence, )r part had not been ih- id if such person or cir- ,h the Ordinance or part napplicable, had been it therefrom. :a shall take effect upon t and publication as vn LOW ELAINE H. SNOWDEN