Amendment 07/08/1979BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger as follows: The comprehensive zoning ordinance adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on )ULA q is amended as follows: ONE: The zoning classification for the following parcels shall be changed from the present to the following: Owner Tax Grid Number New Zone Roy Guarino \a— 6P35P7 5o -0c NB Phyllis Bazley 1Q— Co�Sq -G`-i- 5310���1-0o GB TWO: Section 422 (Schedule of Regulations Non -Residential District) is amended by adding to the requirements designated by the cloumn labeled as (front yard) "Minimum Yard (Feet)" under footnote (d)/rhe following: (d) front yard setbacks on county and state roads shall be a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet measured from the front lot 1 ine . THREE: The provisions of Section 422 applicable to (SC) Shopping Center shall contain the following language to precede and to be applicable to the four (4) permitted principal uses designated therein: That multiple attached or detached uses shall be permitted as follows: FOUR: There shall be added to permitted accessory uses under Section 421 Schedule of Regulations for Residential District the following permitted accessory use 11. Off-street parking, subject to the provisions of Section 427 and there shall be added Section 427 as follows: Lf .17, (pI t.. 0 All of tl:c conuicrcial tic;licics perr:littcd to Park either by right or 1)y SPccial Porriit rust be harked i)ei:'Id t!;e fro:: huildi: liue of the owner's ]louse:. if this condition cannot be co]u- hlicd w1 til tele J. oard of Appeals brill he so �iotificd and a SP`Cial Permit applied for. It will he at the discretio:► of ti:c Zoning Board of Appeals to issue or ilot to issue said permit. 0>>ly 0110 (1) commercial vehicle will be allowed to park at cacti House. �.- Vehicle cannot be used for obnoxious parposes ; cannot he a nuisancce nor detri- mental to the licaltiiI welfare or safety of the cowriunity. The applicability of this provision is to be determined by the Zoning Admin is trator. 'l �'�•i. The following commercial vehicles will be permitted to park by first obtaining; Special Use Permits, These permits will be issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals. �Jj, Vehicle` with a carrying capacity exceeding finthree-quarter tons and up to and including two tons , as rated by the :rational Automobile Dealers Association. 1 Y,�/Z. Vclhicle� having a hcigiit from the ground to the hig;lhest point of tile body in excess of feet. 1h'),JLJ• Vclhicicr with signs, pictures, illustrations, '1� etc. , attached to and extending upward, down- i I ward or outward from any part of the vehicle. Vehicle, h-:ith advertising, lettering, writing, etc. , in whatever forrh, on places other than the two front doors. qA-?a 3`. Any commercial vehicle deterimined by the Zoning Administr: for to be obnoxious, offensive, a nuisance and/or detrimental to the gehheral health, welfare or safety Of the commurhity will not be allowed to park citlher by rigiht or by Special PorT.'�It. Any vehicle not meeting the standards as being able to park as of right or by Special Permit are pro- ihibited from parking; irh roslc'.crhtial zones. From tike elate this amehhclment is adopted, all velli - cies tlhat require Special Perchits will be given 30 -day temporary permits, if al)plied for, by the Zoning Adi;dnis trator, during I, ihicih time they shall apply for a Special Permit tihc Zoning Board of .Appeals. ,:,Aq�7. OFF-STREET PARKING IN ALL RESIUI:1�TIAL ZONES Parking spaces, whether open or enclosed, shall be restricted o the parking of 1)rlvate passenger vehi- C+) cies and commercial veihicle# subject to the follo-aing: Commercial velhicicol allw,ied as or right: /P1. slaving a maximum carrying cal)acity of three- quarter tons, as rated by the ;rational Auto- mobile Dealers Association. y�,?,jj2. Having a riaximuhn height from the ground to the highest point of the body not to exceed -� feet. ;7./13. No vehicle shall have any signs, pictures, illustrations, etc. , attacihed to and extending upward, do�:nward, or outward fro;;l ahhy part of tlhe velhic10. 11ny advertising, letterinZ;, writ1111;, etc. , ill whatever form, is to he lir.;itcd to the two front (1001-15 of t;h,12 vcihj cl(-,. C) . I