1974W. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX7-3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. BeatriceOsten . , , , , , , , , , , of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says thaishe is, and 9t the several times hereinafter was, W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for .. PU-- ... week successively. Rr1P Q ... in each week, commencing on the..22.3d..day of ... &19ILS t..... 197.4 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................. .......... .... .... and ending on the. �.!,5�•... day of..1l4alS.... . 197i, both days inclusive. % Subscribed and sworn to before me this... N.InPl ...... day of, ..Al1av st .........19..74 Notary Public Mycommission expires ............................ A'-BrPT IVI. 0S I EN NOTARY HlEW YORK QUA�&;I-L NTV COtd it>S��rr x F: 3(1. iR.� W. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 — 3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS ,PLEASE 'TAtGE "'NOT.Ig 'that 'the .e Ordinance wasja�ptadby"the Tawe`13oardoftheflownof Afapplrtperat -:a ;Sp ecial4fteetitlp ftid uptember 19, 1971 ��y�s:� Ing Ordinance *was ,tn- 'tn The Iry Councilman. ;Clausen, who moved Its pilon. WH6RE/t5the 7:ownewf MappiRper has;participal:4rsseveaal years 1ma tornpp range +�ptanniAll pr�ograrh, designated .as ;Dutchess :T9p90" WIW , ,adlainirt mu Ifttes, 'sand in coo enat�On w ata�of fNew York, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION a+WHEri rel meetings and.public i I'sessions e Town MWap apienninp'Board has ,ado ed is rev er. mond + - EREA'S, ate nand .¢federal governments,thave'.been rroneourapl' municYpalltlea ao tlopt rmose trinoen? - r@putatlonswith 4Ward4toflood -plainsI State of New York, <and zbuitditg !ne ems, %and hove requtr-adi11g *&do mftsald=wlans48 County of Dutchess, eerableatwItoyporchasa flood lnsuranceAand th Rptneer?!t the Town FIs p=Mpn+aathe _of-4aonwlattnp ae,�; Town of Wappinger. osWFCERiErA ad dine esClank °redraftnattitty -4f aauchcatile `` .• Beatrice Osten •,•, of the daSH'` Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Yak, being duly sworn, says that he is, and A the several ppilesnts� times hereinafter was, or-PublisAeOT 2pnirgnd P • . pufpreQ3 awrta u W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and published 0 E X11" every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger. resol � hevm9paard�aof�the"ll�wn � =Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed .of+MM "" nth, as�0,.'to NOTICE was dui published in the said newspaper for =appro0 Ivtsi tPurs '� y p one e Sections lie, 2n,e;of the one •week successively........ in each week, 1 ht, >Mrtad tor+a pet , Zf h Ia s corpTencing on the.. 2�ltkt... day of.. SSR �m��x.. . �prppppr rand *appno7 „ 19./.4, and on the following dates thereafter, namely on love nh saoanI i8oa'°t tMfopr subdl opp elor. Jdl t 1197. The r,prantede 4_ and ending on the...of..s.PPx t 74 , Town '#Nap i lanatinp Boareld19.. , both days inclusive. the ' Inger . nine , x- dlna - a pprov xite;platn shallu ofbe a by It ad od•of 't30 days t. \ ry✓ fro di a 11"de +tad�orptl -c.`s :....... .. . ep F Ion 44r 'was,! de, for Ao duly 1ma 'app :p, all lonsM. oppltcable lawsor :... orales,ettau ' We been .complied ' Subscribed and sworn to before me w mb rnie rdinanceaheliaice this.. 26th ..day of.... Septeer....,t9..74 ieffec media upon ,posting and,_ publl sass . Ided thy Town law< , f Sewn Coon an farand w r .... ... . R.C.V. �lensen-ye, Notary Public Saland --Versace e► Diehl - qye Res.tdulyaadap h egt 7�.,}91 , My commission expires ............................ I,ELd11NE,H ypDEnpN,Tdwnclerk.... of the Town 8dot heeTa«by tertlefy Count New do h thatppze forep0 lydI noe 1twaaas duly 5epternbart�9 et In .1h tame m uorum was peasant and participated througphout and the same has not NOTARY F u i ti 'r'C 2►� peen .in aigmailer rescinded or an- nuled and st i* me s stlll irVarce QUALIi IEO 11i ( l CUUI'TY and effect and ily :entered !n .the r 14-824o7 a minutes of said meetinngp. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntosettrry M and** of the CO 1t1ISS19t EXNRE. CFI MAO38, 119. ­,said Town of Wappinger this 10th day of September, 1974. Elalne H. Snowden Town Clark