1974r TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK ------------------------------- IN THE MATTER OF A MORATORIUM REGARDING APPROVALS BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF SUBDIVISION PLATS AND SITE PLANS. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss; COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on August 22, 1974, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of public hearing on a Moratorium Regarding Approvals by the Planning Board of Subdivision Plats and Site Plans, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger cr- Sworn to before me this J 3�3 day of ^ 1975. Y Notary P bli iI fT!Tt CN!Y P. SILVESTRI 3T.A?: (J NEW YORK f{ t+ CiiES� COUNTY COv`r.Sii �Ofv LXiIh:S MARCH 30,19.10"C' 0 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will conduct a public hearing at Wappinger Junior High School Cafeteria, Remsen Avenue, in the village of Wappingers Falls, New York on Thursday, September S, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. EDST to hear all persons concerning a Moratorium Regarding Approvals by the Planning Board of Subdivision Plats and Site Plans. Dated: August 16, 1974 Wappingers Falls, N.Y.. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk The following Ordinance was introduced by Councilman (2> u ci ., , who moved its adoption. WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger has participated for several years in a long-range planning program, designated as "Dutchess 199011, with adjoining municipalities, and in coopera- tion with the State of New York, and WHEREAS, after several meetings and public informational sessions, the Town of Wappinger Planning Board has adopted a revised Master Plan, and WHEREAS, the state and federal governments have been en- couraging municipalities to adopt more stringent regulations with regard to flood plains and building near streams, and have required the adoption of said plans to enable home -owners to purchase flood insurance, and the Engineer to the Town is in the process of completing a proposal for such regulation, and WHEREAS, Frederic P. Clark Associates have commenced the redrafting of the Town's Zoning Ordinance and map, and it would appear that such documents will be available for a public hearing thereon, within 120 days, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger would like to prevent a rush to the Planning Board by applicants prior to the enactment of a new Zoning Ordinance, so that the aims and purposes of the Town's Master Plan are not frustrated, now therefore, BE it enacted and ordained by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger: Section 1, The power granted to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board by resolution of the Town Board of the Town of i Wappinger on January 7th, 1960, to approve subdivision plats pursuant to Sections 276, 277, and 278 of the Town Law shall not be exercised for a period of 120 days from the date of the enactment of this Ordinance. During said period, the said Planning Board shall not grant preliminary and/or final approval to any applicant which has not made an application to the said Planning Board for subdivision approval prior to July 1st, 1974. Section 2. The power granted to the Town of Wappinger Planning Board by the Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance to approve of site plans shall not be exercised by it for a period of 120 days from the date of the adoption of this Ordinance, except that any site plan, application for which was made prior to July 1, 1974, may be approved provided all conditions of other applicable laws or ordinances shall have been complied with. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon posting and publication, as provided by Town Law. Seconded (Y CQ,cti . ('Wa##1ng,e,u 9aff:i LfiamiEz of L'ommmzc�, —qne. WAPPINGERS FALLS, NEW YORK 12590 AREA CODE 914 297-2968 A.zgust 29, 1974 Town Board Mill Street i,Iappin;ers Falls, NY Attention: Supervisor Diehl Gentlemen: The Wappingers Falls Chamber of Commerce is stronmly opposed to the proposed ordinance pertaining to a 120 -day moratorium on subdivision applications in the Town of Wappinger. It is our considered opinion that a moratorium at this time would not be in the best interests of our Town. A four month delay plus the winter period would cripple the building industry which is already suffering from a high rate of unemployment. WAPPINGERS FALLS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C ..= %, a - ,�-3 �� RECEIVED AUG 3 0 1974 ELAINE N. SNOWDEN Member of the United States Chamber of Commerce Member of the Empire State Chamber of Commerce INTY T OF PIANN ING 47 c,ary)on street poughkeepsie, new York 12b01 48:5-9890 To: Town Board Referral: 74-210 Town of Wappinger Re: Town moratorium on subdivision and site plan approvals The Dutchess County Department of Planning has reviewed subject referral within the framework of General i�iunicipal Law (Article 12B, Sections 239-1 and 239-m) and finds the decision in this matter primarily involves matters of local concern. The Dutchess County Department of Planning therefore recommends the decision be based upon local study of the facts in the case. The Dutchess County Department of Planning does not presume to base its decision on the legalities or illegalities of the facts or procedures enumerated in subject zoning action. Dated: September 10, 1974 Henry Heissenbuttel, Commissioner Dutchess County Department of Planning B��- Y Eric W. Gillert Associate Planner RECEIVED S r P 11 9974 ELAINE H. SNOWDEN YJapoingers falls Shopper, In Pu lishers of Main Office: 84 Fast Main Street, Wappingers Fes- N. Y. Frank Versace, Councilman Tmrn of Wappinger Wappingers Falls, New York 12 590 Dear Frank: ell Telephones Main Office: 297-3774 f f Beacon: 831-1240 Fishkill: 896-3565 September 9, 1974 We have been informed that the board will vote on the building moratorium at tonight's meeting. I would to request that the board postpone this vote for at least an extra week or two so that further study can be giver, to problems that this moratorium can create. Part of the reasoning follows. It was brought home to me recently that next year I will he paying between $750.00 and $1500.00 per year for the new sewer system being installed whether I do or do not use it. I am told, that I own three units; and the price will be $2 50.00 minimum per unit. `.I'he $25 0, 00 amounts to a mini - mum of $5.00 per week without. using the sewer,, What my cost will he wi.tr using the sewer I don't knmv. If each homeowner is so assessed chaos will be created in the t:otirnship, How many other similar items there are I dei riot know An expanding economy is iiecessar7 iri our town .so that the people may have sufficient: left to put food on the table-:,. This cannot happen with a building moratorium in effect. One other reason I believe that a postponement in the decision should be made is because of the general economic; situation, of which the board may not be in full cognizance because of their employment in major cor- porations or government agencies. I am sure there are many other good reasons that the decision be post- poned and further study be given the matter. Thank you for your consider- ation. Very truly yours, H rman I. Osten The 100% Newspapers" TOWN BOARD TOWN Or WAnPli7(71?R OUTCHESS COUNTY c 1MV YORK STATr Irr '.111 MATTER OF N MORATORIUM REGARDING APPROVALS BY THE PL IIT1TTIG BOARD OF SUBDIVISION PIATS A71D SITE PLANS. RECEIVED SEP 9 1974 ELAINE K. SNOWDEN Vianpi,nger- ,71ir.i.or. H1r-h Sc-Y?onl Rnm Qn wonne Wanningers Falls, Now "Fork 12590 T'hursda r Septomher ,t},, lg74 7:00 olclocl: 1'. rn. PHILIP E. STILX,FmArT HEARING REPOPTER TOWN BOARD : TOWTI OF wAPPINGER DU` rIIFSS COUTITY : NEW YORK STATE - - - .. - - - .. _ - - _ _ - _ - - - - x IT1 TIIF MATTER OF A MORATORIUM REGARDING APPROVALS BY THE PLANTITNC, I3OARD OF SUTiDT_VISIOTI PLATS AND SITE PIANS. PRE STDINC : .. - _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ - _x Wappingers Junior ITirTh Schad. RemGen Avenue Wappingers Palls, Nee' York 12590 Thurc:day, September_ 5th, 1974 7:00 o'clock p. m. LOUTS DISI L, SUPERVISOR TOWN BOARD MEMBERS, PRESENT; LOUIS CLAUSEN, COUNCTURAN LFTP JETISEN, COUNCIUTAN .�.. STEPHEN M. SALATID, COUNCILTMN P ANI: VT RSACE, COUNCTLMAT1 (MRS.) ELATTIE SNOWDEN, TOWTI CLERK AL LAN E. RAPPLEYEA, ESO. r ATTORNEY FOR THE Tnt+TN 0 SPPAKER PACE 1. Louis Di.eh? 4 2. Flaire Snoviden 4 3. Warren rtrohm 9 4. Joseph 7ncoronato 13 5. rtik.e Hirkala 1.5 E . T -T. R. Fiercke 17 7. Edvard Cunningham 18 8. Jahn Worley 22 9. Wiliam Paulus 2.3 10. John Worley 24 il. Eugen Schuele 24 12.. Vincent Brancato 20 Cert-.ifica*ion; 29 3 IR. DIEHL mt,l i P ,J, 1. JT-:� t , c rin�-, ii; c,,-illoil tn. or(l,-r, anrl .I -IRS . ll" 'To' 7r Louii Dinhl? MR. T) TE'll L 11 n rc-- TMs . : T'Ouis CICITISPTI? 'IP. CT,ATTSPIJ: Pero. MRS. 7TTOUT)FIT: Mr. :Tonser? MR. jT'NqT7Tj. Prnsfnt , MPS. STT I'MI'll- t1r. Saland? PIR. SALAND: dere . PTIS). SNOIMEN: f1r. versacf"? IIR. VJ"Pr-y'\CP- I T (,- r r, . PIP17. s".1017DUTT: All Co-iinsilmen aro prorent, ?"r. Oicll,.I. TITI, T)T71TT,: Th(, r,70*7n CI.Qrl- nm, read, into tl_o rr—^rd, the Aff,,-davit of Posting an-rl Publi—If r11Pf3 . rMOTIDETT: T Off(�r for the rocord, tip ni,il-Jic-ttion, and tbo AffirlvYtilt -"f .r 5 o 0-!� "Plonq(- tak(- noti.-r- rp.1,11 Bonr( dlict 1p?FirinrT at Tla-nina-r Jim- jor ITirtll T')Cjjr)oj Cifptrria, P,nmFi(An A,'—wi- JI in tho of tIannir(Tor3 calls, w V-)ra:, on �'�e1lr�iCias", S?? tr'Pl})C'2" r3t 7, 1.074, at 7:00 r-., T'astr�rn r) ,,,_ lir?ht Savingn Tine, to 'hnar :-ill pr�rsonr concerning a 11or ,tari_tan Pecardin" Aprrovai s by the Pl.anni nq Poard of Subdivision. Plat and Sitr: Plans. ffj`�i E3i`3^,, the ',^L)wn of !IanT??,* r -r has P"rticipatna for severril. rear-, 1,n a long-range planning program, clf sirinated as "Mitch( -.sr 1I)nO" f r.rith ar1jrininc? trlitntc`tp: l.� �.f t?� and it coopera.ti on with tie of i1r.t-r vork, and ffC.�he.rea,,ftr_r ,eve.rsal mer�ti.nc- , ranrl public informational sessions, t.hn TolTn of Wappinger. Planninn Bnarrl has adapted a revised starter Plan, and tho shatn :anrl fedc-r,a l governnents have teen enrnuraginq ni.ni.- cl., cal stirs to adopt: vera Strlrgent rprii,l.- at i.on , -it h regard to flood pl a? n i anO hu ildi.ng near rtrearres, and Dave rer+ui.red t hri adoption of sairl plans to r_nah]_n I borne-niTnors to purchase f?o(-d insim--ince-, and th(, Enginner to the Town is in the ,process of completing a proposal for such rerxulation, and "T-Vinrezin, Frederic P. rl.ar!- .?�c anci.atns 1-iave commenced the redrafting of the Torn'^ 7oninrr Ordinance anti map, and it ,;Pohld appear that such domiments ,; l he available for to public heari.nr7 thercon, -i.thi.n 120 date-, and "Whereas, the Toi•m 9oa rd of the! Tovin of c-,,?nppinger vould 1 fl -e to nrvrrent a rash to the Planning Roard hv► applicants prior to the enactment of a nm -7 ?oning Ordinance, no that the w i ms and purposes of tf,e To -.,n' s Ma rater Plan are not frustrated, nocr therefor(-, "D]' TT ENACTED and OPDAINED Ir., tk?o Toi7n Hoard of the Toren of Wappingor- s "Section 1. 'r'he power_ granted to the Tnt7n of. Wappinger Planning T�oard »1 seer}... Dit ion of the Town Board of the Town of V7anpin,xer on Jar..lvary 7th, 19630, to apprntre uhdivision plats pursuant to Section 270, 277 and 27£3 of the Tm7n LLa,7 shall not be 7 exercised for a period of 120 days from the date of the enactment of this nrdin- ante. During said per.i.nd, the said Planning Board shall not grant prelim- inary and,/or final approval to any applicant which has not made an applic- ation to the., said Planning Board for sithdivision approval prior to Jul -t 1st:, 1974. "Section 2. The nm!er granted tr, thr� Tot?n of Tl appingnr. Pl. tinning Board hl-, the Tot -in of 11a.ppinger Zonine? Ordinance to approve of site plans shall, not be exer- ci Seel 1�1- it for a period of 1.20 days, from the date of the adoption of *his Oxdinanrze, except that any site plan, appl icat i cin for Which taaF- made prior. to Jullr 1, 1974, may he approved rrovided all, conditions of other appli.cahlrs lm. m or ordinances ,hall have 1 -:yen complied with. "Scctrion 3. This Ordinance shall, tako of fect. i.mmed is tel- tenor oos t i n- and pul; li- cati..on, as provided Inv Town La-." w Pip,. DIEHI`.,: First, T �,Yill state the rules nor this oveninq's Public IIearinn: If) :gill limit all remar}.s to five rii.nutes, to a fire *nini.ite perind, and those who do to sh to spea}:, for or against, s-lal.! corin fcn-lard, ctate your name ano '!nur address, so it can be recorded 4.:-1 the minutes, ,Yithout ant c(uer tion of t:hc's making- the remarks. I?e have re--eived a con nunication, iy>zich Shall he entered nr the record, '1pon the '_Po en Clerk's reading of it. r"rs . Sno�-,den? MRS. F-NOT7>791': Thi.r is a letter dated 11uc7ust 29th, 1974 from t.:e I7a 1)in nrs ra? l,s Chambcr of. CcruY+erre, Zn--., adrlresied to the Town Board, Mill Street, I-Tappinrors Pal -1s, Nei, work, Attention: Surc,l 1.3 r Dlehl. ?'.nd, reading as fol_l..ovs: "Ccr ,117Iomen: "The Wappingers Falls, Chambor of rommerr..e s strongby onnosed to the proposed ordinance pertaining to a 1:20 day moratorium on subdivision applications in the Toi�7n of.. Wappinc7er. "Tt is our considered opinion that a moratorium at this tine lioiild not he E in the hest interests of our Tot -7n. A four month delay plils the i inter pr,ried t,?ould cripple thn buil.di.nn induntr« wh icii is al read„ suffer. incl fr^rn i high rate of unernnloirment." PIP. DTPUL: Mrs. Snowden, dial we receive P..n- other coru-unications relative to toninht', hear, i nrt? P,tRS . STIOWDrN - No, sir. That's the nn l - one T ha,re rpr-e i..vod . PtR. DTF..TTL.: Tn that casrrc tre trill. open the Public Hearinct to those. who tri =h to speak. We t,ri.l l ,tart wi.ttl, tFhone people vho ,arc in favor. , and plea,^ renember to st at o trour name and addre, , . You vi 1.7. be limited to five: minutes. Mr. Strohm? MR. STROMI: Warren Strohm. T an a residont of the Trattn of Wcippi_nger. , on Pine Ridge Drive. T ar a n?enber, and Chairman of the "oninq Regulations kcivi,ory Council of the Tovn of 19apnir.ger. I would 1-ike to address a fow remarks to the audi^rce and to the Town Board. T 11ill leave copies; and sore hac?:ground irformation, for those who may not be far!iliar ti-th "PAC. Ile are an organization at,temntinq to re*)resont 10 the rnnidents .i.n the Toi7n, be tllf!tr home owners or business men. Tn the past r,7e have ac -Tu ired a dearee of r.eprerentation frn:l several communi_ti.es vit:hi.n the Toi.7n, and we are attempting to increase that representation. More recently, ve have tried to get representation from the business men in the law Town vhn have businesses in the Toi7n, or are resid- ents in the Town. We have made :i beginning in that diroc...tion. T think the statements made tonight t7i_l.l, probably r_ T'll say probah1v -- but will represent the c;oncensus of the members r. epre ,enti.ng th.e residents in the Town. Vc,v, on the subject of tl,o moratorium, T would 1i -hr, to address a few rer --irYs to the ;-iudi_ence and to thn Toi7n Board. The Town. of Warp .nger ryoring Remilations -Advisor,? rounci.l does recommend that: tl°e Towr Board approve the temporary building r?tnra- tori.um as proposed at its regular August: meet9.ng. The Council bases this recommnnclation on the need in our tovn for both an updated tRast or Plan and ?oni.ng Ordinance. A comprehensive and long-range tipster Plan, also referred to as a Development Plan, is recxui_red because of the grot7th in the Tot•7n during the past decade, and the changes i7hich have i1 ocm.irrod since the original nlan vas doveloned. Thq ?oninq Ordinanre shonld be revised to provide a 1o?gnl Inasis for those 'parts of the long-range. plan, which can be started no -v,, and to surnort those parts of the plan !.,ill come lator. The Advisor- Council has .,orhnd frith tho Toon Board, Plnnnin(--y Bornrd, and the plinnin- f-cnrmItantn over the T -ant +-wo --nr- to rmniOt in the hearings, rer-mmendatinnc; and _Tchnn-- t th or 0 e nes, Tovn Dovolopriont Plan, i7l-.ich ,,,as forr-,a'J,, a,rinnt(-O ln- tl-c Inm7n, earlier thic; ,t,2a-. Wo are pr^,Pntly engaged in recommending changes to the 7or i.n(T Ordinan-f? and Mfip, e?I,irh zr(- to rn4lect thyro pnrts cf thn plan I+hich can 1-c impley-ented nm1% Marinqr, and further f7tiicl-,; 04 *AW fn,,th, Ord--narc- till. he ),� -ion t- - , Is . V'c ha't-re romipsted tliat. the Torn Roti*0 prorifln I sorit- forn, of -nt(-rim ,:r!-)tcction again -,t I;i?ildinr- rlairinq this --n--rrin I)Qri.nd, ci-rcrm,,Ient, r-onflir-t .:4'-,h, ++o D-vnlo-rlont Plan. T,T,7� that .,. tornnorar. , Tior,;+-rriiirl, r-st-r'4rl-4rjrT Plannine, Board approl.ral. prartice, or zoninct m;ir, cl—n,jo, might, titilized to pro-i(le pre-"Ccctj,on. Protr�r�tion for Cie- nov, D(,­,,elopirent nm,. A rcri,,.irn tc, tl,,, 7nninrl ron. fcr -tuo­ -`r,, rc, %rf FmAf_,d for tl,.; phpe-,r7 cvf -,--)rl- rJncr, Jiily 17t. I'in-r, thc nlan C,' 'i VAW lm,r- ,It l."f-c Lz:2 of hui,ldlnq t,,Iiicli llw­p cont lirt(� a i an 7\n Tnrlimtrin! Park, on, T,,,ivnr Pnrif,9, hqen start erl in an arnn desi.qnatcd in th- ,-)!,-in a conservati-n dic,,trict. A,I-,o* cr-'r-nercial cr)r-,tr- ur�tion, or Route. 9, continnr�- te) nrinlov -trip (I f-m I onri.r-nt a I on cT t7hat must rrm-i.J._n i, ay rath­r 17han ilrinq a nhoppirrT r-nt-r arproacl,., :!.s r-(7r�rii-lc,r0qd in tl)c Plan. T"IdIn tI.ii­, 1"Inni-no Ordinamcn rniri-7-ion i�-, I)ninrT r(-viex7edl, t,c re(Tul.re in ar(l opon, -rou.p!-, incl t�ic n7nmil1lt- arlt`l. T,7- riur- t f ing tr) iTrrov- t -I if- --tlun 1 tl,(, qrnrith in the "'.'m r, an(l to reduce th(, of sore -icor rf-juirod Ir, tii- future r r Trcvt�i. ilist foriir� or f-),(- Futiirn, -,ind not h- nr !-rr?-)c(,upird vi.th, pr(sont (1--eloprient. This can 1? Ii not happen, unlosr there is a temporar°r halt to net, detrelopmnnt, 111 of the partion concerned are anxi-?as t -n r( -..,!..mint! as ct'.ickltr as lio ssi,},ln, so as to rdnirl].?- Znv pct ssi.hle disruption to the corstr.17ction indw;trr. T till r..onclude m,., r( -marl-- by repeating, and w. c'.mphasi.7i.ng, a(jain, ti at wo fnel a rinratr ri.urr i-, 0 not-. tho onl.->r ,,ar,r kc can see of an env4 ronmc?nt �ihere free and t7-c?n di:srussi.ons,, bet-7e�-n all of the parties, can be conducted, t rd there -fore t.>n do roronmend' the Tot/n Board approv" this ro fr7 PAIR. DZEIM: Is there anlrbod,�r else ti.,ho t,ishen to srei in fI- vor? 'Yes, ni.r.. vo-- name, and ,,our ar'fJres ? PIP. VICO RONATn: Y'rh Joneph Tncoronatn; 14 Rcnsu- Drive, Wapn;n�rrs rails. T an a rteml�er of t-hn Ten,in's rrvironrtental. rounci.l and Director of the Tlan-ri n,?er Cc,nsery tion As`,oci.ation, and T cpm chine c contaain- nr TQgi.sl:ation sttidy for the County, -incl Cr rgrrY ssm7n Environmental Tall. Force, for the d i s tr i'ct . Si ncc, 196n, the Tom of WapnincTer_ has I—en nubject-ed to pm-7erful, and accelerating forces oxnrt(-d tier real n7tate and related hu^i ness .ntere:-t^ 1.4 that Lre drastically _- radicall.vr chancing the charnctcr of the landscape. Dr 1970, t_he Town's popiii.ation had doubTe'd to 2n,00n residents, and ahcut 40 Percent of the land. .,,as gobbled lap in th- process. Today; we find ourselves i.r tho terrible wake of this cortinnirn, ill-conceived, and mismanaged groTith rata, that is seriously eroding the qu;,,lit.v of li4'e in this area. As a resul=t of the indiscrim- inate residential and c:omne*rc-ial development, the countryside, is being stripped of living things; streams and lakes are being d:angcroiisly polluted lav mnlfunctioning sewer plants: local. wager to ales Marc hni..nq lowered; the entire Count- is running out of sates to bury solid waste materials, traffic con,7- estion and air pollution are on the rise; local roads arfa deter oratincq; recreational facilities arc grons71y inade-mate, throughout tl:nTovn; medlcal va rvicps are extremely 1 ytnited; and last, but not, least, sur school facilities, and your t=ay dn1lars, cannot keep race vith the flood of students enter- ina the district-. In licTht of all these adverse factors, and in con sirleratinn of the duly authorized, reprised, 15 comprehensive Plaster Plan for the Tc un of WappincYr?r, I strongly urge that. the Town Board irvolce a 120 day huilding suspension, in order to all.o-,, sufficient t .rne for the proper stu.d.�cy to be made, and fcr tti.e onactment of a nei-r ZoraincT Ordinance. Aw Thunk ,,cli . ""R. PI%Iir,r is there anybody else to :, peal: ir. favor"? if so, state your nali(: r rd rour addre3 s for the record, please. `des, sir. PSR. IIIRKIILA: Ti?.ke Ilir%alF-, Fo,°I.er Ilotase Road. I will not tall: about the Master Plan too much, bec;aurn anybodl'), can go to thn Toc-n M-.11, and look at a copy of it, or even purchase one. it is a good plan. The Planning board has accepted it as a good ;clan for the Town of tlappingUr, so I <-as.7wrae that th '"own I oard is in Pgrco: ent �Ath them. I would like, to. point out a fe';•r iteris. onc r^a yon for the 120 day s?I.:,pel sir)n, I :�cli(--ve, is to tor) any circurnventien ol` +--!,.o new Plaster Plan. And, I haves Personal of one T -J an tlaa4. . ~ p? fe- tt 3 Board, that in ,., out and out ri.rrumven.t•i.on and they have admi rt^d t --a 16 me, t?lat is the developer -owner has admitted that thi, i5 in direct circumvention of the nntr r4a!-ter Plan. And, this is just one case. I am sure there will he more, if the opportunit-, i, alloered to exist. And, the Chamber. of Corlmer,ce has brourtht. np the fact that small. husinesr men will he Mint, .. and T ruhrit that Ptanysmall bninc'rs ren, or builder!-, in the Toren, t'tantnd to, t -he\> -mild have had their dans in to the PlannincT Boar -I ho.fcre Jelly l st, especially if hr, knot -is the Town, he vd,l_l rr+ t gnt tJ e foundations in before JuIv Is'-, ",ncause of t'in frost, and the processes that lie liar, to ars through. So, this argument to me is not a valid ori. There are nl onty of plan, 'hefore the Plannincr Poi rd, t•rhich trerri in heforn ,Tul.v lst, and they trill have to act upon them, and they will not he under the restrictions. I believe that the nets Master Plan, coming up with the Zoning Ordinance, to be brought into draft fora verb, shortly, tyhi rh tail.l result in Publi,- Hearings, will, come about, and I think it is good for the Tot.rn of. Wanpi.ncTer, for us to b.ave hreath.i.ng ,poll, so we can sit hath and talc(- a. good hnrrl 11ooI7 an to where tlll., Toren is going, 17 because the Town is goina in the wrong direction, and has been in the past, and it is prover by the neer Plaster Plan, as opposed to the old. Thain: you. MR. nTr1?T,: Ts there arvhod- else who !Tist±e to speak in favor? .,. ves, sir. MR. t/. R. TIFTICTIT?: TIm 11. R. Hencke; nQ Frvin Dri.v-, W,!np ngers ral.l,s. 7'm ,neakinrr�a.s a privy to Citi 7pn. T th .nk that the Tm7n has rntt a great deal of effort irto the Plaster Plan rov.is .on. The revi -,icon is he .nr, macle, and it appears to be a considerable improvement over tihat we had. And, T think it fair now to allow the Town time to carr,,, ont the necessary paper work , to cornPlemPnt the plan. 7 ars stroncTly in favor of the va i t i.ng per i orl. r4i�, PTPITT,. T , there anvbodl, else in favor? If noir we will go to those opposed. Pir. . Cunn i nuhar? MR. MINNII-MM II: T am Fdt-?ard C jinn .nghame T'r an attorne-r with flip firm v.^nde[-Jater and VandeTaat+�r, Crimsel for Ptr. Prederick A. Smith. T have heard a number o£ rjood arcTliments tl, i s evnninq ir favor of the regi ,ed Plaster Plan, and 18 yap -dating the 7oni,ng nrdi,rances, but I have not r( -MJ-,, heard, much in favor of a moratorium, with nn exception: We have to stop the rash to the Pl.annincT Board. star office happens to repro^ent other Tntrnships, in nutche s s Counter, three* of them are vorking cin rnvi.sion ; and each Towmshin considers this a matter of common knov edcre, and not ons: Tolm nl_annincx, board, ,Iyi.th which were, are involved, liar oxpericncod a rush to the Planning Board to get their trams approved. The reasnn for th1 it cjui to si rnpl.e: There is almost no construction money in Dutc.1-ie `- CountA,/ for major T"ro J ec-. . c'•, , Tett, ss�rr .rr you are able to obtain construction firia nci-ng, it is alno.st impnssi.l)lr to c, -i- thin huildi.nR materials. So ar, ? result there- i.s, comnorriall, veru Tittle rortmorcial dc-volopment grni.Ttg cn. Tim-, how doos it relate to n -Ir. Snit},? ^dell , rlr. Smith owns real ortate on Routo 9, i r tho Scenic CP..rden Anartr cats arra, -;rd he l ^. becen n yinrr 1. ^> taxon faithftilIv to the Toc^n of TT.-Inpin,ror year aftr'r year after AnO O So ml -R11)" 110'ars E rrr) thStare tare of idol, vorl- T-1 aced t mai ren J crhich �,--)r; a dirty tri.cl�, so that it snnn tiro in the 19 ,i!,' -nm future, there ria-, hr -i ?7i,,lvninC- of Rout -.' rte 7nrl t -h— micfl?t TIre cmyt.l, prr)-V�rt,tt. that a �-fworn set 1-ck to the (love lonvc-nt ol! hjr7 propt-rtv, '),it it (dein It. Imt.1i - r Mr. !rn i t411'--k- ri'lch br9mIllne all or the cfforr th:it ho 11--ii,�-- recr�-Jerr C ' r -m (Irwrtloporn i7prc, in,-v-r7cnt -1,1 Jr to hi..Tn, to tic'. 17 -c -n of 1-r i lnnrT J.f-)r.c7 It. T1K'I s I i w)cl !. 'hoimv-r, !,,r, 11as boer cprroacli,,2o, ")y a lvm'-> to lri;f- a nortion c t-!,(- laml. 'h; -s 1-1,anl- ii takr� tile. (7!hanr^ tl't- not rj,�N 4t, j4- -j(-I,t T'O7jjj-,"t,'r. t t 1 n (I fihorn rinx- I)r, ndeoli- t rci rid-; r,I 1 -1 �- nac-t tho mv)ra'oriun L7r),nl'! 11;- a inju-y a si1-171�- n(I j -v 'It! 1 '41"), -1�1 a not a rlcvrinpor' 'I !3rlall 1w1prer-, trr, r -n a of roa. I it !ioold put Pir. Snif-h i.n tbn lini,-,i(- nr7-,it4nn, 1)o,7°aune a Tian!- jr,- CT04PC-T to dovc-lop- Tiiq rrOT),'rt-,, -i r f� r") ev and the hankfi i t :� ti poopl-Q '?11n h.- - t n theso dm,s for O-volnrric,,nt. r j :Lf ti'j(' t)anlr 0 forward 17it11 ti&^i..r Pr-)jpn_t, tl'(-rrt t-, i. 1,1 , i_- ',c_t", !)r' C?r,'I t'tOr(', ISSI,TMin(T t -h( lelannJl n(7 I3oar(l i T thin)- tl)nt t'11] - is a rath(-' - 1'Tlt3,!iur) a riorat-ori-ur1 r ter-- uorl- a rf 'inus i r; urlr, T.lr?rat tri um,1 h,-ivc i U"si" e,f.. `:'l-r-,Iell.n(-T otit. IYif!- Ce nt+ "��{�zsnd t ho, 120 da ,),`-; ci>-n. inst-,inr!r i r., {tin; at-ro,,- Hip river t?hicli i,r `"t£-(7 ti,(- tr y Orr, r err(I ('P)1lYt e final l<,� 7,trucl' it dolor, and `7 -aid t;,n yrs in trio i,r-.)n(T. Tlit'I t -h(- ronstroc—i_np coots go'.ng lip at thr' rite of one percent r month, 1?0 dw,, norcitnrium wmil(l i.ncrr? sr tho r)roje-(-t coClts ltt„+ four-prcQnt, rit7 trC)`r.'.t"t�+ '1�', and rTo!hdnf? !-b onitl l -notes iihat; will hap.pen to t7he c-o7;t of M.onr.t,, 'Iurinri tb_at neriod of tine. And, four pnrcr-rt is on? ' rnzn..r al irlcrpar-rn in the nroiected r,'osfq. T hol,i.e3`ro, that *tr. Gri.t h i n no! -i, t i+'1n I) -J n'i so ur,i.que, he can rural- for the (t -her ynal l land ,-1-mer- who coij1d sell, or l:ease, thni r l.andr, on lona terry ha�nr , over this folir riontb period, Nit will, he unal)le to, and will he a crucial- time- for tla: im, and it. trill worl: severe injure on tAlp ren -le. Tn conclusion, Mr. Sri-th i !r ornosed to it-, ant!, he ltr'.l.teven that: N, 7:'`']"rp.re ts, nnO-tpealz _ -I:nr, ?n ?1. nthor no -orale in the Town t-7ho are also r�T"nosed to it, vn(.-3 lie rn npectfull t Yerliertr, th.-at the Board not enact t.h.e moratorinm. Thxank voii . !-IR. T)TETTL- T have i question for tRr. (7unninghr-am, as to vhery thn propertr is local,-ri. T it i across from the A & P, and thr, bov li.ncT alley, i s that. cnr—ect? *4R. Ct?tTrITTTCTT tR: Yer, r .r. The drivrc�c.7: — cloznrr ,Y- to trr� rcnnic Carden Apartments is on the east side of Route 9, -ind 11r. Snaith nvns the *)ropertif-s on both ,i dos of that road, a,7 -ors _- close to the r+rani 1 Station. MR. DTT TTL: Ts therm a.rvhody rel^r�, arTainnt? TJe have hez-ard from those pnonln in favor of the nor%atnri,im,. AW and v e are noc7 as,}: nq for tlione acsainst i.t? Tf there arra none, T tli ll. call for a notion -- -,r,r, Your rave and -addrrass, for the rpernrd, P?r. Strohm? MP. STRC HM— Tlarrer Strohm, T 17oulel li.}.e to coment on something, if T nay. PIR. DIMIL: No, T don't think v7e c -.,rant to get .into any det�ate. Just speak your feel.incTs, no debates. Are there anv other snnakers against? 22 Come fon,7ard, �,ir, and -,tate ,,our name and yovir address, for the record, Tease? MR. TInRL Y- John Worley, I ari a small. builder, and I don't }:note all the technicalities, hut- one third T saoul.d 1-.ke to as), is- You am nayi.ng, beforr; July is 1974; hose will this effect the permits as far , as additions and rr*novat ion^ and reriodel. l i rg that micht come in in the facture? Ilotl --ill thrt eff=ert t-.',ose nermits as far as this is concerned? Y knol,7 what yoxx are saying, and I iirdnrstand that ,ou do not rant: to pari s on an!,t h ng that. is coming up n( ,J. Put, ho67 will the small gu�;r doing addi tins, renovations and remodell-kr, like me, he effected? MR. DTEI!L. This affects ever_vthi ncr that does not have final. approval,. �M. WORLMI: Yes, * know, But, some Moratoriums consist of everything. Tint., if an individual °aishe^ to add orant:hi ng to his house, like a garage -- MR. DMIT : Zt: does not affect addition!-, to homen. r4P. JI'.TISFN- "'hare's ro probl on, on an an -roved subdivi- ai.on. MR. TIORLPY I asked, bcc t3se the Gentleman before said sonothing al)out footings in the around. And, I have wen dur.inri the •<ast �Intur, in Januar_°,r, w(, had a mild Lrinter. , so I don't i'lart to ree myself, a a ?i a small builder -w T don't lrii l.d tracts, but 41,51: T -Tnt ^alled for an addit:ior, "'hicl) iS a IA(U thin fi t'C` pc^plc to(lav, their would ratl)nr Y ave ar ad:lit-inn. t.rrin t-rJr tr7 "My a nee horic, 17- r f -.r 11C;mir. rtR. DIPAIL: Small 1)usinesscs trill rot necrtsFar`.l,r 1.:c: hr;rt , tespec`iallt, in Yro� l i x :7�of rcnn�rati nn. tri therm an-h,)d-,.r Onlse? 1 n,,,,iiody 11P. r' TTTITr): T'Jillian .nai-ilvs KinrTstor, 'NeI7 Yorl.. T ars President of the financial in^tir- uticrT which Mr. C'unning�-ar, t.ras referring tr^ I.nfore MR. DIT71ITe. Yoll are repre -ent in- somebnrl-p in the `!"owr ? MR.. PAULUS: Tin, T am renrnsentinq the financial. insti- tution, the bank, referred to before bar Mr. Cunnino- hart. MR. DIEIT: Okay. T'm sorrv. rtR. PAULUS: cte are interested in opening un an nffice in the '-Own of War)ri_ncter, and the application has just been approved l)v otrr Tlor e r>f.fire, our Norte Ranl- Board, in Nei, York City, and si ncct that* arpr_ON al t "IS! just issuer?, to the insti.t,ztion, which I r( -pr( -- sent, naturall.'t), we trill hn ttnahlc- to znpl'f to the Tot*n of Wapningers prior to J111 , Ist. co, thn in5tallat3on of a mora tori,nn trnuld create a hard sbi n for tis, and I t,ould like to go on record cis beinq nppo sed to the 120 dal, moratorium. I Flo appreciate tl-i(, feelinr of the Board, in tr. vi ng to establish apnropriato planning for tivri Town. But, ba -,ed on the hardship this personnnl.y could cause us, T have no alternative haat to oppose this moratorium. Naturall1r, dela,,.rs of this type crould cost us a great OW dual of mond« over the long run. And, of course, 6 the idea of the moratorium is 120 da -s, but it night defer mans nermanently, and make it impossible for us to onen a location. And, this location has b( -,(--n arrroved by the Federal Authority, so we would like to express concern, and go on record as heing opposed to such a moratora_um. Thant: you. MR.. DTF L.- Thank ••ou, Mr. Paulus. This is thri last ca I . Is there awmne clod i -ho wi^hes to ,peak against it? Yes, came fort.iard, please, and state your name. VR. TInRIXY- John odor.lest, iionei,,ell Road, 1lanpinger s Palls. Aaai.nst, ry only concern, after rming back tri ry seat and thinking more and more about it, if the moratorium does coxae about, it might rush the burger 24 ?S builders in on the smaller ones. The,,► might take over the ,mall builders' market. It riay sound funny to 111wi, but it is a real fear of the sm4 1 l hui_lder. B11t, let's face it, if they are tir;ht for btx^i.ness, they will start lookinc fnr smaller hnsi- ness, and it will hurt u5, tnA arA not gning into -.w their llur?.ness because of tk!o size, but it mala hurt the ,maller builder and remod.c-,lnr. Tt y.^ snmeth:inrr to consider before �,nu instnitnte the moratorium. T understand. i -that �,ou are ray,1 nrr that there is a definite need for a Plaster Plan, but think about the other people who main be hunt, not canl,, t'he hiisinpsser, but the residentn, MR. DTEFIL- "Thank you. Ts there an�rbody else? Yec, Mr. Schuele? State ,our name anri :-tddrerr, please? MR. SCFtttELE; Pugen Schuele. Every time T hn?r t�lat it reminds me of the card game and all the people are hauled before the JudrTe �,Yho ra;rs to the i•thpt: is lour name, and T feel the same ;.ia..r. P4tr name is EucTon( (1chuele, Carl*,, Lane. T r3xn not against it, but my thou(iht^ are that anvtliinr7 aallicrh `)as no impact can the en,rironrental larohlems, if the e people ti)olnncri nq to the Commission .agree, *he«r s',nul.d consiOor : omethi.nu like a minim m of 26 five lots, which has no imrl�art; on thr, drainarre. Prnh 1 ens . Birt , suppose tht t somehodv ? ;a �-, two or thrf c acres cf Land, and he caishns to Clive !"i .s CIA ld a 1.ot f'f, }inuld not } e effected. Thus am ray only tl"'olight:.. on -hr- :57u!)j ect. PIR. DTFTTT,. Thank ;7ou. Is thcr^ an,�}3od�- ,. Mr. Brancato? PIR. £3RATJC_7�TO Vince Brant` -to, Lakf� Onincl Dri vr?, To-v7r of 'lap->ineTers. I am stronr;l- opposed to tho <-o- cpl.lnd mnr torium for 1.20 dans. I don't -mito pec how the Toy:*n will acconpl .s': this in t} -,c_ pcYind Cf- t. c 311a-f-tr gid. This three or four r onto, nori od, ra1_l. it t, -hat treu i11, �.:as tri Vic% s .x cr reve„ r onthF: Torg(,, for thn rirnr? n rna.-or you are ,;circ- 4..nfo t.F.c .7 rater r-�er.incl. if prorle rmiil.d Ire a'. -le tv starf- ,.,i-+,hin the no'.xt mont-h or .sn, ? 01nld 11,1,? to qQt t hr, footing- in, inO start tl,P- jn' P,Ut , I mi ;7rc� F?rf)w -l?r_atin, c3iZ ].ntltlSt rte.' .aIrf-.ar1V c,7:1J.pperl. '!h( irltrrf? st ral-es ern urbr'lieva. 1-1,. The 1)ui l dl r rr j' -,` ,,_ 1C1 t "f` 1. "� 4 —f t:'r''rcre rat ; ntr~rost to qtart a in';. rlortr-.ire none',- i s iripor 1 l: lc to -Ono Y"r `n,,,,.{ ili] C'I I�s T'�1.4_.n�(r?"!" it" i � t n i,-. +-li- 11"1.lCl rjr ire-"]�T` Hist T.y -; al.=!t c VSrn rr1Y/'. +_ ,7 t l rat it lw—, �`tian ?'"2r3t it l:- i. Vn<r �t n7- ind'.a ntry. no r, if till reason for ttic'_ mcrc t^r i.uri E:3 !-,r 5top tl;Io iroat p,Isll 1-11-7ilc1cr!-, T ti,ini-, 7p r7rtix r-,rrlinar- circumstanf-(,,, you vd.11 117i.rA a tricl-,le, r)jl 11)uilrlerf; in, at tlii--, +-irnc-. rl-ln--R; lwilders havo kept away from the Tnwn of TIij-pinc-.1cr !)(-cause of the fear t -bat tTcv arr) tr-i-MT to I)uild 17, -fore rT(-t utilitieq in it 1,ill be sonotime i.r 19807. So T don't T-nrw Wiat nr- nrOno!"inq herc, or 1,71 1t. rnu a -v c7ninq to attain h- roratnrimr. Iv -71 -wit i. }"}I r. o to cr-tin 1, T cl:} not rJef- -in ansvor tr tivi.t, T !,ave not 1 -.-on nlAr tn got an anm7or -tr) t-;- -iuo!itior: VTb;Ir L', rior,itoriurn, s!-'milrl go intro off"rt, vllon -r-,oi lia`7- nrr not,, _701 -ov I)(- finincT i`; c-^ri-.rrun dinrj thr- exi`7t-inc, prohlor and lou lialrr n_ t_ -T -1 4 -1 flora's ,n '-IAo I,anR th,7f- r r - a rl,! -r)rlp , n. "Ibr- are qrai ncT to hr- 11,Irt nr,, tIlp and f -J roe v,!ho i7isb to got torTe-thor 7h,�itth- p -int in liurti,ri and split all, Ints. lr rf +',em? TTI*it aro vou arc mplishinrT 1-., thf- whcle t 1, j nrT T havry not rTotten an -inm,,pr Prot. la N,?- 1) car. onlArTht-r1 Plitt T son no noint t- it at al I. You are hurting an -1.Ireadv brurtinrT indt)str7.'t an in ,duntr- that-'- -Iroinrl- cl-!-n. Tf amithina, should hr tr,,,inu to NI -n them art I)nrl: on -f-et Plit, Irrulre doi,nq the o,npoqitr. 27 cm PIR. DTFTM: Ts therr, amti,ody (-Ir(- t711r) .,"STJ013 to !7,, tim PT-SP()TTSJ-. I JTf,arj.rrT nonr, I cdll -ntt-rtiin I notnr t -,o clo!-.<' the hoarinq. MR. JITIT!"TTI: MP. !7,AT,AITD- MR. DTFIIT,a MR. SALAIM: PIP. JITISE14- TIP. rT,ATTF.r,.TT.- Sn nnvcd. Second --d. All in favor? yoq. MR. VERSACri Y w- . PIR. T)TrT!T,,- carl-i 06. T 11 i.!-, r, e fn, t i n c7 i 1. o s o d -00000- ?q 0 CPRm'TVTCATTOTT, f!TA"'r OF NMI YOT)T\' coTTTTmy or num(ITHISS At TV r PITT J- , . STILLPM roportnr, do horph,', rnrtify that-, th- fornqoinry tonin hearing beld Wappi.rmors Junior HirTh Srhool., Rems"r Avenury, 1.1appinnori Falls, Vev York, Dutchpss County, on Thli-sda,, Septnmbf-r 5th 1974, at 7:nO olclrcl- p. If rn. , TIT THE ?4A77PER OF A MORATnRTUM RI'(7AT?T)TNr, APP!IOVALS BY THE PLATITIPIr. BOARD Or SI1BDTV1c3Tmj PLATS AVD STYr, !"TANP, and t1int T faithfull-, and im"artiillv, recorded, r+-(,norTrnn11- tho -uestiorm,, answers and colloqlil,?. T further nertifv that after said hearing t7 -s rnt-,nrded, stenographir-all,,, I— r,,,e, it x -as roiluced to typnt,riting, by re, and T herel-,, -ubmit that thr� i-Athin in a frup and accurate transcript e -f my stenographic minutei, to the bnqt of ny abilit,.,. I fiirther certify that ar not- a relative nlf, nor an attorney for anv of the rparties connected ,7itli theI - - aforeiaiO hearing, ncr nthervise interested in the testimony of the witnesses. �z Soptembnr 9th, 1974. PHI IP F. ILLTU EIATT 'Hi ')q