UntitledW. and S. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX 7 — 3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Bo Town of Wappinger will conduct a public hearing at the T all, Street, Wappingers Falls, ,New York, on August 25, 11 M., EDT to hear all ns concerning an Ordinance oning Ordinance of.. own of Wappinger.r. RDINANCE AMENDING NTNG ORDINANCE OF TH TOWN OF WAPPINi The follows 9 Ordinance was introduced by Council' 4n Clausen, who moved its adoption. BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, in pursuance of the authority conferred by the laws of the State of New York, as follows: SECTION I. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29, 1963, as amended from time to time is hereby further amended to provide that the classification designated PI (Planned Industry) pursuant to Section 423 of the Zorog Ordinance shall read as follows' PI Planned Industry (Subject to site by Planning Board Section 440.) 1. Any industrial or manufactu uie, including fabrication, converting, processing, altering, assembly or other handling of products, the operation of which uses only electric power not generated on the site (except in emergencies), and which use normally will not cause or result in any (1) dissemination of noise, vibration, excessive light, odor, or other atmospheric pollutant beyond the boundaries of the site on which the use is located; (2) menace by reason of fire, explosion, atomic or induced radiation or other physi zard; (3) harmful discharge of waste materials; (4) unusual tr or congestion due to theNnumber of vehicles uch use; (5) electr'or ph cal interferaidice ding, take -off andeuv a. Any ng or use customarilents a permitted hting regulated as in the LB Distric ,. SECT Thfs,, a effect upon adoption and publication as by: npilman Finnan AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ......... Be3tri.ce Osten ..................... Ofthe Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New Yak, being duly sworn, says that Site is, and A the several times hereinafter was, the... . , , of W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for ...RA@ .... week successively..4499.... in each week. commencing on the... M4 ... day of.. AV04% ....... 1969, and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ................................................ and ending on the.141;4 ..... day of. Ugu4t....... . 19.6Q both days inclusive. Subscribed, and sworn to befog� 'm'e this.. 1. � :........day of,..;?tia.� Notary Public 1 My commission expires• .C. �4'. ,?14; . � . �l ..� W. and S. p. DISPLAY ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AX7-3724 20 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS, N.Y. PLEASE TAKE NOTICJ:.;hat the following Ordina, ~opted by the Town Board of tAfiown of Wappinger at tly ting held October 13s4969. Is ORDINANCE AMEN ZONING ORb11WAr4M TOWN OF WAPP{� _ BE IT D AND ORDAINED' !! �I y d of the Town of r Dut hass Couh;y, 11 I nuance of the authort Islws ew York, as follows: SECTION I. •t, The Town of Wsppl Wr.9bYf.,rPt".er d January 29, 1963, as amended from time amended to Provide that the classification designated PI (Planned Industry) Pursuant to Section 423 of the Zoning Ordinance shall read as follows. . PI Planned Industry (Subject to site plan review by Planning Board.. Section 440.) 1. Any industrial or manufacturing use, including fabrication, converting, processing, altering, assembly .or other handling of products, the operation of which uses only electric power not generated on the site (except in emergencies), and which use normally will not cause or result in any (1) dissemination of noise, vibration, excessive light, dust, smoke, gas, fumes, odor, or other atmospheric Pollutant beyond the boundaries of the site on which the use is located; (2) menace by reason of fire, explosion, atomic or induced radiation or other physical hazards; (3) harmful discharge of waste materials; (4) unusual traffic hazards or congestion due to the type and number of vehicles associated with such use; (6) electrical, visual or physical Interference with aircraft landing, taki-oft and other maneuvers. a. Any accessory building or use customarily incidental to a permitted use. (Signs and lighting regulated as in the LB District.) SECTION If. This Ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as provided by Town Lav#. STATE OF NilYAOK ) COUNTY QF DIJ :: S ju I. 3 Town Clerk o Town of o u was dul `York, do hereby' Shat th pted at the MMOng 'of the Town' pppinger he 43,.1 quorum was and part(c 3,.. not basn (n a' nnor r s III in force a t and is sal ng. IN 1fr( WHERE haveh of the n' of WappIn, this 14 f<I S E-A L ----------- — .......... . .....—----- --- AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. ......•••••, Beatrice Osten • .,,of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess •County, New York, being duly sworn, says that she is, and i t the several times hereinafter was, W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for • •QI-19 ... week successively..9 AGfe .. in each week, commencing on the. 1.6th.... day of. October.. , . , . 1969 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and• ending • on •the.,,lsth.,day •of..ctober•::: 196.9 both days inclusive. ..�. .. .................... Subscribe ` and sworn to before me / this..... �O ...... day of.. r�.c:.LZ'.: , ..... ,19.: , C' ( L • .t LV 4, 4't. Notary Public My commission expires�,�,k�..L�1.,:3.�'•J..7. I N,