) ss:
ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and
That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting
Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess
and State of New York.
That on March 6th, 1985, your deponent posted a
copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed
Amendment to the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance,
on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office
in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in
the Village of Wappingers Falls,
�D�utchess County, New York.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Sworn to before me this
day of P6'-�rc�_ 1985.
Notary Public
0 • •
914 297-3723
Administrator may waive the
PLEASE TAKE NQTI that the preparation or approval„and pignature
foil' Amendments,, boil by the applicant'. "profeselonal
Ero nd Sedim t fir. engineer, surveyor, or architect when
din a
Boa T Town tate work entails no reasonable hazard
ppinger at to the ad scent property.”
the i VMarch 18, ARTICE 'IV - pR1NCIPLEq ND'
STANDARDS - 'Su division, `IM-
nce was in- PLEMENTATION to be amen to
trod rNDrd UNCILMAN IN- read as follows:
CO ATI. oved Its adoption: "Since considerable toll erosion can
I* IT EN D, by the Town Board take place during pdnstructfon, plans AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
6 /Alae inger,asfollows: shall containbo}f41 proposed'erosion
DEFINITIONS - No. 8 - and sediment con roll measures and a
OPIdENT PLAN: to be amended timetable for d lopment and control.
fkllows: These meas shall be Incorporated
"The sal master of the Town Into the final,* at, site plan, or plot plan
of- W tcfrrs used as a guide and the f oonstr ction drawlnna..
Torun. ap �rlate development of the Erosion and sediment cor*r=oi
measures shall conform to the plan- State of New York,
ARTICLE If- DEFINITIONS • No. 13 • dardsa,,and specl Cations establtshed
ADINt3 to be amended to read as by tri. Town Wappinger. These Count of DUtcheSS
lows: measures shalh ply to all features of y ,
k f'Alts st6ipping of soil, cutting of the c truce site, including street
h rmsRa filling, stockpiling, or any and uy in ` Dations as well as to the Town of Wappinger.
iN.elan thereof and shall include Protection o V�yividual lots. Measures
ISAIttlldi ' to cut or filled condition shall also bd instituted to' prevent or
C15 tl •'DEFINITIONS No conte 't erosion and sedimentation
AND SPECIIS N + - Buri .Hous stages oft velopment."
t dtoread astoll owa. E IV PRIKCIPLES AND Gisela �SCjlllA�t2
al entitled, "Erotic$' ST RDS Subdivision BICaENERAL .. of the
Standards DEt3 PRINCIPLES• No. 8: to be
blished b
arrtended to read as f Ilowa:
Conservation t =ry Critical areas exposed during
ted January 1 % w is construction shallr be protected with
`> temporary vegetatton and/or mulching,
a of best des pr {Ices > or other appropriate methods
for `tion related eats t !M-;, gibed by :the Standards and
I minimize Impact Specifications."'
rom soil aro end ARTICLE V I SPECTION AND
a Ion, and w from ENFORCEME T subdivision A/IN-
tl be upds sed SPECT
N: t be upended to read as
o al basis Ho er,
fol lows: ,
t Ell, ofll ach PLICATION The 'recp`ilrements of this article
Pq URE • Subdivision - BICOM• shall be enforced by the Zoning Ad -
ITE 4"N%*i#tlID 9p ministratQrwho shall Inspect or require
D)RViSION PLATS: t0 ends adequat��IInspection of the work. If the
r dasfollow s9 ZoningAdministrator finds any existing
1 No site .*hall conditions not so stated In any ap-
ppved urileor soil plication grading permit, or approved
ad sedime mesa n Plan, said Zoning Administrator may
a oprdanceh the stands nd refu to approve further work and
s iflcatto" of the Town of ap- issu .� ceatle end desist order. For
vat for a certlfPCate of Pur of Ircting for compliance
oapLpa any building will be wit > ordni+ce, the Zoning Ad --
all needed erosion ministraKor or representative shall be
of m have been completed Guaranteed access to the applicant's
wubsta provided for in ap. site and at valid permit shall be
c nce a ordinance aneiitf"ie available upon request,�he site."
st�d arcs ecificatio the ARTICLE V'• INS ION AND
5 rnofW r. Theap ht shall ENFORCEMENT - Subdivision
betir the f , al responsibility for the as
S: to be amlftded to read
installattray construction, and main- as follows: r
tenoce p�tali required erosion control Any person, firm dr omitcoirps,,
atlon who
according to the provisions violates, nogp cts, omlts,•W .fuses Or-
ofnance and to the standards comply with any provisidtF Is ion
ficatlons of the Town of dinanbe,or;any permlU tion
For this section, plat shall requirergranted hereunder, of wful
Ad -
subdivision plan which will ministrator, of the on-
ternal street/s, man-made midst rabr, shall be :o , Go d
stems, extensive regrading, fifty f 1$ �3o0t-doll than t and
d utilities and/or other hunred(SrE00)doilers eiher' Ithars no n the
nts. cost Of 1prosecutl to #romote
E 111 • APPLICATION compliance with the sours of the
RE - Subdivision CICOM- Ordinance, each da a' lolation
PLOT PLANS: to be amended cont) teach d Ic n, shall
ollows: be d a as off as. The
Prior to , Issuance of a building imof any II exempt
permit for one or more lots within an the er fro r pliance
a proved subdivision, the applicant wit rovisl Or once."
shall Include erosion control measures Seconded b me IlanlY
either on an overall plan or on In- t
dlvidua plot plans, at the discretion of Roll Call Vote ayy
the Zoning Administrator. The I, ELA N,' n k
r IreAnents of this section may be of the T ge h y
w If, In the discretion of the certify th t In e
Z ' dministrator and Engineer to was duly ado t ar
thjn n, there Is no reasonable Meeting of the To oar n
e ard." of Wappinger held Marc at
E III - APPLICATION which time a quorum was, nd
P RE • Subdivision D: DATA Participated throughout he
No. 5: to be amended to same Is still in force and Is
r slows: duly entered In the min Id
nd spigications of sc t�Vtd
d aidl±dentation control''" ITNESS WHERE O ve
with sten• set my hand and of
e Town of Town -of Wappin this 9th
l�q scale, day of March
Elaine H.Snowden
amended to read as follows:
cc@pt as exempted by Paragrep -
of thfa ssotlen, no appilcerrt shall do,
any gradin stripping, cutting filling,
or other s {e preparation, without a
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York,
being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several
times hereinafter was, the .. pAAkl:eeper..........
of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and
published every Wednesday in the year in the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the
annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said
newspaper for .. one .... weeks successively . QXtCP. .
in each week, commencing on the .27th , day ofMar..
19$5.. and on the following dates thereafter, namely
and ending on the ..27th...... day of.. March ....
19$5 . both days inclusive.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ... 27th ... day of...�u�rch .. 19.85....... .
Notary Public
My commission expires .........................
NOTARY F0M-I`.'., &T',4 _ .F PE1V YORK
COMMISSION IMAii6,i 30, 10"
and signed by a proressionai engineer,
surveyor, or an architect at a scale '
acceptable to the Zoning Ad-
U, a Cj M
approved, disapproved, or modified by
the engineer to the Town. The Zoning
-- 914 297-3723
violates, neglects, omits, or refuses to
comply with any provision of this Or-
dinance, or any permit or exception
granted hereunder, or any lawful
pkg ofices
, requirement of the Zoning Ad-
ministrator, shall be fined on e con -
fifty (n not less than two hundred and
fifty hundred
dollars nor more than five
hundred (5500) dollars together with the
cost of prosecution. To promote
compliance with the provisions of the
Ordinance, each day that a violation DAVIT OF PUBLICATION
continues, following notification, shall
EARING dividual plot plan be deemed a separate offence. The
that a the Zoning Imposition of any fine shall not exempt
requirements, the offender from further compliance
of W on x waived If, l on of a with the provisions of the Ordinance."
day o aroh, st 7:45 pp m. at the�atlniny Admin and Engineer to PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE
Town Hall, located. on MIII Street, Town, there Is no reasonable that all Interested persons will be heard
WappInpar8 Falls, County of Dutchess erosion hazard." at the above stated time and place. Ik
and $tats of New Yorhrconcerning the ARTICLE ill BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD
pri�pgied. Amendment to. the Toam'of. �APPLICAT, NCPAOCEDURE Elaine H. Snowden
Wappin er Soli Erosion and Sediment Subd!vision D: DATA REQUIRED: No. 5: Town Clerk -less,
Control Ordinance ae follows: to be amended to read as follows: Dated: March 5,19M
At Regular i�eetlng of Nie Town "Plan d fl
At of the Town of Wappinyer held erosions an and a,.—
ad immI entation control
a Town Hall, MIII Street, Wap- measures, in aopordance with stan-
rs'`Falle, New York, on the 21st dards and;specificattonaofthe Town of
Of Jan., 1985 the following Wappingbr, at a r9asonable scale,
Jments to the Sol[ Erosion and preferably 1 50'-"
e Control Ordinance were '�oPE tit
u by t n lncoronato, OU PR DURE
IT AC T 1#�„ 'Sul sl �,' PERMITS: No. 1
to read as follows: 7": 70 -
"The official master plan of the Town
of Wappinger which is used as a guide
for the appropriate development of the
GRADING: to be amended to read as
follows: '
Any stripping of soil, cutting of
earth forms, filling, stockpllinp, or any
combination thereof and shall include
the land In Its cut or filled condition."
to be amended to read as follows:
"The manual entitWd "Erosion and
Sediment Control � Standards and
opecifalcations" ubllahed by the Town
ff Wappinger Conservation Advisory
Council, printed Janus 1981, which Is
/R to bp amended to
Except asmpted by Paragraph 2
of this sg�U no ap hall do
any gr #pTebaretlon, i 'hout a
or other s to
valid grading permit Issued-` by the
Zoning Administrator."
Subdivision E: PERMITS: No. 2/AP-
PLICATION: to be amended to read as
"A sepparate application shall be
required foreach grading permit. Plans,
specifications, and timing schedules
shall be `submitted with each ap-
pllcatlon 'for a. grading pdr It. The
plans shall be prepared or 4pproved
and signed by a professional lltgineer,
surveyor, or an architect of a scale
acceptable to the Zoning Ad-
ministrator, and shall reviewed and
a compilation of best design practices approved, dl pro or modified by
for construction related activities In- the engineer t own. The Zoning
tended to minimize impact uppon. water Administrator' ay waive the
quality from soil erosion and ppreparation roval and signature
sedimentation, sitd which may, frost by the is professional
time to time, be uptfed and/or nevi engineer, or, or 2TATION:
t when
on an annual bastL no later, however, the work ant no /loshazard
than March 1, of eaohyear. to the adjacent property
Subdivldion B/COMPLIANCE: SIT Subdivision AIIMPLEM to
PLANS AND SUBDIVIDION PLATS: to be amended to read as follows:
be amended to read as follows: "Since considerable soil erosion can
"No site plan or ptyt shall be ap- take place du bonstructlon, plans
proved unless It Includes soil erosion shall cont pro erosion
and sediment cont measures In and aedi ntrol and a
accordance with t " rda and timate control.
specifications of t of These all be porated
pinger. No approve 1 Into t, alts pl plot plan
occupancy for any will nd. I const n drawigs.
granted unless aN n eoslon and sed ant control
control measures have baen completed res shall contform to the stan-
or substantially pr ad for In ac :` and specifications established
cordance with this ordinance and the Town of Wappinpper. These
standards and specifications of the res alfwA.sppty to altfe4wres of
Town of Wappinper. The appDlloattt sfatil et site, street
bear the final responslblll the andut111tylonaaswell 'to the
installation, construct) protection of Individual lots. aures
tenance of all r tgld 1 shall also be Instituted to prevent or
measures acco lei— control erosion and sedimentation
of this ordlna. 4P ndards during various stapoes of development."
and specifications': CI1 b:'Town of ARTICLE IV -PRINCIPLES
Wappinger. For this section, plat shall AND ST RDS
mean any subdivision plan which will Subdivision B/ $RAL DESIGN
require Internal street/s, man-made PRINCIPLES: be amended to
drainage systema extensive regrading ,. s follows " t,. N
underground utilities and/or pti Ic ax during
improvement- be " itec%d with
t 111 'and/or mulching,
AP1 ' Prieto methods
Subdlvisl �yr the Standards and
PLANS fs' to : t
follows: 41 a LEV-INSPECTION
Prior tq?f s ' AND ENFORCEMENT
permit for one rlWre lots wit $ubdlvlsion A/INSPECTION: to be
approved subdlvis on, the app/ amended to read as follows:
shall include erosion control 1nlaslaiNtti "The requirements of this article
either on an overall plan or on In- shall be enforced by the Zoning Ad-
ministrator who shall Inspect or require
adequate inspection of the work. Iq the
Zontny Administrator finds any p�xiating
Condi one not as nf.fad in nu a -
Town of Wappinger.
Gisela Schmitz „ • • , of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York,
being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several
times hereinafter was, the .... • ...... .
of the W. & S.D. NEWS, a newspaper printed and
published every Wednesday in the year in the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the
annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said
newspaper for .......... weeks successively • once
in each week, commencing on the. 6th.. day of. .Max.
105 . and on the following dates thereafter, namely
and ending on the ... 6th ..... day of... ,March.. .
19.85. both days inclusive.
.... ................ .....
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this ... 6th .... day of...r9h.. 19. $.5 .......
..`...........r.:.Y...... .
Notary Public
My commission expires .........................