UntitledNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town of Wappinger Town Board on October 1st, 1984 at 7:50 P.M. at the Town Hall located on Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, County of Dutchess and State of New York, concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger as follows: BE IT ENACTED AS FOLLOWS: That Section 432 entitled, "Application for a Special Permit" shall be amended to read as follows: 432. Application for a Special Permit "Application for required special permits shall be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Each such application shall be examined first and endorsed for completeness by the Zoning Administrator and unless so endorsed shall not be entertained by said Board. The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) shall have original jurisdiction for granting special permits based on the suitability of the proposed land use. The ZBA may impose whatever reasonable land use conditions and provisions it deems necessary to reflect the spirit and intent of the town development plan.and/or zoning ordinance. Before ruling on the application, the ZBA may request written comments or a brief advisory report from the Planning Board for any concerns they may have regarding the proposed site development plan. Where such requests are made, the Planning Board shall respond to the ZBA within 45.days from the date such referral is received by the Planning Board secretary. All approved special use permits will be subject to Section 450 of the town zoning ordinance for site development plan approval. The Board of Appeals, after public hearing with the same notice required by law for zoning amendments shall, within ninety (90) days of the date of the Board meeting at which such application was originally submitted, file with the Zoning Administrator a decision on said application. The applicant may grant extensions of either of the above stipulated review periods provided, however, that any extension of time granted to the Planning Board shall equally extend the time to act for the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals may authorize the issuance of a permit, provided it finds that all of the following conditions and standardsstated, but not limited to, have been met:" and BE IT FURTHER ENACTED: That Section 450.1 be amended to read as follows: 450.1 Approval Required "No building permit shall be issued and no structure or use shall be established, other than one (1) one -family dwelling, except in conformity with an approved site development plan, and no certificate of occupancy for such structure or use shall be issued until all the requirements for such approval and any conditions attached thereto have been met. The continued validity of any certificate of occupancy shall be subject to continued conformance with such approved plan and .conditions. Revisions of such plans shall be subject to the same approval procedure." and BE IT FURTHER ENACTED: That a new section to be numbered 450.51 be added to read as follows: 450.51 Application to Building Inspector "Following site development plan approval, application shall made to the Building Inspector for a building permit." be TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK ------------------------------- IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE (SPECIAL USE PERMITS) ----------------------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on November 21st, 1984, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance (Special Use Permits) on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before this N day of LL,-- 1984. Notar Public NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town of Wappinger Town Board on the 3rd day of December, 1984, at 7:45 P.M. at the Town Hall located on Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, County of Dutchess and State of New York, concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger as follows: BE IT ENACTED AS FOLLOWS: That Section 432 entitled, "Application for a Special Permit," shall be amended to read as follows: 432. Application for a Special Permit "Application for'required special permits shall be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Each such application shall be examined first and endorsed for completeness by the Zoning Administrator and unless so endorsed shall not be entertained by said Board. The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) shall have original jurisdiction for granting special permits based on the provisions of this section. The ZBA may impose whatever reasonable land use conditions and provisions it deems necessary to reflect the spirit and intent of the Town Development Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Board of Appeals, after public hearing with the same notice required by law for zoning amendments, shall, within sixty (60) days after the final hearing, file with the Zoning Administrator a decision on said application. All approved special use permits will be subject to Section 450 of the Town Zoning Ordinance for site development plan approval. The applicant may grant extensions of either of the above stipulated review periods, provided, however, that any extension of time granted to the Planning Board shall equally extend the time to act for the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board of Appeals may authorize the issuance of a permit, provided it finds that all of the following conditions and standards stated, but not limited to, have been met." and BE IT FURTHER ENACTED: That Section 434 entitled, "Review by Other Agencies," be amended to read as follows: 434. Review by Other Agencies "Upon receipt of a completed application for a special permit, the ZBA may request written comments or a brief advisory report from the Planning Board for any concerns they may have concerning the proposed site development plan. Where such requests are made, the Planning Board shall respond to the ZBA within 45 days from the date such referral is received by the Planning Board Secretary. The ZBA may forward, where determined appropriate, one copy each of the application to the Town Engineer, the Superintendent of Highways, the Wappinger Environmental Council, the Fire Prevention Bureau, the Dutchess County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Dutchess County Department of Health; in addition, copies shall be forwarded to the Dutchess County Planning Department when such proposed development abuts a State or County Highway, park, drainage channel or building site, and to the Clerk of any abutting municipality where the property proposed for such development is located within five hundred (500) feet of such municipality, and other agencies, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, which may have jurisdiction, together with a request for review and report by said agency. Each agency may submit a report, including its recommendations, which report, if it is to be considered, should be returned to the ZBA within thirty (30) days of the date such referral was submitted." and BE IT FURTHER ENACTED: That Section 450.1 be amended to read as follows: 450.1 Approval Required "No building permit shall be issued and no structure or use shall be established, other than one (1) one -family dwelling, except in conformity with an approved site development plan, and no certificate of occupancy for such structure or use shall be issued until all the requirements for such approval and any conditions attached thereto have been met. The continued validity of any certificate of occupancy shall be subject to continued conformance with such approved plan and conditions. Revisions of such plans shall be subject to the same approval procedure." and BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That a new section, to be numbered 450.51, be added to read as follows: 450.51 Application to Building Inspector "Following site development plan approval, application shall be made to the Building Inspector for a building permit." PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that all interested persons will be heard at the above stated time and place. Dated: November 20 , 1984 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Town Clerk DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ROGER P AKELEY COMMISSIONER JEFFREY L. CHURCHILL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER THE COUNTY OF DUTCHESS LUCILLE P PATTISON, COUNTY EXECUTIVE 47 CANNON ST. POUGHKEEPSIE NY 12601 TELEPHONE 19141 431-2480 Tax Map Parcel No.: Al RECEIVED NOV 2-8 1984 ELAINE N. SNOWDEN To: Town Board Referral: 84-531, Town of Wappinger Re: Zoning Amendment - Administration and Enforcement In accordance with the provisions of General Municipal Law (Article 12B, Sections 239-1 and 239-m), the Dutchess County Department of Planning has reviewed subject referral with regard to pertinent inter -community and county -wide considerations. Upon analysis, this Department makes the following findings: This referral pertains to amendments for the special permit and site plan sections of the zoning ordinance. The purpose of these changes is to clarify responsibilities and procedural requirements between the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board. These amendments will facilitate the zoning review process for town officials, residents, and developers. Recommendation The Dutchess County Department of Planning recommends that the decision in this case be based upon local study of the facts. The Dutchess County Department of Planning does not presume to base its decision on the legalities or illegalities of the facts or procedures enumerated in subject zoning action. Dated: November 27, 1984 Roger P. Akeley, Commissioner Dutchess County Department of Planning Richard irch Senior Planner RB/tll THE COUNTY OF DUTCHESS LUCILLE P, PATTISUN, COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ROGER P AKELEY 47 CANVON ST COMMISSIONER Pr­riKEEPS,E NY 12601 JEFFREY LCHURCHILL TELEPIIONE (914) 431 24H . DEPUTY COMMISSIONER To: Town Board Referral: 84-416, Town of Wappinqer Re: Special Use Permit Amendments In accordance with the provisions of General Municipal Law (Article 12B, section 239-1 and 239-m), the Dutchess County Department of Planning has reviewed subject referral with regard to pertinent inter -community and county- wide considerations. Upon analysis, this Department makes the following findings: Subject referral pertains to amendments for the special permit and site plan sections of the zoning ordinance. The purpose of these changes is to clarify responsibilities and procedural requirements between the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board. Recommendation The Dutchess County Department of Planning recommends that the decision in these amendments should he based upon local study of the facts. Before adopt- ing these amendments, however, the Town Board shall consider the following points: 1. The existing and proposed text of section 432 states that a decision by the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be made within ninety (90) days of the date of application. New York State Town Law, which establishes the legal framework for local boards, provides that a decision be made within sixty (60) days after the final public hearing. To avoid any timing problems, the Town Board should consider changing the wording to coincide with the New York State Town Law. 2. Section 434 of the Town Zoning Ordinance pertains to special permit review by other agencies. Since the proposed changes in Section 432 would make a referral to the Planning Board an optional matter, changes in Section 434 should be made for referral by the Zoning Board of Appeals to other agencies. The Zoning Board of Appeals should be established as the reci- pient of comments rather than the Planning Board. Ref 84-416 Page 2 The Dutchess County Department of Planning does not presume to base its deci- sion on the legalities or illegalities of the facts or procedures enumerated in subject zoning action. Dated: September 26, 1984 Roger P. Akeley, Commissioner Dutchess County Department of Planning M r f� Richard Birch Senior Planner RB/tll ec C-7453 la It V SUPERVISOR FRANCIS J. VERSACE TOWN OF WAPPINGER TOWN CLERK'S OFF ICE MILL STREET P. O. BOX 324 WAPPINGERS FALLS. N. Y. 12590-0324 ELAINE H. SNOWDEN TOWN CLERK TOWN COUNCIL RENATA BALLARD JOSEPHINCORONATO GERARDJ McCLUSKEY IRENE PAINO September 5, 1984 TOWN OF EAST FISHKILL TOWN OF FISHKILL TOWN OF LAGRANGE TOWN OF POUGHKEEPSIE VILLAGE OF WAPPINGERS FALLS TOWN OF NEWBURGH 2O-26 Union Ave. Ext., Newburgh, NY 12550 ORANGE COUNTY LEGISLATURE, Orange County Government Cr. Main St. Goshen, N.Y. 10924 CLERK, DUTCHESS COUNTY LEGISLATURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 264 of the Town Law, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on Monday, October lst, 1984 at 7:50 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, New York, on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger (Special Use Permits), copy of which is herewith enclosed. All persons interested are invited to attend said hearing. 7z?-" •�-dw" ELAINE H. SNOWDEN TOWN CLERK TOWN OF WAPPINGER