UntitledU• and e •
914 297-3723
NOTICE OE PVBLK:q�►Monda s iej 72�
at tfYe TOwn7of Wappfimy ,
Middlebush Road, W mer T Hall, 20
York, the Town Board pwtn'lll holdors aFalls, bic
hearing on ten proposed Zoning Ordinance
Amendments relating to zonirtp and sub-
division regulations.
1. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend-
ment No. 1 would increase the required
frontage requirement on residential lots
from 25 feet to 50 feet.
2. Nro.2satelliteed dish Amend-
naa.In all residential zones provided that
specified standards are met.
3. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend-
ment No. 3 would require that structural ad-
di8ons or changes in use of property obtain
amended site plan approval by the Plann-
ing Board. State of New York,
4. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend -
Mont No. 4 would empower the Planning County of Dutchess,
80ard to require submission of additional
Maps of a arts plan.
5. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend- Town of Wappinger.
moat No. 5 ti"bbRTraqulre that site plan sp-
plication submissions include detailed floor
plans and 'necessary environmentaldoc%sOemX8.reoporA
tEment-No.6wouldincreasefrom15days .•••••••'•••'••• • . • • • • • • •
• • • • • ... , of theto 30 days
the amount Of Time for various
age4rcies to respond to a Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York,
a rereferral by the
Zoning Adminlor regarding site plan
applications. This proposed amendment being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several
would further clarify that this referral does
not supercede any rights of ,an involy¢d
agency or the public to cortimsrds under times hereinafter Was, the ... �lckee x
the S.E.O.R. process. Finally, this propos- pe
ed Ordinance Amendment would confirm of the W. & S.D. NEWS
the Town Law Section 274-a provisions , a newspaper printed and
regarding the Planning Board's power with
respect to site plan approval, disapproval published every Wednesday in the year in the Town of
or approval with modifications. The propos-
ed Ordinanoe Amendment would also
change priorlawby
providing that the time . Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the
to render a Planningg Board decision on a
site plan application Is within 45days ofthe annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said
date of the public habring, or the date of
the application if the Board determines not
to hold a public hearing, as,the case may newspaper for OnMee
...... weeks successivelyOnee ...
7, Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend -
MOM in each week, commencing on tlth .... day
merit No. 7 would give the Planning Board '
discretion to waive a public hearing on an
amended site plan application where the A.... and on the following dates thereafter, namely
Board determines there is no significant
change from the previously approved plan.
8. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend- on
ment No. 8 would require the Building In-
spector to Certify that the completed site • • , , , • , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , • • , . ............... .
construction complies with the approved
S plan prior to issuance of a certificate
of oosupanoy. and ending on the ......... dayWvemb•t
.. h► • '
9. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend- pf
ment No. 9 would restate the requirement Tg • , both days inclusive.
for certification by the Building Inspector of
compliance with the site plan prior to is-
suance of a certificate of occupancy in the
section of the Ordinance dealing witikcer-
tiflcates of occupancy. ..... c
10. Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amend-
ment No. t0 would change the existing
Zoning Law in residential districts, which
presently permits conversion of existing
dwel,;ngs.built prior to 1962 to two-family, Subscribed and sworn t0 before me
multi -family, or other permitted use, under � � b
certain conditions by special permit, to rwW+. t da O
prohibit such conversions. this , .. • • • , • y T- {j
With respect to proposed Zoninngg r.
a long Amendments Nos. fithretigh`70, •
a long foan environmental asslirsmMt
form has been prOrdinanceAm nnddea' nssthat the Notary Public
considered proposed sddcumuletive-
considered both sepal ,
iy, will * t Have as,
environment and
declaration.`= -
My commission expires. .
Ordinance Amendments and the en- RACHEL LVI�'�'FiT
wronmental documents herein referred to
are available at the Town Clerk's Office for NOTARY F '.:.
inspection, during;regular business hours. f:S)A.l. 1 i ,r
At the public hearing, all interested par- V
ties will be heard, with respect to the pr
posed Zoning Ordinance Amendments and
the environmental issues rela*W thereto. COM,W
Dated: October 6, 1986
TOWN,Of , Tr
• • •
914 297-3723
ing Amendments to the Zonby the Town -of the
Town of Wappinoer atRltoular
Thefo wing Ordinance was offered by AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
SUPERVtSpR PAINO who moved its
adoption: -
IT ED by the Town Board of
the Town Inger, Dutchess County,
New YorK;; t to the authority confer-
Z01rad by SIM` Ws W the State of New York
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zon- State of New York,
Ing Ordinance adopted March 10, 1988;'
sr> iamended from -titre to time, is further County Of Dutchess.amended as follows:
1. ZopNnitnqp Ordinance Amendment No. 2
Salk. 312 of the Zoning Ordinance is Town of Wappinger.
hereby amended to read as follows:
412. Required Street Frontage
No building permit shall be sued for the
estabilshment of any use or construction of
any structure unless the lot upon which the GiMle Schnitz
use is to be established or such structure . of the
. .............
is to be built has frontage of atiestst 50 feet
on a street or dto.Tay Rosd111rs been Town of Wappinger,Dutchess County New York,
suitably improved to Town Roan ��tts��/rddsrds ,
or a hoed posted therefor, and tialeas the
actual aocessto such use orsushstructure being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several
will be -oyer such frontage, all in accordance
with the provisions of Section 20D-0 of the
Town Law, times hereinafter was, the ... Pookkeepw. , . , , , , .
3. Zon][rp Ordinance Amendment No. 3
Section 150.1 of the Zoning Ordinance of the W. & S.D. NEWS a newspaper printed and
is hereby amended by adding a new final P Per
sentence, o that the section will read as published ever Wednesday follows:
P y y in the year in the Town of
450.1 Approval Required y
ostuco eraall ee issuedhdnrtuure ushlllbestablished, . Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the
,pther than one (1) one -family dwelling, ex-
`bspit In conformity with an approved she annexed NOTICE di
tNvelopmewas duly y published in the said
otlp they for such structure or use shall be
iwusd until aii,tbe requirements for such newspaper for .. Me .... weeks successively. a=*.
epP►pva1 and any conditions attached
thereto have been met. The continued
v of any certificate of occupancy shall in each week, commencing on the .1.'..'�rlti . day of No.
be s to continued conforms with
suchapprovedanssand hallbe ditub Ravi- 1986. and on the following dates thereafter, namely
alone of such pilaris shall be subj 0 the g ,
same approval procedure. Any
consiJiliklion of new structures or on
theroW or any change or modi of
use of prgrifty which adds to 0
a prevb,Wy approved she dev ..................... .
plan "require further site plan
farmed amended site
in appr a and ending on the ...IM..... day of.. •DN. • • -
the Plarming Board.
sZcotin Ordinance Amenmen
19. both days inclusive. _
Plan Approval," subdivision 450.81 Ills /
hereby amended by adding a no#,: r
sentence, so that the Section will read
follows: //
450.21 // i f
Eight (81 copies of an area m _ a, t�
scale convTMientfor Planning B so,,.
showing the applicant's entire pr si
well as all adjacent properties; exi stat
propose roads, railroads, stream,
of -way and easements in d di Subscribed and sworn to before rn
the sub. parcel; all unity f
and udlh'tt trunk line ire e r�,, r <
area; and all existing trcol z th15 ..'� F �]f:• , , . • day of...D•t. . 19.$� y..
special district bound as wi I
dred (500) feet of the licant a , , J (�
The Planning Board all have t
require submission of such
maps, at a scab to be determine Notary Public
Planning Board, as the Board m
necessary to, property eval e
Sa :n 2. This Ordinance will t F
upon adoption,poatingand publi tisa My commission expires. .
prMeribed by 7Town Law.
Seconded by: Coucilman Farina
Roil Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays (C
Bracone- Absent) RA.t_H.EL
I, ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, Town of NOTA RY c 1 rf i,.:1.,:, y „„I<<
the Town of Wappinger, do hereby' ity
that the foregoing Ordinance was duly QiJ.
adopted at la
Regular Meeting of the Town
Board of the Town of Wappinger held
December 15, 1986, at which time a
quorum was present and participated
throughout and that the same has not been
in any manner rescinded or annulled and
that the same is still in force and effect and
is duly entered in the minutes of said