Untitled....•oposed by
conded by
WHEREAS there has been forwarded to -c.ne Town Bord
'D'7n of Wappinger a proposed amendment to the zonin,7 ap
'-auary 29, 1963, which is to be amended,
TJEREFORE, be it resolved that a public —
d proposed zoning ordinance be held at the Town c
,wn of Wap?inger, at 8:00 P.M. on the
day of
, 1968, and be it further resolved
Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forwz,:,, a
J.-.)17 of the zoning ordinance amendment to the Town Clerk
•in of Poughkeepsie, the Town of Fishkill, the VillayeCr
of th;:, Village of Wappingers Falls, and the Dutchess Cur
hnn,ng Board, and to the Clerk of the Board of CounLy
?resentatives of the County of Dutchess;
AD BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerks
...thorized and directed to publish a public notice of sa:
hE,,arinc: in the -50-LITitErtlf–Et-frfettF,SS–MINS- at e S tt,
to said public hearing.
Supervisor Diehl
Councilman Clausen
Counc—lman Finnan
ouncilan Heady
CouncY,man Mills
January 29th, 19u3.
5atchess County, New York, in pursuance of authority conferred by
ele 16 of the Town Law of the State of New York, and also in
:since of Article 9 to the extent applicable, that the Town
of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance, adopted January 29, 1963, is hereby
amended as follows:
1 The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted January
25, 1963, is hereby amended by rezoning from G -B, R-20 an P.I.
to HB -1 (Highway Business District) the following described
parcel which description is taken from the tax map of the Town
of Wappinger:
BEGINNING at a point, said point being on the Town
of Wappinger, Village of Wappingers Falls line and
further described as the Northeast corner of Map 53,
Block 1, Lot 15, thence westerly along the town -village
line 370 + feet to a point, said point bein': the nort'a-
west corner of Map 53, Block 1, Lot 10, thence southerly
along the Town -Village line and along the westerly lines
of Lots 10, 9, and 6, Block 1, Map 53, 880 + feet to a
point on the westerly boundary of Lot 6, Block 1, Map 53,
thence leaving the Town -Village line but continuing
southerly along the westerly boundaries of Lots 6 & 2,
Block 1, Map 53, 280 + feet to a point, said point being
the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Map 53, thence
easterly along the southern boundary of Lots 2 & 3,
Block 1, Map 53, 610 + feet to a point, said point being
the southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Map 53, thence
southeasterly through Lot 1, Block 1, Map 53, and the
westerly line of Lot 30, Block 1, Map 53 145 + feet,
thence easterly along the northerly line of Lot 31, Block 1,
Map 53, 25 + feet, thence southerly along the westerly
lines of Lots 31 and Lot 32, Block 1, Map 53, 406 +
feet to the northerly side of Middle Bush Road. Thence
across Middle Bush Road 50 + feet to a point on the
northerly line of Lot 36, Biock 1, Map 57, thence along
the northerly line of said lot 180 + feet to a point,
said point being the northwsterly Corner of Lot 36,
1, Map 57, thence southerly along the westerly :ounda.::
of said lot, 730 + feet to a point on the northerly
Lot 40.2, Block 1 Map 57 thence westerly 310 + feet, thence
southerly along the westerly lines of Lots 40.2, 40.1, 43 &
44, Block 1, Map 57, 600 + feet, thence easterly along the
southerly line of Lot 44,Block 1, Map 57, 270 + feet,
thence southerly along the westerly line of Lot 46.1, Block
Map 57, 650 + feet to a point on the northerly side of
Cu:',' Road, thence across Curry Road 40 ± feet to th,- north-
er_v line of Lot 51, 3lock 1, :z•:TD 57, thence weszt-1-- hlong
„...e northern line of said lot 150 ± -oet, thence soulherly
aeOJ tae westerly line of said lot 170 feet to a nc,tnt'
on -.he northerly line of Lot 52, 3lock 17 "an 37, thOnco
veerly along the northerly line of said Lot 5, '00
thohce southerly along tho westerly lino o'
32, 3-.0 ± :cot to the northerly side of: ::o--;r,well Road,
oasterly along the northerly side of .lionewc:1
crolin,7 Old T._oute 9 anddiagonally across Now Route 9,
feet to a point on the southerly side of iionowell
road, said point beinc the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block
1, Y:ap 63, thence along the western side of said lot, 177
feet thence along the eastern side of Old Route 9, which
lino is the western line of Lot 12 & 48, Block 1, Man 60,
213 + :foet, thence westerly across Old Route 9, cont4n-
uing along the northern lino of Lot 4, Block 1, '4a.-)7, 200
:eet, thence southerly along the wohteriv and souther.7linos
of Lot 4 and the westerly and southerly lines of Lot 3,
Block.1, Map 72, 520 + feet to the westerly side of Old
Route 9. Thence southerly along the western side of Old
Route 9, 2150 + feet to a point thence easterly across Old
Route 9, 110 + feet to a point, said point being the south-
wost corner of Lot 36, Block 1, Map 60, thence in an
easterly direction along the soe',hern and eastern boundary
of Lot 36 and the southern boundary of Lot 37, Block 1,
M 60, the following distances, 500 + feet, 50 + feet
and 650 + feet to a point, said Point -being the -7o:,thwest cor-i
r.er of the Brook Hollow Estates Subdivision on file in the
Sutchess County Clerk's office as Man 43276, thence northerlv
along the western boundary of Brook Hollow Estates, 1635 +
feet to a point on the southeasterly line of Lot 46, Block
Map 60, thence along the southeasterly line of said Lot 46
and Lot 48, Block 1, Map 60, 325 + feet to a point, said
-Point being the northeast corner Of Lot 43, Block 1, 60,
tnenee along the northerly line of Lot 43, Block 1, Map 60,
725 + feet to a point, said point being the southeast corner
of Lot 1, Block 1, Map 60, thence northerly 300 + feet to
the southerly side of Hopewell Road, thence westerly along
tho southerly line of Lot 1, Block 1, Map 60, 143 + feet,
thence northerly across Hopewell Road along the easterly
boundary of Lot 22.1.2 Block 1, Map 58, 260 + feet to a
point, said point being the northeast corner of said
Lot thence westerly along the northern line of
Tot 21.1.2 and across New Route 9, 280 + feet to a point
on the easterly line of Lot 22.2, Block -1, Map 52, thence
northerly along the western boundary of New Route 9, 3310 +
foot to a point on the southerly side of Meyers Corner Road,
thence northerly across Meyers Corner Road and along
westerly boundary of Lot 23.1, Block 1, Map 53, 1050
feet to a point on the westerly side of New Route 0, and
said point being the northerly most corner of Lot 23.1,
Block 1, Map 53, thence northerly along the westerly side
o :;,d Route 9, 300 + feet to a p,Dint, slid point beinLj the
couthoriv corner of Lot 16.1, Block 1, Map 53, thence
northerly along the we3terlv line of said Lot 16.1,
f -et to the point or place of BEGINNING.
The Town of Wappir.ger Zoning Ordinance adopted January,
1563, is hereby further amended by rezoning from
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(highway business district) the foilowirig described paree
which description is taken from the tax map of the Town of
BEGINNING at a point, said point being the southeast
corner of Lot 22.1.1, Block 1, Map 58, and the norterly
line of Hopewell Road, thence westerly along the northern
side of Eonewell Road 200 + feet to a point, said Point
being the southeast corner of Lot 22.1.2, Block 1, Man
58, thence northerly along the easterly boundary of said Lot
22.1.2, 210 + feet to a point, said point being the
northeast corner of the said Lot 22.1.2, thence westerly
along the northern line of Lot 22.1.2 and across
Route 9, 230 + feet to a point on thc easterly line of
Lot 22.2, Block 1, Map 53, thence northerly along the
western boundary of New Route 9, 1490 + feet to a point,
said point being the easterly corner of Lot 30, Elcck 1,
:lap 58, thence southeasterly, across New Route 9, 970 +
feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner
of Lot 23.1, Block 1, Map 58, thence southerly along
the easterly line of Lot 23.1 and Lot 22.1.1, Block 1,
Map 53, 930 + feet to the point or place of beginning
The Town of Wappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted January 29,
'1()63, is hereby further amended by rezoning from GB and L3 to
- 2 (highway business district)the following described parcel
which description is taken from the tax map of the Town of
BEGINNING at a point, said point beinget the inter-
section of New Route 9, and said point being the northeast
corner of Lot 2, Block 2, Map 70. Thence southerly along
the western side of New Route 9, 599 + feet to a point,
said point being the northeast cornerof Lot 4, Block 2, Map
70, thence easterly across New Route 9 and along the northern
line of Lot 30, Block 1, Map 61, 490 + feet to a point, said
point being the northeast corner of said Lot 30, thence
southerly along the easterly line of Lots 30 and 29, :lock
1, 61, and across Smithtown Road 600 + feet to a point.
on the southern side of Smithtown Road, thence westerly
along the southern sid e of Smithtown Road, across New
loote 9, 310 + feet to a point on the western sie'e of ::ew
7:oute 9, saidpoint being the northeast corner of Lot 2,
Block 1, Map 68, _thence southerly along the western line of `:
Route 9, 590 + feet to a point, said point being the south-
east corner of Lot 4.1.2, 17,1ock 1, Map 68, thence westerly
-long the southern line of Lot 4.1.2 and. Lot 2, ]3-__oc'o 1,
68, 547 + feet to a point, said point beino the eouth-
eoly corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Map 68, thence not'oeriv
along the western lino of said Lot 2, and across 57,itntown
Road, 810 + feet thence westerly along the northern line of
Solithtown oad, 435 + feet to the easterly side of Osborn
Road, thence noitherly along the easterly se of Osoorn
Road, 1079 + feet to the point or place of beginning.
:':=TION 6.
To Town of ',qappinger Zoning Ordinance adopted January 29,
263, is hereby further amended by rezoning from R-40 and aD-20
rand GB to HB -2 (highway business district), the following described
parcel which description is taken from the tax map of the Town of
BEGINNING at a point, said point being on the eastern
side of New Route 9, and said point also being the north-
west corner of Lot 23, Block 2, Map 63, thence easterly
along the northern line of Lot 23, 238 + feet to a ncit,
said point being the northeast corner of said Lot 23,
thence southerly along the eastern side of said Lot 23, 75 +
feet to a point on the northern line of Lot 22, Block 1,
:.lan 68, thence easterly and southerly alona the no,-thern
and.eastern lines of said Lot 22, and the eastern line of
Lot 21, Block 2, Map 68, 700 + feet to a noint in the
northern line of Lot 13.1, Block 2, Map 68, thence westerly
along the southern line of Lot 21, 220 + feet to a point,
said point being tha northeast corner of Lot 12.2, Block 2,
ap 68, thence southerly along the eastern side of said Lot
18.2 and through the property of Lot 18.1, 730 + feet to
a point on the northern line of Lot 16, Block 2, Man 62,
thence easterly along the northern line of Lot 16, Sleek 2,
Map 68 180 + feet to a point on the westerly side o .Tones
Street, thence southerly along the western side of Jones
Street, across New Road and along the westerly line of Lot 2r
Block 3, Map 68, 650 + feet, to a point, said point bein7
the southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 3, Map 68, and thence
easterly along the southern lines of Lots 2, 3, and .., Block
3, Map 68, 592 + feet to a point on the northerly side of
Cooner Road, thence westerly along the northerly line of
Cooper Road and across Old Route 9, 610 + feet to a 7,oint
on the west side of Old Route 9, and said point being on
the eastern line of Lot 11.1, Block 1, Map 63, thence
southerly along the western side of Old Route 9, 1090,÷
feet to a point on the Town of Wappinaer, Town of 7isn7:7ill
Town Line, thence westerly along the Town line 720 + feet
to a point on the easterly side of New Route 9, thence
northerly along the eastern line of New Route 9, 4730
feet to the point or place of beginning.
The Town of Wappinger Zoning Orcinance adopted January
:1903, is hereby further amended by rezoning from GB and PI to
(optional dwelling residential district) , the following
scribed parcels,'' - , which said parce.Ls are
described by reference to Lot and Block numbers on the tax map
oZ the Town of Wappinger, reference to which is made for amore
:articular description:
Lot 2 Block 1 Map 60
Lot 3 Block 1 Map 60
Lot 4.1 Block 1 Map 68
Lot 4.2 Block 1 Map 68
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RESOLUTION of the Town Board
of the Town of Wappinger Amend-
ing the Zoning Ordinance of the
Town of Wappinger in Relation to
Changes in District Boundaries
Proposed by Councilman ) o ./, J
Seconded by Councilman
WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger has
proposed that the following amendment be i.,ade to the Zoning
Ordinance of the Town of ,; appincer, Dutchess County, Ldew York, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board on the Tri day of ^eb uary, 1963,
did introduce such zoning, amendment, and did refer this applica-
tion to the Planning Board of the Town of Wappinger and the County
of Dutchess for their consideration and recommendation, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of ,lappinger did
file its report and recommendations with the Town Board on the 7th
day of June, 1968, and
WIIEREAS, after due notice a public hearin.- was held by
the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger at the Town 11, :fill
Street, Wappingers Falls, York, at 8:•00 2. . on the 24th day
of June, 1968, at which all persons desirin: to be heard in favor
of said rezoning and also all those desiring to be heard in
opposition thereto were given an opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS, the Dutchess County Planning Board was on the
29th day of April, 1968, given Jtue notice of the change and said
Dutchess County Planning Board taereafter did on Jun:_ 4x.", file
with the Town Board of the ,J own of Wappinger its rem:
recomrlcnuations containing Therein opposition to said zoning
amendr;cnts , and,
WHEREAS, due notice was given to the Town Clerk of the
i.ing Towns, and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the
County of Dutchess, at least ten days prior to the pn_11ic ..eating,
WHEREAS, the Town 3oard of the Town of Wappinger takes
cognizance of the Dutchess County Planning Board report, but does
not agree with said recommendations by reason of the Town Board's
belief that the proposed zoning ordinance classifies/within the
Town of Wappinger as "Commercial" for the reason that the Town
needs additional assessed valuation and for the further reason
that Route 9 as reconstructed by the State of New York has adequate
traffic capacity to justify commercial zoning in certain areas
adjacent thereto,