1989-12-14 SPM1 1 2 TOWN BOARD : TOWN OF WAPPINGER COUNTY OF DUTCHESS : STATE OF NEW YORK 3 X 4 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING IN REFERENCE TO THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE TOWN 5 OF WAPPINGER ZONING ORDINANCE X 6 December 14, 1989 ROY C. KETCHAM HIGH SCHOOL 7 Wappingers, New York 8 TOWN BOARD 9 10 SUPERVISOR IRENE PAINO COUNCILWOMAN CONSTANCE SMITH 11 COUNCILMAN VINCENT FARINA COUNCILMAN ROBERT VALDATI 12 COUNCILMAN DAVID REIS 13 _ ALSO PRESENT: 14 RAYMOND ARNOLD, AICP 15 Consulting Town Planner 16 HERBERT J.LEVENSON 17 Zoning Administrator 18 ELAINE SNOWDEN 19 Town Clerk 20 GLADYS RUIT Deputy Town Clerk 21 22 Robin E. DiMichele Senior Court Reporter 23 State of New York 24 25 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 2 2 THE COURT: I'd like to call the special Town 3 Board meeting to order. 4 THE CLERK: Mr. Farina? 5 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Here. 6 THE CLERK: Mr. Reis? 7 COUNCILMAN REIS: Here. 8 THE CLERK: Mrs. Smith? 9 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Here. 10 THE CLERK: Mr. Valdati? 11 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Here. 12 THE CLERK: Mrs. Paino? 13 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Here. 14 THE CLERK: All present. 15 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Thank you, Elaine. Please 16 stand and join the Town Board and myself in the 17 pledge of allegiance as we do at our regular Town 18 Board meetings. 19 (Whereupon the pledge allegiance was recited) 20 and a moment of silence observed) 21 SUPERVISOR PAINO: As we mentioned during the 22 public hearing we have received correspondence back 23 from the Dutchess County Department of Planning, 24 and they had eight recommendations regarding the 25 proposed zoning revisions. We held a workshop 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 3 2 meeting on Tuesday evening to formulate our 3 response to the County. I would like to go through 4 each one of those items and I would ask that you 5 please listen attentively, and that the Town Board 6 each has a copy of this, and that we vote on 7 adopting these responses. 8 The first response has to do with the comment 9 from the County. It says replacement -- They want 10 replacement of significant areas of commercial 11 zoning or zones pertaining to commercial uses with 12 zones that are in conformance with the policies of 13 the Town Plan and County Planning policy. And the 14 response of the Town Board put together was that 15 the Town Board in conjunction with the Growth 16 Management Committee has reviewed the bulk and use 17 regulation of both the HB -1 and he HB district. 18 This question has also be the subject of extensive 19 staff review and discussions and extensive input at 20 both prior public hearings. It is the considered 21 opinion of this Board that the current zoning plan 22 under discussion allows in some retail uses while 23 removing automotive uses in the HB -1 zone, 24 principally vacant lands to better serve the needs 25 of the Town while complying with the goals outlined 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 4 2 in the plan. I'd like to introduce a motion 3 accepting this response. Do I have a second? 4 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 5 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor. 6 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 7 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 8 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 9 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 10 SUPERVISOR PAINO: The second item is the, 11 calling for the elimination of those areas of 12 highway business zoning along the west side of 13 Route 9 that effect the Greenfly Swamp, and the 14 response that we put together was that the areas of 15 highway business zoning along the west side of 16 Route 9 shown in the proposed zoning map were 17 pre-existing prior to the Town Board and Growth 18 Management review of the Town Master Plan and 19 zoning ordinance. These areas have not been 20 altered by the proposed zoning ordinance. 21 Furthermore, the Town Board has protected the 22 Greenfly wetland by designating it as a critical 23 environmental areas. I entertain a motion to 24 accept this response. 25 MR. REIS: So moved. 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 5 2 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 3 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 4 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 5 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 6 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 7 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Item number three, the 8 County stated that they wanted to see a significant 9 reduction in the length of the general business 10 zone on the south side of New Hackensack Road near 11 its intersection with All Angels Hill Road, and the 12 response of the, Town that the Town Board put 13 together was this; with regard to the length of the 14 general business zone on the south side of New 15 Hackensack Road near its intersection with All 16 Angels Hill Road, the Town Board agrees that the 17 zoning should remain as reflected on the proposed 18 zoning map, this since this location abuts the 19 Dutchess County Airport, it is an appropriate area 20 to serve some of the needs of our high density 21 population. In addition, a number of businesses 22 are already in existence along the length of this 23 general business zone. I'd entertain a motion to 24 accept this recommendation. 25 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: So moved. 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 6 2 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Second? 3 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Second. 4 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 5 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 6 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 7 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 8 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 9 SUPERVISOR PAINO: The fourth item is calling 10 for the elimination of all Hamlet business zones 11 east of Route 82, and within the floodplain of the 12 Sprout Creek in the Hamlet of Schwartoutville. The 13 response that the Town Board put together was that 14 the Town Board in conjunction with the Growth 15 Management Committee reviewed the proposed mapping 16 of the proposed hamlet district along Route 82. A 17 review of the existing uses leads the Board to 18 conclude that extending the hamlet district to both 19 sides of Route 82 will, in effect, allow for more 20 control of the area between the road and the creek. 21 Furthermore, Section 460 of the Town ordinance 22 specifically protects floodplain areas. I'd 23 entertain a motion to accept this response. 24 MR. REIS: So moved. 25 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Do I have a second? 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 7 2 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: I'll second. 3 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 4 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 5 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 6 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 7 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 8 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Item number five calls for 9 the removal of highway business uses such as 10 automobile dealerships in the neighborhood business 11 district, and the Town Board responded in this 12 manner. The Town Board agrees to remove the 13 automobile dealership uses from the neighborhood 14 business district. I'd entertain a motion to 15 accept this response. 16 COUNCILMAN REIS: So moved. 17 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Do I have a second? 18 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: I'll second. 19 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 20 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 21 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 22 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 23 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 24 SUPERVISOR PAINO: The sixth item the County 25 called for is creation of a district for high 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 8 2 density housing, for example six to ten units per 3 acre or a creation of affordable housing floating 4 zone, or amendment of the PUD to allow at least a 5 20 percent density bonus for the provision of 6 affordable housing. The Town Board formulated this 7 response. That is, that the Town Board, in 8 conjunction with the Growth Management Committee, 9 reviewed the question of affordable housing, the 10 thrust of the proposed zoning changes and the 11 comments and suggestions from the County. It was 12 concluded by the Board that the inclusion of either 13 an affordable housing floating zone or the use of 14 density bonuses was not compatible to the remainder 15 of the zoning plan inasmuch as that provision 16 already exists to allow for such increases. See 17 Section 442 and/or Section 425 if the need arises. 18 The Town Board also concludes that a density of 19 from six to ten units per acre is incompatible with 20 the existing suburban densities throughout the 21 Town. The Town Board has, however, requested that 22 the Planning Board indicate the areas of the Town 23 wherein the existing multi -family districts are 24 MF -3, RMF -5 so it may properly be mapped in 25 accordance with the parameters that are normally 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 9 2 required for such higher densities. It is 3 anticipated that such area will be included on a 4 supplement to the land use plan. I'd entertain a 5 motion to accept this recommendation. 6 COUNCILMAN REIS: So moved. 7 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Do I have a second? 8 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: I'll second. 9 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 10 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 11 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 12 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 13 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 14 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Item number seven. It 15 calls for the relaxation of standards for 16 conversions of existing dwellings. The Town Board 17 formulated this response. The Town Board rejects 18 this question outright, this suggestions outright, 19 I'm sorry. The purpose of the conversion is to 20 allow the use of older residential structures, 21 pre-existing before zoning to be converted to a use 22 more in tune with modern society. I'd entertain a 23 motion to accept this response. 24 COUNCILMAN REIS: So moved. 25 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Do I have a second? 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 10 2 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Second. 3 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 4 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 5 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. 6 7 8 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. THE COURT: The eighth item calls for 9 inclusion of the PUD or use of other performance 10 zoning techniques on the Myers Corners site 11 designated in the Comprehensive Plan as mixed 12 office retail. The site is located on the north 13 side of Myers Corners Road west of its intersection 14 with All Angels Hill Road. The Town Board's 15 response is as follows. The Town Board has agreed 16 to maintain the PUD district in our land use plan, 17 however, since the current division and ownership 18 of the parcels referred to on Myers Corners Road do 19 not lend itself to the criteria for the PUD zone, 20 we decided not to depict it under the proposed 21 zoning map. I entertain a motion to accept this 22 recommendation. 23 COUNCILMAN REIS: So moved. 24 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Do I have a second? 25 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. I'll second it. 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 11 2 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 3 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 4 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Nay. 5 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 6 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Nay. 7 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All right. We had two nay 8 votes. I would like to ask if you care to explain 9 your nay votes since this is something that was put 10 together during our workshop meeting the other 11 evening? 12 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Yes. I didn't agree 13 with it at the meeting I don't agree with it now. 14 SUPERVISOR PAINO: What do you feel it should 15 be, Connie? You feel it should be on the map? 16 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Yes. 17 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Well, do you care to 18 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: I don't think I have to 19 answer anything further. I said yes, I would like 20 to see it on the map and my vote is nay. 21 SUPERVISOR PAINO: If you feel that strongly 22 that you feel it should be shown on the map then I 23 would like to change my vote and say aye, that I 24 would like to -- rather I would like to change my 25 vote from before and vote nay. Does anybody else 2 4 5 6 7 -Special Town Board Meeting - care to change their vote? COUNCILMAN REIS: Nay. COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Nay COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Nay. COUNCILMAN FARINA: Five nays. SUPERVISOR PAINO: Moving on. I would like 8 to introduce a motion accepting a negative 9 declaration regarding the proposed changes to the 10 zoning ordinance. Do I have a second? 11 COUNCILMAN REIS: I'll second. 12 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Al]. in favor. 13 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Nay. 14 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Nay. 15 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 16 COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. 17 SUPERVISOR PAINO: I third item I would like 18 to introduce is a motion adopting the amendments to 19 the proposed zoning ordinance with the following 20 clarification. That has to do with parcels along 21 Route 9, and I will site the taxpayer grid numbers. 22 These are parcels that already have businesses on 23 them. As we indicated at our last public hearing 24 we were in favor of maintaining the current zoning 25 on these parcels. Taxpayer grid number 12 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 13 2 6157-04-618490. That is to be HB -2. 3 6157-04-64847, which was R-40 and still is, to 4 5 6 7 9 maintain that. 6157-4-623465, maintain that as HB -2. 6157-04-630435 to maintain that as the HB -2. And 6157-04-603472 to maintain HB -2. 6157-04-604495 to maintain HB -2. 6157-04-633413 to maintain the HB -2. 6157-04-638394 to maintain the HB -2. 6157-04-649394 to maintain the HB -2. 10 6157-04-614382 to maintain HB -2. 6157-04-614375 to 11 maintain the HB -2. 6157-04-649335 HB -2. 6157-04-6 12 17311 HB -2. 6157-04-621197 HB -2. 6157-04-632285, 13 HB -2. 6157-04-627257 HB -2. 6157-0-4639251 HB -2. 14 6157-04-626239, I'm sorry, 36, let me reread that. 15 6157-046636239, HB -2. The reason I read off the 16 taxpayer grid numbers is because the last time you 17 wanted some things changed, apparently some of them 18 weren't, and those are basically the properties 19 that we're talking about along Route 9. So, with 20 that clarification, I move to adopt the proposed 21 zoning ordinances as depicted on the map and as we 22 have as a matter of this evenings minutes. 23 COUNCILMAN REIS: I'll second it. 24 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 25 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Could you read that 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 14 2 resolution again? 3 SUPERVISOR PAINO: I move to adopt the zoning 4 ordinance amendments with those clarifications. I 5 have a second. All in favor? 6 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 7 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Nay. 8 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Only the amendments? 9 SUPERVISOR PAINO: No. 10 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Nay. 11 SUPERVISOR PAINO: The zoning ordinance 12 amendments and the zoning amendment. 13 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Nay. 14 COUNCILMAN REIS: Three ayes, two nays. 15 THE CLERK: Three to two. Motion failed. 16 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: I would like to explain 17 my vote at this time. This Town is charged with 18 the responsibility of representing our residents in 19 all facets of life in this community. This is a 20 major undertaking and we are mandated by law, by 21 state law, SEQRA, the State Environmental Quality 22 Review Act adopted in 1987 to follow procedures as 23 outlined. According to sections in SEQRA, this 24 action of adopting a change in zoning affecting 25 25 or more acres, it's mandated by SEQRA, it's been 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 15 2 handled as a Type 1 action. A Type 1 action, 3 again, is mandated that it must produce an 4 environmental assessment form. These procedures 5 were not followed. We did have something produced 6 which was called an environmental impact review. A 7 great deal of this was not really handled as SEQRA 8 has mandated. Again this is a legal question, if 9 the Town does not follow procedure legally from the 10 outset, regardless of how wonderful zoning laws 11 would be for the community, it must be done 12 legally. If not so, the Town, the Town Board would 13 open ourselves for tremendous lawsuits and the 14 claimants, against us as defendants, the Town, 15 would have every right to claim damages as being 16 confiscatory because the procedure as mandated by 17 law was not followed. 18 Now, this Town Board and any future Town 19 Board should follow procedures exactly as 20 professionals would be expected to do. This is a 21 trust that I have garnered from not just my 22 constituents, but people in the Town at large. 23 would think anyone would expect that, that level of 24 professionalism, and also to protect the Town 25 residents interests in terms of financial hardship 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 16 2 due to unnecessary lawsuits. So, again, I voted no 3 basically on a procedural fault here, unfortunately 4 we did not have the proper direction to follow 5 through on this SEQRA process as was necessary and 6 is legally binding upon us. I would imagine this 7 can be corrected by going forward with a lead 8 agency status, declaring an EAF to be filled out in 9 its long form since that is the law, and at that 10 point in time produce a favorable vantage point 11 where we can effectively make a wise decision and 12 also a legal decision. Thank you. 13 SUPERVISOR PAINO: As far as the legality of 14 our following SEQRA, we have had discussions on 15 this on numerous occasions with our attorney to the 16 Town, Tom Wood, and he has recommended to us 17 that -- 18 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Where is Tom Wood this 19 evening? 20 SUPERVISOR PAINO: He has a fever 21 unfortunately. 22 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: How about his partner? 23 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Pardon me, let me finish. 24 His partner is in New York City so he was unable. 25 Let me just point out to our residents that 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 17 2 we have had ongoing discussions with our Town 3 Attorney. What we have done was perfectly fine, 4 and as a matter of fact, the negative dec itself 5 says the reason for supporting a negative dec is 6 such. First of all, most of the changes would 7 decrease density, thus lessening the impact on the 8 environment. Number two, the conservation office 9 parks are established which would lessen the use of 10 most vacant properties. Number three, larger 11 square footage requirement for retail 12 establishments would reduce the impact of cars, 13 etcetera. Number four, overall consideration has 14 been given to the Town central water and sewer 15 projects and these have been reflected within the 16 zoning districts. 17 As you probably noted after our vote of three 18 to two, the Town Clerk stated that the motion 19 failed. The reason for that is because the 20 Dutchess County Planning Department said that we 21 must make certain changes. I object to that. I 22 feel that first of all, to have a law such as that 23 on the books is doing everything you can possibly 24 do against democracy. 25 SPECTATOR: That's the state law, Mrs. Paino. 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 18 2 SUPERVISOR PAINO: I understand that. I feel 3 that what it really does is allow the minority on 4 the Board to rule rather than the majority. 5 MR. ROSENBERG: How do you feel about paying 6 real estate taxes? 7 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Excuse me. At this time I 8 would like to move that the Attorney to the Town be 9 authorized to file an Article 78 procedure to 10 challenge the Dutchess County Department of 11 Planning and challenge their recommendations with 12 respect to the proposed zoning ordinance based on 13 the fact that the Dutchess County Planning 14 Department was retained by the Town of Wappinger 15 and worked with the Growth Management Committee on 16 the revisions since Spring of 1986. This presents 17 a conflict in that the same department that 18 provided professional assistance to the Town is now' 19 called upon to review and make recommendations with 20 respect to the same ordinance which they were 21 involved in preparing. I also feel that the 22 general municipal requirement that acting contrary 23 to the County recommendations requires a supervote 24 is inappropriate and an abrogation of home rule. 25 I'd like to put that in the form of a motion. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -Special Town Board Meeting - COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. Second. SUPERVISOR PAINO: Al]. in favor? COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Nay. COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Nay. COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye. COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. COUNCILMAN VALDATI: First of all, I would 19 like to explain my vote. If there is some question of impropriety at having Dutchess County planners work on the Town Growth Management Committee which was the purview of the Supervisor, I would hesitate to question her motivation to having it in the first place when she's full aware that they themselves were giving opinion as to any zoning the Town would be prepared to enact. It would seem that on face value that it would be a conflict of interest then as it would appear to the Supervisor at this time. That seems to be irresponsible to call the shot at this point rather than the shots ' 21 you should have had in the first place. 22 Secondly, if this is to be something 23 challenged which could have impact not only in our 24 community but very many others, I feel also that 25 this should be something that should be discussed 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 20 2 with whomever the Town Attorney will be come 3 January 1st, as determined by the Board that will 4 be in power at that time, and the members that have 5 been elected on November 7th by the community. 6 Those are the people who should assess, they have 7 the charge from the Town, those are the people, not 8 the waning hours of administration to take on, 9 which I would imagine would be precedent setting 10 type of litigation. That should be done by the 11 charge placed by the people of the community in 12 power at this time. 13 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Excuse me. I would like 14 to just -- 15 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Councilman Reis had to say 16 something first. 17 COUNCILMAN REIS: I would like to expound on 18 Mr. Valdati's points of view. Mr. Valdati has been 19 on the Town Board for a number of years. I think 20 we all are aware of that. He has been involved in 21 this procedure for over three years now. He's 22 quite aware of the new administration going out and 23 trying to pass some type of ordinance. This has 24 been going out for more than four years. It's been 25 going on back in the old Board, and the Supervisor 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 21 2 did not appoint the Dutchess County Planning 3 Department to help us, that was something that came 4 from this Town Board and I believe a lot of people 5 were involved, the Growth Management Committee, the 6 Planning Board, so that's an erroneous statement 7 right there. This piece of literature that you see 8 in front of us, the land use map and the zoning 9 map, Mr. Vaidati has been working on this for three 10 years. 11 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Excuse me. I wasn't a 12 member of the Growth Management Committee. I was 13 not part of that until such times as it was already 14 put in front of us on the table as was the Zoning 15 Board. 16 COUNCILMAN REIS: I think that was more than 17 a year ago. I think these concerns you brought up 18 this evening -- 19 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: I didn't bring these 20 concerns. The Supervisor has now moved to file 21 litigation which -- 22 SUPERVISOR PAINO: You're speaking out of 23 turn. 24 COUNCILMAN REIS: I have heard different 25 stories about an E.I.S. being done and so forth. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -Special Town Board Meeting - think we have the Growth Management Committee, members of that committee are here along with the Town Board. It's the first time I heard them mention it. COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Read the law. COUNCILMAN REIS: So at the eleventh hour it is -- I would just like to say that I support this plan and you as residents, you have the Planning Board members, Growth Management Committee, basically immensely this, and ordinance they are people that have in putting this together, it's not an eleventh hour helped and I support zoning trying to be put through in this 22 administration. This administration has accomplished a lot and I'm very proud to be part. COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: I don't think we need to continue reason I physical the cat fight. I'd just like to say the voted nay was that I'm concerned about the impact that this will have on the Town. We do not know that, and we are about to embark on a mandated waste water facility treatment, and I think that before we go in to something we should know how much it's going to cost the residents so that they're aware and we're aware what's 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 23 2 happening, and we do need to have that kind of a 3 study and I feel strongly that we need to know how 4 it's going to impact. 5 SPECTATOR: How long is that study going to 6 take?. 7 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Basically along those 8 lines we do have correspondence dated November 2, 9 1989 from our Town Assessor indicating that he does 10 not feel that there will be a tax impact as a 11 result of the proposed ordinance. 12 COUNCILMAN VALDATI: I move we close the 13 special meeting. 14 SUPERVISOR PAINO: Excuse me. Just to 15 clarify, we had a motion on the floor for an 16 Article 78, and it carried successfully with three 17 votes. 18 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: How much does that cost 19 the Town? 20 SUPERVISOR PAINO: I move to close the Town 21 Board meeting. 22 COUNCILMAN REIS: So moved. 23 SUPERVISOR PAINO: All in favor? 24 COUNCILMAN FARINA: Aye. 25 COUNCILWOMAN SMITH: Aye. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -Special Town Board Meeting - COUNCILMAN REIS: Aye, COUNCILMAN VALDATI: Aye. SUPERVISOR PAINO: I'd like to thank everybody who took the time to come out this evening, especially our residents. (Whereupon the special meeting was concluded at 9:35 p.m.) 24 1 -Special Town Board Meeting- 25 2 3 4 C -E -R -T -I -F -I -C -A -T -I -O -N 5 6 7 8 9 CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE AND ACCURATE RECORD OF THE WITHIN PROCEEDINGS AS TAKEN AND TRANSCRIBED BY ME. 10 11 1 ; i 12 ?c1-6-e~-�-- �- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Robin E. DiMichele Senior Court Reporter iltCEIVEL JAN z 1990 ?LAINE H. S.NOWDEP Town Clerk