2009-06-01 PHTown of Wappinger
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Public Hearing
Agenda -y
Chris Masterson
Monday, June 1, 2009 6:30 PM Town Hall
6:30 PM Meeting called to order on June 1, 2009 at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Rd, Wappingers
Falls, NY.
I. Call to Order
II. Minutes Approval
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
III. Public Portion
IV. Public Hearings
Draft Comprehensive Plan and Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact
Statement. (SDGEIS) in Connection with Town Comprehensive Plan and Associated
Zoning Amendments
V. Resolutions
2009-204. Resolution Authorizing the Replacement of a Seasonal Park Custodian
Employee in the Town of Wappinger
VI. Adjournment
Town of Wappinger
Page I
Printed .)12612005
Town of Wappinger
Public Hearing
20 Middlebush Road
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Chris Masterson
Monday, June 1, 2009 6:30 PM Town Hall
I. Call to Order
Councilman William Beale called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.
Attendee Name
Status Arrived
Christopher Colsey
Town of Wappinger
William Beale
Town of Wappinger
Vincent Bettina
Town of Wappinger
Maureen McCarthy
Town of Wappinger
Joseph Paoloni
Town of Wappinger
Robert Gray
Town of Wappinger
Engineer to the Town
Al Roberts
Town of Wappinger
David Stolman
Town of Wappinger
Town Planner
II. Public Hearings
Motion To: open the Public Hearing
MOVER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Joseph Paoloni, Councilman
AYES: William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
ABSENT: Christopher Colsey
Motion To: adjourn the Public Hearing and move it to the Wappingers Junior High School
MOVER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
AYES: William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
ABSENT: Christopher Colsey
Motion To: reconvene the Public Hearing
MOVER: Maureen McCarthy, Councilwoman
SECONDER: Vincent Bettina, Councilman
AYES: William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
ABSENT: Christopher Colsey
Draft Comprehensive Plan and Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact
Statement (SDGEIS) in Connection with Town Comprehensive Plan and Associated
Zoning Amendments
Councilwoman McCarthy made a motion to open the Public Hearing. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Paoloni and passed unanimously. The Deputy Town Clerk, Christine
Fulton, offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication, duly signed and
notarized (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made a part thereof the Minutes of the Public
Hearing). Councilwoman McCarthy made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Bettina. The Public Hearing was moving across the street to the Wappingers Junior
High School to reconvene.
Town of Wappinger Page l Printed 611912009
Public Hearing Minutes June 1, 2009
Councilwoman McCarthy made a motion to reconvene the Public Hearing. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Bettina. Councilman Beale thanked everyone for coining and
taking a proactive approach in the Town. He then gave a brief history of the Comprehensive
Plan process to this point. David Stolman was present to give a presentation on some of the
potential zoning changes.
Councilman Bettina requested that residents that want to speak come up to the podium
and write their name and address for the record. Town Planner, David Stolman, gave an
explanation of what zoning is and began his PowerPoint presentation on the Supplemental Draft
Generic Environmental Impact Statement and the Draft Comprehensive Plan.
Councilman Bettina explained that the Plan isn't cast in stone. The Board still has to
deliberate and make a decision as to whether they are going to follow this. He noted that he
hasn't said yet whether he is going to vote for it. He went on to say that he is present to listen to Now
the people that he represents. He feels that each councilperson has unique needs from their
constituents that have to be addressed.
Councilwoman McCarthy outlined the area of her Ward. She stated that, in her Ward, the
main topic is the Cranberry property. She stated that the potential zoning change isn't
necessarily a bad thing. She wants as many people as possible to participate in this discussion
before finalizing the Plan.
Councilman Paoloni explained that the two most important things the board does is
zoning and control spending. In zoning, the Town Board detennines what they want the town to
look like. He also represents part of the proposed Cranberry development. The Councilman
explained the purpose of sending the cards out in the mail.
Councilman Beale represents the first Ward. He discussed the areas of the Town that
were especially important to take a look at. He also explained the purpose of sending out the
post cards. He then opened the floor to the public.
The first resident to speak was Greg Garofalo. He asked if the Plan provides for any
cluster development and if it has ever come up in the process. Mr. Stolman confirmed that the
Town has had cluster zoning built in. There are three types of cluster zoning. Mr. Garofalo
asked what provisions have been taken to preserve farmland. Mr. Stolman answered that the
plan does recommend that farmland be preserved through conservation easements, sale of
development rights and so on. There is nothing in the plan about tax abatement or bonding to
acquire open space. Mr. Garofalo then discussed an area that was about 1500 acres being up -
zoned from 2 acre zoning to 3 acre zoning. He asked what the average sizes of those lots were.
Mr. Stolman answered that they were generally well over 3 acres. Mr. Garofalo asked how
many of the properties were larger than 100 acres. Mr. Stolman did not know.
Next to speak was Maureen Cassidy. She asked how the properties that are being used
incorrectly now got to that point and what is in place to prevent people from circumventing the
system. Mr. Stolman explained that there are non -conforming uses and non -conforming density.
They would have to go back to each individual situation to find out the specific reason that the
mismatch occurred. The Town Attorney, Al Roberts, added that certain properties predate
zoning. The resident then asked how increased housing will impact the overcrowding of the
schools. Councilwoman McCarthy explained that the school districts track the influx and the
outflow of students. They have computer programs that will predict the number of students that
will inhabit houses that are built. The impact for Wappinger, from a building standpoint, has
been minimal. The surges have been in Fishkill and Hopewell. She went on to explain the
dialogue that takes place between the school district and the Town. Ms. Cassidy asked the Board
to explain what a town center is, who pays for thein and what effect they have on taxes. Mr.
Stolman explained that the Town already has centers. The Plan calls to have more development
around the existing centers. The Plan doesn't call for new centers. Councilman Beale used
Swartoutville, New Hackensack and Hughsonville as examples of town centers. Discussion
Next to speak was Ray Wagenhorst. His concern was the old Fairchild property and what
the plan for that area was. Councilman Beale stated that New Hackensack Fire Company owns
that property. Mr. Stolman explained the current zoning for that property and the proposed
zoning. Discussion followed.
Sandy Goldberg was next resident to speak. She noted that she only came to listen. She
has great concern about the parcel across from the airport that is proposed to have an increase in
density. She wanted to know if the airport was made aware of the changes and what the time-
frame for the public comment period is. Mr. Stolman explained that it is a tiny piece of property,
7/10 of an acre, which Ms. Goldberg is referring to. The parcel is a "doughnut hole" in the zone.
The change would be completing the zone. It would also be changed to have less development
and less intense development. Ms. Goldberg again commented that the Planner stated in his
presentation that there would be a piece that would be higher in density. Mr. Stolman replied
that 40 acres would be changed from GB (General Business) to HM (Hamlet Mixed); a softening
of that area with much less intensity. Ms. Goldberg again commented that any additional
loom of Wappinger Page 2 Printed 6/19/2009
Public Hearing Minutes June 1, 2009
development in that area would be a great mistake and she highly recommends that the Planner
and the Town Board consult with the Director of Operations at the airport. Mr. Stolman, at the
request of Councilman Beale, then discussed the time -line of the comment period and FGEIS.
Thomas Martinez was the next to speak. He was concerned about the reduction in
density for Cranberry and how much more acreage this would be per house. Mr. Stolman
explained that the area is currently shown in the proposed plan to be zoned 2 acre. The property
is currently zoned R-20, which is 20,000 square feet per lot, or roughly half an acre. The
resident then asked about a rumor of a race track. The rumor was put to rest.
The next resident to speak was Ray Alexander. He is opposed to the zone changes that
are proposed for the area of New Hackensack and All Angels Hill Road. He noted that there is
no Town water or sewer service in that area. There is also a shortage of available space for the
w.. storage of trucks and machinery.
Sean McEnaney spoke next. He asked how some of the prior developers' short -
sidedness, as far as stormwater runoff and poor soil quality, were going to be addressed. Mr.
Stolman noted that there is a whole new chapter of the Town Code dedicated to stormwater
management. The DEC has been changing the regulations and the Town Code has been
amended to address the changes. He feels that the Town is covered very well going forward.
Mr. McEnaney asked if there were any plans to address existing problems. Someone replied
"no". Mr. McEnaney then asked if there were plans to address the Route 9 bottleneck. Mr.
Stolman explained that the purpose of the plan and how it addresses specific traffic
improvements on Route 9. Councilman Beale stressed how important the traffic issue is and
how the Board is taking a progressive stance on the issue. He then asked Councilman Paoloni to
address the stormwater issue on Quarry Drive. Councilman Paoloni discussed his opinion that
the zoning for Cranberry should be 5 acre zoning and asked for the resident's support. He also
noted that the specific area on Route 9 that the resident spoke about is a Village property.
Discussion followed.
John Foster spoke next. He asked to comment on the Fairchild property. He noted that
lie lives south of that property and asked what happened to the contaminants that were up there.
Mr. Stolman discussed the property, noting all of the "brownfield" developments that have taken
place in the last decade or so. The resident asked about the house that was built on the
contaminated apple orchard. He wanted to know what happened to those contaminants. Mr.
Stolman, Mr. Roberts, and Councilman Paoloni did not know the specific parcel that the resident
was referring to. Discussion followed.
Next to speak was Bernard Calabro. He is directly impacted by the mobile home
restructuring in the Plan. Mr. Stolman explained that the area of each mobile home park was
measured and the number of trailers counted. They made sure that the zoning that would be
applied would match, so that there would be no potential for new mobile homes. The ones that
the resident mentioned were put in over the last couple of years. Mr. Stolman is not familiar
with that situation, but he could talk to the Department of Code Enforcement to find out more.
Discussion followed. Mr. Roberts noted that the Town is just trying to bring the zoning into
confonnance with the actual use at the site. The existing mobile homes could be replaced, but if
they are going to be relocated, the applicant would have to come before the Planning Board for
approval. The resident then asked for explanations of certain zone designations. Mr. Stolman
explained various zoning types. Discussion followed.
Steve Kilpert spoke next. Mr. Kilpert asked how he could get the Town officials to
enforce the present stipulations. He has a case that is 5 days short of four years old where his
neighbor has violated a Town regulation and it has yet to be enforced. He has plenty of
documentation of dialogue with the former Town Board, but was never allowed to speak to them
and wants to know why. Councilman Beale will contact the resident outside of this Meeting. He
also noted that there is a fine line between Town enforcement and civil litigation. Mr. Beale and
the resident explained the issue that the resident is referring to.
Next to speak was Marilynn Shultz. She was concerned about the traffic on Route 9 in
the New Hackensack area. She asked if the Town would solve the problem before approving
more building on Widmer Road. Councilman Paoloni agreed with the resident. Councilwoman
r.. McCarthy would like to see consensus on traffic before approving and building. She noted that
the Town does not have complete control over the situation. The resident then asked what kind
of building could go on the Fairchild site. Mr. Stolman answered that it would depend on the
level of contamination. The site would have to be cleaned up before there could be any
development there. With respect to the Cranberry property, there was a conditional approval that
ended in 2006. Specific traffic improvements were associated with that approval at the time. He
also recommended reading the transportation chapter and looking at figure 6-3 of the
Comprehensive Plan. Councilman Beale recommended that residents concerned with the
Fairchild property reach out to the New Hackensack Fire District.
Sandra Towsky spoke next. She was concerned about flooding in front of Montclair
Townhouses. She can't get into the complex when it floods. Councilman Beale noted that he is
Town of Wappinger Page 3 rronea oit ylzuw
Public Hearing Minutes June 1, 2009
aware of the problem. He went on to say that there is a pipe that runs under 9D, just north of the
Stewart's Shop, which gets blocked. Councilman Bettina and the State Department of
Transportation are aware of the issue as well. It is the State's responsibility to maintain the pipe.
The problem is corrected now, but it needs to be maintained. The Department of Code
Enforcement is keeping an eye on the runoff created by the new houses. Councilman Beale also
noted that the Montclair Townhouse development is a private entity. He quickly touched on the
possible opportunity to connect Montclair to the municipal water source.
Scott Bove spoke next. He asked for clarification about the status of the Cranberry plan.
Mr. Stolman fielded the questions. Discussion followed. Councilman Paoloni noted that the
plan has been pulled; it is dead. In the past, the Town couldn't rezone the property out from
under the applicant. Now they can and need to come to consensus on what is appropriate. He
supports 5 acre zoning and needs agreement on it. He recommended that the resident come out
and show support. Councilwoman McCarthy added that she has not been an advocate of density
in that area for a variety of reasons. She echoed Councilman Paoloni's comments about the need
for consensus.
Maureen Cassidy spoke next. She first commented on something that Councilman Beale
had previously said about a zoning issue being a neighborly dispute. Councilman Beale clarified
that he was referring to a specific situation. The resident then referred to the comments that
Councilman Beale made about the Montclair flooding, and how the Town is keeping an eye on
it. She asked if there were rules and laws in place and, if so, why they are not being enforced.
She asked, if they can't enforce the rules now, how they plan on enforcing rules on all of this
new building and proposed building. She gave an example of flooding on her property. She
can't afford a lawyer to fight the neighbors or the Town. That, she feels, is why they have a
Town Board. She wants to know why the rules are not being enforced and asked how they plan
on controlling as they continue to build. Mr. Roberts explained that enforcement continues in
the Town of Wappinger. There are numerous cases that are brought to court and have fines
levied. There are certain situations that, because of lack of evidence, lack of proof or inability to
get the witnesses to come to court, take a bit longer. The Town Justice Courts can only impose
fines, but that does not necessarily cure a zoning violation. To get someone to cease violating
the Town's zoning code, they would need to obtain an injunction from New York State Supreme
Court. The situation that Mr. Kilpert is referring to was a little bit different than most of the
zoning violations that are routinely processed. Mr. Kilpert is correct and this is the first time that
Mr. Roberts has seen him speak at a Town Board Meeting.
Councilman Beale mentioned the need for a written comment period. The Board agreed .r
that 20 days would be a sufficient period. Discussion followed. Councilman Bettina also noted
the possibility of sending out postcards again. Discussion followed.
At the request of an unidentified resident, Councilman Beale discussed plans for the
Peggy Lane, Fowlerhouse Road, South Fowlerhouse Road and Card Road area. Mr. Stolman
also discussed the plan for the Cantor property in that area as well.
Chris Simonetty spoke next. He noted that the Board is constantly talking about traffic
and it is a big issue. Practically speaking, there is not much that can be done. Councilman Beale
added that they have been working with the State and County to make the Town's concerns
known. He also mentioned stimulus money that will be coming into Wappinger. The resident
also recommended that the Town give serious consideration to buying the whole Cranberry site.
He expanded on his reasons for the recommendation. He was disappointed when the Town
bought Carnwath, knowing that the cost to maintain the property would be unbelievable. That
property should have been protected, but the Town should not have bought it. He also noted that
the taxpayers were not given a choice in that matter and he feels that this is a big mistake. Mr.
Simonetty recommends that the Board send the idea of buying Cranberry out to referendum.
Councilwoman McCarthy agrees with the idea of the referendum. Discussion followed.
Councilwoman McCarthy made a motion to extend the public comment portion to end
July 2°d, 2009. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bettina and passed unanimously.
Councilman Bettina made a motion to close the Public Hearing. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Beale. Councilman Paoloni noted that he will move a Resolution for
Mr. Simonetty's recommendation for a referendum to purchase Cranberry at the next Meeting.
The motion to close the Public Hearing passed unanimously.
c own q1 rvappanger Page 4 Printed 6/19/2009
) ss:
John C. Masterson, being duly sworn, deposes and says:
That he is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of
Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York.
That on March 15Lh, 2009, your deponent posted a copy of the Notice of Public
Hearing on the Draft Town Comprehensive Plan and the Supplemental Draft
Generic Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the Draft Town
Comprehensive Plan and Associated Zoning Changes (the "Proposed
Action")., on the signboard maintained by your deponent in his office in the
Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers
Falls, Dutchess County, New York.
Q.L)1..-�,u ¢,
ohn C. asterson
Town Clerk
Town of Wappinger
Sworn to before me%the
e227th day of March, 2009
Notary Pubho, State of New York
Reg. No. Oi ROo130344
Dutchess County
My Commission Expires July 18, 2009
State of New York
County of Dutchess
City of Poughkeepsie
Rita Lombardi, of the City of Poughkeepsie,
Dutches,$ County, New York, being duly sworn, says
that at the several times hereinafter mentioned he/she
was and still is the Principle Clerk of the Poughkeepsie
Newspapers Division of Gannett Satellite Information
Network, Inc., publisher of the Poughkeepsie Journal, a
newspaper published every day in the year 2009 in the
city of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, and
that the annexed Notice was duly published in the said
newspaper for one insertion
successively, in each week, commencing on the 1 nth
day of April in the year of 2009 and
on the following dates thereafter, namely on:
And ending on the day of in
the y ar of 200 both days inclusive.
Subscribed an worn to before me this
f day
in the year of 2009
Notary Public
Lt�i �.6 �'I� r i� •� n �Gl
ra y con/%t,+ — 1. expx'res
Affidavit of Publication
GIVEN that the Town
Board of.the Town of
Wappinger will
Re: Legal notice #83823
on the 11 h day of May
State of NEW YORK
2009 - :! ° . PMatthe
Town Hall+ 20 Middle-
bush R Road :1NapF..
County of DUTCHESS
pingel al*4:,,'6w
Yat which time all
I, TINA HEATH, being duly sworn, depose and
parties in Interest and
say: that I am the Publisher of Southern
citizens shall have an
Dutchess News, a weekly new of general
opport' nity to;;'be
circulation published in WAPPINGERS FALLS,
Beard regardmg''the
County of DUTCHESS, State of NEW YORK; and
Draft Town ,Corriere-
hensiI Plan and tfie
that a notice, of which the annexed is a
Supplemental ca Draft
printed copy, was duly published in Southern
Dutchess News once on 04/15/09.
tal linpactStatement
11 for the Draft
Town Compreten �
(the "Proposed''AC-
Sworn to before me this 15th day of April, 2009
tion,"), . #;
Town Board}has'de-`
Notary Public, State of NEW YORK
.,, �� 'MR Y". lila
termin,d atthePrb
No. 14-8240760
IactonpursuanttoAr :'`
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My commission expires on May 16, 2011
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Re: Legal notice ##83824
SUPPLEMENTAL , complete"d, and jac-
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State of NEW YORK
EIS (SQGEIS) r : ,Wappmger,e Town
`AND `, Board sKLead
County of DUTCHESS
NOTICE1!11OFSEAR nAgency. for ,the Pro-
$ HEARING " :)t oumtgodnqua6e-se "
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I, TINA HEATH, being duly sworn, depose and
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Dutchess News, a weekly newspaper ofgeneral
ofNVappi iger bwn;�
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County of DUTCHESS, State of NEW YORK and
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Notary Public, State of NEW YORK
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My commission expires on May 16, 2011
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State of New X orx
County of Dutchess
City of Poughkeepsie
Rita Lombardi, of the City of Poughkeepsie,
Dutches,� County, New York, being duly sworn, says
that at the several times hereinafter mentioned he/she
was and still is the Principle Clerk of the Poughkeepsie
Newspapers Division of Gannett Satellite Information
Network, Inc., publisher of the Poughkeepsie Journal, a
newspaper published every day in the year 2009 in the
city of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, and
that the annexed Notice was duly published in the said
i', one insertion
newspaper for
successively, in each week, commencing on the _1 r,�
day of April in the year of 2009 and
on the following dates thereafter, namely on:
And ending on the day of _ in
the year of 2009 , both days inclusive.
/4��Subscribed a sworn to before me this aY
z-71 in the year of 2009
tary Pu lic j
My, ,r�oInnlission expires
Public Hearing
Vincent Bettina, Councilman
William Beale, Councilman
William Beale, Vincent Bettina, Maureen McCarthy, Joseph Paoloni
Christopher Colsey
Wappinger Adjournment & Signature
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
John C. Masterson
Town Clerk
June 1, 2009
Town of Wappinger Page 5 Printed 6/19/2009