Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The regular meeting ofthe Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
March 11,2009 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Ralph J. Holt, with the
following persons present: Kay Von Reyn, Senior Director, Jac1yn Smith Recreation
Director and Commission Members Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig and Max Dao. Uma
Satyendra left at 7:30 pm and Meera Dave arrived at 7:45.
The minutes from the January 2009 and February 2009 meetings were approved
with no corrections.
Mr. Holt began by stating that, by all accounts the Winterfest at Carnwath was a
complete success. The Supervisor and Town Board are anxious, now, to put this property
to additional use with other activities. Mr. Holt informed them that the Annual Easter
Egg Hunt would be held there as well. Mr. Holt, of course, thanked Gary Trudell for his
excellent organization of the event.
1. A letter was sent from Kay V onReyn to Stephen Karlson thanking him for speaking to
the seniors about many types of fraud and identity theft that target them.
2. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey informing him that three (3) of the
gymnastic's instructors will no longer be able to work on Saturday mornings, due to
personal issues. We have 132 registered children. For safety reasons we are asking to
replace these workers, two on a volunteer basis and one salaried at $7.15 an hour.
The two volunteers would not instruct but simply be an extra set of eyes for safety
3. A letter was sent to Ralph Ferrusi from Ralph Holt and Supervisor Colsey in regard
to Carnwath Winterfest 2009, thanking him for all his help as well as the support of
the Poughkeepsie Journal and the Adirondack Mountain Club and sister hiking
4. Letters were sent to Craig Thomas Pest Control, Waverly Pest Control, New York
Tick Control, and Bug Busters Pest Control asking for estimates for three (3) tick
spraying at eight (8) of our Recreation properties for 2009. This will be addressed at
the next available Town Board Meeting. Mr. Holt pointed out that as a result of
spraying for ticks we have not received any complaints from parents with concerns
about ticks. The lowest bid was only $75 over budget and would allow for all three
sprayings to take place for the most effective treatment.
5. An e-mail was sent to Josephine Fogerty ofthe Sheafe Road School from Eileen
Manning stating that our winter basketball program will only require use of the
1 AUG 1 4 2009
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Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
school from 10 to 11 AM instead of from 10 AM to 12 Noon so that janitorial fees
would be reduced. Mr. Trudell stated that all ofthe candidates that were interviewed
by Jackie Smith and himself to teach the basketball program were exceptional and
their names should be kept for future reference. Because of low registration Mr. Holt
was going to suggest that the program be cancelled, but since salaries are now cut in
half the program will pay for itself. He continued by saying that all programs with
the exception of our Summer Playgrounds must do the same. Summer Playground
fees have been raised to $125 for the regular 6-hour camp day and to $175 for the
extended 8-hour camp day. The fees for Fishing and Family Fishing have been raised
to $55 per attendee and the Gymnastics fee has been raised to $45 per attendee.
6. A press release was sent out announcing the start of our winter basketball program.
7. Letters were sent to Florence Graff, Marion Trudell, Philly Baisley, Jackie Alfano,
Bruce Lustig, Max Dao, Mike Willie apd Boy Scout Troop #25 from Supervisor
Colsey and Ralph Holt, thanking them all for a their help in making the Camwath
Winterfest a success. In regard to Camwath, Mr. Holt mentioned the $35,000
donation that Alex Reese and his family have been willing to donate to some
restorations to be done at Camwath. It is his intention to call Mr. Reese to discuss
possible uses for that money.
9. A letter was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Gary Trudell, about the 1 st base dugout on
SL2 requesting the Town Board to authorize the reconstruction of same. Eileen
Manning is currently in the process of obtaining 3 estimates based on blueprints for
the dugout. This construction will be paid for out of the Parkland Fund. Mr. Holt
indicated that we should be prepared to get estimates on both the above mentioned
dugout as well as the 1 st base dugout at Memorial Field as Supervisor Colsey
10. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Gary Trudell, that the next session of
women's aerobic program will begin on Tuesday, March 3,2009. We are asking if
the fee will remain the same or increase. Supervisor Colsey said that the aerobics fee
would remain the same at $30 per session for Town residents and $45 per session for
11. A memo was sent to Supervisor Christopher Colsey from Gary Trudell in regards to
two projects at Camwath. The first project is the installation of two benches on the
upper ridge and additional work on the walking trail. David Martinson of Troop #25
is heading up this effort. The Town would provide the benches which are currently in
the carriage house. The second project is the installation of a nature trail at Camwath
Farms. Trevor Hunt of Troop #26 is heading up this effort. Gary and Marion Trudell
and Trevor Hunt will be meeting on March 15 to share ideas. A nature walk has been
scheduled by the Adirondack Mountain Club on May 10th at Camwath. The club
members were asked to help with identification of the plants and trees so they can be
marked correctly. The scouts will also be producing a leaflet that will provide
additional information on marked species and outline the trail. Both these young men
are working toward their Eagle Badges. Mr. Holt was asked to have these projects
presented to the Town Board for their approval. This proposal will appear on the
March 23rd Town Board meeting.
12. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Gary Trudell. The Recreation
Commission requests permission to accept the bid from M & 0 Sanitation for the
Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
rental of porta-johns for the 2009 season. Theirs was the lowest bid received at a total
of $4,980.00. This was approved on resolution #2009-112 at the March 10 Town
Board meeting.
13. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey from Gary Trudell in regards to the change in
basketball personnel. At the January 10, 2009 Town Board meeting Lawrence and
Aaron Brooks were approved to work as instructors in our winter basketball Program.
After they were approved, we found out that they could not come back to work for us.
Their salaries were originally approved in Resolution # 2009-12. Two other people
have since been named to take their place at the same salaries. The lead instructor will
be Eric Kirsch (at $25.00 an hour) and his assistant will be Christopher Berger (at
$12.50 an hour). We ask for your approval so we can go on as planned. These new
employees were approved on resolution # 2009-116 at the March 10, 2009 Town
Board meeting.
14. A letter was sent to Vincent Bradley from Kay Von Reyn. A senior that attended his
seminar was alerted to a chain letter received the week following the "Smart Seniors"
presentation. She thanked him again for the seminar.
15. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey with the listing of fees for our Recreation
Programs to be reviewed by the Town Board. As a result the costs of several
programs were raised as follows:
a. Playground fees were raised to $125 for those attending regular camp and $175
for those attended the extended hours camp. This is an increase of $25 per camper.
b. The Fishing and Family Fishing program was raised to $55 from $35.
c. The Gymnastics program was raised to $45 from $35.
16. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey and the Town Board requesting acceptance of
a bid from Bug Busters Pest Control in the amount $10,075 to spray for ticks at eight
(8) Recreation properties. This proposal will be presented to the Town Board at the
March 23,2009 Town Board meeting
17. Letters were sent to the area businesses that have signs at Robinson Lane asking for
their annual payment. Roland Norris of the Wappinger Yankees has told Mr. Holt
that he has prospects for two new signs, which will up our income for Robinson Lane.
1. A letter was received from Walter Leczinski, about how they can't play at Myers
Comer School and that the volleyball players are upset. They did sign a petition. Mr.
Holt said that it would be important to speak to Kate Palumbo, the WCSD's athletic
coordinator and find out what we might do to insure the use of the schools for the
2009-2010 school year.
2. A refund check was sent to us from Citibank (South Dakota), N.A. in the amount
$10.98 as overpayment on the Home Depot account.
3. A letter was received from the Town Little League Association, Inc. for the approval
of two projects at the Robinson Lane Complex. Both projects will be funded by the
Little League organization. The first project is the extension ofthe existing storage
building to store a new piece of equipment, a Kawasaki Mule. This motorized vehicle
will be used to maintain dirt infield areas. The second project is a new concrete pad
to store and cover the infield clay prior to being used in the fields. In the past the clay
Recreation Commission Minutes
March II, 2009
was dumped at the field, exposed to the elements, and children would play on it.
Little League would like to start this project before Opening Day on April 18, 2009.
As an addendum to this, a letter was received from Morris Associates stating that
prior to the start ofthe expansion to the building a building permit must be procured.
The slab for the clay needs no building permit.
4. The Agenda for March loth includes the interviewing of Candidates for Appointment
to the Recreation Commission including existing members Gary Trudell and Bruce
Lustig and a new candidate, Bill Bitterlich. A discussion of Little League proposal
will be held with C.Colsey, R. Holt and G. Mensching and a discussion of Robinson
Lane Safety repairs with same. Other Resolutions to be decided are site
improvements by the Town of Wappinger Little League at Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt
said that Little League received the go-ahead for the building extension and the
concrete slab for the clay.
5. An e-mail was received from Supervisor Colsey outlining 2009 hiring of Seasonal
employees and Boy Scout projects at Carnwath. He stated that the Town Board is the
only body that can hire and fire and must also have say over any projects planned on
Town property.
6. A memo was received from Supervisor Colsey on the use of personal and sick time. It
is up to the Department Head to accommodate such requests. If for any reason you
should leave work unexpectedly you should inform Inez.
7. A letter was received from Department of Veterans Affairs to Kay Yon Reyn
thanking the Senior Center for the wonderful lap robes donated to the veterans at
Castle Point.. Ms. VonReyn explained the the Senior knitting group that meets on
Thursday afternoons constructed the squares and Emily Richmond put them all
together creating seven lap robes.
8. A letter was received from the WCSD requesting the use of the fields at Robinson
Lane for their Junior High School Baseball League.
9. A notice was received from the Town Clerk's Office advising recreation that the
Woodhill Green Condominium Assn. would be using the Town Hall for their
meetings on March 3 and April 21, 2009. This impacts Recreation as Joe DeRosa, Jr.
must open and close the building if no one else is available to do so.
10. A fax was received from Matt Veronesi of the Dutchess County MSBL requesting
use of the fields at Robinson Lane as they have in past years. The DCMSBL is our
main source of revenue for light usage at Robinson Lane.
II. An application was received from Mike Bannon requesting a position with our
Maintenance Dept. A copy was forwarded to Ralph Holt.
12. An e-mail was received from the NYSDEC announcing a seminar on Green
Infrastructure and Wet Weather to be presented on May 7, 2009. A copy was given
to Gary Trudell.
13. Copies of approved resolutions from the February 9, 2009 Town Board meeting were
a. 2009-63 - Approving the use of Carnwath by the Sports Museum during the
b. 2009-67 - Authorizing the endorsement of the "Mom & Pop" Senior Race
sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
c. 2009-73 - Confirmation of Recreation Director.
Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
14. A packet was received from the Department of Health with informational warning on
ticks, bats and other safety issues pertaining to our Summer Playground Program.
Packet forwarded to Jackie Smith.
Ms. Satyendra had to leave early to attend another meeting. Mr. Trudell gave her
report saying that she attended two basketball sign-ups with Jackie Smith. She enjoyed
watching the children play. It was also mentioned that the Nativity has not yet been
removed from Schlathaus Park. Mr. Holt pointed out that it could not be moved because
of the bad weather and the lack of staff to move the 200 pound display. Bernie Roe will
work for a few hours this week and it will be moved and stored.
Mr. Chapp as was not in attendance at this meeting.
Ms. VonReyn stated that attendance for February was up slightly from last year.
February had three planned closing for Diner Day (re-scheduled from January),
President's Day, and the Valentine's party at the Villa Borghese. Three community
meals were served during the month: Diner Day, the Villa Party and Pizza Bingo on the
last Friday of the month. Eight get well cards and two sympathy cards were sent out in
The Attorney Generals Office of Poughkeepsie presented a seminar warning
Seniors about identity theft and scams that have effected many people in the area. As a
result, two seniors, who received suspicious letters brought them into Ms. V onReyn who
forwarded them to the Attorney General's Office.
The Senior Bus Trip List is now available and listed on the Town web page. As a
new policy this year the seniors will be allowed to pick the seats they prefer on the bus.
This will be on a "first come, first serve" basis.
Ms. VonReyn is excited about the proposed 3,500 sq. ft. Senior and Teen Center
to be built at Veterans Park as ajoint project between the Village and the Town. It will
be funded by grant money that is part of the Federal Stimulus package. The driving force
on this is Matt Alexander, the Village Mayor, who wrote the grant proposal. Ms.
V onReyn will stay in touch with the Village Recreation Trustee to see if she can be of
any assistance with the project.
Mr. Holt added that the new center has a very good chance of being built. Not
only will it be used as a Senior Center during the day and a Teen center in the afternoon,
but could possibly be used for program like Aerobics, Gymnastic, Volleyball, etc. Matt
Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
Alexander is looking at a $1 million grant. The building would more than double the
space that we have for the seniors now. Ifthe stimulus package is received, the building
would have to be completed and open for use within a six month time frame.
Ms. V onReyn asked about the timing for bringing back our seasonal Maintenance
employees. She needs to be able to plan for the Annual Anniversary Picnic and ask the
Office of the Aging for the use of the tent. Mr. Holt said that a resolution has been sent
to the Town Board for the meeting on March 23, 2009. He will request that the men be
brought back in as needed. Mr. Holt stated that because of budgetary cuts we will have
to use our manpower to its fullest. Not only have salary lines been cut but we also have a
severe cut in the garbage collection line. We have only been given $500 to cover the
dumpsters at Robinson Lane and Airport Park (the dumpster at Carnwath comes out of
the 1620.45 account). This problem will need to be addressed immediately. Any
garbage collected at this time must be brought to the recycling center. Without a
dumpster at these locations our maintenance men would have to take the time to not only
collect the garbage but also bring it to the recycle center, possibly having to make several
Mr Lustig had no report.
Mrs. Dave had no report.
Jackie Smith began by stating that we had an unusually small registration for
Winter Basketball this year. We attribute that to the fact that our planned instructors
backed out at the last minute and it was uncertain as to whether the program would
happen at all. The Women's Aerobics sign-up went very well with good attendance.
Jill Smith and I have been going through the applications for returning directors
and counselors, thus planning where we will need to place new applicants and listing who
will be required to take First Aid, CPR and RTE to cover the Dept. of Health
Mr. Holt asked Miss Smith about the status of the Town Bus Trips and was
informed that they are in place for 2009. The first sign-up will take place next week on
Wed., March 18th for "WICKED".
Miss Smith stated that she would need a Summer Director as well as a Floating
Director as broken down in the budget. Mr. Holt said that he saw no problem with that,
however, the number of counselors hired would be based on the registration numbers as
in the past. Miss Smith asked permission to bring on Kim Leone, a former Summer
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March 11, 2009
Director, as her Floater this year. Mr. Holt favored someone with the experience that she
would bring to the job.
Mr. Trudell stated that while the Town will be responsible for the buildings at
Carnwath it's up to Recreation to plan the usage of the property with the final decision
being made by the Town Board. Mr. Trudell envisions some of the events at Carnwath as
money-makers. The question then arises as to where these profits will go once all the
expenses have been taken care of. Mr. Holt noted that in the past that money went into a
special Carnwath fund. What is now in that fund is not known at this time or if that fund
still exists.
Mr. Trudell outlined a couple of things he would like to plan for Carnwath. If we
should plan any nighttime events at Carnwath a street light would need to be repaired at
the top of the lower parking lot. The light by the entrance to the museum turns on for two
minutes and then shuts off. Is this a motion sensor??
After the success of the Winterfest, Mr. Trudell asked Supervisor Colsey ifhe and
his wife, Marion, could volunteer to be responsible for opening and closing the gates at
Carnwath. The supervisor agreed. Mr. Trudell has also volunteered to help Recreation
by doing some mowing at Carnwath especially since the Museum is going to be part of
the Quadricentennial celebration. Given the traffic that is expected at Carnwath this year,
Mr. Trudell would like to set up a vending machine which he would maintain and fill as
At the last two Town Board meeting's Councilman Paoloni suggested putting a
cement slab in the field at Carnwath to allow concerts to be held there. Representatives
of the Bardavon met th~re the week before and indicated that they would like to see the
stage located up near the pump house. Unfortunately, that would mean chopping down
all the trees at the top of the hill and also open up the view to Mr. Baisley's house. Also,
attendees of any concert held when the sun was setting would have the sun directly in
their eyes. The commission agreed that this plan was not an option. Vendors would be
placed in the ball field area, requiring a power source and parking would be arranged by
the Bardavon for on-sight and off-sight with transportation. Because parking would be
our biggest problem for any event the Supervisor and Councilman Beale have been
seeking out areas for just that use. One would be a piece of property off Wheeler Hill
Road owned by Alex Reese. This in conjunction with buses from the WCSD would help
enormously. These prospects must be investigated. Mr. Holt questions if these plans are
practical for July 4th in 2009?
A group from Fishkill has expressed the desire to hold an Art Festival at
Carnwath. Nothing more is known at this time but Mr. Trudell will investigate the
possibility. This brings up the question of how much we charge for them to use our
Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
Mr. Dao is looking forward to being the bunny once again at our Easter Egg Hunt.
He will also check to see ifhe is available to escort the Town Trip to Foxwoods Casino in
Mr. Dao received a message from Supervisor Colsey asking him to remind the
Commission to select a Vice-Chairman to substitute for Ralph when he is away. Mr.
Holt stated that he is in the process of writing a letter to the Town Board recommending
Gary Trudell be made Vice-Chairman of the Commission.
Mr. Holt indicated that this is going to be a tough year budget-wise. At the end of
the first quarter I plan on having a meeting with Jackie Smith, Kay VonReyn, Gary
Trudell, Eileen Manning and Bob Sheridan, ifhe is back on payroll, to discuss where we
stand financially.
If approved by the Town Board Bob Sheridan and Bernie Roe will return to work
on March 26th. Because of our severe cutbacks in maintenance, none of the trucks or
mowers have been tuned up for the summer season. We have also requested the return of
Frank McKinney, John Migliore, Vincent LaVacca and Max Dolenk. Hopefully they
will all be approved.
Easter plans are well under way. Max Dao will be the bunny, Kathi DeLisa will
do face painting along with Meera Dave. Maintenance will have to supply the pools and
the straw and set up the chapel at Carnwath. There are many things still to be purchased
but plans have been made to do so. Linda Leopardi will once again have the Gourmet
Club at RCK make cookies for the event. Supervisor Colsey and the Town Board will be
invited, as always. Press releases will be sent to the SDN and the Poughkeepsie Journal
to advertise the event.
Memorial Day is planned for fully, with the exception of a guest speaker. Mr.
Holt is hoping to contact the Army Sgt. that was to speak at last year's Veterans Day
Tuesday, March 1 ih will be the first Community Day meeting for 2009. Our
first priorities revolve around the bands for the parade, the fireworks and the use of Roger
Humeston's flatbed truck for the reviewing stand and his property to set offthe
Mr. Holt stated that Supervisor Colsey and Al Roberts, the Town Attorney, were
to be present at this meeting to discuss procedures for our department. It is hoped that
they will be present at next month's meeting on April 1 st. Based on the Recreation
Meeting Minutes it has been decided to put together a planning committee for Camwath
events to include Councilmen Bill Beale and Joe Paoloni, Town Clerk Chris Masterson
Recreation Commission Minutes
March 11, 2009
and Gary Trudell, Recreation Commission member. Ralph Holt has also been invited to
attend the next meeting.
Mr. Holt discussed the dugouts at Robinson Lane, specifically the first base
dugout on SL2. Blueprints were made up for the dugout by one of the construction
companies biding on the project. Sal Morello of the Building Department informed us
that the plans were not adequate and new ones would need to be prepared b)' an engineer.
Mr. Trudell asked Mr. Holt if it would be possible to get a second trumpet player
for the Memorial Day Ceremony. Mr. Holt intends to call Scott Moody of the Dutchess
Brass for that. The effect of the two trumpets playing at separate parts of the property
creating an echoing effect is magnificent.
The Town trip list was given out and were asked if they were interested in
escorting any of them. Meera Dave agreed to do the Museum of Natural History trip on
August 8th, Jackie Smith said she would like to do Mohegan Sun on October 18th, as
mentioned above Max Dao will check his availability for Foxwoods Casino on May 17th,
Max Dao and Bruce Lustig will escort the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and Eileen
Manning will do the Broadway Show "Wicked". We still have plenty oftime to arrange
for the escorts for the remaining trips.
A sign-up sheet was sent around by Mrs. Manning for our Playground
Registration Dates. Playground Registration will begin on May 1st and 2nd. Other dates
will be June 5th, 6th and 19th. The first day of camp is June 29th.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary