Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
REMINDER: This meeting will start at 6 PM. The Supervisor and the Town Lawyer
will meet with us at that time.
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
May 6,2009 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Ralph J. Holt, with the
following persons present: Kay Von Reyn, Senior Director, J aclyn Smith, Recreation
Director and Commission Members Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig, Meera Dave (left at 7:30
pm), Max Dao and Vma Satyendra (arrived at 8:10 pm).
The minutes from the April 2009 meeting was approved with no corrections.
1. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey and the Town Board from Ralph Holt and
Kay V onReyn expressing their extreme interest in the new Community Center
that is being planned for the Village ofWappingers Falls. They request, that
when possible they be given the opportunity of voicing some input on the plans
for the building. Ms. V onReyn stated that the Town Board voted down the $3500
it would have cost to get involved in this project.
2. A thank you letter was sent to Linda Leopardi for once again having her gourmet
club at RCK bake cookies for the Town's Easter Egg Hunt. Letters were also sent
to Torn McDougall of Stop & Shop, Jason of Shop Rite Fishkill and John Flowers
of the Town of Poughkeepsie for their generous donations. Mr. Holt took the
opportunity to thank Max Dao for being the Easter Bunny and Gary Trudell with
his "GAK" table. It was a great success. Mr. Holt expressed the hopes that
weather permitting we could do the Easter Egg Hunt outside next year.
3. A memo was sent to the Town Board seeking the reappointment of Jim Chappas
to the Recreation Commission as his term expires on 5/1/09. This should be
addressed at the May 4th Town Board meeting.
4. A letter was sent from Joe Ennesser to Supervisor Colsey requesting permission
to move forward on two Greenway grants. One for the Castle Point easement
and the other for Carnwath Trails construction. Mr. Ennesser will be helping the
Recreation Commission with the procurement of materials and tracking fund
disbursements per the grants guidelines.
5. A letter was sent to Renate DiAngelis, inviting her to the Town Memorial Day
Ceremony to lay a wreath for the Gold Star Mothers. Mrs. DiAngelis called to
say that she and two other Gold Star mothers would be in attendance.
6. Supervisor Colsey sent memo to Al Roberts, Town Attorney asking for legal
guidance in regard to the Recreation Commission Ralph Holt was on copy.
Included are those members whose terms are expiring, the status of~e€E'VEU
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Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
position as a "member" of the commission and changing the term length from 5
years to 7 years. It was also mentioned that all terms should expire in January not
May. Mr. Holt explained that a Commission, by law, consists of seven (7)
members, one of which is the Chairman. A Committee can consist of any number
of people. Our function would not change. Mr. Holt is in the process of putting
together a list of "Commission Responsibilities" to present to the Town Board.
7. A memo was sent to the Supervisor requesting hours to be worked by Joe DeRosa
Jr. for Pop Warner and Recreation Camp sign-ups totaling 35 hours. Supervisor
Colsey's response asked that we use whatever means possible to keep the number
of overtime hours down to a minimum. It was suggested that a member of the
Recreation Dept. be given a key and a password. Eileen Manning has been given
a key and a password for use at Camp Registration so that a Maintenance worker
would not have to be in attendance. Mr. Holt is hoping to get volunteers to help
with the mowing, particularly at Carnwath.
8. A letter was sent to David Martinson thanking him and his scout troop for the
beautiful job they did placing the benches and widening the trail at Camwath.
Mr. Trudell has organized several crews of young people to help with the grounds
and trails at Carnwath. (More to be discussed in his report )
9. A press release was sent to the SDN announcing the Town Trip to NYC for a
Cruise and Brunch on the World Yacht. The sign-up will take place on May 5th.
10. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey requesting that the $300 limit on checks
be waived for our program sign-ups. A resolution will be sent to the Town Board
asking that the limit be set at $600 per check.
11. A memo was sent to the Town Board listing the outcome of the bids for the first
base dugouts on SL2 and Memorial Field. The lowest bidder, Colonial Builders,
will be recommended for the proj ect.
12. A memo was sent from Ralph Holt to Eileen Manning, Kay VonReyn, Stephanie
Kovalsky and Inez Maldonado asking that any project requests that we have of
the Recreation maintenance men be planned for in advance and directed to Bob
Sheridan. Emergency situations will be addressed immediately.
13. A letter was sent to Maura Ditzler of Mycor Holding, LLC requesting permission
to use their property on Myers Comers Road for the parade line-up for
Community Day, as we have in the past.
14. A letter was sent to Bill Green of East Fishkill Recreation requesting the use of
Emmadine Pond for our children's fishing program and Red Wing Park for our
Family Fishing Program. Mr. Green indicated that there may be a fee for the use
of their facilities but would let us know after their meeting on May 4,2009. A
subsequent phone call from Mr. Green informed us that there would be a charge
of$50 a week for the use of the above mentioned parks. This is the first time that
we have had to pay for the use of these parks.
15. A memo was sent from Kay VonReyn to the Town Board asking approval for
Kathi DeLisa to fill in for her while she is on vacation. From May 22 to June 11.
1. An application was received from Eddie Dolenk for work with the Recreation
Maintenance Dept. Copies were forwarded to Ralph Holt and Bob Sheridan. His
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
brother Max will begin work with us for the Summer but it is not likely that
anyone else can be hired.
2. An e-mail was received from a concerned parent asking if, as a single mother, she
would be able to have the fee waived for her two children to attend our summer
camp program. Mr. Holt approached the Supervisor seeking a decision on how to
handle this situation. The children's school, Myers Comers, was notified to see if
the PTA could help out. No response has been received from them as yet.
3. The agenda for the April 13th Town Board meeting was received. It included:
a. Resolution # 2009-153 declaring Recreation equipment as Surplus and
authorizing its sale by public bid. Approved
b. Resolution # 2009-155 filling Recreation Commission Vacancies. Tabled.
4. A copy of the legal notice was received from the Supervisor asking for bids for
the above mentioned vehicles. No bids have been received as of this date.
5. A copy of the Certificate of Occupancy was received from the Building Dept. for
the extension added to the storage building at Robinson Lane by Little League.
6. A memo was received from Supervisor Colsey agreeing to a temporary petty cash
fund of $400 to be made available to Recreation for Camp sign-ups. Mr. Holt
clarified that this cash fund is intended only for the purpose of making change at
our registration and not to be paid out to reimburse money spent as our regular
Petty Cash Fund is handled.
7. A letter was sent to Ralph Holt from the New Hackensack Fire Co. requesting the
use of Schlathaus Park as a parking area for their 60th Anniversary Parade to be
held on May 30th.
8. The Agenda for the Town Board meeting for May 4th was received and included
approval for the insurance coverage of volunteers used by the Town. As a follow
up to this, an e-mail was received from Supervisor Colsey stating that the forms to
the insurance company are completed and have been sent to our insurance carrier.
It is hoped that verification will be received by Friday May 8th.
9. Also included on the Agenda for the May 4th Town Board meeting was the
request to waive the $300 maximum check amount for Playground Registrations.
This approval was received with the stipulation that the new check limit be $600
and that the money be processed within 72 hours.
10. Mrs. Jenny Nesbitt visited the office today requesting the use of Schlathaus Park
for a fund raising event for Frankie Flora, the 5-year-old boy who was badly
mauled by a pit bull on Taryl Lane in Wappinger. No date has yet been set. Mrs.
Manning explained the procedure for insurance qualifications to her.
Mrs. Dave asked about the specifics of renting one of our Recreation areas for a
child's birthday party. Mr. Holt explained that there is a nominal fee for the use ofthe
park and that a certificate of insurance was necessary with the Town of Wappinger as the
second insured. Ms. Smith asked Mrs. Dave if she would be able to help out by covering
one of our Summer Concert Series which would require setting up the stage and
monitoring the area during the concert. Mrs. Dave agreed to do the first concert on June
25th. Ms. Smith said she would meet her prior to the event and show her what has to be
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
Jackie Smith began by thanking everyone for their help with our first Camp sign-
up. Swim and Tennis did exceedingly well. Our playground registration brought in
about 125 children, very many of these new attendees. Hopefully the additional
registrations will bring in the returning campers. Jill Smith and Kim Leone have
interviewed all applicants for counselors. We have a very high return rate for counselors
and directors leaving only 5 or 6 openings for new hires.
Ms. Smith mentioned that she would like to consider holding a "Battle of the
Bands" for the teens in the area. Her plan is to contact the high schools and possibly ask
Councilman Beale to help with advertising. Mr. Holt explained that this suggestion had
been made by Scott Cheney and Skip Rottkamp and that there are certain logistical
problems involved with an event like this. Mr. Holt sited a similar event that was held in
East Fishkill that really got out of hand. Parking would also be a problem. Camwath
was considered as an alternate site but there are no electric lines running to the field at
this time. Mr. Holt added that Councilman Beale, Councilman Paoloni and Town Clerk
Chris Masterson have formed a committee to plan events for Camwath. Mr. Trudell
added that it seems that a great number of activities would require electricity to the field
and he suggested that we should go ahead and set up electricity to the field now for future
events. Mr. Holt pointed out that if we were to go ahead we would need an electrician to
guide us with our needs and the Town Boards approval to proceed. Max Dao suggested
that since the Town wants our programs to pay for themselves it would be wise to set up
a separate account for any income from Camwath events to use for improvements and
other needs at Carnwath exclusively. Mr. Holt has already spoken to Supervisor Colsey
about the prospect of such an account.
Last year a Town mother, Angela Morales, was interested in having the Town set
up activities for teens that were too old to attend our camps. Ms. Smith has been in
contact with her to determine what sort of activities she had in mind. Mrs. Morales and
several other mothers would be responsible for supervising these activities so that there
would not be any cost to the Town. Activities might include a day trip to Great
Adventure or other bus trips local activities like basketball or baseball games, etc. All
expenses would be the participant's responsibility. This discussion was tabled pending
additional information. Ms. Smith asked for another volunteer to cover the July 2nd
Summer Concert. Max Dao indicated that he would check his calendar and Bruce Lustig
said he could do it if Mr. Dao could not.
As mentioned in the outgoing correspondence, David Martinson and several other
scouts worked at Carnwath installing two benches on the walking trail and widened a
portion of the trail leading up to the pump house. They did a beautiful job.
Nine students and two student advisors came from the Oakwood Friends School
and added an additional section of trail into the woods. This portion would normally
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
have run through a meadow, but because hay grows there in the summer they ran that
section through a wooded area making it usable all year round. Ralph Holt treated both
these groups to pizza and soda as a thank you for their hard work.
Tomorrow, May ih, Mr. Trudell will be meeting with another scout, Trevor
North, who will be working on a trail by the upper parking lot that has been called the
Crescent Trail. He also has taken a fancy to making a trail from the gazebo down the hill
toward the river. He has asked for two loads of wood chips, which the maintenance men
have delivered to the park. He would also like to get someone to cut the cement by the
gazebo to put in an extra step and get a welder to put in a railing down the side.
The Adirondack Walking Club will celebrate Mother's Day at Carnwath along
with Trevor North to help identify and tag plant life along the nature trail.
The Wappinger's Walking Club came to Carnwath right after the trail work was
done and they were so pleased with what they saw, Florence Graff scheduled another
walk there for the Fall. Mrs. Graff also put out a letter to her club members to ask if they
had any plants that could be donated for planting on the grounds. Also, one of the club
members has volunteered to help Marion Trudell with the plantings. Gary discussed the
options of what to plant on the steep slope in front of the upper parking lot that can't be
mowed. Mr. Lustig raised the question that with increased activity at Camwath at what
point should be start spraying for tick? Mr. Holt indicated that there is no money in this
year's budget for that, but explained that eight of our parks have already been sprayed
once and will receive two more treatments by October.
Mr. Trudell would like to have a soda machine put in at Carnwath to act as a
refreshment center and fund-raiser during the Quadricentennial display at the Sports
Museum. Supervisor Colsey would like to meet with Mr. Holt and Mr. Trudell to discuss
the possibility.
Mr. Trudell was interested to notice that the Town Board meetings now include
Committee Reports, one of them being the Camwath Event Committee. Councilman
Beale said that he has been speaking to the Bardavon about future events. Mr. Trudell, as
a member of this committee has not yet been notified of a meeting. It seems that the
plans for a Fourth of July celebration have been put on hold until next year.
At the Town Board meeting a presentation was made by Florence Graff,
suggesting that a weekly column be put in the Southern Dutchess News outlining events
at Carnwath. Mrs. Graff indicated that she would be happy to write the column but if the
Supervisor felt it should be done in-house she would understand. Mr. Holt suggested that
a monthly column would be enough, but most importantly it would introduce Camwath
to area residents that are not aware of the property.
Mr. Trudell stated that if we are designating Camwath as a park we should keep
the swings and prepare the area according to safety regulations. He also suggests that the
baseball field backstops ploes be removed to clear the area for sledding at our next
Winterfest. He also suggested removing two unsightly clumps of trees in that area.
Mowing of the area has not yet taken place. Mr. Holt suggests using the gentleman who
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
needs to do 75 hours of community service along with Mr. Trudell or one of the
maintenance men.
Mr. Holt indicated that there is a "Friends of Camwath" account with
approximately $50,000 in it. It is not certain as to how this money can be used or ifthere
are any restrictions on its use. Mr. Holt re-addressed the arrangement that we had with
Charlie Barola, who intended to fix up the chapel and hold weddings there, guaranteeing
us 15 to 20 weddings a year. The deal was never finalized because scaffolding on the
mansion would take away the charm of the property.
Attendance was down at the Senior Center possibly because of the fear of the
Swine Flu. We were closed on two days, Good Friday on the 10th and the Golden Oldies
Spring Fling on the 24th. The Spring Fling was a joint party with the East Fishkill seniors
with over 200 in attendance with 85 from the Town of Wappinger. Ms. VonReyn is
putting together a low cost/no cost list for grief counseling for use by our seniors.
We have had 8 new members sign up. There is usually a bump up in numbers
when the Recreation Guide comes out. We once again ran the AARP Driver's Course.
Now, anyone 50 years or older can take this course, it used to be age 55.
The bus trips are going well. Mohegan Sun went well and Red, Hot and Blue will
have 42 seniors going. A big thank you to Gary Trudell for advertising the senior trips on
the board at Schlathaus. Next week we will be doing the drawing for our trip to the
Westchester Broadway Theatre to see "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now, Change".
The new furniture came in for the offices in the Senior Center and a TV was
donated by the family of Charlie Brewer, a senior who recently passed away. A heavy
duty cart was ordered to hold this TV and make it easily portable.
Ms. V onReyn will be taking an extended vacation and has sent a request to the
Town Board to have Kathi DeLisa fill in for her in her absence.
The senior anniversary picnic has been scheduled for Friday, June 19th to be held
outside the Town Hall. The Office of the Aging will be supplying a tent for use that day.
A.C. Moore is switching from the voucher system to a company credit card.
Cards have been requested for Kay V onReyn, Eileen Manning, Jackie Smith and Jill
Mr. Lustig said that Soccer Registrations have started for next year. The cost has
risen from $70 to $100 per child. The 5, 6 and 7-year-olds program will switch from a
team program to a training program. Professional coaches will be brought in for two
training sessions a week using parents as assistant coaches. Mr. Holt asked if Soccer was
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
using Castle Point and Quiet Acres for practices. Mr. Lustig said they were still being
developed but not yet being used.
Max Dao is escorting the trip to Foxwoods Casino and is looking forward to
winning some money. Mrs. Manning asked if there was anyone who would like to escort
the next trip to NYC for the World Yacht Brunch and Cruise / South Street Seaport. That
trip will take place on Sunday, July 19th.
Ms. Satyendra liked helping out at the Easter Egg Hunt. It worked much better at
Carnwath since it was all contained in one room versus the Town Hall. Mr. Holt asked
Mrs. Manning if a letter was sent to John Flowers of Poughkeepsie for his generous
donations of prizes for our Easter raffle. One was sent immediately.
Mr. Holt began by stating that he was still waiting for Town Board approval for
Jim Chappas' new term for the Recreation Commission.
Mr. Holt expressed his hope to Jackie Smith that we would be able to get the
Recreation Guide out at the beginning of2010 and not as late as this year. He realizes
that with Scott Cheney leaving right after summer camps were over it left us in a bad
situation. Ms. Smith agreed that we would work on the new guide as soon as possible.
Our first Playground Registration is complete with about 120 children signing up.
Mrs. Manning stated that that she also received about 15 mail-in applications. Given the
1atemai1ingoftheguides.that.snottoobad.Mr. Holt asked for as many volunteers as
possible for our June registration dates as he foresees that they will be busy.
The whole maintenance crew is now on board with the exception of Max Do1enk,
our college student, who will begin at the end of May.
Mr. Holt encourages Gary Trudell to enlist the aid of as many volunteers as
possible to work on Carnwath trails, whether it be returning workers or new ones.
Joe Pao10ni and his softball team will be using Robinson Lane once their
certificate of insurance and payment are received along with his schedule.
Mr. Holt is looking for an additional custodian for Castle Point and Reese Park.
In addition to these facilities we now will have the responsibility of cleaning the rest
room at the Highway Dept. An ad was put in the paper seeking applicants for that
position. Mr. Holt explained that the janitorial position for the Town Hall and the
Emergency Services Building were not originally part of Recreation. The switch was
made during Joe Ruggiero's term as Supervisor.
Recreation Commission Meeting
May 2009
New bids have been requested for the dugouts on Memorial Field and SL2. We
are in the process of collecting those bids at this time. It may be a month before we can
begin construction.
Mr. Holt is suggesting that all the commission members visit the town park that
they are responsible for to inspect for any problems that may exist. Even though Doug
Haan inspects the parks quarterly, many things can happen from one day to the next.
Mr. Holt stated that our Memorial Day plans are all in place, with guest speaker
Joel Miller. Fred Wise, NYS Marine of the Year in 2005, will be remembered at this
The New Hackensack Fire Co. will be celebrating their 60th anniversary with a
fire parade and carnival. They will be using the Schlathaus Park grounds for parking.
Mr. Holt has asked Bob Sheridan to rope off the wet area so that cars will not get stuck or
tear up the grass.
At the next board meeting Bob Gray of Morris Associates, will be speaking about
two projects that are Recreation related. The first will be the new well and water at
Robinson and the other will be the resurfacing of the Tennis Courts at Pye Lane. Both of
these projects with come out of the Parkland Fund account. Mr. Holt estimates that the
water project at Robinson Lane may cost between $80,000 and $90,000. The tennis court
project may run between $150,000 and $200,000.
Mr. Holt indicated that he received an e-mail from Chris Colsey and Joe
Incoronato requesting a piece of playground equipment for Fleetwood. There is currently
a basketball hoop and a swing set that are in good condition. The hope is to put in a
small unit with climbing and a slide for about $5000. Mrs. Manning was asked to look at
our catalogs to find some possible units.