Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
Wednesday, June 3,2009
SPECIAL MEETING: With Christopher Colsey and Al Roberts, Town Attorney.
A special meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
June 3, 2009 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 6:12 pm by Chairman Ralph J. Holt, with the
following persons present: Jaclyn Smith, Recreation Director and Commission Members
Jim Chappas, Gary Trudell, Bruce Lustig, Max Dao and Vma Satyendra.
The purpose of this meeting was to inform Recreation of the proper procedures to
follow with regard to the Town's Procurement Policy. (See attached Chapter 46.)
Mr. Roberts explained this document with emphases on the larger purchases that
the Recreation Dept. makes. Any purchase over $500 requires both the department
head's signature and the supervisor's signature prior to the purchase. All contracts must
be signed by the supervisor. Purchases from $1250.01 to $5000 must have two verbal
price quotes. Mrs. Manning asked if, as in the case ofPartac Peat and our purchase of
Beam Clay, how we proceed with a vendor that is a sole provider of specific goods. He
indicated that there is an allowance made for those situations.
Any purchase between $5000.01 and $10,000 must have 3 written quotes with
signatures as stated above. The same is the case with all purchases from $10,000.01 to
$19,999.99. Purchases of $20,000 or more must go to formal bid per the General
Municipal Law. State or County bid prices are used whenever possible as that usually
gives us the lowest pricing available.
Supervisor Colsey stated that we were about half way through the budget year and
that soon we would start to put together our plan for 2010. While funds can be shifted to
accommodate an overage in any specific budget line, funds cannot be added to the overall
budget amount.
The supervisor indicated that the job of the Recreation Commission is to act as
and advisory committee to the Town Board keeping them apprised of needs, expenditures
and concerns.
AUG 1 4 2009
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Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
Supervisor Colsey spoke about the restructuring of the Recreation Department.
He spoke about having an additional person brought on board to act in a supervisory
capacity for buildings and maintenance versus the parks maintenance which would do all
outside work. This supervisor would be in charge of all parts being ordered and could
make final decisions on all repairs that are to be untaken. This would, in effect, take
these decisions offmaintenance's shoulders and therefore off the shoulder of the
Recreation Committee.
Bruce Lustig asked when it came to pass that Recreation became responsible for
facilities as well? Mr. Holt stated that he has been on the commission for 25 years.
Recreation started out with one tractor with one worker. The Town and parks have
grown to where we have close to 250 acres of grass to mow. We now not only cut grass
but we now must have our small crew handle all garbage collection, repairs of a general
nature and repairs from vandalism. We also have Carnwath added to our list. The
supervisor indicated that OSHA now requires two people working together in case of
Mr. Holt stated that during the winter there were only two full-time workers in
Recreation, one of which is assigned to the Town Hall. Because our seasonal people
were let go in December and did not return until March, much of the work done in the
winter (Preparing mowers, trucks and other equipment for spring) could not be done with
only one full-timer. We now have the added responsibility ofCarnwath and the
Emergency Services building. Mr. Lustig re-stated his question as to when these
reassignments came about. Mr. Holt stated that past supervisor, Joseph Ruggiero,
recognized the talent that we had in the Maintenance Department and so gradually
Recreation was assigned more and more responsibility. Mr. Lustig asked if it was
common for towns to have facilities management under Recreation. Supervisor Colsey
stated that only about 20% of towns, and usually smaller ones at that, would have those
functions combined. Over the years procedures have become more complicated. Ten
years ago having someone go out and mow was simple, but now you need two people
together with cell phones distributed to all in case of an emergency. Unqualified
personnel cannot operate certain machines. Mr. Holt said that last year we had one of the
best mechanics on the job who handled repairs on trucks, mowers and tools. However he
is still on disability after his accident last year.
Supervisor Colsey stated that if any committee or non-department head has a
request it must be put in writing. It allows for a paper trail on all matters as we are
audited for the previous fiscal year. It is impossible for anyone to remember what
transpired a year ago. Simple one line memos will suffice. All vouchers/purchase orders
must be first approved by Ralph Holt, Kay vonReyn or J aclyn Smith, as they are
department heads. A purchase order is a formal request to use money that is budgeted. A
new system has been put in place which allows requested monies to be held until the end
of the fiscal year. We had to replace a system at the County level that was still using
DOS. Mrs. Manning asked for a clarification on some of the day-to-day or emergency
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
purchases that are made and how that impacts what we are now doing. The Supervisor
explained that as long as his office was notified of any emergency purchases, even
though we may not know an exact amount, this will be noted and the money reserved for
that particular proj ect. Mr. Roberts indicated that all purchases, emergency or not must
be done in accordance with our procurement policy.
Supervisor Colsey explained that we now have an accountant. In the past we
have had a Comptroller. The difference is that a Comptroller can pay town bills without
the approval ofthe Town Board, whereas, with an accountant all bills must be approved
by the Town Board before being paid. The Supervisor cautions, that because ofthe
Town Board's summer schedule, the turnaround time on vouchers will be closer to a
month. Only extreme emergency checks will be cut without this procedure.
Ralph asked the Supervisor why we don't have a Comptroller. The supervisor
indicated that he would have preferred a Comptroller but was outvoted by the Town
Board. The difference being that a Comptroller has authority to pay bills with no
approval necessary from the Town Boarq, whereas an accountant has no such authority
and all vouchers must be approved by the Town Board before payment. At the last Town
Board meeting it took us over an hour to approve 168 vouchers. Some may be pulled
because they are missing either signatures or invoices. Mr. Roberts added that because
we have had problems with previous Comptrollers, it was felt that a Town accountant
with a CPA designation would work to a higher standard than a Comptroller who is not
required to be a CPA. Only time will tell if this decision was correct, but thus far it has
been problematic with getting the Town finances handled on time.
Mr. Roberts explained that the Recreation Parks and Maintenance is not a
department but an advisory committee to the Town Board, unlike the Building
Department or the Highway Department. Ralph Holt is our Director and department head
through whom everything has to be approved or not approved to get to the next step.
There are so many municipal laws, many of which make no sense in every day business.
The goal of Municipal Government is to make sure that the taxpayers get the most "bang
for their buck". With so many strings attached, the average municipal contract for
something as simple as digging a ditch and putting a pipe in can cost 25% to 30% more
for the same job being done in the private sector. Thus we are all saddled with the
procurement policy which has two thresholds, one at $10,000 and one at $20,000.
$20,000 is for capital projects such as the building of the dugouts at Robinson Lane. You
must then go out to formal bid to get the lowest possible price. In the case of the
dugouts, we were not permitted to segment the project but had to put the whole project
out to bid. The projected cost is usually determined by the town engineer. The $10,000
threshold would be used for items such as a mower or tractor. The exception to the
procurement policy is if we can buy the equipment on a state or county bid. This means
that the state or county has already gone out and determined the lowest pricing for certain
merchandise so that we need not go through that process. However, the department head
and the Town Board must still approve the purchase before it is made. For very large
purchases the equipment is bonded, which means that the Town borrows money.
Supervisor Colsey inserted that J aclyn Smith is also a department head and has the
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
authority to approve vouchers. Mr. Roberts stated that under Town law the buck stops
with the Town Board not with the Supervisor, although he is the presiding officer thereof.
The Town Board can delegate certain powers, but they have to approve our fee schedule
for use next year.
Mr. Lustig asked Mr. Roberts if things could be changed from a committee
concept to an authority concept. Mr. Roberts said that that would involve changing the
whole process to become a "Suburban Town" and that would change the whole function
of the Town of Wappinger government. The only local suburban town is Poughkeepsie
with most of the others in Westchester and Long Island. Supervisor Colsey agreed with
Mr. Roberts when he explained that the elected officials would still want to control the
purse strings.
Part of the problem is that budgets are set on anticipated revenues. The ideal
scenario is to have each program, or function, pay for itselfwhich explains why certain
fees for Recreation programs had to be raised. The state has been pushing for
consolidation and on a local level, shared services.
Mr. Holt asked Supervisor Colsey if the approved budget plan is still on track.
The supervisor indicated that yes, we are still on budget. Anyone interested can attend a
"State ofthe Town" meeting on July 13th outlining how much has already been spent.
This year we have cut 40% out of our expected revenues. Revenues come from two
sources. A portion ofthe mortgage taxes, such as when someone buys a home or
refinances it. The cut was made because new mortgages are down, but because of proper
planning the expected revenue is offby only $2000.00. Refinancing is expected to
increase as the year progresses. The second revenue source is sales tax. These two
sources equal approximately 60% of our revenue. With stores closing and sales down we
also predicted 40% less in revenue.
Mr. Holt asked what would happen if we went over budget. Supervisor Colsey
explained that we would have to go into deficit spending. The Supervisor had put a
reserve fund of $150,000 for unallocated purchases into the budget but the Town Board
felt that this was inappropriate in this economy and voted it down. Also, no funds
applied for due to the storm damage in April of 2007 will be coming from FEMA.
Mr. Roberts restated how important it is to follow the procurement policy to the
letter. Several years ago a roof was put on a dugout at Robinson Lane without the proper
approval. Because of this the contract is void and the Town cannot pay for the work
done. It is actually illegal and it is a misdemeanor. Therefore, Mr. Roberts asks that the
procurement policy be indelibly impressed in your mind before a purchase is made or
project is approved. Only an executive order from the Supervisor can over-ride the
policy and only in extreme emergencies.
Supervisor Colsey shared some of the upcoming projects that Recreation can look
forward to. He explained that these projects would come out ofthe Parkland Fund which
is funded by developers who build in the Town. They can choose to give us money or
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
land, but of course, the preference is to receive the money. This can then be used and
can only be used for capital improvements for Recreation. The following are potentially
1. Fencing at Robinson Lane - Little League has requested that they want the
dugouts closed offwith signs that say "Team members and Coaches ONLY".
V ery often a younger sibling or a parent goes onto the field or into the dugout
area. Because of this, potential hazards exist.
2. Additional playground equipment at Fleetwood - This equipment was purchased
with the thought that many people are likely to use "Stay-cations" instead of
going away. Therefore, we want to give these residents local opportunities. The
supervisor asked the members present to forward to him any ideas that may help
make this a better summer for our residents.
3. Tennis Courts at Pye Lane - At the next Town Board meeting there will be a
resolution asking for approval to go out to bid for the resurfacing of the Tennis
Courts. The courts have been very active this summer. A large number of people
wait for the use ofthe courts on a regular basis.
4. SL2 First Base Dugout - The structure's foundation is heaving and is a hazard.
Colonial Builders has received the bid and will begin work soon.
5. Memorial Field First Base Dugout - To be replaced in the Fall.
6. Robinson Lane Water Supply - The Town was put on notice that we have an
unsafe water supply because we were sharing the water with the irrigation system.
Filters will be added to the new lines that will be set up.
Jim Chapp as asked if in the restructuring of the maintenance department would
then fall under Highway or be a separate entity. The Supervisor explained that
Highway was not an option because of the Union. Maintenance would be set up with
it's own supervisor. A problem exists, for example, when at 3:30 on Friday afternoon
the Emergency Services building calls and says that they have a clogged toilet. There
is at that point no one to call. There should be one person to call (not Ralph Holt)
who can either take care of the repair themselves or have a list of names who can be
called to take care ofthe problem.
Mr. Colsey informed the members present that Gary Trudell has been made Vice-
Chairman of Recreation. He is now authorized to sign vouchers in the Chairman's
absence and handle any other problems that arise.
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
June 3,2009 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by Chairman Ralph 1. Holt, with the
following persons present: Jac1yn Smith, Recreation Director and Commission Members
Jim Chapp as, Gary Trudell, Uma Satyendra (left at 7:30) and Bruce Lustig.
The minutes from the May 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections.
Mr. Holt began by asking if anyone had any suggestions or changes to the report
sent to them outlining their responsibilities. Since there was no input at this time, Mr.
Holt asked for input as soon as possible. This information will help to formulate the
committee versus commission status of Recreation.
Mr. Lustig raised the concern as to how a restructuring of Maintenance would
affect us. Mr. Holt explained that at the end of 2008 we lost Rodney Diaz, Fred
Youngman to disability and Bob Sheridan was made seasonal. Mr. Youngman was an
excellent mechanic and his expertise will be sorely missed. Bob Sheridan finished for the
season in December of2008 and returned to work in mid-March 2009. Rodney Diaz was
let go completely. Mr. Holt made reference to the Supervisor's suggestion and quite
honestly did not see the feasibility in it as it would be an expensive proposition. Would
the Town Board agree to this change? However Mr. Holt is in favor of the new set-up
but would miss the interaction with the maintenance crew.
Mr. Holt explained that as the Town grew so did Recreation. "Facilities" was
originally under the direction ofthe Supervisor. Joel Petrus reported to Connie Smith
and Anthony Musarra answered to Joe Ruggiero until he was transferred to Recreation.
1. A letter was sent from Kay V onReyn to Mary Summerlin thanking her for her
visit to the Senior Center. She is a storyteller that caught the Seniors attention
with the nostalgia and humor in her stories. They enjoyed the session thoroughly.
2. A letter was sent from Jaclyn Smith to the Department of Health requesting a
waiver of immunization records to be required for each child attending our Camp
Program. A reply was received on May 14, 2009 stating that this waiver has been
3. Ralph Holt asked that a list of the Commission Responsibilities be sent to each
commission member. He asked each member to make additions or corrections to
this listing. Mr. Holt asked to have Stephanie Kovalsky make up a definitive
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
listing of all Recreation employees including Commission members, Office
workers and Maintenance workers.
4. A request was sent to Supervisor Colsey from the Pop Warner Organization for
use of the large meeting room for a coach's orientation meeting. Supervisor
Colsey requested that the building be opened and covered by Jackie Smith or him
self so as to cut down on comp time or overtime.
5. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey requesting the replacement of Theresa
DeRosa with Tom McKinney as caretaker of Castle Point Park and Reese Park.
This will be addressed at the June 8th Town Board Meeting.
6. Letters were sent from Gary Trudell to eleven (11) students from the Oakwood
Friends School thanking them for their help working on the walking trail at
Camwath on April 28th. These young people diverted the trail so that it went
through a wooded area instead of the meadow. They did a beautiful job.
7. A quarterly report was received from Dour Haan, Town Safety Officer, with some
repair recommendations. Copies were given to Ralph Holt and Bob Sheridan.
Mr. Holt asked that in the future that all reports go to each member so that they
can track the progress of needed repairs.
8. A memo was sent to the Supervisor and Town Board requesting approval to hire
our Summer Program employees. This resolution will appear on the June 8, 2009
Town Board Agenda. Mr. Holt is hoping that we get an adequate number of
registrations to require the roster of counselors hired.
9. A memo was sent to the Supervisor and Town Board requesting Fund
Re-Allocations to the 2009 budget. This resolution will appear on the June 8,
2009 Town Board Agenda. Mr. Holt said that the accountant is closely watching
expenditures and has found several lines that we are over, or close to being over,
budget. By re-allocating the funds it will give us a better view for next year's
10. A memo was sent to the Supervisor and Town Board requesting approval to
accept the bid of $1 00.00 per truck for the two Recreation vehicles to be
11. Letters were sent by Jaclyn Smith to the returning and new hires for our Summer
Playground program informing them of their positions and assignments.
1. A request was received from the Hindu Samaj for the use of Schlathaus P ark for a
festival to include booths for food and vendors and music for dancing performers
(no band). They can supply a certificate of insurance. They have no idea as to
how many people will attend. Mrs. Manning explained that their plan was to
make it a kind of Community Day to introduce the Indian culture to the Town's
residents. Porta-johns would have to be paid for by them and there would be a fee
for the use of the property. It was a general consensus that by opening Schlathaus
Park to outside use we may be setting a precedent that may well become
unmanageable. Mr. Holt said he would run this situation by Al Roberts for his
take on the legality of the use of Schlathaus by other than the Town. No final
decision was made.
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
2. Work applications were received from five applicants for the custodial job at
Castle Point and Reese Park. Ofthe five, Tom McKinney was selected to fill the
position as he has had the most experience in this field.
3. Resolution # 2009-182 was approved at the May 11,2009 Town Board meeting
allowing Kathi DeLisa to fill in for Kay V onReyn while she in on vacation.
4. At the May 26, 2009 Town Board Meeting the following resolutions were
a. #2009-190 - To purchase playground equipment for the Fleetwood
Recreation site.
b. #2009-192 - Accepting bids made for $100 to purchase two Recreation
surplus vehicles.
c. #2009-198 - Awarding bids to Colonial Builders for the replacement of
the first base dugout on SL2 at Robinson Lane.
5. A letter was received from the WCSD outlining the costs for the use of school
facilities for our exercise and sports programs. The Town will only be
responsible for the custodial fees for these programs and not for the actual facility
use. A discussion ensued about the possibility of charging the school for the use
of the fields at Robinson Lane. Mr. Holt said that it was always a reciprocal deal
between the Town and the WCSD.
6. A letter was received from BJ's Wholesale Club stating that purchases made
under our Town account could be paid for only by Cash, Organization Check or
Organization Credit Card. If one of these payments is not used, tax will be
charged on the purchase. Copies were forwarded to Ralph Holt, Kay V onReyn
and Supervisor Colsey.
7. In Kay's absence she asks if there are any here on the Commission that would be
willing to help her serve the food at the Senior Annual Picnic to be held on
Friday, June 19th, from 11 :30 to 2:00. If you are interested please contact Kathi
DeLisa at 297-3670.
Ms. Satyendra had no report at this time
Mr. Chappas had no report at this time
Mr. Trudell began by stating that he went to Quiet Acres to check on its
condition. The grass had been mowed but was very tall around the fences, which
indicates it has not as yet been weed-wacked. A complaint of the counselors at Quiet
Acres last year was that the Porta-john was too far from the building where the children
needed to wash their hands. Could it be moved closer? Jackie Smith said that there is a
bucket with hand wipes right outside the porta-john. Mr. Holt said that given the
situation this year with the "Swine Flu" it would be in our best interest to monitor the
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
situation as closely as possible. A sign will be put in the porta-john reading "Have you
washed your hands?" Mrs. Manning added, while on the subject, that the porta-john at
Castle Point has already been tipped over twice. Mr. Trudell said that the poles from the
old backstop at Quiet Acres are exposed almost down to the cement. Since they are not
repairable, Mr. Holt suggests that they be removed entirely.
The building at Spook Hill has been written all over with chalk. It may wash off
instead of having to be painted, but the playground equipment has been written on with
magic markers in language that we don't want children seeing. Mr. Holt said that we
have a young man that needs to do community service and we also have 2 Elder from the
Jehovah's Witnesses available to do work for us. This needs to be done before camps
begin. The Wallball wall at Spook Hill has not yet been repaired as there is still a hole in
one of the upper rows of the wall. Mr. Holt thought that that project had been completed
but will check into it.
Mr. Trudell had spoken to a resident at Spook Hill. She said that the reason she
was at Spook Hill was because the playground equipment at Martz Field was vandalized.
The slide and dome were burned and melted. Mrs. Manning has already asked Miracle
Recreation to go out and see what is needed to repair the unit.
Mr. Trudell would like to have Camwath officially designated as a park and have
a sign put up that would give the hours it will be open, caution about ticks and a "clean
up after your dog" notice. Although it has been discussed, there will be no fireworks at
Camwath on the Fourth of July. The suggestion tohave the Annual Office of the Aging
Picnic at Camwath would have to be planned for in advance, again because of the tick
situation. The spot that would lend itself the best to an event like this is not that easy for
the Seniors to get to.
Mr. Trudell spoke to Joe Ennesser with regard to the Camwath Grant and how it
could best be spent. They spoke of purchasing trash receptacles for the viewing areas
along the trail and pressure treated lumber to contain the item #4 around the benches on
the trails. It was suggested that we put an article in the paper looking for volunteers to
help Gary with the trails and other jobs needed at Camwath. Mr. Holt said that back in
2003 when the original dedication was done many craftsmen had signed on to help with
the renovation of the mansion. None of these craftsmen were ever used. The weekend of
June 6th we have 10 Rotarians that will be working on the bleachers at Robinson Lane.
We should be able to do the same for Camwath. Mr. Trudell said that it would be a good
reason to pursue the Camwath column in the Southern Dutchess News.
Florence Graff put a letter in the walking guide so Marion now has three women
working with her and seniors from the center have made donations of plants and money
to help complete the hill at Carnwath. Marion also volunteers to do the flowers around
the memorial at Robinson Lane. Since it is now the time of year to plant some annual
flowers to fill in, Mr. Holt suggests that we ask Bob Sheridan to pick up some flats to
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
Mr. Lustig expressed a few concerns with Soccer. He noted that they were
completely out of paint for marking the fields. Mrs. Manning said the order was placed
and received today. It was delivered to Highway, as is always the case, and needs to be
moved. The delay in ordering occurred because a re-allocation of funds needed to be
moved to the proper budget line in order for the purchase to be approved. Also, this
week, maintenance never made it to Airport Park to mow. Mr. Holt asked ifthe fields
had subsequently been mowed but Mr. Lustig stated that Soccer had to mow the fields
themselves. Mr. Lustig conceded that he realizes that Maintenance is understaffed with
more work than is always possible to handle.
Because of the work being done across the street from Rockingham, the water
collection area and the little creek that runs down from it are filled with silt. This is
preventing the water from running off and as it collects it is covering the fields. Mr.
Lustig suggests that the area needs to be dredged or piped to allow the water to run off.
Graham Foster offered to do the work but wants to get approval from Mr. Holt first.
Ms. Smith had no report at this time.
Mr. Holt began by stating that the Memorial Day ceremony went great. Probably
the best attended ceremony we have had with 250 to 300 people attending. The
Quadricentennial event is now in full swing. On Monday, June 1 st the ribbon cutting took
place at the chapel at Carnwath. The Sports Museum display is extended to the chapel
with two ice boats and other memorabilia on display.
Mr. Holt stated that he has a good feeling that the roofs for Carnwath may be
approved. Several months ago the Town had a vendor who would do the job for between
$45,000 and $50,000. The two smaller roofs would be guaranteed for a full 25 years.
The large roof would be re-tarred so as to buy us another two years. It would then allow
us to get back into the mansion and turn on the heat to dry the building out. Mr. Holt has
been told by two of the councilpersons that originally voted no that they would vote yes if
the vote came up again.
In the earlier Special Meeting, Supervisor Colsey mentioned having fencing put
up on the Robinson Lane fields to prevent unauthorized people from going on to the field.
Mr. Holt will meet with three fencing contractors to get estimates for this project. We
will start with three fields but eventually all of the fields will be done.
Mr. Holt pointed out that the area between Memorial Field and the Tee Ball
Instructional Field has become muddy because of cars driving through after heavy rains.
Graham Foster has some dirt that he is willing to give us to fill in that area, but it will
Recreation Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2009
also be roped off so that no further damage is done to the ground there. Gary Mensching
of Little League asked if a roadway could be put through that area so that cars could pass
through, but Mr. Holt said he is not in favor ofthat idea.
In the past, Bob Sheridan and his crew were able to get the boat docks in as early
as late April. Thus, there have been a lot of telephone calls complaining about the docks
not being in. Mr. Holt said that the docks would finally be in tomorrow (June 4th).
Graham Foster was asked ifthere was any way he could help out with this project but he
stated that his men were very busy with bulk pickup. Mr. Holt got permission from the
Supervisor to hire Roger Humeston for $200.00 to use his flatbed truck to get the docks
set up at Chelsea..
Community Day planning is going very well. Jim Chapp as was asked to follow
through on the bands for the parade that have not yet responded.
In planning for the end of summer picnic for the Summer Playgrounds Mr. Holt
would like to ask, not only Stop & Shop, but Hannaford and ShopRite as well for
donations of hot dogs, hamburgers, rolls and watermelon.
Mr. Holt spoke about the Community Center that the Village of Wappingers will
be putting up at Veteran's Park. A meeting was held with a representative from John
Hall's office in pursuit of funds for this building which will be used as a Senior Center
and after school Community Center. The plan is that the village and town would work
together on this project. Our Town Board has objected to the $3,500.00 we would have
to contribute as half the cost for the feasibility study needed. Mr. Holt spoke with
Councilman Paoloni about all of the previous locations discussed for the Senior Center.
Carnwath was our first option with the use ofthe cafeteria but the drawback was the
roads to the property as well as the lack of convenience getting in and out ofthe building
for the seniors. There was then talk that a part ofthe Emergency Services building would
become available and either the seniors or the building department would move to that
location. Our current senior center is only 800 sq. ft. and on a busy day in the winter the
quarters are so close that germs are being spread, making for a very unhealthy
atmosphere. One of the concerns of the Town Board is that our seniors would pay a
premium to use the center since the Town population is 5 or 6 times that ofthe Village.
His hopes are that the Town Board will reconsider and look more closely at the
advantages of sharing the center with the village.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary