2002-05-28 RGMAGENDA TOWN BOARD TOWN OF WAPPINGER MAY 28, 2002 7:30 P.M. • CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL, SALUTE TO THE FLAG PUBLIC HEARING (1) (1) Proposed Local Law Amending Town of Wappinger Vehicle & Traffic Code Designating STOP Intersections • RECEIPT & APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 3/25/02 RGM, 4/08/02 WS, 4/22/02 RGM, 5/13/02 WS. • SUSPENSION OF RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS • PRESENTATIONS Spookhill Recreation Mural Project Volunteer Certificate of Recognition Presentation Tall Trees Map, Plan & Report Draft Project Labor Agreement Rockingham Wells ---Steve Domber Fraser Associates ---Greystone Cooper Mobile Home Park AGENDA ITEMS CORRESPONDENCE LOG 2002CL- 0308 TO 2002CL- 0425 PROPOSED RESOLUTIONS R2002-148 Authorize Marriage License Fee Increase R2002-149 Authorize Alverez/Smithtown Road Project R2002-150 Authorize Bidding for Control Tick Spraying R2002-154 Award Contract for Road Striping R2002-155 Authorize P.O. to WCSD for Bus Transportation for Summer Playground and Swim Programs R2002-156 Rename Private Road at 188 Smithtown Road to Maple Path R2002-157 Authorize P.O. for use of Deer Hill Conference Center Pool R2002-158 Appoint Ken Brown to Town Board of Assessment Review R2002-160 Approve Water Meter Purchase for Water/Sewer Dept. R2002-164 Authorize Attorney to Defend Lawsuit Against the Town by Alpine Improvement, LLC R2002-165 Authorize Town to Submit 2002 Environmental Protection Fund Grant Application to NYS Office of Parks for Greystone R2002-172 Authorize Grant Application for Greystone Estate R2002-166 Authorize Placement of Correspondence Log R-2002-167 Sports Museum Fundraiser R2002-168 Oakwood Knolls Water Bonding Resolution R2002-169 Authorize Engineer to Town Prepare Specs to go out to Bid for Oakwood Knolls R2002-170 Authorize Ground Water Study for MTBE in Wappinger Park R2002-171 Budget Adjustments & Transfers R2002-173 Adopt Local Law Amending T/W Vehicle & Traffic Code Designating STOP Intersections • NEW BUSINESS • COMMENTS 0 ADJOURNMENT 05/28/2002.RGM The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on May 28, 2002 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO opened the meeting at 7:46 p.m. Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman Christopher Colsey, Councilman Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Gloria J. Morse, Town Clerk Others Present: Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town Al Roberts Attorney to the Town Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent The Supervisor asked all to join in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. RECEIPT & APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 25, 2002, Workshop Meeting of April 8, 2002, Regular Meeting of April 22, 2002 and Workshop Meeting of May13, 2002 having previously been forwarded to the Board Members, were now placed before them for their consideration. COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to accept the above stated Minutes as submitted by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved. Seconded by COUNCILMAN PAOLONI Motion Unanimously Carried SUSPENSION OF RULES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to suspend the rules for purposes of public comment on agenda items. Seconded by COUNCILMAN COLSEY Motion Unanimously Carried PRESENTATIONS: SPOOKHILL RECREATION MURAL PROJECT Volunteer Certificate of Recognition Presentations. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO explained that a grant was funded by the Ronald McDonald House to rehab the Spookhill Recreation Park. The students from the Wappinger Junior High School Art class went out there to paint the murals on the building. Teachers from the Wappingers Congress of Teacher also went to the site and cleaned up the litter along Spookhill Road. The town is currently working on installing a new playground set which will be completed in June. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO presented Certificates of Appreciation to all the students and teachers that took part in the project. TALL TREES MAP, PLAN AND REPORT DRAFT. Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town gave a short report and cost on the proposed improvements for 05/28/2002.RGM Tall Trees. Concurrently while doing the study, the Town Board learned that the Montclair Townhouse Condominiums which are east of the Tall Trees Water District, were also experiencing severe declining production of their wells, and were not able to meet their average daily needs. Therefore, it was decided to include Montclair in this proposal. Between Tall Trees and Montclair, there are 378 individual residential dwelling units. Tall Trees uses about 25,000 gallons of water a day. Montclair flows average about 50,000 per day. To connect into the system would take about 2,500 sq. feet of pipe and would need a booster station. Meters would be placed in Tall Trees and a master main would need to be constructed for Montclair. We also need to construct an elevated storage facility that would take the peek flows from these units would supply some fire flows to this area and would supply a daily storage in case there were power outages or a catastrophic event that would stop the flow of water. The estimated capital cost is about $1.975 million. All this information will be submitted to you in a formal Map, Plan and Report at the June meeting. NO ACTION TAKEN. PROJECT LABOR AGREEMENT. Sam Fratto and Jim Redrado, representing the Dutchess County Building Trades and the IBEW were present tonight to explained the concept of the Project Labor Agreement. It is an agreement with the tradesman that would build major construction projects for the town. Its not an agreement with any contractor. If a job is put out to bid, any contractor from any location can bid the job. The contractor who gets the bid must employ people that live in the area. There is no cost and it saves money because every trade must go by the same set of rules in the agreement and Project Labor Agreement is also tailored to that area. NO ACTION TAKEN. ROCKINGHAM WELLS. John Bodendorf, of Chazen Engineering was here tonight with Steve Domber of Meadowood Development Corp. There are several parcels adjacent to Phase II of the Meadowood Development that are experiencing water problems. Mr. Domber has agreed to extend the water line to bring water to these parcels when that portion of the subdivision and the water line is built. There is an agreement in place. As a result of this agreement the Map, Plan and Report that was created for Meadowood needs to be revised. Mr. Bodendorf also wished to know who should be responsible for making the revision and bear the cost. The original Map, Plan and Report was prepared by Mr. Paggi, Engineer to the Town. Mr. Paggi explained that if Mr. Domber is authorized to amend the Map, Plan and Report a Town Board resolution is needed authorizing the change to the Map, Plan & Report. 2 05/28/2002.RGM COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to authorize Mr. Domber to amend Map, Plan and Report at no cost to the Town. Seconded by Mr. Paoloni. Motion Unanimously Carried FRASER ASSOCIATES Roger Murman Vice President of Fraser Architectural and Planning firm informed the Board that his company is proposing to do the master planning assignment for the Greystone Estates. His company will be the primary contact for the town throughout the project. They will conduct site and utility analysis, site designs, produce reports, and be the liaison with the Town of Wappinger. They also bring a good amount of experience to the field of Master Planning and historic preservation. Ted Kolankowski, Project Manager of Fraser Associates explained that part of their plan was how to pay not only for the project, but their costs to do the planning as well. He explained that the town can use the value of the purchase price of the property as a match for the project. The Town would not have to use any of their funds. Most projects require match. The vision that Fraser Associates has of the master plan for Greystone is a comprehensive coordinated document that has three facets. The fiscal facet, cultural/ art and financial. The team members here tonight will contribute their own expertise to those facets in a coordinated manner. The fiscal facet will contain a conceptual site and architectural plan. Along with that they will suggest phasing and will include budget estimates for those phases. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO explained that the resolution before the Town Board tonight would be just for Grant writing. We also have a $280,000 Grant sitting in the County which is ours to apply for and actually applied for two years ago. As part of the grant we must turn over the easement at Greystone as part of the Master Plan. COOPER ROAD MOBILE HOME PARK Keith Gullery is here tonight to representing his mother-in-law, Mrs. Tibbetts the owner of the Mobile Home Park. Mr. Gullery has been managing the park since 1986. A request was received to add an additional mobile home in the park. Mrs. Tibbetts had informed Mr. Gullery, that in the past there were mobile homes on the one deeded section toward the Delgado property. It was later discovered that the mobile homes that were on that property back in 1971 were removed because under the R-20 zoning they were illegal. What Mr. Gullery was intending to do was place two double wides there. He is here tonight to ask the Town Board for permission to place the two double wides in that location. The Zoning Administrator explained that she was approached by Mr. Gullery regarding a building permit for a new double wide trailer on an existing (predating zoning) Cooper 3 05/28/2002.RGM Road Mobile Home Park. The park is presently comprised of three lots each with their own grid, totaling 3.26 acres. When speaking to Mr. Gullery, he indicated that some homes had previously been removed, and he thought that this new home would be a replacement for the home that had been removed. The area is in an R-20 zone. It is a legal non -conforming use, because it predates zoning. At the time there were 13 trailers that were grandfathered in, but in 1971 there were 17 trailers, therefore there was a required removal of 4 of those trailers, which Mr. Gullery spoke of. In researching this issue, Mr. Roberts explained that Dan Wery, Town Planner, said that this proposal is not permitted under the zoning. There are three acres translating to 7 dwelling units on that parcel. There are already 13, and with a request for another unit, the degree of nonconformity would be increased. Discussion followed. REQUEST DENIED CORRESPONDENCE LOG 2002 -CL - 0308 TO 2002 -CL - 0425 SEE ATTACHED SHEETS) COUNCILMAN PAOLINI wished to remove Correspondence 2002- 341 from the Correspondence Log for discussion. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-166 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PLACEMENT OF CORRESPONDENCE ON FILE The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN COLSEY and seconded by Councilman Paoloni. BE IT RESOLVED, that the letters and communications itemized on the attached Correspondence Log are hereby accepted and placed on file in the Office of the Town Clerk. The foregoing was put to a vote, which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted An application for a Hawkers and Peddlers license from Mahmoud Abuirmailah was placed before the Board this evening for their consideration. Mr. Colsey wished to know why a letter from the Board of Health was not attached to the application. Mrs. Morse explained that the applicant was only going to sell pre-packaged ice cream. Discussion followed. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to accept the application, pending confirmation from Attorney that the application is complete. Seconded by Councilman Colsey :11 n 05/28/2002.RGM Motion Unanimously Carried RESOLUTION NO. 2002-148 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE MARRIAGE LICENSE FEE INCREASE The following Resolution was introduced by SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO and seconded by Councilman Bettina WHEREAS, the Town Clerk currently charges Twenty Dollars ($20.00) to issue a Marriage License; and WHEREAS, New York Domestics Relations Law §15 provides that a Town Clerk is authorized to charge Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for issuance of a Marriage License; and WHEREAS, New York Domestics Relations Law §14-a provides that a Town Clerk is authorized to charge Ten Dollars ($10.00) for issuance of a Certificate of Marriage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Gloria J. Morse, Town Clerk to the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized to charge a combined fee of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) for the issuance of a Marriage License and a Certificate of Marriage. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-149 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TO RECONSTRUCT CURVE ON SMITHTOWN ROAD PURSUANT TO TOWN ENGINEER'S PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN BETTINA and seconded by Councilman Valdati. WHEREAS, the Town desires to straighten a roadway curve located at 178 Smithtown Road; and WHEREAS, Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer to the Town of Wappinger, has prepared a preliminary design plan dated April 3, 2002 to straighten and reconstruct the aforementioned roadway curve; and WHEREAS, Graham Foster, Superintendent of Highways to the Town of Wappinger, has estimated the cost of straightening and reconstructing the aforementioned roadway curve based upon the preliminary design plan 5 05/28/2002.RGM prepared by Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer to the Town of Wappinger dated April 3, 2002 to be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer to the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized to prepare construction plans and specifications for the road realignment near 178 Smithtown Road in the Town. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Highway Department to the Town of Wappinger is hereby authorized to construct the road improvements to Smithtown Road pursuant to said plans and specifications. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-150 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE BIDDING FOR TICK CONTROL SPRAYING The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN PAOLONI and seconded by Councilman Bettina WHEREAS, the Recreation Committee recommends the spraying of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Areas for the control of ticks; and WHEREAS, the Recreation Committee anticipates the cost of said tick control spraying to exceed Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Recreation Committee, Ralph J. Holt, is hereby authorized to prepare bidding specifications for the spraying of Town of Wappinger Recreation Areas for the control of ticks, and upon completion of said specifications to authorize same to be let for public bid in accordance with the Town of Wappinger's Procurement Policy and the letter dated April 8, 2002 from Ralph J. Holt the Town Board Members. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., P.E., Engineer to the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized to assist in the preparation of said specifications. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted N 05/28/2002.RGM RESOLUTION NO. 2002-154 RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT FOR ROAD STRIPING The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN COLSEY and seconded by Councilman Valdati WHEREAS, the advertisement for bids for road striping of Town roads was published in the Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal newspapers on April 8, 2002; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on April 30, 2002 and reviewed by the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger, Graham Foster; and WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger, Graham Foster, has provided an award recommendation to the Town Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the contract for striping of Town roads is hereby awarded to Atlantic Pavement Marking, Inc. doing business at 15 Industrial Road, Prospect, Connecticut 06712, for the price of $222.00 per mile, in accordance with the award recommendation letter dated May 1, 2002 from the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Wappinger, Graham Foster, to the Town Board. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-155 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT FOR BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR SUMMER PLAYGROUND AND SWIM PROGRAMS The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN PAOLONI and seconded by Councilman Bettina WHEREAS, the Recreation Committee of the Town of Wappinger requests authorization to hire the Wappinger Central School District to provide bus transportation for the Town's summer playground program and swim program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that payment is approved in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) made payable to Wappinger Central School District, from Recreation Account No. B-7310.4, for bus transportation for the Town's summer playground program and swim program, in accordance with the letter dated May 1, 2002 from Ralph J. Holt, 7 05/28/2002.RGM Chairman of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee to the Town Board Members. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-156 RESOLUTION NAMING THE PRIVATE ROAD LOCATED AT 188 SMITHTOWN ROAD AS MAPLE PATH The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN BETTINA and seconded by Councilman Valdati. WHEREAS, in order to comply with the Dutchess County Enhanced 9-1-1 Response Program, the Town must name public and private roads within the Town; and WHEREAS, Robert and Barbara Haimelin, Matthew and Lisa Talaber, and Donald and Loretta Denardo are the owners of the three (3) properties sharing access to Smithtown Road over an unnamed private roadway located at 188 Smithtown Road; and WHEREAS, said owners have requested that the unnamed private roadway be named Maple Path; and WHEREAS, Fire Inspector to the Town of Wappinger, Mark Liebermann, concurs that the unnamed private roadway located at 188 Smithtown Road should be renamed Maple Path. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the unnamed private road located at 188 Smithtown Road is hereby named Maple Path for all purposes, pursuant to the letter dated May 1, 2002 from Fire Inspector to the Town of Wappinger, Mark Liebermann, to Town Board Members. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-157 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT FOR USE OF THE DEER HILL CONFERENCE CENTER POOL The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Bettina. 0 11 05/28/2002.RGM WHEREAS, the Recreation Committee of the Town of Wappinger requests authorization to rent the Deer Hill Conference Center pool from June 27, 2002 to August 10, 2002 for the Town summer swim program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that two (2) payments are approved in the amount of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) each, made payable to Deer Hill Conference Center, from Recreation Account No. B- 7310.4, for use of the Deer Hill Conference Center pool facilities from June 27, 2002 to August 10, 2002 for the Town summer swim program in accordance with the letter from Ralph J. Holt, Chairman of the Recreation Committee to the Town of Wappinger, to the Town Board Members The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-158 RESOLUTION TO APPOINT KENNETH BROWN TO THE TOWN BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, there has been a vacancy on the Town of Wappinger Board of Assessment Review since the term of Member Kenneth Brown expired September 30, 2001; WHEREAS, Keith Carlson, Chairman of the Board of Assessment Review, has recommended the reappointment of Kenneth Brown to the Town of Wappinger Board of Assessment Review. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Kenneth Brown is hereby re -appointed to the Town of Wappinger Board of Assessment Review to the five (5) year term expiring September 30, 2006. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-160 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF WATER METERS FOR THE WATER/ SEWER BILLING DEPARTMENT 7 05/28/2002.RGM The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Colsey. WHEREAS, the Building Department regularly maintains an inventory of new water meters; and WHEREAS, the Building Department currently has only three (3) water meters left in inventory; and WHEREAS, Everett J. Prescott, Inc. located at 198 Ushers Road, Round Lake, New York 12151 is the Town of Wappinger's sole source for the supply of said water meters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that payment is approved in the amount of Six Thousand, Nine Hundred and Forty Two Dollars ($6,942.00) for the purchase of seventy-eight (78) water meters from Everett J. Prescott, Inc., in accordance with the letter dated May 6, 2002 from Deb Brown, Water/ Sewer Billing Department, to the Town Board Members. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 164 2002 RESOLUTION TO DEFEND LAWSUIT AGAINST THE TOWN BY ALPINE IMPROVEMENT, LLC The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN BETTINA and seconded by Councilman Colsey. WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger and the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger have been served with a Summons and Complaint, Index No. 2002/1991, by Alpine Improvement, LLC; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, by its attorneys, Vergilis, Stenger, Roberts, Pergament & Viglotti, have reviewed said Summons and Complaint; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, after due deliberations, finds that it is in the best interest of the Town to defend against said lawsuit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Albert P. Roberts of Vergilis, Stenger, Roberts, Pergament & Viglotti, Attorney to the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized to take all legal steps necessary to defend the Town of Wappinger and the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger in the 10 05/28/2002.RGM lawsuit captioned Alpine Improvement, LLC against the Town of Wappinger et al., Index No. 2002/1991. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-165 AUTHORIZING THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER TO SUBMIT A 2002 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FUND GRANT APPLICATION TO THE NEWYORK STATE OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION FOR THE CARNWATH MANSION AT GREYSTON ESTATE The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN PAOLONI and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will submit a 2002 EPF application for the Town to receive EPF grant funds; and WHEREAS, in addition to applying for such funds, the Town of Wappinger will provide matching funds not to exceed 50% of the total project cost; and WHEREAS, the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger has requested authorization to fine grant application to the New York State office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for the purpose of preserving Carnwath Mansion. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger, is hereby authorized and directed to file an application for funds from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation in accordance with the provisions of Title 9 of the Environmental Protection Act of 1993 or Title 3 of the Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, in the amount not to exceed $5,000,000, and upon approval of said request to enter into and execute project agreement with the State for such financial assistance to the Town of Wappinger. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye .. VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002- 172 11 05/28/2002.RGM RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR THE GREYSTONE ESTATE The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger recently purchased a 99 acre estate property located on Wheeler Hill Road in the Town of Wappinger, commonly known as the "Greystone Estate"; and WHEREAS, the Town of Wappinger desires to investigate development opportunities for the property and develop a Master Plan for its use; and WHEREAS, J. Kenneth Fraser and Associates have submitted a proposal to assist the Town in applying for various Grants to supplement the development costs for the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the firm of J. Kenneth Fraser and Associates with an office at 22 High Street, Rensselaer, New York 12144 is hereby retained to prepare applications for and in the name of the Town of Wappinger for the following grant funding at a total cost not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00): Program Due Date Requested Funds Environmental Protection Fund 6/14/02 $350,000.00 NYS Council on the Arts Architectural Planning & Design 3/1/03 $ 10,000.00 Certified Local Government Program Open $ 20,000.00 Preservation League of New York Spring 2003 $ 15,000.00 Hudson River Improvement Fund Summer 2002 $ 20,000.00 Greenway Communities Open $ 25,000.00 Quality Communities or Small Cities Technical Assistance Fall 2002 $ 25,000.00 Local Waterfront Revitalization Program 6/14/02 $ 20,000.00 10 Private Foundations Open $ 50 000.00 Local "Match Pool" 12/31/02 $ 50,000.00 National Endowment for the Humanities ? $ 10,000.00 National Endowment for the Arts -Save America's Treasures April 2003 $ 250,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero is authorized to enter into a written Contract with J. Kenneth Fraser and Associates to undertake such work at a cost not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), the form of said contract to be acceptable to 12 05/28/2002.RGM the Attorney to the Town and shall contain terms consistent with other contracts between the Town and professionals employed by the Town. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-167 RESOLUTION ENDORSING SPORTS MUSEUM HALL OF FAME ROAD RACE Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent had some concerns because the runners will be running in both directions on Losee Road at the same time, and we could not close the roads to local traffic. He felt it would present a dangerous condition. Mr. Foster informed Mr. Ennesser, that this should have come through him first. Discussion followed. Mr. Ennesser said he would work up the logistics and run them by Mr. Foster for his input. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to table R2002- 167, seconded by Councilman Colsey and unanimously carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2002-168 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $205,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK TO PAY THE COST OF THE INCREASE AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE FACILITIES OF THE OAKWOOD KNOLLS WTE DISTRICT IN SAID TOWN The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Paoloni. WHEREAS, pursuant to the proceedings heretofore duly had and taken in accordance with the provisions of Section 202-b of the Town Law, and more particularly an order dated May 28, 2002, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, has determined it to be in the public interest to increase and improve the facilities of the Oakwood Knolls Water District in said Town, at a maximum estimated cost of $205,000; and WHEREAS, said capital project, as proposed, has been determined to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York state Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which regulations state that Type II Actions will not have a significant effect on the environment ;and WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 13 05/28/2002.RGM RESOLVED, by the Town Board o the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows: Sectionl. For specific object or purpose of paying the cost of the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Oakwood Knolls Water District in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, consisting of the purchase and installation of an eight inch ductile iron pipe water main from the interconnection of Spookhill Road and Myers Corners Road to the intersection of Roberts Lane and Myers Corners Road for the purpose of connecting the Oakwood Knolls Water District to the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area to provide a new source of water supply for the Oakwood Knolls Water District, including the purchase an installation of pressure reducing facilities, interconnections and new residential water meters and the disconnection and abandonment of the existing components of the Oakwood Knolls source supply and storage systems, including incidental expenses in connection therewith, there are hereby authorized to be issued $205,000 serial bonds of said Town pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of said specific object or purpose is $205,000, and that the plan for the financing of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is by the issuance of the $205,000 serial bonds of said Town authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond resolution. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is 40 years, pursuant to subdivision 1 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, for and contents, an shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 5. The faith and credit of said Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and payable in such year. 14 05/28/2002.RGM Section 6. Such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the name of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, by the manual of facsimile signature of the Supervisor and a facsimile of its corporate seal shall be imprinted or impressed thereon and may be attested by the manual or facsimile signature of the Town Clerk. Section 7. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conduction the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in such manner as he shall deem best for the interest of the Town; provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, he shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such bonds, who shall bot be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 8. All matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds, including determining whether to issue such bonds having substantially level or declining annual debt service and all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds, prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in the name of the Town by the facsimile signature of it Supervisor, providing for the manual countersignature of fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Town), the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the consolidation with other issues, shall be determined by the Supervisor. It is hereby determined that it is to be the financial advantage of the Town not to impose and collect from registered owners of such serial bonds any charges for mailing, shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Local Finance Law, no such charges shall be so collected by the fiscal agent. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law an shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Supervisor shall determine. Section 9. The validity of such bonds and bond and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such Obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or 15 05/28/2002.RGM 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complies with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is to commence within twenty days after the date of such publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 10. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposed of Treasury Regulations Sections 1.150 — 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on long term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 11. This resolution which takes effect immediately shall be published in the Southern Dutchess News, the official newspaper, together with notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-169 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ATTORNEY AND ENGINEER TO DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS AND TO PROCEED TO BID ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OF FACILITIES FOR THE OAKWOOD KNOLLS WATER DISTRICT The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN COLSEY and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, the Town Board has previously adopted a Map, Plan and Report for an increase and improvement of facilities for the Oakwood Knolls Water District, proposing to interconnect the Oakwood Knolls Water District to the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area; and WHEREAS, the Town Board conducted a Public Hearing on the proposed improvements on February 28, 2002 at 7:45 p.m.; and WHEREAS, at the Town Board's regular meeting on May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time, the Town Board adopted a Public Interest Order authorizing the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Oakwood 05/28/2002.RGM Knolls Water District in accordance with the aforementioned Map, Plan and Report; and WHEREAS, at the Town Board's regular meeting on May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time, the Town Board adopted a Resolution authorizing the issuance of Two Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($205,000.00) serial bonds of the Town of Wappinger to pay the costs of the increase and improvement of the facilities at the Oakwood Knolls Water District as set forth in the aforementioned Map, Plan and Report; and WHEREAS, the Resolution authorizing the issuance of Two Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($205,000.00) serial bonds of the Town of Wappinger also directed that a copy of the Resolution be published in the official newspaper of the Town in accordance with §81 of the Local Finance Law (Estoppel Notice). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. Twenty-one (21) days after the date of publication of the Resolution authorizing the issuance of Two Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($205,000.00) serial bonds of the Town of Wappinger, the firm of Paggi, Martin & Del Bene, LLP with an office at 54-56 Main Street, Poughkeepsie, New York, Engineers to the Town of Wappinger and the Oakwood Knolls Water District, are hereby authorized to undertake the design and preparation of the plans and specifications of the improvements set forth in the aforementioned Map, Plan and Report and upon completion of the plans and specifications, said Engineers are authorized to advertise same for bid in accordance with the provisions of §103 of General Municipal Law of the State of New York and the Town of Wappinger Procurement Policy. Albert P. Roberts of the firm Vergilis, Stenger, Roberts, Pergament & Viglotti, LLP, Attorneys to the Town, is hereby authorized to undertake such legal work as is necessary to implement the work set forth in the aforementioned Map, Plan and Report. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-170 17 05/28/2002.RGM RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HYDRO -GEOLOGICAL STUDY The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Paoloni. WHEREAS, over the course of the last several years there have been three (3) gasoline and/ or petroleum spills on three (3) separate properties located at the intersection U.S. Route 9 and Old Hopewell Road in the Town of Wappinger; and WHEREAS, there are numerous public water supplies, residential wells and one (1) public water system in the near vicinity of these gasoline and/or petroleum spills; and WHEREAS, recent water tests at the Wappinger Park Water District have indicated that one well tested at 1 part per billion of MTBE in the water supply and a second well tested at 4.7 parts per billion of MTBE in the water supply; and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to determine whether the gasoline and/ or petroleum spills have impacted the drinking water of the Town's residents; and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to conduct a hydro -geological study in the vicinity of U.S. Route 9 and Old Hopewell Road to determine ground water movement in the area of these spills and its effect on MTBE and/ or other contaminant infiltration's into the drinking water in said vicinity; and WHEREAS, the firm of Leggette, Brashears & Graham Professional Ground Water and Environmental Engineering Services, with an office at 126 Morrison Turnpike, Trumbull Connecticut 0661, in a qualified engineering firm specializing in hydro -geological studies and is capable of doing the necessary testing to determine the ground water movement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: The recitations above set forth are incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein. Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero is hereby authorized to retain the firm of Leggette, Brashears & Graham Professional Ground Water and Environmental Engineering Services to conduct a hydro -geological study to determine ground water movement in the vicinity of U.S. Route 9 and Old Hopewell Road in the Town of Wappinger and to further determine the effects of ground water movements on MTBE and other contaminate infiltration into the drinking water supplies in the vicinity of U.S Route 9 and Old Hopewell Road. Supervisor Joseph Ruggiero is hereby authorized to enter into a Contract with such engineering firm for the services above specified and to enter into a in 05/28/2002.RGM Contract for same at a cost not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) for such study and report. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2002-171 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING BUDGET ADJUSTMENT AND TRANSFERS The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN VALDATI and seconded by Councilman Bettina. WHEREAS, the Comptroller to the Town of Wappinger, Gerald A. Terwilliger, has recommended certain amendments to the budget as set forth in a memo dated May 20, 2002. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. The recitations above set forth re incorporated in this Resolution as if fully set forth and adopted herein 2. The Town Board Hereby authorizes the following amendments to the Town of Wappinger Budget adopted for the calendar year 2002: (a) General Fund ---Budget Amendment Increase A1410.200 Town Clerk Equipment $ 2,000.00 A1410.499 Records Management Consultant 10,000.00 Increase A0599 Appropriated Fund Balance 12,000.00 To adjust budget for Resolution #79-2002 adopted by T/Board January 28, 2002. (b) General Fund – Budget Amendment Increase Al110.199 Justice Court P.S.—Comp time $ 3,000.00 A1220.199 Supervisor P.S. ---Comp time 2,100.00 A1315.199 Comptroller P.S. ---Comp time 2,500.00 A1330.199 Tax Collector --- Comp time 1,000.00 A1410.199 Town Clerk --- Comp time 950.00 A1620.199 Building Main P.S. Comp time 1,600.00 A7020.199 A7110.199 Culture/Rec P.S. ---Comp time Park P.S. ---Comp time 750.00 2,500.00 A7620.199 Sr. Citizen/Rec P.S. –Comp time 1,500.00 A9030.800 Social Security 990.00 A9035.800 Medicare 230.00 Increase A0599 Appropriated Fund Balance $17,120.00 To adjust budget change in policy for Compensatory Time. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: 19 05/28/2002.RGM JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted RESOLUTION 2002 NO. 173 RESOLUTION ADOPTING LOCAL LAW AMENDING THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC CODE DESIGNATING STOP INTERSECTIONS The following Resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN PAOLONI and seconded by Councilman Valdati. WHEREAS, a Resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger introducing a proposed Local Law entitled "Local Law No. #8 of the Year 2002, Amending the Town of Wappinger Code Designating Stop Intersections" for consideration of adoption by the Town Board; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was duly advertised in the Southern Dutchess News, the official newspaper of the Town; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on May 28, 2002 and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of or in opposition to said proposed Local Law or any part thereof; and WHEREAS, the Town Board determined that the proposed Local Law was not subject to environmental review; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger after due deliberation, finds that it is in the best interest of the Town to adopt said Local Law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger hereby adopts the Local Law entitled "Local Law No. 8 of the Year 2002, Amending the Town of Wappinger Code Designating Stop Intersections", a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is directed to enter said Local Law and the minutes of this meeting into the Local Law book for the Town of Wappinger and to give due notice of the adoption of said Local Law to the Secretary of State of New York. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: JOSEPH RUGGIERO, Supervisor Voting Aye ROBERT L. VALDATI, Councilman Voting Aye VINCENT F. BETTINA, Councilman Voting Aye JOSEPH P. PAOLONI, Councilman Voting Aye CHRISTOPHER J. COLSEY, Councilman Voting Aye The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted 20 05/2812002.RGM NEW BUSINESS COUNCILMAN VALDATI wished to comment on the Gas Station at the corner of Old Hopewell Road and Route 9. It is very unsightly. Is there anything being done about this? Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town informed the board that he does have a memo coming out on the Gas station that he wishes Supervisor Ruggiero to see first before discussing it. COUNCILMAN BETTINA on the Chelsea Desk top study, he wished to get that going and have the water options include the Chelsea Ridge Apartments. COUNCILMAN COLSEY on the architects letter regarding the leak over entrance canopy. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO announced that it has been repaired at no cost to the town. COUNCILMAN PALONI wished to know the next step as far as sewers is concerned. Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town explained that we are supposed to get a response back from the commission COUNCILMAN PAOLONI had a question on CL -2002-0341, Baracci complaint. In his response to the Town Board from Mr. Roberts, Attorney to the Town explained, discharging firearms within 500 feet of a residence is a State Law. Unfortunately, there is a general exemption for pistol associations which preexisted surrounding developments. This matter should be reported to the Pistol Association of St. Nicholas Road. Several years ago, they did take some measures to further ensure that no stray bullets would escape the range. To his knowledge, this is the first complaint since those changes were made. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO wished to know if there were any further comments or questions from the public on any item that was not on the Agenda.? A resident of Brothers Road was recognized, and she complained about the deep ditch next to her home, without a cover and filled with water. She was wondering if there was something that could be done. Discussion followed. Mr. Foster explained that it was not a big job and could be done. He would inspect the area and report back to the Town Board. There was no other business to come before the Board. COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to close the meeting, seconded by Councilman Valdati and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Gloria J. M s Town Cler 21 Town Board Correspondence Log Document # To From Date Received Re Agenda 2002CL - 0308 Town Board Graham Foster 4/5102 4/5/02 Fire Hydrant At Highway 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0309 Jon Adams Emanuel Saris 2/11/02 2/14/02 Rawls Leisure Living 5/27/2002 2002CL-0310 Mike Tremper Charles Del Bene 4/5/02 4/10/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0311 Karl Seebruch Joseph Paggi 4/5/02 4/9/02 Gunderud 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0312 Gary Corbet Joseph Ennesser 4/7/02 4/9/02 Park Destruction 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0313 Louis Viglotti AI Roberts 4/8/02 4/9/02 Fire Hydrant 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0314 Joseph Ruggiero Joseph Paggi 4/10/02 4/12/02 Cranberry 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0315 Peter Chemeff Al Roberts 4/10/02 4/12/02 Cranberry 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0316 Joseph Ruggiero Joseph Paggi 4/9/02 4/12/02 Wappinger Park Water Improvement 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0317 Andrew Mihans Joseph Ennesser 4/12/02 4/12/02 Town of Wappinger Community Day 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0318 CAMO 4/12/02 T of W Average Daily Flow 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0319 William Steinhaus 4/11/02 4/15/02 News Release 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0320 Carol Rusig Al Roberts 4/11/02 4/15/02 Building Permit and CO 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0321 Gloria Morse Patricia Hohmann 4/10/02 4/15/02 Reapportionment Meeting 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0322 Zoning and Planning Boa 4/1/02 4/15/02 Monthly Report 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0323 Joseph Ruggiero Michael Tremper 4/5/02 4/9/02 Wappinger Park Water Main Bypass 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0324 Joseph Ruggiero Carl Wolfson 4/18/02 4122/02 Local Speed Ordianance 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0325 Supervisor & Town Boar Barbara Roberti 4/19/02 4/22/02 Performance Motors 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0326 Planning Board Joseph Paggi 4/18/02 4/22/02 Shamrock Hills Subdivision 5/27/2002 Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Page 1 of 6 Document # To From Date Received Re Agenda 2002CL - 0327 Montclair Condominium Karl Seebruch 4/22/02 4/22/02 Violations 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0328 Town Clerk Susan Miller 4/19/02 4/22/02 Public Hearing 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0329 Joseph Ruggiero Al Roberts 4/18/02 4/19/02 Executive Order no. 1 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0330 Town Board Joseph Paggi 4/15/02 4/19/02 City of Pough Water Treatment 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0331 Peter Cherneff Gloria Morse 4/23/02 4/23/02 Cranberry Hills 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0332 Supervisor & Town Boar Peter Paggi 4/22/02 Spookhill Recreation 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0333 Town Board Barbara Roberti 4/19/02 4/22/02 Fees for Zoning 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0334 Supervisor Padma Reichwald 4/17/02 Fundraiser 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0335 Joseph Ruggiero Al Roberts 4/15/02 4/16/02 Recycling Center 5/27/2002 William Steinhouse Single Family Home Shortage 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0336 Supervisor 2002CL - 0337 Dan O'Connor Michael Tremper 4/18/02 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0338 Lukianoff, Ruggiero, Rob Lawrence Rabine 4/12/02 4/18/02 Jacob Lavian 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0339 Joseph Ruggiero Mark Liebermann 4/19/02 Montclair Condos 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0340 Joseph Ruggiero Don Swartz 4/23/02 4/23/02 Vehicle Accident of 4/16/02 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0341 Joseph Ruggiero Al Roberts 4/1/02 4/3/02 Boracci Complaint 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0342 Joseph Berger Charles DelBene 4/15/02 4/16/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0343 Gloria Morse 4/8/02 4/16/02 4/8 Summary 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0344 Town Clerk Town of LaGrange 4/15/02 4/16/02 Public Hearing 5/27/2002 Cellular 911 Calls 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0345 Supervisors and Mayors Joan Pagones 2002CL - 0346 Lawrence Rabine Al Roberts 4/22/02 4/23/02 Performance Motors 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0347 William Steinhouse 4/19/02 4/23/02 Highway Cleanup 5/27/2002 Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Document # To From Date Received Re Agenda 2002CL - 0348 Richard Cantor Al Roberts 4/22/02 4/23/02 Constance Smith 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0349 Al Roberts Joseph Paggi 4/15/02 4/19/02 Sherwood Heights 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0350 Supervisor & Town Boar Peter Chemeff 4/16/02 4/18/02 Cranberry Hills 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0351 Joseph Ruggiero Charles DelBene 4/15/02 4/19/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0352 Michael Tremper Peter Paggi 4/14/02 4/19/02 Tall Trees 5/27/2002 2002CL- 0353 Gregory Supple Al Roberts 4/16/02 4/19/02 Fleetwood 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0354 Constance Smith Comptrollees Office 1/7102 4/19/02 Health Insurance Premium for 2002 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0355 Fishkill Watershed Super David Burns 4/17/02 4/19/02 Symposium 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0356 Daniel Stone Joseph Paggi 4/26/02 4/29/02 DC Air Prot Land Fill 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0357 Al Roberts Joseph Paggi 4/26/02 4/29/02 Sherwood Heights Subdivision 5/27/2002 2002CL-0358 Richard Cantor Al Roberts 4/25/02 4/29/02 Constance Smith 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0359 Joseph Ruggiero Craig Kominoski 4/29/02 Revised Residentioal Assessment ratio 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0360 Carl Wolfson & Joseph R AI Roberts 4/24/02 4/29/02 Speed Limit Local Law 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0361 Melina Makris Florence Graff 4/24/02 4/24/02 Speaking for Conservation 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0362 Supervisor Roger Akeley 4/24/02 Riverhead Has Plan to Save Space 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0363 Town Jennifer Cocoaa 4/24/02 4/26/02 Telecommunications Towers 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0364 Supervisor Joseph Paggi 4/24/02 4/27/02 Myers Elm. Sewer 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0365 Supervisor DC Executive 4/23/02 4/27/02 Median Price for Homes in Rockland 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0366 Town of Wappinger CH Energy Group 4/02 Storm Preparation and Electric Service 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0367 Graham Foster Joe Ennesser 4/23/02 4/25/02 Dock Installation 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0368 Zoning and Building Graham Foster 4/23/02 4125/02 Town Right of Way's 5/27/2002 Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Page 3 of b Document # To From Date Received Re Agenda 2002CL - 0369 Joseph Ruggiero Don Swartz 4/23/02 4/25/02 Vehical Accident 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0370 Town Clerk Susan Miller 4/22/02 4/25/02 Public Hearing 5/27/2002 2002CI. - 0371 Joseph Ruggiero Phil Giapoti 4/25/02 4/25/02 Spookhill Recreation 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0372 Tatiana Lukianoff Mark Liebermann 5/1/02 5/1/02 Elgen Assoc. 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0373 Rec. Director Applicants Ralph Holt 4/30/02 5/2/02 Applications 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0374 William Steinhaus Supervisor 4/30/02 5/2/02 News Release 5/27/2002 2002CL- 0375 Neil Winner Joseph Stankavage 5/1/02 5/2/02 992R4 5/27/2002 WCSD 5/2/02 Meeting 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0376 2002CL - 0377 Planning Board Joseph Paggi 4/29/02 5/2/02 Cranberry Hills 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0378 Daniel O'Connor Joseph Paggi 4130/02 5/2/02 Pondview Ejector Station 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0379 Al Roberts Joseph Paggi 5/1/02 5/2/02 Kablaoui Subdivision 5/27/2002 5/6/02 Bring Hudson River Water to Residents 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0380 Supervisor Scott chase 2002CL - 0381 Supervisor Roger Connor 4/29/02 5/3/02 Cablevision 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0382 Joseph Ruggiero Charles DelBene 4/30/02 5/3/02 Phase 3A Resident Concerns 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0383 Graham Foster W. Stephen Capowski 5/2/02 5/6/02 Mosquito Control 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0384 Gerald Terwilliger Charles DelBene 5/2/02 5/6/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0385 Gloria Morse Thomas Madison 5/2/02 5/6/02 Resolution 136 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0386 David Compagni Charles DelBene 5/7/02 5/7/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL-0387 Robert Valdati Charles DelBene 4/29/02 5/1/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0388 Recreation Committee 4/2/02 5/8/02 April Minutes 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0389 Peggy Roe Joseph Paggi 4/30/02 5/2/02 Martz Field 5/27/2002 Page 4 of Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Document # To From Date Received Re Agenda 2002CL- 0390 Town Clerk Kathleen Williams 4/25/02 5/1/02 Public Hearing 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0391 Town Board Building Inspector 5/1/02 5/1/02 Building Inspectors Report 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0392 Joseph Ruggiero Michael Tremper 4/25/02 4/30/02 Joint Landfill Tire Removal 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0393 Gloria Morse 5/1/02 Minutes of 4/8/02 Wprkshop 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0394 HOA Members Gena Rudikoff 5/7/02 5/10/02 Woodhill Green Public Water Supply 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0395 Joseph Ruggiero Joseph Ennesser 4/29/02 5/10/02 Boat Ramp 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0396 Joseph Ruggiero Peter Paggi 5/10/02 5/10/02 Spookhill Recreation Center 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0397 Neil Winner Joseph Stankavage 5/9/02 5/10/02 99-21Z 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0398 Ralph Holt Peter Paggi 5/8/02 5/10/02 Spookhill Road Recreation Site 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0399 William Stenhaus 5/7/02 5/10/02 Ground Breaking for New Aircraft Hangers at DC 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0400 David Compagni Charles Del Bene 5/7102 5/10/02 Phase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0401 Ralph Marinaccio Peter Paggi 5/8/02 5/10/02 Anvil Court 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0402 Joseph Ruggiero Thomas Griffan 4/26/02 5/9/02 Certificate of Frachise Assessment 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0403 Mark Reisman Al Roberts 4/24/02 4/25/02 Montclair 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0404 Town Board Joseph Stankavage 5/6/02 5/8/02 Pase 3A 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0405 Joseph Ruggiero Gov.Pataki 5/7/02 5/13/02 Code Modifications 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0406 Supervisor Ruggiero Roger Akeley 5/13/02 5/15/02 Service Road 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0407 Joseph Ruggiero Joseph Paggi 5/14/02 5/15/02 Tall Trees Water 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0408 Tatiana Lukianoff Joseph Paggi 5/13/02 5/15/02 E&S Overhead Doors 5/27/2002 2002CL- 0409 Joseph Ruggiero, Graham Al Roberts 5/13/02 5/15/02 Fire Hydrant 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0410 Gloria Morse Stephen Saland 5/8/02 5/13/02 Resolution 2002-136 5/27/2002 Page 5 of Tuesday, May 21, 2002 Document # To From Date Received Re Agenda 2002CL - 0411 Town Clerk Dorothy Mekeel 4!30/02 5/13/02 Com P Proposal Comprehensive Plan re 5/27/2002 Darlene Bellis 5/13/02 Public Hearing 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0412 2002CL - 0413 Joseph Ruggiero Michael Tremper 5/10/02 5/13/02 Tall Trees Wells Redevelopment 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0414 Joseph Ruggiero Peter Paggi 5/10/02 5/13/02 Spook Hill Rec. Site 5!27!2002 2002CL - 0415 John Lathrop Don Swartz 5/13/02 5/13/02 Entry Canopy Leak 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0416 Peter Chemeff Gloria Morse 5/10/02 Cranberry Hills 5/27/2002 5/8/02 5/10/02 Arby's Rest. Application for Conceptual Review 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0417 Headlee Management 2002CL - 0418 Supervisor Peter Cannito 5/5/02 5/10/02 One Day Get Aways 5/27/2002 Public Hearing 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0419 Metro Transportation Aut 2002CL - 0420 Thomas Schiesel Michael Tremper 5/6/02 5/10/02 water leak 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0421 Supervisor &Board Heather Kitchen 5/6/02 5/10/02 April 2002 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0422 Receiver of Taxes 4/02 5/10/02 Monthly Report 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0423 Supervisor and Board Carl Wolfson 5/7/02 5/10/02 April 2002 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0424 Mike Ostrow Tatiana Lukianoff 5/7/02 5/10/02 Friendly Mercedes 5/27/2002 2002CL - 0425 Town of Wappinger NYSDEC 5/13/02 'Greer Toyota 5/2712002 Page 6 of 6 Tuesday, May 21, 2002 05/28/2001.PH A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 28, 2002, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York on the proposed Local Law Amending the Town of Wappinger Vehicles & Traffic Code Designating STOP signs. Supervisor Ruggiero opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Present: Joseph Ruggiero, Supervisor Robert Valdati, Councilman Vincent Bettina, Councilman Christopher Colsey, Councilman Joseph Paoloni, Councilman Others Present: Al Roberts, Attorney to the Town Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town. Gloria J. Morse The Town Clerk offered for the record, the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof the Minutes of this Hearing). At this time, SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO introduced Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent. Mr. Foster explained that he was contacted by several residents on the Gold Road area. Upon inspection, he recommended a STOP sign at the intersection of Dose & Brothers Road at both ends where it intersects with Brothers Road. Also on Gold Road where it comes onto Brothers, and also on Shale Drive where it comes on to Montfort Road. They are all T intersections and come under STOP sign regulations. SUPERVISOR RUGGIERO wished to know if there were any questions or comments from the audience regarding the placement of the STOP signs. Jackie Alfano of Brothers Road would recommend a STOP sign on the intersection of Dose Road and Brothers Road, on Brothers Road in order to prevent the cars from speeding down the hill. Mr. Foster answered that in the past he has gone on record as not recommending STOP signs to control speed. There have been some cases where the Town Board has erected STOP signs on Kent Road, Alpert Drive and Tor Road, but they were not recommended by the town professionals or his office. Herb Ilker of 17 Shale Drive was in favor of the Stop sign on Shale and Montfort, but feels there is a site problem when coming out of Shale to Montfort. If you don't stop you will get hit. Most of the drivers already stop there now. He would recommend the Town to consider taking a foot or two off the top of that hill to give you longer site distance on the left hand side so you can see the cars coming down the hill. He does not know why it has not been proposed earlier. COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO said that this was a very good point, and we could look into improving the line of site in that area. Joe Cash of 35 1 05/28/2001.PH Montfort Road felt the stop sign would do nothing. People have to stop anyway to turn right or left. He waits outside with his children for the school bus in the morning and has seen many near misses. Cars traveling south on Montfort going down the hill don't see the people trying to come out of Shale. There are also trees hampering the site distance. Mr. Foster informed Mr. Cash that after he called in regards to the brush, it was removed and there is the best possible site distance you can get now measured 12 feet back on Shale Drive looking north on Montfort. Mr. Vivalda who lives on the corner of Montfort and Shale felt a stop sign should be there but did not feel it would work. The problem is the dip just before the little hill coming down to Shale Drive. Many of the cars are driving 50 mph or faster. Mr. Foster explained that this has been compounded by the fact that New York State would not let the Town lower the speed limit on Montfort Road. If we were able to lower the speed limit to 30 mph as we had tried several years ago, it would have helped the situation. Now you can legally drive at 40 mph. Mr. Foster said he and Jay Paggi, would go and inspect the site. There were no further comments or questions from the audience. COUNCILMAN PALONI moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Councilman Bettina and unanimously carried. The Public Hearing closed at 7:45 p.m. Gloria J. Morse Town Clerk X TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON LOCAL LAW AMENDING TOWN OF OF WAPPINGER, VEHICLES & TRAFFIC CODE DESIGNATING STOP INTERSECTIONS STATE OF NEW YORK) )ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS) POSTING GLORIA J. MORSE, being duly sworn deposed and says: That she is duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on May 10, 2002 deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on the proposed Local Law Amending the Town of Wappinger Vehicles and Traffic Code designating Stop intersections, on the sign board maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. GLORIA J. MO E Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me the day of , 2002 NOTARY PUBLIC ALBERT P. ROBERTS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York Qualified in Dutchess County Commission Expires feb.'28.20 4d % NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF WAPPINGER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on the 28 day of May, 2002, at 7:30 p.,. I v 7,, at the Town Hall, Town of Wappingsr, 20 Middlebush Road,. Wappingers Falls, Newyork, at which time all par- J t i j1" 1 i ties In interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard as to whether the TOM Board of the Town of Wappinger shall adopt a proposed Local Law entitled 'Local Law No. of the Year 2002, Amending the Town 01WIPPIngerVehicles andTraf- fic Code Designating Stop Intersec- tions.' PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Purpose and Intent of the pro - Posed Local Law is to amend the T—'s Vehicles and Traffic Code des. ignating the east end of Dose Road where it Intersects with Brothers Road, the west and of Dose Flood where It Intersects with Brothers Road, the west end of Gold Road where it intersects with Brothers Road, and at the east end of Shale Drive where it intersects with Montfort Road as full stop Intersections ALBERT M. OSTEN PLEASE TAKE. FURTHER NOTICE NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK that the T— Board has determined that pursuant to 6 NYCFIR 617.5 (a) QUALIFIED IN 0111(:ilr�;S COUNTY (20) the Proposed adoption of the aforementioned Local Law is a Type 14-8240760 11 action not requiring environmental COMMISSION EXPIRES JUN 1 5 review Puursuantto the State Enviror, mentalQuality Review Act (SEORA) or pursuant to Local Law No, 6. of 1992 and, a000rdlngly, no environ. mental review has been undertaken. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that copies of the proposed Local Law No — of the Year 2002 are available for review and inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk on week- days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Now York. Dated: May 10, 2002 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF I WAPPINGER GLORIA J. MORSE, TOWN CLERK