1977-04-13 (2)ur'3 6 6 -c- ? 2.� ., - Supervisor Louis D. Diehl S Councilman Leif W. Jensen Councilman Nicholas Johnson y . Councilman Louis C. Clausen Councilman Francis Versace r LE IF W. JENSEN, 4 SUPERVISOR LOUIS D. DIEHL t �- l.) -.- , r:, I ,) - 13 F -.7 7 1 r .7,'jT' -IT V 1'� 7 r"T, T—D T )- T T�71 Tri' C. 01! 01ATI PL;-, 7 7 e7l J tiL 12 Dutchess County, New York, as `inn z -l— 7 r :7 ?%rater maills, Purnirl(T stca4-ionc s associated facilities, to serve the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area in said. Town, then--, shall be issued- an(" so -L-3 $211630,9.)o determined that the Y)eI'-LUM. kj- snecific oblect or nurnn7,t,- i7, f(-,,rt,,7 y,ars :),tr-liant t(,) su'l")7 T, ax .7 o'- naragraph a of Se-C-tiOl-I ll0r-r�'3 Ot-'-e I'Ocal SPECIAL DOcar-,. Of a F a l :Ls Y ill Sal', 01. 13th Of7 APRIL 7 t 7:00 oycic -7. P tan, ar (A "'I , le, 0 e in o t-or�ler SUPERVISOR LOUIS D. DIEHL AMT ? 2.� ., - Supervisor Louis D. Diehl S Councilman Leif W. Jensen Councilman Nicholas Johnson y . Councilman Louis C. Clausen Councilman Francis Versace r LE IF W. JENSEN, 4 SUPERVISOR LOUIS D. DIEHL t �- l.) -.- , r:, I ,) - 13 F -.7 7 1 r .7,'jT' -IT V 1'� 7 r"T, T—D T )- T T�71 Tri' C. 01! 01ATI PL;-, 7 7 e7l J tiL 12 Dutchess County, New York, as `inn z -l— 7 r :7 ?%rater maills, Purnirl(T stca4-ionc s associated facilities, to serve the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area in said. Town, then--, shall be issued- an(" so -L-3 $211630,9.)o determined that the Y)eI'-LUM. kj- snecific oblect or nurnn7,t,- i7, f(-,,rt,,7 y,ars :),tr-liant t(,) su'l")7 T, ax .7 o'- naragraph a of Se-C-tiOl-I ll0r-r�'3 Ot-'-e I'Ocal 2 sc—i-il bonds as a s-conrl series of bon,! -s, wl-iich s`. all matnrc� )8q o v- ars 1 7 n $99,,000 in 197{;, -93,000 in oach n'ti!.e vears j_gql to 2,1)(13, both J,.nclI-I.-J.v-y anC $191,000 in 200/1, a --)O shall be consoli(",-vtf--;I issucs of -vit' ri T i rob sai'q 'TOX,7- -�r determined that the period of probal.-le usefulness of the atorczsaia ob.je-ct or -)nrnn�l�- i:-, fr-rt-,7 v"a-rc; �)iirmla.r)t to su!-)di'7'j- f-� i- 1 1, 71 1 -� 0� - - o j - I- o'� nzar,--irrraph a of Sectj-071 L inar c( T, a`'17 co jtI,-) ori ' ant Sr) i'. (M, to 1973, the 0,_ - j- _ of froin dialy notet is 1,,ereby further d e t e- rm. i n e- d that i s s u e,� t'-'- e r e or . iJ. -- $40),000 serial bonds were is.que(j purrjj-,-t to ,aid authorization as a .':..,rst series as a part. of a consolidated is sue of $1,27'5,,000 Public Improvery-tent (Serial) Bonds, 1974, dater -1, :March 1, 1974. It is hereby further detormined that funds of said. available from a source other than the of "on(Is or pond anticipation notes in the amount of $70,000 were Dail-.. on J4tav 17, 1976, and that further funds of sai,,! `. own, available from a sourc- other than the proceeds of x)onds or bon(IT antici- nation notes, in the amount of $100,000 will be naid on or before Ilav 17, 1977, to nartiall�.;, rn(luce outstanding bond 'F said -or such nurposc--, such amounts � i(I 'Pown f anticination notes of constituting the first two installments of the -,.)rinciT.)al ar(Iolint ok sucl, JLa"L::JLediluss. total aTnoiiiit- of serial LionO.s may !)e issued for the aforesaid ohjlact or purpose is $2,630,000. �11 I e $2,630,00 serial bonds herein authorized to be issued and. consoli,laterl as a second series constitute all of such balance. Section 2. Of the 03,963,320 serial bonds authorizei by bond resolution dated August 14, 1972, for the construction of improverents in and for Wappinqer Sewer Im7rovemont No. 1 in said Town, there shall be issued. ansa sold 0,M3,000 Morial bonds as a second series of boric, which shall mature $91,000 in 1075, 090,090 in 1979, V93,001 in 1981, 0100,110 in each of the yoars 1981 and 19R2, 099,000 in each of the years 1923 to 1985, both inclusive, ana $98,000 in each of the years 1996 to 2004, both inclusive, and shall he consolVated with othor issues of bonds of said Town as hereinafter authorized. it is 4ereby Jetermine& that t pprio& of probo>la usefulness of th/' aforesaik specific object or purnose is forty years purpuant to subdivision 4 of naragraph a oT lection 11.10 ot the Local Finance Law, comnuted from December 27, 1972, tAp Oat, of the first bond anticivation note iosu,O thern5nr. It is hereby further determined that $500,900 sorial bon0s war, issuerl pursuant to saW authorization as a first sorieg as a nart of a consolVated issue of 01,275J00 Public Improvament (Serial) Bonds, 1974, dated "arch 1, 1974, W a 013,120 principal payment was heretofore made in partial rQd"ction of a serios of bonC anticipation notes issued in anticination of saiF first series of bonds. It is hereby further determiroV that funds OF jaiC `"own avaWahle from a source other thnn the procepis of bonds or bond anticipation notes in the amount of 473,00,) were paid on play 17, 1976, an6 that further funds of said Town, available from a source of or than the urocoeGs of honds or bond anticination notes, in the amount of llln,610 will Yn naUl on or before lay 17, 1977, to partiillv rePuco outstansing bOr' anticipation notes of saiF Tuvn for such ournose, such arounts constituting the first two installments of the nrincinal of 4 such inrltebteclness. 7`.i ter t,ie nlrri,}nt o:, szic'' t(.)ta-I a:',.'Iourt OF serllEil '-on(I-!7, -,'!"-ic*i rivr 'y% i. a�7(-),-- saj..' okj�-ct or '15 ,)onjs her-3in aut',Iiori7c„-' to i.sFineC an�' con�(-J-L t. i s a 5;c ond. series aro a Tsar;- n. (7 n S(--c-tion 3). }.tic 4 1 1-- 13, 1972, -For the �`onstruc-or i resolution (�ate- - of a sewer system, consisting of main sewers, manholes, lateral lines and a sewage disposal plant to sn=v- thn District in said Town, th-re s-Tiall. serial wilicil slhall n': t I -i C I s J, V, o t i., -�r 1'3 3 Q,7� It s hrrebl., of� Of -ho a sm-ciCic ohj"ct or p,ir-o7-- i forty ars pursuatit to su) i-VAL lcl i 1)" 0' IP7` 0-157 the Local. Pinance 1,alv, from J�inuiqr7 27, 1 1) VS t Of the first -anti(- ti on not her-Iny furt!1Qr t'h,?',:. 'nnbs fid cIj_ 71 av -1 l a") I from. a sourlcr' other till an thcl n—roce'-r" s -)I- anticipation notes in the im-ount oF were paicI on ianuar-y 27, 1977, ansa that further funds, of sairl ITIr fI a.Nviila'-le frOT,I ti)'an proc--eC-s o' honds or ',.)on(1 antici- nation notes, in the amount of $15,000 will be paid on or -arl (-T or�forc2 'Iay 17, 1)77, to naxtiall,7 ou-, l 4- " i n b?n(I anticinat4 on notes of saj---' "'-Own for s3i'sTi c'i af' t _tU-tin,rT the --':'irst two infi,+-.allme1-)+-7; of t" -v' r)-rincil a �Imcun of 3,1(--1 ._ I -- .1 indo Section 4. Of the $173,375 sarial bonds autnorizeC 5y a bond resolution dated July 14, 1975, for the construction of additions to the surface drainage system of sail Town, there shall be issued and sola Q55,00Q serial bonds, whioi shall mature $5,400 in 1978, 35,500 in each of the years 1979 to 1982, both inclusive, and $5,^00 in each of Ae years 190 to 2004, both inclusive, an& shall be consolitatei wit> Ot or issues Of bonds Of sai., Town as Aproi aftor a l'S norl :'.,o . It is hereby determined that the perio6 of protea >lo usefulness Of the aforesaid class of objects or purposes is forty years, pursuant to subdivision 4 of paragraph a of Section ll_.no Of the Local. Finance Lasa, computee from Decomher 24, 1975, the _gate of the first ;Kona anticipation nota issued therefor. It is herehy further determined that fun0s of saiC `'own, avail.a` to from a source_` other than t : e pro ' is 1:1:`- honJi Or S'},;• n '::.'_.^.ination notes, in the amount Of 715,900 will be i:3ai" on Or before n s :gay 17, 1977 to partially reduce outtadi..ng -- Kon<< anticipation notes of said Town for such purposes, such Amount constitutircY the first installment of the prircinal ar1onot or suc: inOebt^dnn ss. It is hereby further stated that on Dei° h_-�1__,rr_ `'�' �. _, 1970 ,z Jaymcn:: in the amount of was $3,375 a��=.-alin u ,.. in r_-ciuction. of •,onc7 anticipation notes then outstanCi.ng in anti_cination of hong s authorizer? .for saij project, thus r^<.'.l, ci_rw t4v waount Of hon&s Section 5. Of the 54.75,000 serial bonds autlorizeO by hand anti capital note resolution 7atw ovn"`P"' `z the construction O1 I`lc^.^'a.. sary works or 1 •.1.r=?].?"i:" aw rj'..Si.:."_n for the protection a ' Maintenanc? OF `i'O:.n highways, t?'ir`re shall he issued and sole, $30,000 serial bonds as a second series of bonds, which shall mature $5,500 in 1973, $2,500 in 1979, ane' $3,000 in each of the years 1980 to 2103, both inclusive, ane. shall be consolidateO with other issues of boil(_?s of s if Town as hereinafter c1l.Tt orizcJ. it is bcr-! y /_ at armi ne3 t at t ii.:� ?Jtriod of nrohablo usefulnegs of the afnrns i '- class of ohj rt_s or purposes is thirty years pursuant to sLzhl ision 3 of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Loc&_ Fi na nca law, camnutec! from August 29, 1972, the taste oV t e first .7�n:'� ,� i � -!' ai"it1Crt..rat1nl'' note issued t' ornfor. It is ?"errhv .Ft,1y-khor d-t arminv& that ?375,090 serial_ hnnC's were issued pursuant to soiP authorization as a Tirst seritns as a part of a con qolVvtrV issue o"`' tl,?77,1' '' Public jonrC>vono_nt (Serial on&q, 197A, d-itai Ntirc'_i 1, 1978. It is hereby further Wtarnirej that flln0s of sail Town avai�.� k:) frau a source other than the proceeds of bones or bond anticipation notes in the amount of $10,000 were pai& on Oct n"or_ 1, 1970, and that further fume?.r of said Town, av i 7 h le from a sourv' ot4er than the proceeds oK bcn�s or hong_ an.tici.na t inn notes, in the amount of n17,000 will he PAC: on or before -ay 17, 1977, to partially ra uc<'_ out stanOino honC9 antic i-atiorn notes of sai-I 'mown for such purposes, such amounts const'.itutinn the fid' at two installments of the principal amount of uc4 ins alt eOness. after such payments, the total amount of serial bon0s whic`n may be issued for the aforesaid objects or purposes is bu,uou. The "120,000 serial bonds herein authorize' to W i sun C. and consolidated as a socon- sr: is , coasLituto all a= say__ ala n r_, e . Section 6. Of the 0190,000 serial honAs authorinaR h- hone' resolution dated June 11, 1973, for the construction of 6rainagn facilities in ane' for said To"n, thorn stall be issued and sold 0105,000 serial hWq, which sKall mature $6,100 in 1973, $6,000 in 1979, 15,500 in each of the years 1930 to 1982, both inclusive, and $6,200 in each of the years 1933 to 2004, both inclusive, an& shall to cnnsoli&ated wit'i other issues of bon6s of said Town as hereinafter avthoK7P&. It is hereby datorminei that tho oerio_�. or_ nroPanle unafninoys of the aforesaiO class of ohjncts or qnrnnies is thirty years, pursuant to sabOi-vrision 3 of naragranh a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law, commute K from Ju17 3, 197A, the date of the first bond anticipation note issuetKerefor. it is hereby further determined that funCs or saiTown, availaOlo from a source other than the proceeds of bonds or bon& anticipation notes, in the amount of $10,0?0 were PAO on Ma- 17, 1976, an(:` that further funds of saiO noxqn, availahlc from a source othar than the proceeds of bonVs or bond anticipation notes, in the amount of $15,000 will ha qviC on or beforo !av 17, 1977 to partially reduce outstanCing bon& anticipAtion notes of sai--- Town for such purposes, such amounts constitutinq the first two installments of the principal amount of such indebtedness. Section 7. The serial bonds Qascribein We preceding purposes of sale into one bond issue, aggregating $6,035,000. Such bonds shall each he OnsWateO sWqtartiall- P99TTO Iq- PDOVAuRAT (SERIAL) BOAD, 1977, shall hr Rated Aay 1, 1977, shall be of the denomination of $5,001 eaW. sNall bis numharer! 1 to 1,207, both inclusive, W s%all mat"r, it num-rical W",-- in the amount of $210,000 on Aay 1 in each of tic vnars 1972 anO 1979, 0215,009 on lay I in 1091, and $225,0q! on lay I in oach of the years 1Q?l to 2101, hnt4 inclunive. with intore9t tHeraon payable Nounrbar 1, 1977, and spai-innuallw thereaftor on lay 1 anO November 1. Such bonOs shall N-ar interest a,.-, such rate as may ho nncp3sarl- tn s, .l th- swTo, YhWi ratn shall be 6ete7m11.,rd in thn fonncr nrnvileF in Secti-n 11,19 oF t>q AoCa-j, Finance Law. Ruch ''OU- shall bn in hearor cou-nn form witi KV�, privilnqP of convor3ion into bnris rPqjqVer-Q as hn of orinci-n and i"tarnst, ane ahall be pana"In as t- hnth -Knci--1 an:`. interest in lawful money of the UnitcO Statns of Amprica at "arine Midland Bank in Wappingers Falls, New York, or, at the option of the holder, at 4arine "Klan6 Bank in New York, New York, which by contract are the payinq aunntQ of thn issuer. The afornsaij matnritirs conititnte t agorannt, o" th- indiviCual mat arities of n4cA se.parstr ia-io, -"Tv4 inOjviOy7',. natirities are prescriKod in t4p prarilip- onatinna hQrrn7. Such hon0s shall Do sig on in t"r nnmn of sair "owr o! "a-yingono nutchess Count7, �nw VorV, 5v its Supp rvigor, or' a Tacsimilr� of its corporate soil shall be imprinted thereon an6 attost2-' by its Town CIPA, and the int ernst cou,ons shall hoar t� r, facsimiln signature of sail Supervisor. Section 8, All other matters, excnpt as nroviKnO heroin relating to such nonds, snali 00 LeLcrmino" "y &,v Such bonds shall contain suh7tantially thn rncital of valiCiV., clause proviOnd for in Section U.11 of thn TnPal vine -cc La,7 and shall otherwise ba K s"ch form an& contain surl rqcitals, in addition to those requiraby Section 51.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Supervisor shall Peteryine. 'i - C ,-,i � ()4- Sec�tion 9 faitli. Putch- - r -�ss Count� A-7 of on, a due, ants <`In ai-inua! aporoori�ition shall I)e T!la.041' in vt-,-r "rinci.,)al or an," Oll.rl^r7,I-7al, J, - in such w�ar. Se(_,tion 10. 7`1, ar'1 n'. a,IvI-rti�--in(l suc'i for sal,n, conrIl-wtin(T 'r,7ar,:­L C 4 )onC�, aro i_lnrehy de-legatr-C to sunorvi-F,nr �v. ver} -J- sun:, . is ,-,)r saln F as IneSi1_C1-) _nr 4.-.11C' r N7 _11 e m r� r ci -s e o o r s a" !, flow -- ve r t t n t 1 PS'� At( CTT --1­ ,::ol,tply full" To7it"', rov i ri a. s of 11in n r— j,aw aljr, L any ord-r or rule o.L'- tInC, "'I't ate to -t�!e salri of- -'qunicinal I)on(II-s. oF, Stv)-?nri­,or 511,-111 a full ac(-Iuittance. t_o I: '1a purcl,asnr of. Su(__71 - w,!. in 5,�, obliqe�c� to sit '1' 1-o t'ir� Section 11. r(,;rAuti", ";!:-"-)31 ta� iT I MD C i �f_l to I IT" (,. I ". - - - I-`,(! a('or)-f-inn of - r st i i� Tw -(.)n or T�a�3 c'lulv nut to P. vol f', on rol.11 c-1.1.1 �^I 1.a a:,-; -Follow., Councilman Jensen AYE Councilman Johnson Aye Supervisor Diehl AYE CoLMcilman Clausen ABSENT COUNCILMAN VERSACE " )'VT - -i ABSENT 7 T -ie. 1 I I I 3_f 1 :Ir , - ­_)rAncTor, PutcheSS 0 t! T - n _j:-� r n r� � - - - 1. r t".) 0, 11, _. 71. r7 I r, - " - Yorl, thr� 1111hat co!,A;-)aroii co,� t'v- -,,-,cotina of the Own Boar:'. o- sai(7 To.Tm, inclu:Jinq 1"l','' resolution con.tainp-c, t`ieroin, 1 -'el -7 on 13th Aa,7 o-5' APRIL 1977 1-977, wiLh tli(,'hof On 8, 111V 0 -f- 'Ice, '111(1 April tI.ic� same is a true and correct co,)il 0 sai i Ori.Ui 1-1 whole of sai 'Cl ori,iiai so -11-7:�,r 4 -;,tat all mv-1! '-,a(.' ,j()ti(.c` sair,t m.eetin(T anC, tlAaL, rj t ar L_ ivc�n j?,f,ii.c cv7-�,�Icers 1,aw (0i_ ­C T 8, 1977 t T 8, 1977 SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS ( W & S D NEWS) April 8, 1977 Radio Stations: WHPN, WEOK, of SEli., 8, 1977 aivl/or oth—, ,eWSOW�ers an(Vor ot'Aer T) a, t o ivc�n BEACON EVENING NEWS April 8, 1977 Poughkeepsie JOURNAL April 8, 1977 SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS ( W & S D NEWS) April 8, 1977 Radio Stations: WHPN, WEOK, WBNR, WKIP April 8, 1977 to tiv� p 0 -irl c, r., n',,- c_ t CY -)n t, -In 4 - -V i -,-. �- ', oi­ m �i c r n(.�,J. ce m j T!oc'!�tiOn Of Ct,0': ns�_ee., notim CT n( _c� 1)ate ("iven — Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger Posted: April 7, 1977 Town of Wappinger Town Clerks Bulletin Board April 7, 1977 I'i,TIl_P,'i"SS 1 1-1,1 -fixed o vr� hr=,_u-itn s,,,t rii,7 .0 , -)nO af I the seal of said Town this 14th day of April , 1977. C. (,SEAL) Town