Recreation Commission Minutes
November 2009
Wednesday, November 12, 2009
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
Thursday, November 12, 2009 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman, Ralph 1. Holt with the
following persons present: Vice - Chairman Gary Trudell and Kay V onReyn, Senior
Director. Commission Members in attendance were Bruce Lustig and Uma Satyendra.
Meera Dave arrived at 7:20 and left at 7:45
Mr. Holt asked the committee members if they had read through the minutes.
Thus, the minutes from the October 2009 meeting were approved with no corrections.
1. Agenda for the October 13, 2009 Town Board Meeting was received. It included
Resolution # 2009-325 outlining the final work dates for seasonal employees. An
error was noticed with regard to Tom McKinney. Our request asked for him to
continue work until Dec. 31 so that he could continue to maintain the bathrooms
at the Highway Dept. and open and close Carnwath for the remainder of the year.
Mr. Holt has spoken to the Supervisor about this situation but no final answer has
been received.
2. Agenda was received for the October 26, 2009 Town Board Meeting with no
relevant Resolutions regarding Recreation. However, this meeting did discuss the
budgetary requests for Recreation. Mr. Holt stated that the needs for Recreation,
including additional manpower for Maintenance and additional part time help in
the administrative office have been presented to the Town Board. The winter
coverage will be the same as last year probably with the same results. Mr. Holt
explained the termination dates of the maintenance men per the resolution. All
decorations must still be put up with three (3) holiday parties still pending.
3. The final Safety Report for the year was received from Doug Haan, Safety
Officer. Copies were forwarded to Ralph Holt and Bob Sheridan.
1. A letter was sent to Dwight Peiffer thanking him for the donation of 5 Tennis
rackets and cases for our Tennis Program, to be used by those who cannot afford
to buy a racket themselves.
2. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey requesting that the check from the East
Hudson Women's Soccer Club be returned to them as it was deposited by us in
error. Mr. Holt will cover this in his report.
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 2009
Mr. Holt was hoping to see the chapel decorated since so much activity will be
taking place there. Mrs. Manning suggested the left over Christmas greenery if it is still
in good shape. Mr. Trudell spoke to Glen Cramer at the Hughsonville Fire Co. and was
pleased to find out that not only would they have a truck on hand but that they would help
with traffic control. The parking areas at Carnwath must be maintained regularly in order
for them not to become sheets of ice as happened last year. Mr. Trudell said that some
arrangements would have to be made for overflow parking by using either the fire house.
or the train station parking area. The bonfire will be set up and manned by the same
group that did so last year.
Mr. Lustig questioned what contingencies were in place in the event of NO snow.
Mr. Holt has already looked into having a tractor and flatbed truck prepared to do a hay
ride as an alternative. Instead of cross-country skiing hiking could be done. Mr. Trudell
spoke to East Mountain Sports about a snow shoe clinic. They are willing to let us use
their snow shoes but could not supply the personnel to teach the clinic, however it is
possible that members ofthe Adirondack Club would be able to help with this. Mr. Holt
also suggested that it there is enough snow we could hold a "Snowman Building Contest"
with prizes for the best ones. Mr. Holt asked if anyone had any other ideas to please let
him know.
Mr. Holt stated that Supervisor Colsey is hoping to have the Recreation Guide
mailed out by the first week in January. Jackie Smith has not been well due to her
pregnancy and has not been in communication with the office, therefore, the only
progress made was a manual mock-up ofthe guide. Facts with dates, etc. are still
No word has been received as yet on the final budget for 2010. Mr. Holt spoke to
the Supervisor on several matters including the lack of staff during the winter months.
With regard to the check received from the East Hudson River Soccer Club, Mr.
Holt explained that although it was made out to the Town of Wappinger, it was actually
meant for the WUSC. Soccer evidently let this group use the fields and this payment was
meant to pay for that use. It has been made clear that those fields belong to the Town and
can only be used by outsiders with specific permission from Recreation. The check has
been returned to the EHRSC, per the Supervisor, and they will then pass it along to
A quick discussion was held with regard to the next Commission meeting. It was
decided that since Wed. Dec 2nd was the first Elks party that we would meet on Thursday,
December 3rd so that we might finalize all plans for the Christmas Tree Lighting.
Mr. Trudell asked if any progress had been made on the dugout at Robinson Lane.
Mr. Holt explained that the builder had not followed the standard inspection procedures
during the building of the dugout, therefore, the building department would not approve
the final construction. The builder will be required to hire an independent inspector to
verify that the dugout meets all specs and safety requirements. Max Dao stated that, as a
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 2009
building inspector, he would rather see the dugout torn down rather than take the chance
of it collapsing and injuring someone.
The plans for the porch on the administration building is on hold for the time
being but it appears that it will cost a great deal more than the $35,000 we planned on.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 2009
The average attendance was down slightly in September and October. Activities
in October included Bingo - Bango in Fishkill with 35 people attending on October 5th.
The October Birthdays were celebrated in the large meeting room with 61 seniors in
attendance on October ih. Our final trip to the Octoberfest went really well. The bus
trips averaged about 40 people per trip indicating that the recession has not hit too badly
in the senior community. Our annual Craft Fair on October 23rd was also a SUccess
despite the recession. Sixty-nine people attended the Halloween party on the 28th at the
Villa Borghese and 10 seniors trick-or-treated in Town Hall on the 30th.
A front page article appeared in the Southern Dutchess News extolling the
programs run by the Town. Seven new seniors signed up for the center, possibly as a
result of the news article but also because of the newsletter on the website each month.
The new phone system is wonderful. Being able to return missed calls helps us to
budget our time more efficiently.
Ms. VonReyn has been in touch with Ernie from Hudson River Valley Tours with
regard to setting up the Senior Trips for 2010. The November 18th deadline to have a
mock-up of the new recreation guide was unexpected but we wiII do our best to meet the
deadlines given.
Mr. Holt asked Ms. V onReyn to explain the situation with the television in the
Senior Center. She stated that the old, huge television was gone and would be replaced
by an electronic screen that will drop down from the ceiling and a computer projection
system that wiII show DVD's and VCR's as well as television programs and also hook
into her PE system. Most of the installation work will be done by Supervisor Colsey as a
surprise for the seniors.
Mr. Trudell said that another scout, Matt Karnatz, has completed his Eagle Badge
requirements. He completed a new section of trail which goes from the middle of the ball
field straight down toward the river. There is a natural opening about half-way down the
hill which he linked into and placed a bench there overlooking the Central Hudson power
plant and the river. Mr. Holt is very pleased with the amount of work we have had done
by prospective Eagle Scouts.
Mr. Trudell spoke about Winterfest and stated that he has slated five music groups
from the schools to play in the chapel during the event. Four of those groups are from
RCK High School and one is a younger singers. The Rotary wiII once again have a food
concession in the chapel. Joanne Weber, one of the group of women who volunteer
doing the gardening at Carnwath, will have a chili booth set up as well. All proceeds will
go to supplying gardening needs (flowers, mulch, etc.) for the coming year.
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 2009
Mr. Trudell would like to have flyers at the Christmas tree lighting advertising the
Winterfest to the people who attend. Ms. VonReyn said that she received a phone from
Peter Antone1\i o[the Hndson Valley Karate School asking if any 0 f his youngsters could
volunteer at the senior center to obtain badges for their character requirements. Since
those children are in school at the times the center is open would it be possible to find
something for them to do at Winterfest. Mr. Holt suggested that Mr. Antonelli call Mr.
Ms. Satyendra helped with collecting raffle prizes for our Halloween Party and
found it very frustrating. She tried to get a monetary donation from TD Bank, which she
deals with all the time, but after four visits and calls gave up. We all agreed that it was
difficult to "beg" for donations. Mr. Holt suggested coming up with a new plan for
gathering these donations. He suggested to possibly hold a fund raiser to support our
efforts, especially for Halloween.
J aclyn Smith was not in attendance at this meeting.
Halloween was very successful. The weather was great and the children loved
Karl Saliter's magic show. Mrs. Dave repeated Ms. Satyendra's feeling that it is so hard
to beg for raffle gifts among the kinds of vendors we need for this kind of event.
Domino's and Dunkin' Donuts were very generous with us. Mrs. Dave made up
certificates of thanks to those who donated. Other businesses that donated were Frank's
Pizza, Stop & Shop, Snip-its, Hannaford's, Blockbuster Video, Holiday Hoe Bowl and
Fun Central. Mr. Holt said that because of the beautiful weather it probably wound up
being one ofthe best attended Halloween events that we have held with about 150
Mr. Lustig has no report at this time.
Mr. Dao apologized for not being at the Halloween event due to a medical
e~ergenc'y in his family. He also apologized for not being able to escort the trip to Radio
CIty MUSIC Hall due to a high level function at the Knights of Columbus.
Recreation Commission Minutes
November 2009
Mr. Holt began by indicating that only Bob Sherid~, J~e DeRosa Sr. and Joe
DeRosa Jr. will be on the payroll for the Christmas Tree LIghtmg.
Veteran's Day went wen bnt it was extremely cold. Just before the beginning of
the ceremony all the speakers and about 75 attendees showed ~p for the ceren:ony.
Assemblyman Greg Ball was a Captain in the Air Force and dId an exc~llent Job .
speaking. Mr. Holt thanked pastor Harris for his participation. Counctlman Bellina
spoke about putting an additional monument at ScWathaus Park to commemorate all
fallen soldiers who were residents ofthe Town and VIllage ofWappmgers Falls gomg
back as far as 1875. The Chair and Co-chair ofthe Committee will be Mr. Bettina and
Joe lncoronato. Committee members will include the past and present Supervisors ofthe
Town including Connie Smith, Joe Ruggiero, Irene Paino, Frank Vercase and Chris
Colsey. Mr. Holt stated that funds would be raised for this memorial and that tax dollars
would not be used for this project. Councilman Beale asked for a moment of silence and
then read offthe names ofthose who died at Fort Hood earlier this year.
The Christmas Tree lighting will take place on Saturday, December 5th with a
rain! snow date of Sunday, Dec. 6th. Mr. Holt asked for all to attend to help out. Mr.
Trudell will prepare the hot cider at the New Hackensack Fire House kitchen and Mr.
Lustig will set up the hot chocolate. Donuts have been ordered from Meadowbrook
Mr. Holt said that plans are in full swing for the two Senior Christmas Parties held
at the Wappingers Elks each year. Mr. Holt invited Mr. and Mrs. Trudell and Mr. and
Mrs. Lustig to attend as honored guests.
.winterfest was a great success in January of 2009 and we are looking for it to be
even bIgger and better for 2010. A great many improvements are planned for the 2010
event. There will be musical entertainment in the chapel. AGENDA
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Mr. Hol~ has spoken to Dick Lahey about using on of his sleighs for sleigh rides. Mr.
Lahey ~aId that he has access to two good sized horses that can be used. Mr. Holt will
meet .wIth ~r. Lah~y to plan a trail for this ride. Of course, the hills will be available for
the k~ds to nde theIr sleds. The ~dirondack Club will be there, as last year. Food will be
sold m the chapel. The Rotary WIll do hot dogs as they did last year and chili will be also
sold by the Camwath Garden Club to make money for next year's plantings.