1997-08-11 RGMAGENDA
AUGUST 11, 1997
7:30 P.M.
a. application for Hawking & Peddling License from Charles Fox
b. Ann Buckley, Compt. request for Budget Transfer
c. R. Holt, Ch. Rec. Comm., requests for (1) P.O. for repair of
Tennis Courts (2) P.O. For John Ossenkop & Son, Inc. for
new Hot Water boiler - Schlathaus Bldg. (3) request for increase
for a Rec, maintenance employee hourly pay
d. Authorize a BAN to fund the Dean Property
e. Authorize Supervisor to sign POP WARNER Agreement
f. Consider awarding Quote for Light at Spook Hill Rec. Area
MARTIN COHEN, Accounts Rep. for MetLife, to discuss MetLife
Voluntary Permanent Life Program
Kenneth Fasone, 1 Robin Lane, requests variance to a sight easement
attached to this property
8:30 Mark A. Day, Day & Oswald, request discussion on possible options
for Water Supply to various projects they represent
9:00 Ann Buckley, Compt., consider report on projects before the Board
for decisions on manner of their fundings.
9:15 Discuss possible condemnation of property for drainage project on
Robert Lane
The Bi -Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was
held on August 11, 1997 at the Town Hall at 20 Middlebush Road,
Wappingers Falls, New York. Supervisor Smith called the Meeting to order
at 7:30 P.M.
Constance Smith, Supervisor
Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman
Robert Valdati, Councilman
Vincent Bettina, Councilman (arrived 7:35 P.M.)
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Albert Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent
The Supervisor asked all to join in the Pledge of allegiance.
An application for a Hawkers & Peddlers license from Mr. Charles Fox. Mr.
Fox wishes to sell sunglasses and belts.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve the application for a
Hawkers and Peddlers license from Mr. Fox, to sell sunglasses and belts.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
Ann Buckley, Comptroller requests the following Budget Transfers for the
1996 audit.
Revenue Increase Vital Statistic 1603A 1522
Expenditure Increase Registrar of 4020.1A 1881
Vital Statistics
Expenditure Decrease Registrar 4020.4A $359.00
Vital Statistics
Anyone on payroll for the Town should be paid from personal services
accounts, not contractual.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve the budget transfers as
requested by Comptroller, Ann Buckley.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next are several requests from Recreation Chairman, Ralph Holt. The first
concerns the tennis courts at Pye Lane and Montfort Road. In May of 1997,
authorization was obtained for a P. O. for repairs of the courts, with funds to
come from the Parkland Funds. In setting up the schedule date for this
work, we find that we misinterpreted the proposal and in order to get the
cracks repaired (routed, air blown and cleaned and filled with acrylic crack
and leveling binder patch) we will need an additional P.O. for each of the
courts. For the two courts by the barn we will need an additional $640 and
for the 4 courts on Pye Lane an additional $2,000. The balance of the work
was to clean, acrylic color coat and line stripe the total courts. Mr. Holt feels
this work should be done, and if approved, is scheduled to be completed the
first week in September after the tennis clinics are finished. The additional
funds to come out of the recreation budget A-7110.4.
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to approve a P.O. in the amount of
$2,640 to repair the tennis courts on Pye Lane and Montfort Road, as
requested by Mr. Holt.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
The second request from Mr. Holt is permission to obtain a P.O. payable to
John Ossenkop and Son, Inc., in the amount of $2795, to install a new hot
water boiler in the house t Schlathaus Park. The current boiler has a
cracked fire box and is probably 50 years old. It is running at about 50%
efficiency. Two quotes were received, Ossenkop and Son, Inc., being the
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize a P. 0. in the amount of
$2,795, to come from Parkland Trust, payable to John Ossenkop and Son,
Inc., for the new hot water boiler at Schlathaus Park, as requested by Mr.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
The final request from Mr. Holt concerns one of his maintenance men. Mr.
Holt would like the Boards assistance in bringing the salary of Paul Endress
into a more realistic position. Mr. Endress is paid $7.21 an hour. He is an
extremely capable person, being able to perform all functions connected with
the needs of the Recreation Department. He is definitely an asset. Mr. Holt
would like to increase his hourly pay by $.29 an hour bringing him to $7.50
and hour. The resource required is in the budget.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize the increase of $.29 per
hour for Mr. Endress, as requested by Ralph Holt, effective the next pay
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next item for the Boards consideration is to authorize a BAN to fund the
Dean Property.
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to authorize $150K be taken out of the
Fund Balance, until such time as we go out for a BAN for the Dean property.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Supervisor Smith, and
Attorney to the Town, Al Roberts, to sign and execute any paper work in
order to purchase the Dean property.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next item for the Boards consideration is to authorize the Supervisor to
sign the POP WARNER agreement.
COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to authorize Supervisor Smith to sign the
POP WARNER agreement.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is to award the Bid for the lights at the Spook Hill Recreation Area.
Two estimates were received.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to award the Bid for the lights at the
Spook Hill Recreation Area to D. Silvestri Sons, Inc., for $416.64.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
Martin Cohen, Accounts Representative for MetLife made a presentation to
i`.. the Board on the Supplemental Life Insurance program that MetLife offers.
A program that allows employers to augment their benefits package already
in place. Mr. Cohen explained that there is virtually no administrative cost,
and is a totally voluntary program. Premiums would range from $5 to $10 a
week to $100 a month. SUPERVISOR SMITH informed Mr. Cohen she and
the Board members would discuss this program and get back to him at some
There was no action taken.
At this time, Mr. Kenneth J. Fasone of 1 Robin Lane was recognized by the
Board. Mr. Fasone wished to discuss obtaining a variance to a sight
easement that is attached to his property. The current sight easement is
rather restrictive and comes within 12 feet of his home. He would like to
install a fence that would extend into the sight easement. The fence he
proposes to install will extend 30 feet from the side of his house towards Kent
Road, and then 100 feet toward the tree line on his property. The fence will
not significantly impact the sight distance from his property to Kent Road,
and will not effect the sight distance from the corner of Robin Lane and Kent
Road at all. In the Correspondence of July 21, 1997, Engineer to the Town
Jay Paggi, informed the Board that he and Highway Superintendent
Graham Foster visited the Nicole Farms Subdivision, specifically Lot No. 1
as shown on the enclosed final plot plan, to determine the necessity of the
existing sight easement. The existing Sight easement is show in blue on the
enclosed plan. It is the desire of the current resident to place a fence along
Kent Road, as close to the road as possible. Obviously, this is precluded in
the area of the sight easement. Upon reviewing this area, it was Mr. Paggi's
opinion, and Mr. Foster's opinion, that he sight easement could be relocated
southerly which is shown in red. This would give an offset of approximately
28' off the southeasterly corner of the house. The relocation of this sight
easement would in no way effect the actual and/or future sight distance
looking west. It is further understood that the current resident will need to
re -draft the actual sight easement, and will remove the existing post and rail
fence and landscaping that exists (although is not shown) in the
southeasterly corner of the parcel. Again, please note that if this sight
easement is modified as shown on the enclosed plan, the sight distance
looking west will not be affected. It was further understood, that the current
resident would need to redraft the sight easement and would remove an
existing post and rail fence, and landscaping. If the sight is modified as
shown, the actual sight distance would not be lessened or reduced.. It can be
done, but not the extent that they would like it to be done. Off the edge of the
house, 28' from the existing monument out front and to a point on the west
side of the property as shown on the map. The cost to redraft the site
easement would be incurred by the Mr. Fasone.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize the relocation as per Mr.
Paggi's letter, be referred to Mr. Fasone and his Attorney, and based on those
comments, and what he has heard here tonight, have his Attorney and
Surveyor, draft the legal documents and refer them to Attorney to the Town,
Al Roberts. If the documents meet with Mr. Roberts approval, we can move
to rescind the existing sight easement and approve the new one, at a Town
Board Meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mark Gillespie, of Day & Oswald Consulting Engineers & Land Surveyors,
requesting to discuss the possible options for water supply to various projects
they represent. These projects are as follows:
Cedar Ridge Subdivision Cedar Hill Road 88 Proposed lots
Shamrock Subdivision Old Hopewell Road 45 Proposed lots
Keenan Acres Pye Lane & Vorndran Dr. 18 Proposed lots
Hill & Dale Old Hopewell & Cedar Hill 40 Proposed lots
Gene Adams Property Myers Corners Road 9 Proposed lots
SUPERVISOR SMITH informed Mr. Gillespie, that the Board could not give
him a definite answer tonight, but is very interested in the status of the
projects at this time. Mr. Gillespie wanted to get in front of the Board and
discuss a number of jobs that are pending, applications, or currently an
application, and some of the major issues. In terms of the status, what is the
availability. We would like some clarification as to where the Town is with
the study of the water in the future, and the possible time frame. Supervisor
Smith announced that we are in the process of brainstorming, trying to make
the water & sewer project feasible for the residents. We have not chosen an
option, but its good to know what projects are out there and how many
possible hook-ups are there. Mrs. Visconti explained that we are working on
these projects. We are trying not only to take care of existing problems, but
also some vision for the future, so things will be in place, for an orderly
expansion. Mrs. Smith indicated, that after we meet with Mr. Paggi, and he
does a presentation for us, we might have a better idea of where we are
going. She suggested, Mr. Gillespie return in 3 months, and we can give him
some sort of answer. Mr. Paggi explained, that what we are trying to do is to
augment the source of supply to four existing districts within the central part
of the Town. At this point, we have just about told you everything that we
There was no action taken at this time.
rrr As per the Town Boards request of June 18, 1997, a meeting was held at
Town Hall at 9:00 AM on June 25, 1997. This meeting was attended by
Attorney to the Town Al Roberts, Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi, and Ann
Buckley, Comptroller. The following projects were discussed: (1) Castle
Point Landfill Closure (2) Core Area Water Supply Improvement (a/k/a)
Town Wide Water & Atlas Aquifer (3) Purchase of the Dean Property.
(1) Castle Point Landfill Closure/needed to complete project.
Expenditure $444,000
Construction Contract
Construction Contingency
Engineer Design to date May 1997
Construction Engineer/Close out NYDEC
Attorney/Bond Counsel Fee
Total Cost
Revenues: $480,000 Move from B Fund, Fund Balance
70,000 Proceed from BAN
$550,000 Total Revenue
(2) Area Water Supply I
(2) C pp ymrovement. p
Expenditure Reimburse B Fund $ 37,800 Atlas Aquifer 1996
Reimburse B Fund 20,600 Atlas Aquifer 1997
Reimburse B Fund 18,770 Eng. Town Wide Wtr 1997
Reimburse B Fund 10,000 Attorney TWW 1997
Project out to submit application to Comptroller' office for Core Area
$ 80,000
2 Large Diameter Test Wells
(3) Dean Property $150,000 Purchase Price
BAN needed
Castle Point Landfill $ 70,000
Core Area Water 500,000
Dean Property 150,000
Total BAN $720,000
Tonight, the Board will consider decisions on manner of their funding. Mrs.
Visconti requested a current status of the Fund Balance from Mrs. Buckley
before making any decisions.
There was no action taken on this matter at this time.
The next item on the Agenda is to discuss the possible condemnation of
property for the drainage project on Robert Lane. Mrs. Smith informed the
residents that she would listen to them, and then the Board was going into
Executive Session tonight in order to discuss different options in acquiring
the easements. Several residence, were in attendance at tonight's meeting.
Supervisor Smith informed the residents, that we have the money, we have
had it since 1990. Mrs. Smith informed the residents the Board was working
on the project, it and then got served with papers. At that time she was told
not to proceed. However, the project got pushed back again. Mr. Ruggiero
explained to the residents, one of the items holding up the project, proposed
by the Engineer, is the easement from the Lauffer property. We have been
trying to get the easement. The Board is of the opinion, that we need to do
condemnation to get it. These are a few of the items that must be discussed.
Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi, presented a chart indicating the location of
catch basins, pipes, and existing stream. Mr. Paggi explained to the
residents what causes the flooding, and what was needed to drain properly. If
you don't have a discharge point, there is no place for the water to go. Mrs.
Virtue, of Robert Lane was recognized by the Board, and wished to know why
one woman is the reason this work can not be done. She has been waiting
since 1990, there is damage to her home that she can not fix. She can not
sell. She has a dry backyard now, and in April when it rains, there will be
six inches of water, which she gets every year, before anyone else does. Why
has it taken so long? Its been a year, there has to be a way of getting around
this. Mrs. Smith reiterated that the Board would be meeting in Executive
Session tonight, and go over several options and the residents can expect to
hear from her within a week.
At this time, 9:25 P.M., COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to go into
Executive Session, seconded by Mrs. Visconti.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The Meeting reconvened at 9:45 P.M. with all Board Members present.
There was no action to be taken at the Executive Session.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to close the Town Board Meeting,
Second by Mr. Ruggiero, and Unanimously Carried.
The Meeting closed at 9:45 P.M.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk