1997-01-27 RGMAGENDA
JANUARY 27, 1997
7:30 p.m.
3. Accept Minutes Reg. Dec. 23, 1996 Reoranizational Jan. 2, 1997
4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Sup/Compt Town Justices Receiver of Taxes
Bldg. Insp. Zng. Adm. Highway Supt. (Dec.18-96) Dog Control Off
j -
Correspondence from Association ofTowns-Resolutions for Annual meets
Corr. from NYS Emergency Management Office Re: Application for
HMGP for Rockingham Farms Storm Drainage System
Dutchess Co. Dept. of Health re: Oak Ridge Subdiv. Water & Sewer
Main Extension
T. Logan, Assessor request permission to attend Seminar by NYSAA
at Mt. Kisco
Request for the return of Escrow Funds from John Baisley, Candle-
light Landscaping -$852.50
Mr. & Mrs. Reynoso, Pine Ridge Dr. re: Town Water being drained
on to their property
NYS Dept. Transportation, A. Bauman, Reg. Dir. Corr. to Senator
Saland & Assembyman Miller re: T/W concers w/Traffic conditions
on Rte 9D in vincinty of Montclair Town Houses
T. Logan, Assessor, Corr. re: Alternative Veterans Law and Senior
Citizen Exemption increase for Bd consideration
G. Foster, Highway Supt., (1) recommendations for awarding Bids for
disposal of excess Highway equip. (2) Corr. re: LaDue Property on
Smithtown Rd. (3) Meeting w/Johnston Sweeper (4) Easement at
3 Edgehill Dr. (5) Report on Village Sand/Salt usage & inventory
(6)Authorize Supt. to go to Bid for Rd. Aggregates, fuel Oil, Etc.
Louis D'Antoni, Diddell Rd., Complaint re: Tunnel
R. Holt, Rec. Comm.Ch. reports & requests: (1) Electric l Castle Pt�.
(2) Recreation Committee Stipend Policy (3) Increase Summer program
fees (4) Request approval for Certificates of Insurance to forward
to respective Schools (5) Request approval for P.O. for Chelsea Bodt
Ramp for $6,000. (6) Request for P.O. approval for WCSD Custodial
services at Myers Corners Elementery School
J. Paggi, Eng. to Twn., Reports on: (1) Evergreen Estates to Mr.
Close (2) Environmental Assessment form Tri -Muni Sewer Commission
Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion for the T/W Phase 3A Sewer Imp.
1/7/97 (3) Tri -Muni Expansion Phase I & II -1/15/97 (4) Rockingham
Drainage Project 1/2/97, 1/7/97 (5) Rockingham Drainage Project
Rock Quantities 1/1.0/97 (6) Edgehill Drive Drainage Concerns
(7) Property South of Schuele Drive
Term Expires for Victor Fanuele, Zoning Bd. of Appeals member-5yr tett
D. Close, Zng. Adm. Memo re: Suggestion for amendment to verbage for,
Special Use Permits for Gas Filling Stations, Etc.
Application for a Change of Zone for one lot (2.076A) out of a
33.9A Parcel from R-40 to HB from Barnside Construction Corp.
Curtis Rymer letter requesting Town to accept Extension of Woodlawn
Court as a Town Rd.
Sheriff Scoralick letter addressed to Town Court
Accident Report on Highway Employee
NYSDEC re: Notice of Permit Discontinuance for Oakwood STP
Paul V. Cuomo, P.E. re: Jimmy Smith, Macfarlane Rd., wants to build
dwelling in HO Zone where residences are not allowed
Mary Efantes re: School Sign on Pye Lane for daughters pre-school
Memorandum from Matthew Rudifkoff re: Revsions to the TMSC Phase 1
3A Expansion EAF of Dec. 27, '96 I
a. Zng. Adm. Report
b. Curtis Rymer Maintenance Bond (Letter of Credit)
AGENDA - Con't
j Jan. 27, 19Q7
Page 2
a. Vacancy in position of Director of Recreation
b. Agreement w/ Village of Wappingers Falls on Dog Control Officer
c. D. Hagstrom, Attny, re: Authorizing settlement for Hark Assoc.
`w/ corr. from E. Saris, Towns' Council
d. DEAN Prgperty/Estate of Seigel (1) Authorize Eng. to Town to
prepare survey of property (2) Bonding Resolutions from
Willkie, Farr & Gallagher
e. Consider adoption of Local Law for Sewer & Water 0 & M Rates
Rockingham Farms - Wapp. sewer Imp. #1 & Fleetwood Water
f. Application for Atlas Water District Extension - Cedar Ridge
g. Dutchess Co. Dept. of Health re: Authorized operation of Hindu
Sumaj water main extension
h. Accept Frederick Clark Associates Consultant services Contract
for Planning Board, and Authorize Supervisor to sign
i. Accept Lehigh maintenance agreement for emergency services bldg
J. McGrath, Basciani & Associates, Inc. Appraisal Report re: Partial
Taking of Property of Hans Smit, Wheeler Hill Rd. T/W
a. Cly Realty authorize Attorney to Town to respond
b. Shady Acres Mobile Hope Park - Authorize Supervisor to reply
c. Frederick Clark Associates - Draft Traffic Analysis consider
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held
on January 27, 1997 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers
Falls, New York. Supervisor Smith called the Meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Constance Smith, Supervisor
Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman
Robert Valdati, Councilman
Lo Vincent Bettina, Councilman
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Albert Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent
The Supervisor asked all to join in the Pledge of allegiance to the Flag.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 23, 1996, and the
Reorganization Meeting of January 2, 1997 having previously been
forwarded to the Board Members, were now placed before them for their
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved that the above stated minutes as
submitted by the Town Clerk be and they are hereby approved.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Reports for the month of December were received from the Town Justices,
Building Inspector, Zoning Administrator, Superintendent/Comptroller,
Highway Superintendent, Dec. 18, 1996, Animal Control Officer for Nov.
and Dec.
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to accept the reports and place them on
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from the Association of Towns Resolutions for the Annual
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to be in agreement of all the
Resolutions as recommended by the Association of Towns and direct our
delegate, to vote accordingly.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from the NYS Emergency Management Office, regarding
the application for Rockingham Farms Storm Drainage System informing
the Town, that based on the score given the application, the Project Review
Board did not recommend that the application be forwarded to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency for funding.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize the Supervisor to make
another application for the project and table to a workshop with Mr. Paggi
in attendance with his figures.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from the Dutchess County Department of Health regarding
the Oak Ridge Subdivision Water and Sewer Main Extension. The DCDH
informed the Board that the plans, Engineer's report and specs submitted
by Mr. John E. Railing for the project were approved. The water main
extension is approved under Section 5-1.22 of Part 5 of the New York State
Sanitary Code and the sewer main under Section 19.3 of the Dutchess
County Sanitary Code. Also submitted were the twelve (12) conditions for
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the correspondence and
place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Tom Logan, Assessor, requests permission to attend a Seminar by NYSAA
at Mt. Kisco Holiday Inn on January 17, 1997. There will be no dollar cost
to the Town for the attendance as the State will reimburse Mr. Logan for a
course providing continuing education.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve Mr. Logan's request to
attend the NYSAA on January 17, 1997.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Also requests from Mark Liebermann, Fire Inspector and Charles Ricotta,
Building Inspector, for permission to attend an in service training course
9AM to 4PM at the Rockland County Fire Training Center in Pomona.
There is no cost for this course and will count as six hours training towards
the mandatory twenty four hours per year that is required by 19 NYCRR in
order to retain Code Enforcement certification by the State of New York.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve the requests of Mr.
Liebermann and Mr. Ricotta to attend the in service training course on
March 6, 1997.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request for the return of Escrow Funds was received from John Baisley,
Candlelight Landscaping for $ 852.50.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve the return of Escrow to
John Baisley for $852.50, based on the recommendation of Donald Close,
Zoning Administrator.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from Mr. & Mrs. Reynoso, Pine Ridge Drive, informing the
Town of their concerns of town water being drained onto their property.
Mr. Foster, Highway Superintendent explained to the Board that he
inspected the area and there is nothing he is going to do. Their property is
adjacent to a swamp that goes all the way back to Park Hill Drive. They
live in a low area that sits in the base of Pine Ridge Drive and everything
runs down hill and sits in a wet land all the way to the Fishkill line over
by Park Hill Drive. There is nothing we can do short of draining the
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Mr. Foster to send a
letter to Mr. & Mrs. Reynoso explaining we are not planning to do
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
New York State Department of Transportation Regional Director, A.
Bauman, with correspondence to Senator Saland & Assemblyman Miller
regarding the Town of Wappinger concerns with traffic conditions on
Route 9D in vicinity on Montclair Town Houses. Mr. Bauman said there
were no warrants for the installation of the signal since there are adequate
gaps currently occurring in Route 9D traffic to allow for the safe ingress
and egress of motorists at the Montclair Townhouse drive. Second, the
strict enforcement of the existing speed limit on Route 9D would alleviate
most of the concerns of the residents of the Townhouses. Accordingly, the
assistance of the Town in contacting the local police in order to establish
routine enforcement would be appreciated. Mr. Valdati felt this is a
dangerous situation that cannot be ignored.
COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to take this to a workshop and invite
Senator Saland, Assemblyman Miller, and members of the DOT to attend.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from Tom Logan, Assessor regarding Alternative Veterans
Law and Senior Citizen Exemption increase for the Boards consideration.
Mr. Logan informed the Board that Legislation enacted by NYS amending
Section 458-a RPTL Alternative Veterans Law provides three option for the
Town Board to consider and adopt. The Town Board may do nothing and
leave the original exemption limit as it currently exists or adopt a high
limit. If the Town Board increase the limit from 12K to 18K the Veteran
will have his exemption on the 1997 Town Roll increased to:
Active Duty
Combat Area
VA Disability
The dollars cost to the Town due to increased exemption is estimated to be
$44,000 should the higher limit of $18K be adopted.
COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to adopt the increased Veterans
exemption limit to $18k as recommended by Mr. Logan, Town Assessor.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
The second item to be addressed is to raise the Senior Citizens Exemption
from $16,500.00 to $18,500.00.
$18,500.00 & Under
18,500.01 - 19,499.99
19,500.00 - 20,499.99
20,500.00 - 21,499.99
21,500.00 - 22,399.99
22,400.00 - 23,299.99
23, 300.00 - 24,199.99
24,200.00 - 25,099.00
25,100.00 - 25,999.99
26,000.00 - 26,899.00
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Attorney to the Town
Al Roberts prepare a local law for the Senior Citizen Exemption and if
needed prepare the necessary papers for the Veterans exemption.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next are several reports and requests from Graham Foster, Highway
Superintendent. The first item for the Board consideration is to award the
Bids for the disposal of excess Highway equipment. Mr. Foster
recommends we accept the bids from RGH Construction for the 1983
pickup truck for $225 and the Van for $50, they being the lowest. Mr.
Foster also recommends we accept the bid from Ron Blake for $75 for the
roller, he being the lowest .
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to award the bids for the excess
highway equipment to RGH construction and Ron Blake, they being the
lowest bidders, upon the recommendation of Graham Foster.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next report from Mr. Foster concerns the LaDue property on
Smithtown Road. The driveway required ZBA approval because it violated
our Zoning regulations for maximum grade and Highway specs for paving.
Mr. Foster requested certification from Mr. Ladue's Engineer as to the
stability of the slope on the edge of his driveway. Mr. Fosters position
remains the same. If Mr. Ladue's Engineer will not certify the slope as a
professional, why should we. In Mr. Fosters opinion, this slope is not stable
as evidence by the rocks and the Town would be liable for allowing this
condition to exist. Mr. Ladue should be forced to stabilize the slope he
created and provide proof from his Engineer that the slope is now stable
and no danger to the traveling public.
COUCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Attorney to the Town, Al
Roberts look over the file, and if he is in agreement with Mr. Foster, send
a letter to Mr. Ladue, requesting him to correct the violation.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is Mr. Fosters report on the meeting with the Johnston Sweeper
People. Mr. Foster met with the President, Jack Conrad, and Mr. Conrad
confirmed he would extend our factory warranty from 3/2/97 through
12/31/97 due to the many problems the sweeper incurred.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the report and place it on
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next report from Mr. Foster concerns the easement on 3 Edgehill Drive.
As you may recall, on 12/26/96 dirt was delivered as per agreement to the
above resident. At the request of the resident we removed the dirt. During
the removal of the material the lawn was damaged, and due to the time of
the year, we were unable to topsoil and seed. The situation was explained
to the resident, who became excited and abusive on the phone. After
speaking with the Supervisor it was agreed to ask Engineer to the Town
Jay Paggi to check if the easement in question was ever deeded to the
Town. In checking, Mr. Paggi discovered it was never deeded to the Town.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONITI moved to authorize Attorney to the Town,
Al Roberts send a letter to the residents at 3 Edgehill Drive informing them
that the easement in question does not belong to the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next report from Mr. Foster is for the Village Sand/Salt Usage and
Inventory as of January 1, 1997.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the report and place it on
Seconded by Mr. Valdati.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Foster requests permission to go bid for his annual supplies of gas, oil,
liquid calcium, road aggregates ,etc.
COUNCILWOMAN moved to authorize Highway Superintendent, Graham
Foster to go to Bid for his annual supplies of gas, oil, liquid calcium, road
aggregates, etc.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request from Mr. Louis D'Antoni of 101 Diddell requesting the
Supervisor to do all she can to correct the dangerous conditions that exist
on Diddell Road tunnel. At this time Councilwoman Visconti presented a
letter that she wished to send to James Hammond, County Legislature,
with pictures for him to review of the unsafe conditions that exist and
requesting his help in having this project moved to the highest PRIORITY.
SUPERVISOR SMITH moved to send the letter, with the pictures to James
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next are several requests from Ralph Holt, Chairman of Recreation. The
first request from Mr. Holt is in regard to a grant that the Town received to
provide electric power to the Castle Point recreation area. Although the
grant was receive in 1994 nothing has been done yet, and several letters
have been sent to the D.C. Planning Board for extensions. We have been
told that all clearances have not been obtained from Central Hudson to
install additional poles along River Road and into Castle Point. The
Recreation Committee is requesting the Town to take an official position on
this hold.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Supervisor Smith send
letters to Paul Ganci and John Mack requesting their help on this matter.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is Mr. Holt's proposal for the stipend policy for members of the
recreation committee, in order to remain consistent with other Town
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to take Mr. Holt's proposal to a
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next request from Mr. Holt is to increase the fees for the Summer
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to take Mr. Holt's request to raise
the fees for the summer programs to a workshop.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Also a request for the Town to approve the new Certificates of Insurance
for use of the Wappinger Junior High School, Myers Corners School, and
Sheafe Road School for recreation programs. To provide liability coverage
for the Town's recreation activities.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize the Certificates of
Insurance to provide liability coverage for Wappinger Junior High, Myers
Corners School, and Sheafe Road School for recreation programs, as
requested by Mr. Holt.
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
In December the Board approved a request from Mr. Holt to encumber
$4,000 towards the Dock at the Chelsea Boat Ramp. We need to authorize
the builder, Ecological Specialties Corporation, to go ahead with the
project. We therefore are requesting permission to obtain a P.O. in the
amount of $6,000, the amount in the 1997 budget A-7110.4 and balance
needed to proceed with this plan.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve a P.O. in the amount of
$6,000 payable to Ecological Specialties Corporation to go ahead with the
project as requested by Mr. Holt.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The last request from Mr. Holt is permission to obtain a P.O. in the amount
of $1,296 payable to Wappinger Central School District, for Custodial
Services for the Saturday Morning Boys and Girls Gymnastics Program, to
be held from January to May 1997.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve a P.O. in the amount of
$1,296 payable to Wappinger Central School District for Custodial Services
for the Saturday Morning Gymnastic Program, as requested by Mr. Holt.
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next are several reports from Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town.
The first report concerns the Evergreen Estates. As per Graham Foster's
request, Mr. Paggi made a field inspection of the fill that was being brought
into Section I and II of Evergreen Estates Subdivision. Further inspection
of the site revealed that they are filling in unknown areas of the Phase II
section of the Subdivision. As there were no survey markers available, I
do not know what areas were being filled. In any event, it was close to the
proposed roadway. This area should not be filled without the benefit of a
grading plan and/or proper engineering or surveying. When the owner
called, I advised him of that and he stated he would stop filling that area.
Upon further inspection it was noted that tires, wood, trees, plastic pipe,
frozen material, organic materials, and other such material that is not
conducive to proper fill for the roadway construction were present and
would need to be removed prior to any construction or subsequent
acceptance by the Town.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the report and place it on
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The second report concerns the Environmental Assessment Form for Tri -
Muni Sewer Commission Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion for the
Town of Wappinger Phase 3A Sewer Improvement. After reviewing the
document, Mr. Paggi found two inconsistencies. The remainder of the
document is consistent with all former discussions, documents and
information relative to the expansion.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept Mr. Paggi's report, with
corrections, and place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
The third report is in reference to the Tri -Muni Expansion Phase I and II.
It was originally scheduled to be completed during the summer of 1996. As
the Contract was being done, it became evident that the date was not going
to be met due to equipment problems. There was a series of substitutions
012797.RGM _ t
requested by the Contractor and additional review time by the engineer
was necessary. Based on the current schedule, the work will be completed
in late November. Initial flow is projected to begin early January 1997.
Mr. Paggi recommends the Town initiate some type of correspondence with
the Commission as to the status of the project, and when the flows are
allowed to be received.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Supervisor Smith send
a letter to the Commission requesting the status of the project.
Seconded by Mr. Ruggiero
Motion Unanimously Carried
Also correspondence from Cal Mart Enterprises regarding the Rockingham
Drainage Project. The contractor is requesting to clear and grub, level, drill
and blast the north side of Hopewell Road. A provision in the contract
states that the Contractor may not do this work anywhere in excess of five
days in advance of the pipe crew. We therefor recommend that they be
allowed to start the clearing and grubbing work on January 15, 1997,
assuming that the pipe crew will start on or about March 1, 1997. Also
assuming that the preliminary work has been completed in an acceptable
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to waive the contract as recommended
by Mr. Paggi and allow the contractor to start the clearing and grubbing
work on January 15, 1997.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is Mr. Paggi's weekly reports, 1/7-1/10/97 as to the rock quantities
excavated, as work progresses on the Rockingham Drainage Project. We are
under projection.
COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to accept Mr. Paggi's weekly reports and
place them on file.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
The last report concerns the ownership of property South of Schuele Drive
which arose during the previous Town Board Meeting. Investigation of
ownership reveals that as of December 26, 1996, the lot in question, as well
as the easement from said lot to Schuele Drive are still owned by the estate
of Eugene Schuele and not the Town of Wappinger.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the report and place it on
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI
who moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Victor Fanuele be and he hereby is appointed to
fill the vacancy as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of
Wappinger which has occurred by reason of expiration of his term of office,
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said Victor Fanuele is hereby
appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a term which shall expire on
the 18t day of February, 2002.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
A Memo from Donald Close, Zoning Administrator, with some suggestions
for amendment to verbiage for Special Use Permits for Gas Filling Stations
and Convenience Retail Stores to create a more level of competition.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to table and forward memo to Dan
Wery for input.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is an application for a change of Zone for one lot (2.076A) out of a
33.9A Parcel from R-40 to HB from Barnside Construction Corporation.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to forward application to Dutchess
County Department of Planning and Wappinger Falls Planning Board, for
their revue and recommendations, and authorize Attorney to the Town Al
Roberts, prepare the Resolution.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next item for the Boards consideration is a request from Curtis Rymer,
to accept the extension of Woodland Court as a Town Road. Deeds,
easements, etc. have all been posted with the Town Clerk. Graham Foster,
Highway Superintendent, has also recommended the road for acceptance.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the extension of Woodland
Court as a Town Road, based on the recommendation of Highway
Superintendent, Graham Foster, subject to all Maintenance Bonds being in
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is a letter from Sheriff Scoralick addressed to the Town Court in
regard to improving security and safety of the court. Sheriff Scoralick is
requesting the Town of Wappinger to provide a secure and private area
for the custody of prisoners in the court. Taking a serious look at this
problem and making plans to provide a secure prisoner area is important
for the town of Wappinger.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the correspondence from
Sheriff Scoralick, and address this issue at the March workshop.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next, is an accident report from the Highway Superintendents Office that
occurred on Ketchamtown Road, on January 13, 1997.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the report and place it on
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation with a Notice of Permit Discontinuation/Deletion for
Oakwood Knolls STP. Because the Department did not receive a response to
its October 30, 1996 "Notice of Intent to Discontinue/Delete" the above
referenced permit, SPDES permit number NY -0021598 is no longer in
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the correspondence and
place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from Paul Cuomo, P.E. Consulting Engineer representing
Jimmy Smith, MacFarland Road, Town of Wappinger. Mr. Smith is
presently zoned HO and is proposing to build a two bedroom dwelling,
which is not permitted in the HO Zone. Supervisor Smith informed the
Board that she called applicant and informed that he must file for a rezone
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept correspondence and place
it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from Mary Efantes, 43 Pye Lane, requesting the Town to
install a "warning" children's sign for her daughter nursery school. Because
of the curve on the road, drivers are not aware of the nursery school on Pye
Lane. It creates a dangerous situation with children crossing the road. Mr.
Foster informed the Board that a "Children at Play" sign had already been
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the correspondence and
place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO had no reports at this time.
COUNCILMAN VALDATI had no reports at this time.
COUNCILMAN BETTINA had no reports at this time.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI had no reports at this time.
Mr. Close submitted his report for the month of December on the schedule
of Bonds and Letters of Credit on the various subdivisions, the amounts,
expiration dates, and call up dates. Also submitted was a Letter of Credit
from Curtis Rymer.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept Mr. Close's report for the
month of December and the Letter of Credit from Curtis Rymer and place
them on file, subject to receipt of the Maintenance Bond, to accompany the
Letter of Credit from Mr. Rymer.
Seconded by Mr.Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI
who moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Gerald diPierno be and he hereby is appointed to
fill the vacancy of the position of Recreation Director for the Town of
Wappinger Recreation Committee which has occurred by reason of the
resignation of Bernard Reimer, and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said Gerald diPierno be and
he hereby is appointed to fill such vacancy of the Recreation Committee and
his annual salary shall be prorated at $7,000 per year.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Supervisor Smith
Councilman Ruggiero
Councilman Valdati
Councilman Bettina
Councilwoman Visconti
Motion Carried
There was some discuss prior to the vote, and Mr. Ruggiero remarked,
although there were three potential candidates that were qualified to
handle the position, Mr. Holt, Chairman of Recreation recommended Mr.
James Allen to possess the best overall qualifications.
The next item for the Boards consideration is to approve the Dog Control
Services Agreement between the Town of Wappinger and the Village of
Wappingers Falls.
COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to approve the Dog Control Services
Agreement between the Town of Wappinger and the Village of Wappingers
Falls, and authorize the Supervisor to sign and forward to the Mayor.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from David D.Hagstrom, Attorney, with the proposed
Order of Settlement and Stipulation for Hark Associates as per agreement,
with correspondence from Emanuel Saris recommending the settlement.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Emanuel Saris,
Attorney in charge of Tax Certiorari to proceed with settlement for Hark
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is the resolution relative to the purchase of the Seigel Property.
The following resolution was moved by COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI and
seconded by Mr. Valdati.
WHEREAS, the Town Board presently owns property located off Old
Route 9 in the Town, upon which it maintains buildings, garages and other
facilities for use by the Town of Wappinger Highway Department, together
with salt storage facilities owned and operated jointly by the Town of
Wappinger and the Village of Wappingers Falls for use by there respective
Highway Departments and a recycling facility for use by Town residents,
(hereinafter referred to as "Highway Department Property"); and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that additional lands
are required to adequately provide for the Townwide recycling operations
which are currently performed at the Highway Department; and
WHEREAS, a parcel of property owned by the Estate of Samuel
Seigel is located adjacent and contiguous to the aforementioned Highway
Department Property, which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A'
attached hereto, which is hereafter referred to as the "Seigel Property;" and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has agreed to purchase said property for
the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand ($150,000.00) Dollars, subject to
the terms and conditions stated in a written Contract of Sale, a copy of
which is attached hereto marked and designated Exhibit "B;" and
WHEREAS, the purchase of this property is further subject to the
terms and compliance with the conditions contained in a Bond Resolution
which is intended to be introduced and adopted immediately following the
adoption of this Resolution, which Bond Resolution is subject to a
Permissive Referendum in accordance with 35 of the Local Finance Law;
WHEREAS, the Town Board has undertaken an environmental
review of the Seigel Property and has employed the firm of Chazen
Environmental Services, Inc. to undertake a Phase 1 and Phase 2
Environmental Study of the subject premises, which studies have revealed
that here are no physical signs of hazardous materials or contaminated
soils present on the site; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board is desirous of purchasing the subject
premises in accordance with the terms stated in the proposed Contract, a
copy of which is attached as Exhibit 2.
1. The Town Board hereby incorporates the recitations set forth
above as if fully set forth at length herein.
2. The Town Board hereby declares that it is in the public interest to
purchase the premises described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto in
accordance with the conditions and provisions contained in the
proposed Contract attached as Exhibit 2.
3. The Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has reviewed the
intended action (the purchase of the Seigel Property) with respect
to the provisions set forth in 6 NYCRR (SEQRA) and the
provisions of Local Law No. 6 of the year 1992 and hereby
determines that the intended action is an "Unlisted Action."
4. The Town Board hereby determines that it is the only involved
agency in this action and hereby declares itself LEAD AGENCY
5. The Town Board has caused to be prepared and completed Part 1,
Part 2, and Part 3 of a long form EAF for this project, in the form
annexed hereto.
6. Based on its review of the EAF and the information contained in
the attachments thereto, the Town Board hereby determines that
there are no environmental impacts associated with this action
and the Town Board hereby makes a Negative Determination of
Significance for this project.
7. The Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town
Supervisor, Constance O. Smith to execute the proposed Contract
of Sale, in substantially the same form as attached hereto as
Exhibit 2, as well as to undertake any action and to execute any
and all documents, forms, and instruments that may be required
to effectuate the sale and transfer of said property to the Town of
8. The Town Board further authorizes the firm of Paggi and Martin,
Professional Engineers and Surveyors, to undertake a survey of
the subject premises.
9. The Town Board further directs Albert P. Roberts, Attorney to the
Town of Wappinger, to make application for title insurance to
insure the Town of Wappinger for the principal amount of One
Hundred Fifty Thousand ($150,000.00) Dollars.
The question of adoption of the forgoing resolution was duly put to a vote on
roll call which resulted as follows:
Constance Smith
Robert Valdati
June Visconti
Joseph Ruggiero
Vincent Bettina
Resolution is hereby declared duly adopted.
The next item for the Boards consideration is to approve the Bonding
Resolutions from Willkie, Farr & Gallagher for the Seigel Property.
The following resolution was offered by COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI,
who moved its adoption, and seconded by Mr. Valdati.
WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described has been
determined to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to the regulations of the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated
pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review act, the
implementation of which as proposed, the Town Board has determined will
not result in any significant environmental effects; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such
capital project;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. For the specific object or purpose of paying the cost of the
acquisition of a parcel of land of approximately 2.755 acres adjacent to the
Town Highway Department facility off Old Route 9 in and for the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, for use by said Department,
including incidental expenses in connection therewith, there are hereby
authorized to be issued $150,000 serial bonds of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to the provisions of the Local
Finance Law.
Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost
of such specific object or purpose is $150,000, which such specific object or
purpose is hereby authorized at said maximum estimated costs, and that
the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of the $150,000 serial
bonds of said Town authorized to be issued pursuant to this bond
Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable
usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is thirty years,
pursuant to subdivision 21(a) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local
Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity
of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years.
Section 4. Subject to provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power
to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in
anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized,
including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the
Chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, forms and contents,
and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor,
consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 5. The faith and credit of said Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the
principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due
and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient
to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and
payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all taxable real
property of said Town -a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on
such bonds as the same become due and payable.
Section 6. Such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be
signed in the name of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County New York
by the manual or facsimile signature of the Supervisor and a facsimile of its
corporate seal shall be imprinted thereon and may be attested by the
manual or facsimile signature of the Town Clerk.
Section 7. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale,
conducting the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the
Supervisor, who shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and
award the bonds in such manner as she shall deem best for the interests of
said town; provided, however that in the exercise of these delegated powers,
she shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any
order or rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal
bonds. The receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the
purchaser of such bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application
of the purchase money.
Section 8. All other matters, except as provided herein relating to
such bonds, including determining whether to issue such bonds having
substantially level or declining annual debt service and all matters related
thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear
on said bonds, prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said
bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the
printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in
the name of the Town by the facsimile signature of the Supervisor,
providing for the manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a
designated official of the Town), the date, denominations, maturity and
interest payment dates, place or places of payment and also including the
consolidation with other issues, shall be determined by the Supervisor. It is
hereby determined that it is to the financial advantage of the Town not to
impose and collect from registered owners of such serial bonds and any
charges for mailing, shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged
by the fiscal agent, and, accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section
70.00 of the Local Finance Law, no such charges shall be so collected by the
fiscal agent. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity
clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall
otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those
required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Supervisor shall
Section 9. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes
may be contested only if:
1. Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for
which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or
2. The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date
of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and
any an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced
within twenty days after the date of such publication, or
3. Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of
the Constitution.
Section 10. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official
intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 - 2. Other than
as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to
be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with
respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.
Section 11. This resolution taking effect, the same shall be
published in full in SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, the official
newspaper, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the
form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.
Section 12. This resolution is adopted subject to permissive
referendum in accordance with Section 35.00 of the Local Finance Law.
The question of adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a
vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Supervisor Smith
Councilman Bettina
Councilman Ruggiero
Councilman Valdati
Councilwoman Visconti
The resolutions was thereupon declared duly adopted.
A Public Hearing having been held with respect to establishment of Water
Rates in the Fleetwood Water District, the matter of its adoption was now
placed before the Board for their consideration.
COUNCILMAN BETTINA moved to table to adjourned Public Hearing,
February 10th .
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
A Public Hearing having been held for the establishment of Sewer Rates for
the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1, that matter of its adoption
was now placed before the Board for their consideration:
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to adopt Local Law # as follows:
LOCAL LAW #14 OF 1984, LOCAL LAW #10 OF 1985
LOCAL LAW #10 OF 1988, LOCAL LAW #1 OF 1991
LOCAL LAW #2 OF 1992, LOCAL LAW #13 OF 1992
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 2 of Local Law #2 of 1996 is hereby
amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. The following Sewer Rates are hereby amended to
read as follows:
Each residential unit connected to the System
$440 annually and payable on a quarterly basis.
SECTION 3. This Local Law shall take effect upon adoption
and filing as provided by Municipal Home Rule.
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Supervisor Smith Aye
Councilman Ruggiero Aye
Councilman Valdati Aye
Councilman Bettina Aye
Councilwoman Visconti Aye
Motion Unanimously Carried
A Public Hearing having been held for the increase of Operation and
Maintenance fees, for the Rockingham Sewer District, the matter of its
adoption was now placed before the Board for their consideration.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to adopt Local Law # as follows:
1984, LOCAL LAW #9 OF 1988, LOCAL LAW
#5 OF 1994 AND LOCAL LAW #1 OF 1996
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York as follows:
SECTION 1. Any and all prior laws establishing sewer rates
for the Rockingham Sewer District with respect to residential uses is
hereby repealed, only with respect to sewer rates and the prior laws
otherwise confirmed.
SECTION 2. The following sewer rates are hereby established
for the Rockingham Sewer District.
A. Residential
1. Each residential unit connect to the system:
$400 annually and payable on a quarterly basis.
SECTION 3. This local law shall take effect upon adoption and
as provided by Municipal Home Rule Law.
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Supervisor Smith
Councilman Ruggiero Aye
Councilman Valdati Aye
Councilman Bettina Aye
Councilwoman Visconti Aye
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is a petition from Joel Hanig, attorney, with an application for the
Atlas Water District Extension No. 1. for Cedar Ridge Subdivision.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to table this application to the
expanded district project.
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from Dan O'Connor, P.E. for the Dutchess County
Department of Health with regard to Hindu Samaj Water Main Extension.
A Certificate of Compliance has been received from Engineer to the Town,
Jay Paggi, and Badey and Watson, P.C. for the above referenced project,
which was approved on April 24, 1994. Based on this, a Completed Works
Approval has been issued under Section 5-1.22 (d) Part 5 of the NYS
Sanitary Code. This letter may be used as the authorization to operate the
water systems.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the correspondence and
place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is to approve the proposal for Planning Consulting Services for the
Planning Board for 1997, from Frederick P. Clark Associates, Inc.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve the proposal for Planning
Consulting Services for the Planning Board for 1997, from Frederick P.
Clark Associates, Inc., based on the recommendation of the Planning Board,
and authorize the Supervisor to sign.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The maintenance agreement for the Emergency Services Building was
received from Lehigh Lawns & Landscaping for the 1997-1997
Snowplowing Season.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to approve the maintenance
agreement from Lehigh Lawns & Landscaping for the 1996-1997
Snowplowing Season, and authorize the Supervisor to sign.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is the Appraisal Report from McGrath, Basciani & Associates for the
Partial taking of Property of Hans Smit, 134 Wheeler Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to accept the appraisal report and
authorize Engineer to the Town Jay Paggi, and Attorney to the Town Al
Roberts, to prepare the necessary papers for the acceptance of the property.
Seconded by Mr. Valdati
Motion Unanimously Carried
As a result of the November 25, 1996 Town Board Meeting, at which Mrs.
Yanitelli of CLY Realty voiced her concern regarding the escrow account
and process of subdividing the parcel of land she owns on Smithtown Road,
Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi researched the amount of bills incurred for
the entire year of 1995 for the project. Mr. Paggi has carefully accounted
for each hour and is ready to stand by the amount of the bill and the hours
COUNCIWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Attorney to the Town Al
Roberts, respond to Mrs. Yanitelli of CLY Realty.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Correspondence from Shady Acres Mobile Home Park.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize Supervisor Smith to
send a letter advising them to find something within the zone of East
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The next item for the Boards consideration is a Draft of the Traffic Analysis
prepared by Frederick Clark Associates. Mr. Ruggiero said he is in support
of the analysis, but we should try to recover the cost of the study from
future developers or sub -divisions through planning fees, etc.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to table this to the next workshop
pending comments from Highway Superintendent, Graham Foster.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
Next is a memo from Carl Amburgey, Town Patrol, for additional funding
for the New Town Patrol Car. Prior to 1995 the marked Police Package
Vehicles came through with all emergency lights as part of the package.
Since then, this equipment has been deleted and is now optional. Mr.
Amburgey is requesting an additional $3,000 to have the necessary
equipment installed by the dealer on the Town Patrol vehicle. Supervisor
Smith informed the Board these funds would come out of B Fund,
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize the additional $3,000 to
have the necessary equipment installed on the Town Patrol Car. Funds to
come out of B Fund, Contingency.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina.
Motion Unanimously Carried
The last item for the Boards consideration is authorization for $2,114.34 to
pay the tax bill for the Town, due to the loss of Benefit Units. These funds
to come from A Fund, Contingency.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to authorize $2,114.34 to pay the tax
bill for the Town, due to the loss of Benefit Units. Funds to come from A
Fund, Contingency.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
Motion Unanimously Carried
At this time Supervisor Smith informed the Board that a new circulator
had to be installed last week in the Town Hall at a cost of $763. It was five
years old and no longer under warranty.
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO on taking minutes at the workshop meetings.
There was some discussion as to having the minutes taken. Mr. Roberts,
Attorney to the Town gave an opinion that a work shop meeting is a Town
Board Meeting, regardless of whether you vote or not. Mrs. Snowden Town
Clerk said yes, that is correct, but there are no Minutes, unless you actually
move to take official action. Up to this particular point in time the Board
has never done that. They have opted only for discussion, which is perfectly
legitimate and perfectly legal. Mrs. Snowden has advertised that the
Workshops are legal working meeting. Depending on what your talking
about, as far as Minutes, we might want to discuss that further. Mrs.
Snowden informed the Board that she would have no problem being there,
if you do official Town work yes, there are to be Minutes of that particular
proceeding. However, if you want a verbatim of your Minutes, you are not
going to get them directly. As you noticed tonight, many people were
talking, and neither of us could get the names. You may have to hire
someone to transcribe verbatim and I will take out the Town's Official
Minutes, so they are acceptable as Minutes. Town Law indicates that they
are to be available several weeks after it has been done. Mrs. Snowden
informed the Board that she will not guarantee any verbatim in any
particular length of time. You will not get them before the official Minutes
are done.
COUNCILMAN BETTINA received a phone call from a resident who would
not give his name, he said there was illegal dumping in back of Lawrence
Farms. Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi, informed the Board that the site
north of Lawrence Farms, which is Hudson's Ribs and Fish, was
constructing a sewer system and they infringed on the wet lands and DEC
caught them and they were sited. Mr. Paggi received formal notification
today. That fill went up to Andy Metzger's subdivision.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI regarding subdivision fees for Recreation.
They want to increase them from $1,500 to $2,000 per lot. Also, if a new
subdivisions comes in and has 3 or 4 lots, exempt the first two lots. Is there
anything in writing. Mrs. Smith said no, but we started those fees, and
never finished, because Don Keller passed away. Charlie Ricotta hasn't
had a chance to go through them and that is one of the items to be
COUNCILMAN VALDATI on the southeast corner of Old Hopewell Road
where the old Service Station once was. It is very untidy, can we get the
Zoning Administrator to call the owners to clean up the area.
There was no other business to come before the Board.
COUNCILMAN VALDATI moved to close the Town Board Meeting,
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti and Unanimously Carried.
The Town Board Meeting Closed at 10:00 P.M
E ainenowden
Town Clerk
A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on
January 27, 1997 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls,
New York, on the proposed Local Law amending Local Law #2 of the year
1985, Local Law # 5 of 1988, and Local Law #4 of 1994 with respect to the
establishment of water rates in the Fleetwood Water District.
Supervisor Smith opened the Hearing at 7:15 P.M.
Constance Smith, Supervisor
Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman
Robert Valdati, Councilman (7:20 P.M.)
Vincent Bettina, Councilman (7:30 P.M.)
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Albert Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent
The Town Clerk offered for the record the affidavit of Posting and
Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto
and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Meeting).
The rate shall be increased from $35.00 per quarter to $60.00 per quarter
effective the 1/1/97-3/31/97 service period. The minimum gallons allowed
(14,143 gal) will remain the same, as well as the overage rate ($1.00/1,000
gallons). Supervisor Smith went on to explain the reason for the increase,
one being for trucking the water into the district. Supervisor Smith informed
the residents that we are looking into other options. One possibility is to
hook in with the Village of Fishkill, Atlas Water that we purchased a few
years ago. The intent eventually was to have a Town wide water district.
There is also a problem at the Wappinger Park, Indian Village Development.
We are also looking into expanding the Route 9 Corridor. We have to do it
because 187 people could never afford to get water down there. We do not
have that study and the figures yet. We drilled a well, and it failed, and we
are trucking the water in.
SUPERVISOR SMITH asked if there were any questions or comments from
the audience.
Ken Duxbury of Barbara Lane was recognized by the Board, and he felt that
someone has been dragging their feet. We were promised that something
would be done. SUPERVISOR SMITH explained, every time we get an
option, we realize that no one can afford it. So we keep on looking. Mr. Paggi
explained, that a presentation was made at the October workshop meeting,
and the dollars presented to the Board, were not acceptable to them. They
asked Mr. Paggi to expand the scope of the report to make it more of a Town
wide approach rather that focusing specifically on Fleetwood. Residents
asked why Highway was not trucking water in with their truck. Mr. Foster
went on to explain, we do have a stainless steel truck. If it were used for
trucking water, that's the only thing the truck could be used for. The
Highway would have to take it out of service. It would be to costly. Mr. Paggi
went on to explain that we have to site minimum of two, to four new wells to
drill to feed this area. The scope is larger than servicing just the Fleetwood
area. Mr. Paggi reminded the residents that the budget is for the whole year.
If there is any overage it goes to the district. He went on to explain how they
came up with the costs. Another concern the residents expressed the
financial burden for people .who live alone or on a fixed income. The
residents also wished the Board to give them numbers showing how much
everything was going to cost, and where the funds would be going.
Mr. Duxbury reminded Mrs. Smith, at last summers meeting she was going
to look into minimum usage. Was that ever looked into. Mr. Paggi answered
yes, and it was presented to the Board. It justified the minimum charge.
You have fixed costs for the district, when you divide the fixed costs by the
number of users it comes very close to the minimum charge being utilized for
the Fleetwood Water District. COUNCILMAN VALDATI agreed with the
residents, there should be figures made available for the Board and the
Residents, because this is a significant amount of money. He suggested the
Town Board have another meeting and present numbers. Mr. Taverns of
Fleetwood Drive, asked what the next step would be in solving the Fleetwood
Water problems. SUPERVISOR SMITH announced that we would be
having a presentation by Engineer to the Town, Jay Paggi in March. Mr.
McGinnis of Kretch Circle suggested drilling another well near the right of
way near Kretch Circle. It is far enough away, and if you drill deeper,
perhaps you may get a good producing well, and it may not cost as much.
Mr. Paggi, said that a study had been made among residents at the top of
Observe Hill, where the Town owns some land, to see how successful they
were in getting water out, and the amount of water they reported that they
got out of their wells would not have helped the district. A 20 gallon a
minute well is needed, twelve to thirteen hours a day. The residents only got
five to eight gallons a minute. He went on to explain to the residents what
steps are being taken at this time. Resident, Andrew Hartman asked why
not have the whole town pay several dollars more in taxes, and have the
funds available for future problems, should they arise so as not to burden one
district. Attorney to the Town Al Roberts, explained why this could not be
done at this time. SUPERVISOR SMITH informed the residents that Mr.
012797TH s_
Paggi would have all the information for us in March, and our Workshop
Meeting in March is the 2nd Monday of the month. You are all welcome
to attend.
SUPERVISOR SMITH thanked all the residents for attending the Public
Hearing and said that they would continue the Public Hearing and present
the numbers to the residents.
COUNCILMAN RUGGIERO moved to adjourn the Public Hearing to date
and time certain, February 10, 1997 at 7:30 P.M.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti
Motion Unanimously Carried
The Public Hearing adjourned at 8:10 P.M.
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
012797TH �
A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on
January 27, 1997 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls,
New York on the proposed Local Law amending Local Law #5 of 1976, Local
Law #14 of 1984, Local Law #10 of 1985, Local Law #10 of 1988, Local Law
#1 of 1991, Local Law #2 of 1992, Local Law #13 of 1992 and Local Law #2 of
1996 establishing Sewer Rates for Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1.
Supervisor Smith opened the Hearing at 8:14 P.M.
Constance Smith, Supervisor
Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman
Robert Valdati, Councilman
Vincent Bettina, Councilman
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Albert Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent
The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and
Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto
and made part thereof of the Minutes of the Meeting).
The rate shall decrease from $120 per quarter flat rate to $110 per quarter
flat rate starting 1/1/97-3/31/97 .
Supervisor Smith asked if there were any questions or comments from the
audience. There were none.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to close the Public Hearing.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
The Public Hearing closed at 8:15 P.M.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
012797TH `x7
A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on
January 27, 1997, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls,
New York on the proposed Local Law amending Local Law #12 of 1984, Local
Law #9 of 1988, Local Law #5 of 1994 and Local Law #1 of 1996, with respect
to the establishment of Sewer Rates for the Rockingham Sewer District.
Supervisor Smith opened the Hearing at 8:15 P.M.
Constance Smith, Supervisor
Joseph Ruggiero, Councilman
Robert Valdati, Councilman
Vincent Bettina, Councilman
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Albert Roberts, Attorney to the Town
Jay Paggi, Engineer to the Town
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent
The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and
Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto
and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Meeting).
The rate shall be increased from $85 per quarter flat rate to $100 per quarter
flat rate starting the 12/1/96-2/28/97 service period. At this time, Mr.
Ruggiero commented that we should push for negotiations. SUPERVISOR
SMITH said she was waiting for Mike Dungan to call back for a meeting
with all of us.
Supervisor Smith asked if there were any questions or comments from the
audience. There were none.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTI moved to close the Public Hearing.
Seconded by Mr. Bettina
The Public Hearing closed at 8:16 P.M.
Motion Unanimously Carried
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk