Untitled (4).StonykillFarm Clouded
�• of
�'Iuller R etl� e�, Future
takeover by the Department of
E n vironmental Conservation,
Nluller said "nothing has been
finalized." He adeded that he -
owes a h o m e in Arcadian
Acres and will eventually move
there, but at present hopes to
continue living at the farm.
Muller, who vacationed in
Florida from Nov. 19 to Dec.
19, said he has no immediate
plans to travel and points out
that his job as supervisor "will
keep me busy."
It's expected that Charles
Ehlers, Muller 's assistant for -
many years, will be in charge
of the farm property until a
decision r made concerning its
use. M ler said he hoped to
remain available to a s s i s t
Ehlers in case of any emergen-
FISHKILL — An era has
drawn to a close with the re-
tirement of Herbert W. Muller
Sr. from his duties at the Stony -
kill Farm, along Rt. 9D in the
T-)wn of F shkill.
Muller had been superm-
tendent of the 754 -acre farm
for the past 28 years and was
also assistant professor at the
state facility there. Before that,
he was associated with the
State Agricultural Institute at
Farmingdale, L.I. for 14 years,
giving him a total of 42 years
of state service.
Muller, 63, plans to remain
in the area and will begin his
fifth term as Town of Fishkill
Supervisor this week.
What's to become of the farm,
which for years was operated
by Farmingdale Agricultural
and Technical Institute? No one
seems to know, even Muller,
but hopes are that the land
and buildings will be taken over
by the New York State De-
partment of Environmental
11 certainly hope something
like this happens," Muller said,
noting that he hopes the farm
will remain forever green.
The farm was willed to the
state, with the stipulation that
it be used for teaching, or
educational purposes.
This could be accomplished
by the Department of En-
v i r o n m e n t al Conservation
takeover, Muller believes, since
the facility would be used to
teach environmental and con-
servation practices. Muller said
several such schools are in
operation in other parts of the
state and there is a possibility
of such a school here.
Muller said the farm is
presently controlled by the
State Education Department
and it would no doubt take an
act of the Legislature t o
transfer .the land to the Con-
servation Department. Should
the state decide not to use the
facility for teaching, or school
purposes, it would revert back
to heirs of the family which
willed it to the state.
The farm has been mentioned
many times in recent years as
a possible site for the relocation
of Brooklyn Polytechnical In-
st tote, a private institution
unable to expand at its present
Regarding the possible