Untitled (2)ZION CHURCH
Zion Episc�op Church of
Wappingers Falls will hold its
135th anniversary dinner on
Nov. 10 at the church hall.
Plans for the program were
discussed at a meeting on
Oct. 9 at the home of
Atwood Edwards, the general
chairman. William H. Carley
is program chairman. The
committee's next meeting
will be Oct. 30 at Mr.
Edwards' home.
Other committee members
are Robert Gordon III, Harry
F. Holt, Rev. Robert A.
MacGill, Robert T. Schubert,
John F. Zammiello, Jr., Mrs.
Robert D. Essert, Mrs.
Carleton C. Miller, Mrs.
Atwood L. Edwards.
The program will cover the
history of the church since its
founding; the present
programs being carried on
and the future plans of the
church. A slide presentation
will cover the program.