UntitledNew Church Plans 96 Formal Organization The Presbytery of Hudson The congregation of the New River has approved the or- Church Development in Fish- ganization of the Rombout kill recommends the name Presbyterian Church as a con- Rombout Presbyterian Church gregation of the United Pres- as being appropriate for a byterian Church in the United church in Southern Dutchess States. To prepare for the County, and particularly since Service of Organization on in a sense, it is re -establish - April 21, congregational ing the Presbyterian Church meeting will be held on Palm in the Town of Fishkill. The Sunday, April 7. at 7 p.m. for original Rombout Patent of the purpose of hearing a re- 1685 covered an area of 85, port from the Organization 000 acres and included the Committee. Among the items present Towns of Fishkill, to be considered are the pro- East Fishkill, Wappingers, posed by-laws, articles of in- western LaGrange and south - corporation, a report of nom- ern Town of Poughkeepsie. inating committee and final Several streets and a school nominations for church of- in southern Dutchess County ficers, the order of. the bear the Rombout name, In Service of Organization, and 1747, a Presbyterian church such other business as may was organized, a frame build - be necessary. Babysitting ingwas built near the junction service will be provided dur- ofRts. 52 and 82 in the Town ing the meeting at the Wic- of Fishkill, and the Rombout copee Grange Hall, Rt. 52. Church became a member of Town of Fishkill, the 0-..itchess County Presby - Historically, the Mid -Hud- tery which was organized in son Area Strategy Committee 1762, The bu?],ding Was used of Presbytery'.; ^urc$ F - a .ospi%al duin-ate,ev- tension_ .,�m for the development of bmittee felt the olutionary War and badly dam - need , aged. It was rebuilt in 1830, ? new church in SouthernDut- but the new building was des - chess County. A survey of the troyed by fire in 1866. Al - area was made in October though monthly meetings were 1962, and in the spring of held in a local schoolhouse 1963, the Dutchess County for some time following, the Council of Churches granted congregation was formally Presbytery the comity assign- disolved by Presbytery in ment for the area. A site com- 1895. mittee was appointed and after • . investigation, recommended 13.6 acres on Rt. 82 in the Town of Fishkill which was purchased by Presbytery in March 1965. In the fall of 1965, the Church Extension . Committee appointed a Fish - kill New Church Development Committee. On July 1, 1966, the Committee called the Rev. Rossiter Seward as organiz- ing pastor of the new church development. The three neigh- boring Presbyterian Churches in Wappingers Falls, Pough- keepsie, and Beacon gave Rev. Seward lists of their members in the area of the new church to facilitate his initial work, and thanks to their donations of pulpit, chairs, hymnals, and other help, the first worship service of the new fellowship was held on Sept. 11, 1966 in the Wiccopee .Grange Hall about three miles from the church site. The congregation joins each Sunday in family worship with