UntitledSOl'7HER1 DCTCH}Sti \_ti.yti'S - Fehruar__ �i_ _iy
B> Ja3 Burgess
staff writer
The C on -Mull -1111 Services Pro-
gram Ing. ha PurJta,ed the
old town hall located on Mill
Street, and the) plan tobegin
restoration of the historic
building this pang. This new
proicct come,. in the wake of
a restoration project of three
huddings on. Main Street that
earned them two awards from
th .sate
Pep O'Lear, -pckesperson
for ( ommumn Service,, said
that bids will be let out for
restoration work bx March or
wall that supports floors
abo,c it) was removed from
the buitdmg at some point
Thicwall will cost WSW to
replace by itsell. The left side
h building was altered,
and 11 re gmnp to restore it
to the way it was originality."
()'Lear} said.
The interior is getting the
treatment roc. O'Leary said.
'The tin ceilings and walls are
going to be maintained as well
as the wainscotting on th
wallboards. �e're going t
tear out where the old tour
w as. ,A e' ll be remox Ing panel
ing tt, tha'. area as well.
"The plaster is old and ver.
space and the 1,,o upstai->
floors will be made into apart
mes O'Lean oil,
( o
In unit Services has approval
from. the Village of 0.app-
mgers Fails zoning and plan-
ning boards for the proiect-
The communis, has reaped
the rewards of commurnIN set
vices proiects and the more
than Si million. that*, been
spent. The group has restored
not only the three fire -
e damaged 6urlchngs on Main
o Street, but also theirofft •l dl
Giv°ens Av.nuey's'ha,
rewards has the group reselled for their accomplishments"
The Community Services
Supervisor Paino and Peg O'Leary of Community Services
signed papers last week finalizing Services' takeover of old town
.April. She said the building.
dry throughout the building
constructed in 1872. should
so that much of it isn't
take about l0 months and
holding anymore. We'll have
about $280,000 to bring in to
the tin ceilings and walls
removed by hand. Sheetrock
—,kc went after the town
will replace the plaster and the
hall when we heard rumor
tin ceiling and walls put back
that it max be demolished. It's
in. All of the three stairways
a historic site, and we didn't
will be torn out and replac-
wan[ to see that happen." said
ed," said O'Leary.
O'Learn. She said the building
has been altered over the yeors
The community seervices
and will require a lot of work
representative said the
to restore
organization plans to renovate
"A load-bearing wall (a
the ground floor for office
Services to restore old town hall
f i hkeepvie
prieram. In I!,, heert
awarded the Lleanoi
kc—It ( :mmumt, Ser Ice
AwLr Ctn,icase of Merit
The% were responsible for the
first completed pro -.ecu under
the tate', NS- housing trus'.
program. The group has also
been awarded the Governor's
H i i m Achievement Award,
one 11, program, selected
throughout the entire state.
Super,isor Irene Pain,
spoke of the recent sale of the
town hall to C ommunit 'I -
,tee. ehe cal f she is yen hap-
py that the gawp got Inc. bid
and parch,>ed the buildmg.
"A couple of years ago, the
tos t r. nt in di ,icu�n
fm 1 t , .a,i• I r led ul
consort um nxu,tes. I �� t. a
goon it msi r the
and Iu e:; imitestme
tool� u ile"
sill a• ware mat,
of h Id•r u mWuic. iu flit
vila reset_ u.t i.,ne bit'.
M need 1 rel. nt m ntam in -
,.I111(.. LIiC I1 id`-'eI,d par'.
of h rwn. and I ihutk that
dl, thin- I, keep its
,usual appeal uF PailIo said
t un
-,I h h t _h.III,-
hert ,u p did a t e i wt r tle
hunts°,onl1ir S-`ee S -e
1 110 ld bun i r.'.
huildi e, welt actually a pan
o'. h I eau of 0, "i
wet, an aceldent
wmm to happen 1 het were
;, tcrnble liabihn Commum-
n t i •, did I mtt tie ioh.
I r elan see the' arc
nolo, . 0 be do mg work on the
Old glue hall. I know that at
one time that historic building
w,. in dancer of beim:
detnoli,hed_ an idea I was pod t0. said the
Communis Service, is a
c unt,wide organization. and
IIIc, ha" dc.n, ,arious pro -
ic . in the frll in towns:
Do,c; receiscd 5 -._ TOO Ill, a
sidewalk proicct: Amenia
benefited from ahou Sst, (RN!
for work on road,.sidewalks
anmd fire h,dranta. Pawling
received SS_.o(R) for work on
their roads. O'Lean said the
organization did the paper-
work for these prolecu and
Rol the money so that the
town's highway dcpartmenu
could do the work
() ear, said the ,illave has
received a lot of Community
Services resources. She e,-
plained that municipalities
const meet Threeof six criteria
published b, the New l ork
State Housing and l.�rban
D elopmem to qualify for
assistance. The village meets
all o r t tri (i 1
is ,r
i h ilFa _ n a l th : graJ<
for a de r�asm �opulanon.
per cicr of h uut� ocF.
built p 10 1 Iy40 I'll �entaee
of �: p Ha len r -c. in —,n -,Torn c f pubo
percenci , el
62 }ear•. of age. perccnta ).
unemplo,ed old air c�.e— t
emplovablc tson,
Communis Scnices
makir the'
roger, I all, a t -gr u ll pit s'
look at and,t
live and vwr µ l :I, a
the old tow r halt and I: t u:t,