Untitled (6)1 Stony Kill buildings added to historic register
MAY 21,
Y - Stony Kill Conservation Rombout, two fur traders, dants. James de Lancey and
r, s and Agriculture Education bought 85,000 acres of land John Bayard Rodgers, gave
Center has been selected for from the Wappingers Indians. the 754 -acre parcel to the
inclusion in the national The 754 -acre education state de art t
itony Kill Manor House, built in 1843, is now used as the headquarters for the
mental education center.
p men of educa-
register of historic places, ac- center is part of that parcel. tion "to preserve the property
cording to Stony Kill as an agricultural enterprise
treasurer George James de Lancey Verplan- in perpetuity and give
O'Donoghue. ck and his wife. Julia, were something worthwile to the
Included are four historic the first known Verplancks to public.''
buildings on the grounds: The live at Stony Kill. They lived in
Manor House, Washington a stone farm house and with In 1973, the land was turn -
House, the stone farmhouse, neighbors until Stony Kill ed over to the New York State
and the barn complex. Manor House was completed department of environmental
Stony Kill's history dates in 1843. conservation, for develop -
back to August 8, 1683, when In the early 1900's, two of ment of a year-round en-
Gulian Verplanck and Francis James and Julia's descen- vironmental center.