Untitled (10)co
Revolutionary War house is said to Gave I7ouSe4 Sums M
University had this building and a companion structure repaired and weather prO(AQcI.
Gen. Washington's oftic"'r5 when
Ba��l i� their headquarters sere luca'ed
f l o on the MI. GLlh rn pr ops ty.
• t- f 9l � �h'll
st , P, en PAc. mrs
Eelseyed to Be
7 his last is SOUL i 0 On. �
and between Route 9D and the
Hudson River near the current.
PISHFILL — An old building
of the original grant was ac-
site of the Newburgh - Beacon
Bridge. The props r ty, which was
at the Stonykill Farm, tradition-
quired by the Verplancl. family.
This land included the Stonykill
destroyed by fire in 1931 is be -
ally believed to have housed
ing restored,
some of George Washiigton' offi-
She added that the history of
The western portion of the
cors during the Revolutionary
War, hasbeen repaired by the
the two buildings is not docu-
Stonykill buildin , is made of
State University.
mented but that, according to
brick and is more res, nt
the eastern portion, Al"S Rondos
Fistrkill Supervisor Herbert G.
tradition, one of structures
was used for living quarters hp
slid: _
Muller said repair of the ester-
for and roof of the structure and
another near -Vic' building has
been performed by the state.
The renovation included replace-
ment o1sills, doors, and roof
sections, painting, and general
outside restoration.
stonvhilt T'arm was obtained
in 19.13 I,v the state for the
P'urrninfidale, L.L, branch of the
Stalc University. according to
Mrs. Arlene Bondos, public in-
formation officer for the Conr,ly
Planning Poard. Until then, the
properly had been part of the
Rombout Patent grant.
Mrs, Bundas explained one third