Untitled (3)Mesie eWet bed
1�:Ai'I 1�G1:H$ i'ALLS — The of either three (it,ine persons- He rm ,eµer tonne coons. Action.
future of the Mesier Homestead i ,ugfge�tutg that the report be rx lai°e lllg rt t n ,rtl e aikoplantneti llent 01
is likely to be the main item on i"n1Pleted by Wc�dne��.�•depl,ibc boar(' writ I'lo )'.Omi i< <1t , h tip
the ciliagc board agenda in its
uiceting clerks. the tilesni at villa; (�itue;
Alednesday night hear report: on desk in
pump at the disposal plant, and in the \nuencun uLegn
historic homestead is —
currently occupied by the Wap-
pingers Falls police department.
('()neem ha, been expressed for
,one time by many village
residents and officials over the
suture of the building and possi-
ble deterioration that might
result from constant use.
i rustee A\ arren Short will in-
a resolution to take the
tirst step towards nimin€; police
Shorts resolution would call on
the mayor to appoint a citizens
committee ''to review the Alesier
Il,mestead conditions and make
reconutxvndations to the board...
Specilualh, Short wants the
committee to present a proposal
on hotic village functions could be
moved to other locations, on
restoration and upkeep plans for
the homestead, on financial im-
pact of such plans and how
financing would be provided
�-hort is proposing a committee