Untitled (5)3A Thursday, July 10, 1975 WAPPINGERS FALLS POLICE HEADQUARTERS AT MESIER HOMESTEAD ... Historical Society seeking cleanup, repair of old building Messy Mesier Homestead Subject of Citizen Study By RALPH BERNSTEIN WAPPINGE:RS FALLS 'rile village board Wednesday unanimously named a citizen committee to investigate the future of the historic Mesier Homestead. However, the ac- tion was taken only after exten- Political Picnic Set POt'GHKEEPSIE: — A turd raising picnic for Libertarian candidates in this fall's election is planned for July 19 at 2 p.tn. at 22 Hewlett Rd , the home of party leader Sanford Cohen - Funds will go to the cam- paigns of Ellen Davis, running for DutcheSS (otlnty executive, and Carole (.hen, candidate for matior of Poughkeepsie, the sponsors, Candidates for Liber- ty. annoinued. Three Lilwrtarians who have been candidates for President — hav Haroff of Ohio, Roger McBride, and Guy W. Riggs, the Poughkeepsie man who is seeking the post this year, are expected, as is Free Liber- tarian Party Chairperson Gary Greenberg. sive debate about the condition of the building and what could be done to restore it as an historic landmark The homestead and the sur- rounding Mesier Park have been village property for more than 80 years. The building is currently occupied by the police force and water department. 14'sdne,day's debate was sparked by trustee Warren Short's proposal for the citizen's committee. Norman Ferhng of the Wap- pingers Falls Park Commission said he had recently inspected the homestead and was "not very well pleased with its con- dition." He commented: ''There was an outboard motor and other items laying on the floor. There are papers all over in the police headquarters. I holes in fte wall. though Ih+: were patched Sunday." Trustee Ra-Vmond Dolan r ,toted: ''It's a pig -pen.' Acting poke chief Joseph Bruce responded to the com- ment, by saying ' 75 per cent of our desk personnel are women and they are quite busy. We can't ask them to be janitors. Maybe the village can find someone, but we don't have the time. " Mrs. Virginia Ferris of the village Historical Society com- mented: ' We would like to take pc:�ple to the exhibits upstairs. 11 e d Lke i.o f:ave it open for the picnic in the park July 20. But the way: it is now', people don't w,;ut to go in there." Bruce countered: "t don't know of any other police force that operates public restrooms. m the last picnic, there were so many people going in and out that we couldn't run an orderly operation." However, Mayor Donald Synnett said that new restroom facilities would be available for the next picnic, and the public would not have to pro through police headquartcrs. S,nnett and several trustees, especially Dolan, exchanged sharp words over what could be done. Synnett indicated the puh,,v department could not be asked to leave the structure and questioned the purpose of the committee ''I can't see people volunteering their services for son;ethng like this to come back and hear us say there's no rnwnev. I've done things myself I've been requested to do by the bo:n-d and come back and thc�'ve prone doa.n the drain," Trustee Jack S&es.tri, in a naonu:+nt of cnthusia,r1. ie( lare::.Let's get come liaoncy tinct get another buldit:g and get the police department out of there. I'll make a motion for a $ 100,000 bond." Dolan countered: "You'll get no se- cond from me on that," to which Synnett remarked: "That's why I see no reason for the committee." However, consensus was finally arrived at when Mrs. Fca ris stated: "SVc'rQ not ask- ing the department to get out tomorrow — we know that's im- possible. We're concerned with finding ways to keep the building from deteriorating any further. On the longer range, we'll be concerned about finding another home for the police." In other action Wednesday. the village board dismissed patrolman John McNair. McNair had served the village on a temporary basis pending his taking the civil service test for policeman, which the coun- tv said he flunked. The board members commented that they t•egretted the action because McNair had served the viilage well. but said they had no choice. McNair was at the meeting and appealed to the board not to act. He stated that he is suing Dutchess County, claiming lie was discriminated against in the civil service test, although he did nest elaborate on the details of the suit. The board commented that if he wins his suit, they will be happy to take him back. The board also reviewed the status of patrolman Gary Bayless, who had punched out in the middle of his shift July I, turned in his revolver, though not his badge, and stated that he was quitting. The board for- mally accepted Bayless' verbal resignation and directed the police chief to try to get the badge back The board also set its 11"t meeting on August 13 as the date for a public hearing for a zoning change to allow construction of an indoor miniature golf course in the abandoned A& 1' supermarket on Route 9. The board meeting was held at the Garner Firehouse on West Academy Street because of a power blackout which knocked out all lighting at village offices and police head- quarters. as well as several hcnaes