Untitled (3)ZION EPISCOPAL CHURCH'S 135th anniversary dinner will be held on Nov. 10. Final plans for the event were made at a meeting of the committee held last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Atwood L. Edwards, Round Hill Rd., Poughkeepsie. Features planned for the surroundings in olden times. Edwards. He also is dinner evening include a roast beef Other activities feature chairman. William H. Carle dinner, slide presentation and Schubert, stewardship; John narration of the church's community singing, a review is program chairman. Y F• Zamillo, publicity. history from its earl of present church programs Others on the committee The Vestry is represented Y and illustrations of the are Mrs. Robert D. Essert, by Robert Gordon III and beginnings. Some rare old important role Zion plays in entertainment; Mrs. Carleton Harry F. Holt. Clergy is Photos have been brought to Haiti. represented by Rev. Robert Miller, hostesses; Robert General chairman is Mr. Rapp, facilities; Robert T. A • M a c G i o and Rev. light showing Zion and its -------------- Alexander Choate.