UntitledHigh School on Mesier Ave. at East Academy St. nears completion as Central Dutchess
Nursing Home prepares to hold an open house for invited quests this weekend, and one for
the interested public on Oct. S. When it swings into full operation, the 64 -bed facility
reportedly will have physical and occupational therapists, physicians, dentists and
podiatrists available, along with 24-hour nurse service. The home will also include a barber
shop and beauty parlor. As one tours the facility he finds the plant to be quite
hospital -like in nature, from the nurse call lights above the door of each room to the nurse
stations in the corridors. In fact it seems at first glance that the only thing the home lacks
to make it a complete hospital is emergency and operating rooms and a maternity ward.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell Booth operate the new nursing home. Dr. Booth is a former
Wappingers Falls resident and currently resides in Millbrook.