Untitled (6)DR. CHAN Cont...
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Practice of medicine' by "a
governmental technicality.
This community is desperate
for doctors, and Dr. Chan is
willing and ready to practice
here. He has proved his
ability; his patients love and
respect him; if he had been
born in Kokomo, Indiana, his
credentials would be accepted
without question."
"We often mourn the fact
that little people like us have
no direct influence on big
government. This is one
Opportunity for the
Wappingers Falls community
to rise up and speak its mind
clearly. The people in
Washington will hear us."
Various community leaders
and organizations have
already begun to circulate
petitions and write letters
supportnMacGillg asked th tather all
communications be
forwarded to him, and
promised that they would be
cleared with Dr. Chan and
Congrf--man Fish for
Presentation in Washington.
Oct. 9119 6
Urgent Plea Made To Keep
Doctor In Wappingers
An urgent plea to help keep Father MacGill asked that
need for doctors here.
Dr. Stephen S. Chan in this letters be addressed to him at
Need for physicians in the
community was sounded Zion Episcopal Church,
Wappingers area is acute. In
yesterday by a Wappingers Wappingers Falls, 12590. He
the last 10 years, population
Falls clergyman. said he would carry the
has more than doubled.1`1
Dr. Chan, a pediatrician, letters and other supportive
that period, however,
has been associated with Drs. documents to Washington
number of doctors in private
Gordon Brannan, Chester this month. Letters should be
practice has actually been
Golding and Robert Ballard received by Oct. 15.
reduced. Fewer doctors are
in the Wappingers Medical Congressman Fish has
trying to treat more people.
Group for the last year. worked for Dr. Chan's cause
Dr. Chan is today the only
Although fully qualified and since going to Washington. He
qualified specialist practicing
experienced, Dr. Chan cannot sponsored a private bill in
pediatrics in the Wappingers
receive a license for the full Congress to obtain relief from
;Falls community.
practice of medicine in New immigration limitations, but
Dr. Chan is a native of
York State because he is not found that direct action
Hong: Kong. He w a s
a United States citizen. through the Department of
graduaf�.d from Albany
He faces ultimate Health, Education and
Medical 'School of Union
deportation to his home in Welfare and the State;
University with the M.D.
Hong Kong unless his status is Department is the only,
degree. He is a diplomate of
changed by the U.S. State avenue which could work
the National Board of
Department. Congressman quickly enough. The
Medical Examiners, which
Hamilton Fish Jr. has congressman will appear to,
certifies doctors for licensing
arranged for a hearing in argue Dr. Chan's case. Dr.
in' all 50 states. He has
Washington this month, to Brannan has filed an,,
completed all necessary
obtain clearance for Dr. Chan impressive statement stressing
Anterneships and residencies,
to become a citizen, obtain the essential nature of Dr.
but cannot be admitted to
his license and remain in. Chan's work. i
full practice because he is not
Wappingers Falls. Mr. Fish and Father .
a citizen. This bars him from
"We need Dr. Chan in this MacGill said that letters from
membership 'in the Dutchess
community," said the Rev. patients and others who value '
County medical association
Robert A. MacGill, rector of Dr. Chan's services can :be an
and from staff status in
Zion Episcopal Church. "I important factor in
urge all Dr. Chan's patients, influencing a favorable.
I "it maw no sense," said
and other concerned citizens, decision by the government.
,Father MacGill, "that a
to write me a personal letter They urged people to cite
bj g hl y '.qualified a n d
which will tell the people in specific instances in which
oinpet physician' should
Wcshington.how important it ,Dr. Chan has--tenllere.d
=' °ifo5tn: the
is-" for - ns 'to have this" line valuable health assistance, or
doctor here." situations which illustrate the
Continued on Page 8