Untitled (3)SUNDAY, MAY 21, 1967
--,Grinnell LibraryGrinne Is
" WAPPINGERS FALLS — Grin-' —An exhibit of Dutchess Coun- cides with its expansion. It is
=nell Library, will be 100 -years -'I ty paintings from .lune 15 to June located on the second floor at
-old Thursday. 30, under the arrangement of I East Main and Spring Street.
A variety of programs is plan-!, Rex Maxon. 11 This tall it will be doubled in
ted to celebrate the centennial. —An address by Franklin D. size, as it expands to the first
.They range from. an invitation -I, Roosevelt Jr. in the fall. His fa floor which stores had previous -
al open house on that day to a ther and Irving Grinnell, co- I ly occupied. Furnishings are on
series of cultural events extend-, founder of the library, were cous- I order.
ing into the fall. ins. The library was established
Scheduled events include: Chairman of the centennial I May 25, 1807, by Grinnell and
—A display of old photograghs program is the Rev. Robert A. Ithe Rev. Henry K. Satterlee.
of -the village from May 25 to MacGill of the Zion Episcaral For 20 years it was located in
dune 15. The program is under Church.quarters at Main and Market
the direction of Mrs. Ira Alsdorf Expansion Planned Streets. In 1887 the present buiid-
tiid Mrs. W. Theodore Lynch. I The library's centenial coin- ing was built. Grinnell contri-
FIRST LIBRARY in Wappingers Falls opened
in this building karrowi at Main and Market
-= Streets in 1867. The dwelling—first two-story
._-building in the village—was built in 1770, and
was destroyed by fire in 1892. It was originally
a hotel. The photo, dated 1862, is from a collet-
lion by Mrs. Ira Alsdorf.