new Russell Aldrich wing
Grinnell opens
Almost one hundred local
dignitaries and residents
packed Grinnell Library in
Wappingers Falls Sunday,
March 29, to celebrate the of-
ficial opening of the library's
new wing.
Cutting the ribbon on the
addition was Grace Aldrich,
wife of the late Russell
Aldrich, for whom the addi-
tion is named.
"It -
a fitting tribute to
him," commented Mrs.
Aldrich following the
ceremony, noting that her
husband had devoted much
of his business and spare
time to the local community.
As president of the
library's board of trustees,
Mr. Adlrich had been talking
about getting the addition
underway before his death.
Board members decided,
therefore, that the wing
should be named -after the at-
The fund drive was headed
by Dr. Daniel Hannigan who
acted as master of
ceremonies at the ribbon cut-
ting. During the proceedings,
Hannigan noted that approx-
imately $22,000 more is need-
ed to completely finish the
addition and outfit it. Almost
$120,000 has been raised
since the fund drive began in
Work on the three-story ad-
dition began in late 1979. The
three floors are in varying
states of finish, with the main away a few days before the
floor room needing only book open house.
shelves before it can be out- "He was one of the most
fitted as the library's new faithful trustees for over 50
reference room. years," commented the board
"We'll get the shelves as president.
soon as we have $4,000," the ceremonies,
noted assistant librarian During
Carol Bell during the recep- Frances Dha cd librarian
tion Sunday.
Work on the basement that she will go on half-time
meeting room and the second this September, turning over
floor is expected to be finish- her position to Bell. Drace
ed sometime before this sum hthe
as headed a
41 years, and asays ry r she
"We've been right on feels ft's at east step down,
target," commented library partially,
board president Frances "I have a lot of things I
Reese during the ceremonies, want to do, and Ionnect on
referring to work and fund want to keep my
raising schedules.
with the library," commented
She led the group in a mo- the librarian, "that's why I'll
ment of silence honoring still be here half-time."
board member Malcolm
remonies present
Hunter, who had passed the
Library board president Frances Reese, tuna rarsmg
committee head Dan Hannigan, Mrs. Grace Aldrich, and
Grinnell librarian Frances Drace hold the ribbon to the
library's new addition.
gressman Hamilton Fish Jr-,
state assemblymen Glenn
Warren and Steve Saland,
county executive Lucille Pat-
tison, county legislators Lois
Gray and Joe Poillucci, Wap-
pinger supervisor Lou Diehl,
Poughkeepsie Wappingers
Ann Buchholz,
Falls mayor Donald Synnett,
Wappinger councilmembers
Nick Johnson, Janet Reilly
and Bernice Mills, and WaPP-
ingers Falls trustee Lou