1981-04-20 /t:J- {('- '-.. , ... ~"'- - ~ ~\'-l ~~o 1\ \ g I [(v.. (J' ,\~\ _fJ~ r/ ~~\~ ~ 9tdcku ~~i:f~ - ~~g~.!!J~ - 9~ ~ qj/od/26tJ/ (.9/# J #~.5 -.9~6/ ~ ~~....... .J '" LUCILLE P. PAITISON County Executive MICHAEL P. MURPHY Assistant to County Executive Ap r i 1 2 0, 1 981 Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor Town of Wappinger Mill Street Wappinger Falls, NY . 12590 Dear superi7f~~ehl: Eaclosed are the final 1980 census figures. Note that the total for the County is increased slightly from the preliminary figures. More de~ailed information will be forthcoming from the County Planning Department. Please direct your questions to that department. I will release this information to the public on Wednesday a.m., April 22, 1981. Please do not hesitate to contact this office if you have other questions. Sincerely, uD/ "- ... , .I'" . ^ - ( ~., <_~ _--'-"---L--<........ _#;-. LUCILLE P. PATTISON County Executive LPP/sdo enc. ell (2-PC'1~) ~"1 rgd, J f'fp7/tJb;J/( " ,i 1 ,.1;.- . ,u/VO' y'6' I.-\.-J.< ~f'"'" 1980 CENSUS POPULATION COUNTS,' by RACE DUTCHESS COUNTY - - .J?ANISH ~~"..., .'" 'rlvJ,I.I.' 1980 1970 % CHANGE WHITE BLACK ALEUT. ISLAND OTHER ORIGIN2 - C TIES: --~ - ~ - ---- -. &aCOD 1? q17 U55- '-? 4 n n01 1 anR 1n ?~ om 1 I'?~ - , poughkeepsie 29.1?57 32,Q~ -7. 1 ._ J~6.9_ L.s.606 68 171' ?4? 51.8- TOWNS: 1 . I 1---- . --- .--- -- +------ ---- Amenia . f:.. ?OO J.,B II ? -=-l.9-.-7 ~872_ ___161_ . __~_ ,-AD_ __. __., L___ _ _-221__ Beekman 7 11q I;;Z0l~ 1'5.2.___ ~~3.6_ ~.,130 , 14 11 4?R ~41 -- Ointon I ~ ~Oll ?,.6~30.3 -- ~~A,7 'l"7 .., 1n 7 15...__ I - L., ~ Dover 7 ?f:..l R 1125-+-""l4...3- ,; f:..1R ~?? ~o JIll ~Q -12.6..- East Fi~hki11 . I 7 A1R ----11 A ?~l . 1 R nOl 1 n92 i 6'3 1 ?~ R1 1~__ Fishkill ,115.506 1 935 ! 29.9 3 834 1 141 27 199 305 582 11~68 .---.- - Hyde Park 6.910 22.8 9.792 610 35 227 104 283 LaGrange li1? '::75 0.902 n~ ; 1 QI;Q 17R - ?O 17f:.. 4? 146 I 1 hhR I Milan 1 ~?? ! ?Ii ? 1 ';11; R 1? ? 11 17 ? 730 I - North East "2.B77 ~4 ? 7q4 70 7 ? 4 10,._ Pawling '~O~ A 7f:..A ?l f:.. I; f:..11 1 no A 1n ~a 11() Pine Plains ! 2 199 1 .792 22.7 ? 141 1'5 7 7 17 24 Pleasant Valley II h RQ? f:..0?1 1A I; If:.. 7Qn 7? ? ?Q q 71 h 9 .549 ~1 ~087 \ I ..- Poughkeepsie - 3.7 37.069 1 415 46 7QO ??q 498 Red Hook 8351 7 .548 I 10 h R 147 qO A 1;1 ~5 O,/-- Rhinebeck II 7.062 t:; ,;t:;R I ?4R h.R17 17? h 1R 4q 11 /1 Stanford ':! ~1 Q ? A7Q ~~ a ~ ?I;,:! 1111 h ., l':l 4iL_ I? 4R? I Union Vale I 2 658 1 .702 56.2 15R I 1 10 7 40 I Wappinger 26 776 '? nAn ?1 5 'll Rlll Qf:..t:; 15 7?~ ?1? 1;1A - Washington ' 4 3R? 4407 I - 0 Ii 4 11'1 ?nh 10 II 41 63_.._ VILLAGES: l. I I Fishkill I 1.555 913 70.3 1 490 52 0 11 2 30 ~iIIbrook II 1 34~ 17~5 -?? fi 1 ?1t;, RI; 7 n lh Ii 2...L. Millerton I 1.013 1 .042 ! - ? R 1 nnl; h 1 'n 1 L Pawling 1.996 1 .914 4.3 1 q41 17 1 7 R 44 Ii 1 .69L~hRn I n 7 I -- Red Hook !1 f:.7R ':l n , , n h.__ I I Rhinebeck Ii 2 5~2 ,336! 8.8 12.451 54 0 11' 25 -- -lQ.- T',"1i iiEj11 ]Jftt 3. ~ ~~ I 1 ? , . 1 1 I - ~8 i ~ n~ 'l~ ~.L Wappingers Fal s ,0 i IR ~ 1:19. I! i 1- - ~4_5 )_9_5~_~2~2.9sl_JQ_~-g J2 Totals 1~B33 [Z-'- 1 ~J 393 .85'0 2.848 5.85;3 - - AMER. TOTALS INDIAN, ASIAN, NOTES: '. Town totals INCLUDE Village totals ;'. Persons of Spanish Origin are INCLUDED in the five major RACE breakdowns, but ALSO listed separately. TOWN TOTJ.LS CITY TOTALS VILLAGE TOTALS 202,361 42,694 15,963 DUTCHESS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF. PLANNING, April 1981