1969-04-13 u- ^'~ J., lUp-lt.-k-. f;- .. TOWN OF WAPPiNGER SUPERVISORS OFFICE M ILL STREET WAPPINGERS FALLS. N. Y. 12590 LOUIS D. DIEHL SUPERVISOR April 3, 1969 . REPORT ON CENSUS '\, . '. The preliminary count of the Town of Wappinger Census which was concluded on Maroh 31, 1969 was 21,066. The population as of Apri~ 1, ~965 was 15,822. From the recent census it shows a net gain of 5,244 resideDts in the Town. When we receive an official certification from Washington this figure may increase due to newspaper forms filled out by residents who "i.ere not included in the preliminary count. I would like to note that in the pas~ nine years the Town as more than doubled its population. Under State Aid the including Village residents. the Town outside the Village. Town will receive $3.55 for each To~n re5~,~en~ An additional $2.05 for each resident liv~~g in The County will also receive $0'.65 per resid~Iit for ~tatc, Aid, whic:, wili go directly to the County. The amount the County will receive is approximately $3,600.00. 1,..., The Town should receive approximately $25,000.00 more in State Ala in 1970. The expenses for conducting the census is approx~ately $5,OC~.OO. I would like to thank all the Town residents for their coopera~~on during this census and also the workers who did such an excellent job. I havL received many compliments on how the census was conducted and would like ,-ne Town Clerk to forward a letter to the Bureau of Census 'commending Mrs. Doris Riddick for her outstanding performance in conducting this census. . J' ::.~ /P. lid; Louis D. Diehl Supervisor - Town of Wappinger ~D/ml ~, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WASHINGTON, D.C. 2.02.33 I sc-n (6-(',,; " Special Census Office Town Hall, Mill street Wapplngers Fal Is, N.Y. - 125~0 March 31, 1969 Mr. Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor Town of Wa~lnger Town Hall, ~III street Wappingers Fal Is, New York - 12590 Dear Mr. D leh 11 I take pleasure in making i!he foii~wingpreli.m:Lha.ry announc~ment for yo'u.:: Special Census: Place ]lown of Wappinger Preliminary count as of Census date, March 15, 1969 is 21,065 Population as Of April 1, ~~g~ was. . . . . 15,822 ~fuile this figure is preliminary and subject to review, it is believec ~0 be substantially correct. If you believe that any residents have ~eeL omitted from the enumeration, or if you have any criticisms, please in:0~~. me at once by written communication so that the matte~ may receive pro~?t attention and investigation. If, after my investigatto~ and resolu~io~~ of these problems, you feel there reruains evidence of incomplete err~.arat~o~, such evidence must be submitted in writing to the Director, Bureau,of.' t.;.e.' Census~--Washington, D.C. 20233, by April 14" 1969 t~:"', ~.. ,';'.' " " ,.If' .... .' ..~ If no communication is received by the date indicated,>wewill proceec with the final tabulation of your census. ..', .'. The the official ~e~tification ot population will be made Director, and will be sent to: Mr. Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor Town of Wappinger Tewn Hall, Mill Street Wapplngers Fal Is, New York - 12590 ate. later date by ~~. I{": ~ I.' . J't' J::IV;P;~~ Doris K. Riddick Special Census Supervisor , " . ~ WHITE - Sponsor CANARY. Field Division PINK. Regional Director GOLDENROD - Population Division ~ ,.... "". ; FOHM SC.12 1'\"'04) I I U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF THE CENSUS 1. Special Census of: .' STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES SPONSOR'S ACCOUNT SPECIAL POPULATION CENSUS Town Of i,18.ppinger 2. Special Census s~crvi,;or Doris K. ~iQdick ',;,c following is a statemen t of expenditures and vouchers which have been certified for payment by the Specia; Census supervisor, in accordance with the Sponsor's Agreement with the Bureau of the Census. i I Types of expenditures covered by voucher Amount Date Voucher Piece-rate Hourly-rate of No. enumerators employees Other voucher . (a) (bh (c) (d) (e) (i'i 3-31-69 1 X 201703) $ 3-31-69 2 x. . 781038 '\ " " " " . , "", - , ! ~ y .., I , ! , I ';. \ , i , , , ~ , . - , . . , ''<;.1,' ~ . .' ... " "j. to,. .. , . " \ : ; .':" ; I .. . . I .' " '. .... "I" '. f; ., I , ..1' -. , , . '"'' iOTAL AV.OUNT OF VOUCHERS CERTIFIED FOR PAYMENT ) S 2798073 \ Special Census supervisor 'j/nature) Date . I .- j \ ~DOl<< /(; LA-.,I~ ;~. March 31,1969 I " . Sponsor / " , ; "<.," " .. ' ,. "