1992-02-24 RGMAGENDA
FEBRUARY 24, 1992
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. ROLL CALL �.-
4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Town Justices Receiver of Taxes Bldg. Insp
Zng. Adm. Dog Control Officer Fire Inspector re: Vacant bldg. on
Middlebush Rd. Recreation: Programs Report for '91' Highway Supt.
v�sc r> C�bvwua �e.Qtcn�'
a. Request from Village of Wappingers Falls for use of 3 Voting
machines for village elections 3/17/92
b. M. Rudikoff re: Water Pollution Control Revolving Loan Project
Project Administration
c. T/W Recreation Comm. proposal for receipt, review & consideration
of requests for dedicating monuments, etc.
d. Request for Rezoning of Lands of Ivanoff by The Alpine Company
e. Receipt of resignation from Mario Verna from CAC
-f.. T. Logan, Assessor, response to request for list of parcels in
WSIA#1 without access to Connection lines
Sedore & O'Sullivan proposal for administering services relating
to State Revolving Loan Fund on Oakwood Sewer Project
-h. Authorize Attorney to Town to prepare application re: Exclusion
of Sewer Debt.
G. Foster, H. Supt., request for approval for 2 purchase orders
over $750: and, approval of quote for rebuilt engine for Dog
Control Officer Van
/j. G. Mensching re: Town of Wappinger Little League Contract for '92
k. Bud Pottenburg, Ch., New Hackensack Fire Dist. Bd. of Comm. request
for permission to become tenants to Central Wappinger Water IA
1. Authorize Archetype Firm to check for American Disabilities Act
M. Resignation of Ann Marie Buck as Secretary to Fire Inspector recei ed
A '`t t �
Councilwoman Visconti - Board of Ethics member
Schedule from H. Levenson
a. Highway bids for fuel oil, road aggregates, pipe, etc.
a. John Mason - Bill for Sewer Backup
b. J. Paggi report on Settembrino-Rockingham Farms -Stream Erosion
,c. G. Foster re: equipment rental rates for '92
ted. R. Padworski, Hughsonville Bd. of Fire Commissioners, re:
appointment to fill vacancy on Fire Prevention Bureau
G. Foster re: Paid personal time, Highway employees
Edward A. DiPaolo application for Hawking & Peddling License
REMINDER; Executive session with T. Logan at 6:45 to
discuss action on several Tax Review Cases
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger was held on February 24, 1992, at the Town Hall,
20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New
Supervisor Smith opened the Meeting at 7:00 P.M.
Constance Smith, Supervisor
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Robert Wallace, Councilman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
James Mills, Councilman (recuperating)
Robert Valdati_, Councilman
Others Present:
Albert Roberts, Attorney
Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer
Graham Foster, Highway Superintendent.
Herbert Levenson, Zoning Administrator
The Meeting began with all joining in the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 27, 1992 and the
Special Meeting of February 10, 1992, having previously been
forwarded to the Board Members, were now placed before them
their consideration.
The Supervisor had a correction in the Minutes of January 27,
1992 under "Unfinished Business" and referred to the first
paragraph relating to Resolutions that would be addressed at
the Association of Towns Meeting which stated that "she"
reviewed. This should read that the "Town Board" reviewed
since they were discussed by all of them at a work shop; also
instead of "she" was required to inform them of this decision,
it should read that the "Town Board" was required to do this.
In the February 10 Special. Meeting, referencing the Amendment
to the Bidding Policy, a portion of the first paragraph was
not; included.
MRS. VISCONTI moved that the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of
January 27, 1992 and the Special Meeting of February 10, 1992,
be and they are hereby approved, as corrected, as submitted by
the Town Clerk.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion unanimously Carried
Mr. Incoronato was recognized by the Chair and asked if the
Minutes of the January Meeting show the attendance of Councilman
Mills, Mrs. Smith responded they did not; he then asked if the
record would show if Mr. Mills was present at this meeting and the
response was no. How many work shop sessions did he attend was
the next question and the response from Mrs. Smith was that
she would have to look it up but she knew he was at the first
meeting in January. She mentioned that he is on vacation in
Myrtle Beach and although she is not absolutely certain, she
believes he will be at the March meeting. Will he be compensated
for his absences was Mr. Incoronato's next question; Mrs. Smith z
had problems with that, top, but she hasn't discussed this with
the Board to decide how to handle this. The other Board Members
have been present and performing their duties, but in Mr. Mills'
case there may be no resolution of this since he is salaried and
and not paid hourly and so far she has not found any rulings that
pertain to this matter. She will continue to work on this and Mr.
Incoronato asked that he be kept abreast of what the Board decides
to do.
Reports were received from the Town Justices, Building Inspector,
Receiver of Taxes, Zoning Administrator, Dog Control Officer,
Highway Report, December and January, Fire Inspector re: vacant
building on Middlebush Road, Recreation Programs Report for 1991.
The Town Clerk reported the Supervisor's Annual Report was filed
with her this date.
The Supervisor commented on the fact that she had filed her Annual
Report with the Town Clerk earlier this day and invited those
interested to review it. She took pride in announcing that. this
Report was again submitted earlier than the due date which never
happened prior to her taking over the position of Supervisor.
In reference to the Zoning Administrator's Report, Mrs. Visconti
suggested that under the total amount of $8,000 for Escrow Fees,
this be broken down and the names and amounts listed individually
since sometimes they have trouble keeping track of these escrows.
Mr. Levenson indicated there would be no problem to list the
names and amounts.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to accept the above stated Reports and place
them on file.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
A request was received from the Village of Wappingers Falls
for the use of three voting machines for their Annual Election
on March 17, 1992.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to approve the request of the Village for
the use of the three Voting Machines under the supervision of
one of the Town Custodians.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
At the previous meeting, Matthew Rudikoff Associates, Inc. was
appointed to perform Administrative Services for the Town in
relation to the Tri -Municipal Project, however, authorization
was required for the Supervisor to sign the Agreement.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to authorize the Supervisor to sign the
Xdministrative Services Agreement for the Water Pollution Control
Revolving Loan Fund Project in relation to the Tri -Municipal
Seconded by Mr. Wallace Motion Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Visconti referred to'the last page of the proposal submitted
by Matthew Rudikoff Associates and questioned the rate of $1.00
per page for Facsimile Transmittal; she felt this amount, was
considerably high. Mrs. Smith agreed to check on this with Mr.
The Recreation Commissionsubmitted a proposal for review and
consideration of requests for dedicating monuments, etc. They
explained that this was prompted due to several requests to place
a monument in memory of alLittle Leaguer who passed away recently.
It was their opinion that',they could not honor just one person
and not include others who have passed on previously.
COUNCILWOMAN VISCONTII moved to accept the Proposal from the
Recreation Commission who ''will administer the Policy- in regard
to dedicating monuments in public parks.
1. Must be submitted to �he Recreation Commission of the Town
of Wappinger. Upon review and discussion at a minimum of
two (2) regularly scheduled meetings, the Recreation
Commission will eitherh reject or recommend the proposal
to the Town Board for !,their acceptance.
2. Proposals for donations and/or dedications at Robinson Lane
to honor individuals for service to Little League must be
proposed and recommenced to the Little League Board. The
Little League Board upon acceptance of a proposal must
submit the proposal or amended proposal to the Recreation
Commission as stated in #1 above.
3. Proposals for donations and/or dedications at. Rockingham
Park and/or Airport Park to honor individuals for service
to Soccer must be proposed and recommended to the Soccer
League Board. The Socicer League Board upon acceptance
of a proposal must submit the proposal to the Recreation
Commission as stated in #1 above.
4. Proposals for donation and/or dedication at any of the
remaining Town Recreation areas must be submitted to the
Director of Recreation for presentation to the Recreation
5. Presentation of thero osals will be done at the
P P first
reading. Presenters will be invited to this meeting to
offer evidence in support of the proposal.
6. Naming of fields and/ori Parks and recreation areas.
The naming of such will) be based upon:
e� /
PM22 192
1. contribution to or at the facility
2. public service
3. service to recreation
Seconded by: Councilman Wallace 3 Ayes O gays
A request was received from the Alpine Company for the rezoning
of the Lands of Ivanof. Mrs. Smith said she had met with their
Attorney and Engineer today and the proposal is different than
caas originally submitted. The matter will be placed on the
work shop of '.March 9, 1992 for further discussion.
A resignation was received from Mario Verna as a member of the
Conservation Advisory Council.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to accept Mr. Verna's resignation and send
hi.n: a -letter of thanks for his service to the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion unanimously Carried
The following Resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN WALLACE who
moved its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Matthew J. Seaman, be and he is hereby
appointed as a member of the Town of Wappinger Conservation
Advisory Council to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of
Mario Verna, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the term of Matthew J. Seaman
on the Conservation Advisory Council shall expire in June of 1992.
Seconded by . Councilwoman Visconti
Roll Call. Vote: 3 Ayes Q Nays
",Jr. Logan, Assessor responded to a request to provide the list >f
parcels in the Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area #1 without access:
to the connection lines. This was brought about by Mr. Cuatt's
request, tone of the residents in this category) to the Supervisor
for this information who asked the Engineer and he, in turn, asird
the Assessor to provide this information. Mr. Cuatt was not happy
with the response from the Supervisor as she indicated to him that
these residents will not be provided with a sewer connection until
1995 and he does not .ant
further research but he f.
not change.
The firm of Sedore, O'Sul.
provide administrative se:
Loan Fund on the Oakwood
for the Town to approve ai
MRS. VISCONTI moved to au -
Proposal submitted by the
for providing administrat
Fund Program.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
The Attorney- to the Town i
Tri -Municipal - Exclusion
that the Town make applic,
municipal- debt limits. Hf
start the application and
Mr. Roberts explained thal
of 7% of the assessed vale
amount of borrowing and wE
we are incurring for the
between 1962 and 1994.
MRS. VISCONTI authorized.I
application for exclusion
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Two requests were receive(
Purchase Orders over $750.
overhanging Wheeler Hill F
to believe this. Mr. Paggi is doing
rmly° believes that the 1995 date will
ivan and Letterio was appointed to
vices relating to the State Revolving
ewer Project; they forwarded a Proposal
d sign, as required by the State.
horize the Supervisor to sign the
firm of Sedore, O'Sullivan and Letterio
ve services for the State Revolving Loan
\lot.ion Unanimously Carried
rote to the Supervisor regarding
of Sewer Debt. It was recommended
(tion for exclusion of sewer debt from
felt this was an appropriate time to
needed authorization to do this.
the State Constitution has a ceiling
ation of the township as the maximum
can exclude from the 7;% the sewer debt
ri-Municipal Project. This is effective
he Attorney to the Town to prepare the
of the sewer debt for the Tri -Municipal
Motion Unanimously Carried
from the Highway Superintendent for
00; one for $950 to remove dead trees
oad (James Baisley); the second for
55,820 (Ira Conklin) for overrun of monies from original $5000
P.O. for testing of gas tanks at garage, replacing one tank and
removal of contaminated soil.
MRS. VISC'ONTI moved to authorize expenditures for the Purchase.
Orders exceeding $750, as requested by the Highway Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
His second request was for approval of repair of the Dog Control
Officer's Van; he explained the problem with the van, offered 3
options and estimate of .repair costs and recommended that they
go for the "C" option to install a rebuilt engine for 1,1150 p u.
the Labor of two men for two days. Our Insurance agent quoted
the value of $3,900 for average retail and $2,700 for average
wholesale/trade in. all work would be done by Highway empinvee
at no out of pocket costs.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to approve the "C" option to repair the
Dog Control Officer's Van, as recommended by the Highway
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
There was a brief discussion on proper maintenance of the
vehicles and cards that will be used indicating date of service
work done, mileage, etc. to remind the operators of the vehicles
to have them serviced at proper intervals.
The Little League Contract was forwarded to the Town by their
President, Gary 31,Iensching, for their approval. The Recreation
Commission had reviewed it and recommended approval.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to approve the Little League Contract as
submitted by Gary Mensching, President, and authorize the
Supervisor to sign said contract.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
R7,12 2492
Motion Unanimousl Carried
A letter was received from William Pottenburgh, Chairman of the
New Hackensack Board of Fire Commissioners, indicating that the
Fire District is badly in need of a new water supply and
requested permission to become a tenant to the Central Wappinger
Water Improvement Area.
MRS. SMITH moved to allow the New Hackensack Fire District to
become a tenant to the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area
subject to the acceptance of the terms of the Town Tenant Policy.
Seconded by Mrs. Visconti Motion unanimously Carried
The firm of ARCHETYPES Architecture and. Tanning wrote to the
Supervisor indicating the services they could provide to the
Town in regard to ADA Compliance Survey. Mrs. Smith explained
that in January of 1992 the State mandated compliance to the
American Disabilities Act which provides accessibility to the
handicap who have reason to enter the Town buildings. For
example, she pointed out that a ■ relation in the Town Meeting
Room is the fire extinguisher bol which should be -recessed in the
wall or placed in corners where there i;ould be no danger of anyone
bumping into them. Even the names to identify the offices of
the various departments have to be in braille for our blind
visitors. The Law requires that we have a plan in place by
March, 1992 and by July 1992, we must be in compliance. This
firm will do the survey anJ point out the various errors that
presently exist throughout the halls and offices of the Town
buildings. The Supervisor added that this was one of the rare
good mandates and though it will cost us to comply, it will be
worth it.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to accept proposal from ARCHETYPES
Architecture & Planning for Level 3 of the ADA Compliance Survey
and authorize the Supervis r to sign contract, in the amount. of
Seconded by Mr. Wallace Motion unanimously Carried
A resignation was received from Ann Marie Buck as Secretary to
the Fire Prevention Bureau and to the Fire Inspector. She has
indicated that the one part-time day per week in the office and
one night per month for the FPB is inconvenient to her; she will
continue in her position a Dog Control Officer.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to accept the resignation from Ann Marie Buck
as Secretary to the Fire Prevention Bureau and the Fire Inspector.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
The Board received a request from the Recreation Commission to
transfer funds from A-7620.4 to a new equipment line item A-7620.2
in the Senior Citizen Budget, to pay for the purchase of a small_
microwave; it appears that they are in dire need of this equipment
to warm their lunches. The balance of the $470.00 they have asked
for will be used for a new VCR since they have been having trouble
with the old one.
SIRS. VISCONTI moved to approve the transfer of $470.00 in the
Senior Citizen Budget, as requested by Mr. Holt, Chairman of the
Recreation Commission.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion unanimously Carried
An added item that had to be addressed was in regard to the
settlement of a Tax Certiorari submitted by Imperial Plaza which
both Emanuel Saris, Attorney and Thomas Logan, Assessor recommend
the Town accept rather than take it to court.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to authorize settlement of the Tax Certiorari
from Imperial Plaza as recommended by the Town Officials.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motior. Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Visconti had tabled her appointment for the hoard of Ethics
at the last meeting and addressed it at this time.
Mrs. Visconti offered the name of ---------------Frank Malafronte
as her appointment to the Board of Ethics.
She then reported on a Recreation Commission Meeting: she attended
last week --very very interesting, Mr. Holt has lots of plans; he
spoke at the Rotary Club and made his pitch for donations for
lights, a swimming pool and a golf course.
Mr. Wallace, Delegate to the Association of Towns Meeting in
New York and thought it t be very informative. Lots of
information on upstate New York regarding reservoirs. As a
new Councilman he found it to be helpful with items that apply
to our Town; lots of insight on the budget, federal taxes, etc.
Mrs. Smith agreed that th class on the impact on state budget
was very informative.
Mr. Foster asked about the $20 mill -ion cuts to the CHIPS program
and asked if there was opposition to that; Mrs. Smith noted that
there was a lot of opposition. Mr. Foster said they asked for a
Town Board Resolution of opposition but the Board met after the
day the Resolution was due to be submitted.
Mrs. Smith referred to the proposed reapportionment in Dutchess
County and she took the liberty of compiling a letter of
opposition from each Counilperson and all they have to do is
sign it. They will be lo.ing representation and. she did not .rant
to see that happen.
Mrs. Smith said this was the time she planned to submit her
Supervisor's Report and tell everyone how great it was but the
Town Clerk included it with the reports. She said it made real
good reading. Mrs. Snowden added that the Report is on file in
her office and anyone is welcome to come in, sit down and read
it or copy it. The Supervisor noted that it is a good report;
they did a lot of cutback and as a result, the Town is in good
shape. We are progressin very nicely and NOBODY is buying
The Zoning Administrator submitted his monthly report for the
month of February, regarding the current Bonds and Letters of
Credit on file, the amount, expiration date and call up date.
The procedure was explained by the Supervisor for the benefit of
high school students present to earn creditfor an assignment.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to accept the Report and place it on file.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion unanimously Carried
Bids on fuel oil, road aggregates pipe, etc. were received and
opened on February 14th, 1992 and the Bid Report with the
recommendations of the Highway* Superintendent was submitted_ to
the Board for their consideration. (This Report is attached
hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Meeting).
Since there were only three Members present and Mr. Wallace had
a conflict of interest in voting for the fuel oil bid , Mrs. Smith
tabled action on awarding this bid.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to award the bid for gasoline, salt, tires
and tubes, liquid calcium, as recommended by the Highway
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
Bids were received from Healey International Trucks Inc. for
two dump trucks -- $63,700, with Option 1 - for telescopic Hoist
in lieu of underbody Hoise deduct $2,000.00; Option 2 - for Tenco
Dual Purpose Dump and Sander body, add $4,830.00; Robert Green
Chev-Olds Inc., 2 trucks - $67,950.00.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to award the bid for the two dump trucks
to Healey International Trucks, Inc., total cost of $63,700.00,
without the options.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
Bids were received from M k G Sanitation, Inc. and Royal Carting
Service Company for Dumpst rs (30 Yard) Disposal and Hauling of
metal, combustibles and building materials for the Town Annual
MRS. VISCONTI moved to award the bid for Dumpsters Disposal and
Hauling to Royal Carting Service Co. as low bidder, as recommended
by the Highway Superintendent.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
MRS. VISCONTI moved to award bids for bituminous concrete,
culvert pipe, road aggregates, crushed stone, run of bank gravel,
washed sand, washed gravel, as recommended by the Highway
Seconded by Mrs. Smith
Motion Unanimously Carried
A bill for sewer backup on property owned by John `Mason at
59 Top -O -Hill Road was tabled at the previous meeting for further
review. This was discussed by the Board at their recent work shop
and they felt they had done all they could to educate the
residents on the procedure to follow when this problem occurred.
They were mailed instructions twice indicating that: the residents
should call Camo Pollution Control, operators of the Town's water
and sewer plants, before they contacted an outside firm. Since
Mr. Mason chose to ignore these instructions thereby incurring
more expense to the Town, the Board Members agreed that his claim
should be rejected.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to deny the claim submitted by Mr. Mason for
sewer backup on his property at 59 Top -O -Hill Road.
Seconded by Mr.. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
In the matter of the Rockingham Farms, Set.tembrino Project, the
Engineer reported that the cost of this work will be appropriated
from the original bond for the Rockingham Farms stream cleaning
since there are monies available for this work.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to authorize the Engineer to prepare the
contract for the Settembrino Project, funds to be appropriated
from the Rockingham Farms Stream Cleaning Bond, and further
authorized the Supervisor to sign said contract.
Seconded by Mr. Wallace
Motion. Unanimously Carried
Mr. Foster had previously submitted the equipment rental rates
for 1992 which included equipment and experienced personnel fo_
work on the Town roads, specifically blacktopping. Since the Town
does not own this type of equipment, the rental rates are
submitted annually by the Highway Superintendent for approval
by the Town Board.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to accept the equipment rental rates for 1992
as provided by the Highway Superintendent.
Seconded by Mrs. Smith
Motion. Unanimously Carried
A second communication was received from Robert Padworski,
Chairman of the Hughsonville Board of Fire Commissioners in
regard to an appointment on the Town Fire Prevention Bureau.
He indicates that this Board is in favor of a specific appoint—
ment, however., the FPB has objections. Since the Town Board has
no jurisdiction in this appointment, there were no comments to
MRS. VISCONTI moved to place the correspondence on file.
Seconded by Mrs. Smith
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Visconti asked about the status of the CD funds t:hich the
Town applied for and the Supervisor replied that she had received
a letter from the Dutchess County Planning Board indicating that
she should send a request to three firms for proposals regarding
the study for the expansion of the Senior Citizen Center. She
has not received a formal notification but it is her understanding
that the Town will receive $20,000 for a feasibility study which
will determine the cost of the addition. If this is acceptable
to the Board they will then apply for grants to pay for it, if
the cost is exorbitant, they will have to put it off for now.
A Memo was sent to the Town Board from the Highway Superintendent
regarding personal time for the Highway employees stating that
there is some conflict in the interpretation of this policy.
It seems that some of the employees have been taking all six days
in January and the Town Policy is to take one day every second
month since they have then been earned by the employee. It has
been the past practice of the Highway employees to take these days
whenever they wanted to but this is against the Policy set up by
the Town. Their contract is silent on this benefit and in Mr.
Foster's opinion if they grieved on .it, they would lose it. He
also felt that they should continue, this practice, pay the days
and address it in their rieKt contract negotiations.
Since the contract is sile t on this matter, it, was Mrs. Smith's
opinion that they should abide by the Town Policy and the men
should be docked; they, in turn, said they would put in a
grievance if they were doc4ed. The Attorney to the Town was
consulted and he advised t e Supervisor to test the eaters, let
them grieve.
MRS. VISCONTI moved they abide by the Town Policy of one day
earned every two months resulting in six paid personal business
days per year for all empl ,gees including the Highway Department.
Seconded by Mrs. Smith Motion Unanimously Carried
RM2 2 X92
An application was received from Edward DiPaolo, residing at
86 DeGarmo Hills Road in the Town of Wappinger, for a. Hawking
and Peddling License to sell flowers.
MRS. VISCONTI moved to approve the Peddling License for Mr.
Seconded. by Mr. Wallace
Motion Unanimously Carried
A letter was received from the Chelsea Fire Department indicating
that a communication from members of the Fire Prevention Bureau
representing the Chelsea Fire District revealed problems that
both the-- and the Hughsonville Fire District were having with
the names of similar roads in their adjoining districts, one in
particular being "Old State Road". They proposed, if the Town
considered it to be feasible, to change the name of this road
which is in both districts, back to the original name of Reeve
By Pass Road which, they felt, would help eliminate any snags
which could cause a delay in answering fire alarms in that. area.
Mrs. Smith noted that she had placed this on a work shop agenda
for discussion. Mr. Foster pointed out that in the past when
there was talk about changing names in the area of Pine Ridge
Drive, there was a lot of opposition from the people living on
the road because of the inconvenience of changing so many records.
It was agreed that the Supervisor would notify the residents of
Old State Road to get their feelings on the matter prior to the
work shop, then they would know how much opposition the; were
dealing with.
There was no other business to come before the Board.
MR. WALLACE moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs.
Visconti and unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 P�
a ' ne H . Snoc.-den
Town Clerk