A Resolution Making Certain Determinations in Relation to and Approving the
Establishment of United Wappinger Sewer District of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess
County, New York, Pursuant to Article 12-A of the Town Law.
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County,
New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on
September 13, 2010.
The meeting was called to order by Christopher Colsey, Supervisor, and upon roll being
called, the following were present:
PRESENT: Supervisor
Christopher J. Colsey
William H. Beale (Departed 8:28 PM)
Vincent F. Bettina
Ismay Czarniecki
Joseph P. Paoloni
The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Beale and seconded by
Councilwoman Czarniecki.
WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been prepared in such manner and in such
detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
Dutchess County, New York, relating to the establishment of United Wappinger Sewer District
of said Town; and
WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by a competent engineer, duly
licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said
Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons
interested in the subject matter thereof; and
WHEREAS, said United Wappinger Sewer District shall be bounded and described as
hereinafter set forth as Appendix A hereby made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS, the improvement proposed for said United Wappinger Sewer District
consists of the District's share of the cost of construction of improvements at the Tri -Municipal
Wastewater Treatment Plant relating to water removal of sludge thereat, including original
equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental improvements and expenses in
connection therewith, as more fully described in the aforesaid map, plan and report; and
WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvement is
$316,000; and
WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing the cost of said improvements consists of
the issuance of not to exceed $316,000 serial bonds of said Town maturing in annual installments
over a period not exceeding forty years which bonds will be payable in the first instance as
follows: there shall be annually assessed upon and collected from the several lots and parcels of
land within said District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially
benefitted by the improvement, so much upon and from each as shall be in proportion to the amount
of benefit which the improvement shall confer upon same, an amount sufficient to pay the principal
and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable
real property in said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to
rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become
due and payable; and
WHEREAS, such improvement therefore has been determined to be a "Type II Action"
pursuant to the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act ("SEQRA"), which, as
proposed, the Tri -Municipal Sewer Commission, a Lead Agency, has been determined will not
have any significant effects upon the environment and SEQRA compliance materials are on file
in the office of the Commission were they may be inspected during normal business hours, and
the establishment of said United Wappinger Sewer District has likewise been determined to be a
Type II Action; and
WHEREAS, the estimated cost of hook-up fees to the typical property in United
Wappinger Sewer District, being a single-family home, is $0; and
WHEREAS, the estimated cost of the establishment of the United Wappinger Sewer
District to the typical property therein, being a single-family home, is $474.61 in the first year in
which operation, maintenance, debt service and other charges and expenses are to be paid; and
WHEREAS, a detailed explanation of the manner by which such first-year costs to the
typical property were computed, has been filed in the office of the Town Clerk, where the same
are available during regular office hours for examination by any person interested in the subject
manner thereof; and
WHEREAS, an Order was duly adopted by said Town Board on August 16, 2010,
reciting a description of the boundaries of said proposed United Wappinger Sewer District, the
improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvements,
the fact that said map, plan and report were on file in the Town Clerk's office for public
inspection and specifying the 13th day of September, 2010, at 7:00 o'clock P.M., Prevailing
Time, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, in Wappingers Falls, New York, in said Town, as
the time when and the place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of holding a
public hearing to consider the establishment of said United Wappinger Sewer District and said
map, plan and report filed in relation thereto and to hear all persons interested in the subject
thereof concerning the same; and
WHEREAS, notice of the aforesaid public hearing was duly published and posted in the
manner and within the time prescribed by Section 209-d of the Town Law, and proof of
publication and posting has been duly presented to said Town Board; and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the time and place in said order, as
aforesaid, at which all persons desiring to be heard were duly heard; and
WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered said map, plan and report and the
evidence given at said public hearing
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. Upon the evidence given at the aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby found
and determined as follows:
a) The notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and is
otherwise sufficient;
b) All the property and property owners within said proposed United
Wappinger Sewer District are benefited thereby;
C) All the property and property owners benefited are included within the
limits of said proposed United Wappinger Sewer District; and
d) The establishment of said proposed United Wappinger Sewer District is in
the public interest.
Section 2. The establishment of United Wappinger Sewer District of the Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, to be bounded and described as hereafter set forth, and
the improvement therefore consisting of the District's share of the cost of construction of
improvements at the Tri -Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant relating to water removal of
sludge thereat, including original equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and
incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, at a maximum estimated cost to
the United Wappinger Sewer District of $316,000, are hereby approved.
Section 3. Said United Wappinger Sewer District shall be bounded and described as
set forth in Appendix A as aforementioned.
Section 4. The Town Clerk shall, within ten (10) days after the effective date of this
resolution, file certified copies of this resolution in duplicate in the Office of the State
Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York.
Section 5. This resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum.
The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows:
Voting: AYE
Voting: AYE
Voting: AYE
Voting: AYE
Voting: AYE
Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York
The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted.
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Exhibit A
Boundaries of Proposed
United Wappinger Sewer District in the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York
ALL those certain parcels of land situate in the Town of Wappinger, County of
Dutchess, State of New York and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of lands of now or
formerly Lund, Liber 1926, page 309, said point also being on the southerly line of Creek
Road and a point on the southerly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls; thence leaving
said southerly road line and running southeasterly along the northerly line of said lands of
Lund and the southerly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls 225 f feet to a point, said
point being the southeasterly corner of said lands of Lund and the northeasterly corner of
lands of now or formerly Town of Wappinger Recreation Park, Liber 412, Page 012;
thence continuing southeasterly along the northerly line of said lands of Town of
Wappinger Recreation Park and the southerly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls
1,180 f feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of said lands of Town of
Wappinger Recreation Park and the northwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly
Myers, Liber 625, Page 247; thence running southeasterly along the southerly line of the
Village of Wappinger Falls, and through the said lands of Myers 380 f feet to a point,
said point being on the southerly line of the Village of Wappinger Falls, and a point in the
lands of now or formerly Von Burg, Liber 1554, Page 704; thence continuing
southeasterly through the said lands of Von Burg and along the southerly line of the
Village of Wappingers Falls 205 t feet to a point, said point being in the said lands of
Von Burg and along the southerly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls; thence
continuing through the said lands of Von Borg and lands of now or formerly Mogan, tax
map parcel 260921, and along the southerly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls in a
northeasterly direction 120 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of
said lands of Mogan and a point on the westerly line of NY Route 9D (South Avenue);
thence leaving the westerly line of said NY Route 9D (South Avenue) and running
northeasterly 70 ± feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of said NY Route
9D (South Avenue) and said point also being on the southerly line of said Village of
Wappingers Falls and on the westerly line of lands of now or formerly LeGuillou, Liber
914, Page 536; thence continuing in a northeasterly direction along the southerly line of
said Village of Wappingers Falls and through the said lands of LeGuillou 55 f feet to a
point; thence leaving the southerly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls and running
southeasterly along the northerly line of said lands of LeGuillou and the southerly line of
lands of now or formerly Latino, Liber 1657, Page 489, 160 t feet to a point, said point
being the southeasterly corner of said lands of Latino and the southwesterly corner of
Adams Street; thence continuing along the southerly line of said Adams Street and the
northerly line of lands of now or formerly Mazochi, tax map parcel 296912, in a
_southeasterly direction 50 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of
Adams Sheet and a point on the northerly line of lands of said Mazochi; thence
continuing southeasterly along the northerly line of said lands of Mazochi 202 f feet to a
point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Ingalls Street; thence continuing
southeasterly along the northerly line of said lands of Mazochi and the southerly line of
said Ingalls Street 50 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said
Ingalls Street and the southwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly Lopez, Liber
1372, Page 692; thence continuing southeasterly along the southerly line of said lands of
Lopez and the northerly line of said lands of Mazochi 30 f feet to a point, said point
being the northeasterly corner of said lands of Mazochi and a point on the westerly line of
lands of now or formerly Wappinger Central School; thence leaving said point and
running in a southwesterly direction along the westerly line of said Wappinger Central
School 650 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of lands of now or
formerly Albertson, Liber 787, Page 024 and a point on the northerly line of lands of now
or formerly Barry, Liber 1671, Page 001 and more recently shown on Filed Map 9419A;
thence southeasterly along the northerly line of said Filed Map 9419A, 184 f feet to a
point, said point being the southeasterly comer of Lot 2 shown on Filed Map 9419A and
a point on the westerly line of said now or formerly Wappinger Central School; thence
southwesterly along the easterly lines of Lot 2 and Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A, 360 f feet to
a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A and the
northeasterly corner of now or formerly D'Agnone, Liber 1477, Page 482; thence
northwesterly along the northerly line of said D'Agnone and the southerly line of said Lot
3, Filed Map 9419A, 229 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of
Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A and being the same southwesterly comer of Lot 2, Filed Map
9419, and being the southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A; thence
northeasterly along the easterly line of Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A being also Lot 2 Filed
Map 9419, 219 t feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot 4, Filed
Map 9419A being also Lot 2 Filed Map 9419 and a point on the southerly line of Lot 3,
Filed Map 9419A; thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Lot 4, Filed Map
9419A being also Lot 2 Filed Map 9419, and the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map
9419A, 251 ± feet to a point, said point being a northwesterly corner of Lot 4, Filed Map
9419A and a point on the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A; thence southwesterly
along the northerly line of Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A and the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed
Map 9419A, 36 f feet to a point, said point being a northwesterly comer of Lot 4, Filed
Map 9419A and a point on the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A; thence
southwesterly along the northerly line of Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A and the southerly line
of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A, 59 ± feet to a point, said point being a northwesterly corner
of Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A and a point on the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A;
thence northwesterly along the northerly line of Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A being also Lot 2
on Filed Map 9419, and the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A, 155 t feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 4, Filed Map 9419A being also
Lot 2 on Filed Map 9419, and the southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 9419A and a
point on the easterly side of NY Route 9D (South Avenue); thence northeasterly along
the easterly line of NY Route 9D (South Avenue) and the westerly line of Filed Map
9419A, 348 :� feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly comer of Lot 2, Filed
Map 9419A and the southwesterly corner of now or formerly Arvelo, Doc # 22004-8463
(also know as lands of now or formerly Megna, Liber 1705, Page 452) and beinj a point
on the easterly line of NY Route 9D (South Avenue); thence leaving said point and
running in a northwesterly direction across said NY Route 9D 70 ± feet to a point, said
point being on the westerly line of said NY Route 91), the southeasterly corner of lands of
now or formerly McKinney, Liber 1691, Page 432 and the northeasterly corner of lands
of now or formerly Barry, tax map parcel 239875; thence leaving said point and running
northwesterly along the northerly line of said lands of Barry and the southerly line of said
lands of McKinney 114 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said
lands of Barry and the southwesterly corner of said lands of McKinney, said point also
being on the easterly line of other lands of now or formerly Barry, tax map parcel
215886; thence leaving said point and running northeasterly along the easterly line of
said other lands of Barry and the westerly line of said lands of McKinney, 191 f feet to a
point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said other lands of Barry and a point on
the westerly line of said Town of Wappinger Recreation Park; thence running
northwesterly along the northerly line of said other lands of Barry and the westerly line of
said Town of Wappinger Recreation Park 180 ± feet to a point, said point being on the
northerly line of said other lands of Barry and the westerly line of said Town of
Wappinger Recreation Park; thence running southwesterly along the westerly line of said
other lands of Barry and the southerly line of said Town of Wappinger Recreation Park
750 f feet to a point, said point being on the southerly line of said Town of Wappinger
Recreation Park and the southeast corner of lands of now or formerly Reese, Liber 1233,
Page 817, and the northwest corner of land of now or formerly Martin, tax map parcel
191794; thence running along the northerly line of said lands of Martin and the southerly
line of said other lands of Barry in a southeasterly direction 170 f feet to a point, said
point being the northeasterly corner of said lands of Martin and the northwesterly comer
of lands of now or formerly Randolph School, Liber 1197, Page 689; thence running in a
southwesterly direction along the westerly line of said lands of Randolph School and the
easterly line of said lands of Martin, 420 ± feet to a point, said point being the
southwesterly comer of said lands of Randolph School and a point on the easterly line of
said lands of Martin; thence continuing along the easterly line of said lands of Martin and
the southerly line of said lands of Randolph School in a southeasterly direction 470± feet
to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said lands of Randolph School and
a point in the westerly line of NY Route 9D; thence leaving said westerly line of NY
Route 9D and running in a northeasterly direction 140 f feet to a point, said point being
on the easterly line of NY Route 9D, the southwesterly corner of lands of now or
formerly Ferrara, Liber 1851, Page 524, and the northwesterly corner of Filed Map
9145A; thence leaving said point and running southeasterly along the southerly line of
said lands of Ferrara and the northerly line of said Filed Map 9145A, 90 f feet to a point,
said point being the southeasterly corner of said lands of Ferrara and the southwesterly
comer of lands of now or formerly Brockington, Liber 1983, Page 640; thence running
southeasterly along the northerly line of said Filed Map 9145A and the southerly line of
said lands of Brockington 148 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner
of said lands of Brockington; thence continuing in a northeasterly direction along the
easterly line of said lands of Brockington and the northerly line of said Filed Map 9145A,
84 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said lands of Brockington
and a point on the southerly line of Middlebush Road; thence running southeasterly along
the northerly line of said Filed Map 9145A and the southerly line of said Middlebush
Road 274 f feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of said Filed Map
9145A and the northwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly Capolino; thence
running southwesterly along the northerly line of said Filed Map 9145A and the westerly
line of said lands of Capolino 170 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly
corner of said lands of Capolino and a point on the northerly line of said Filed Map
9145A; thence running southeasterly along the northerly line of said Filed Map 9145A
and the southerly line of said lands of Capolino 115 ± feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said Filed Map 9145A and the southeasterly corner of said lands
of Capolino; thence running northeasterly along the easterly Iine of said lands of
Capolino and the westerly line of lands of the Town of Wappinger, Liber 1473, Page 470,
190 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said lands of the Town
of Wappinger and a point on the southerly line of Middlebush Road; thence running
along the northerly line of said lands of the Town of Wappinger and the southerly side of
Middlebush Road 685 t feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of lands
of now or formerly Bostwick, Liber 1710, Page 405 and a point on the southerly line of
MiddIebush Road; thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of said lands of
Bostwick and the easterly line of said lands of the Town of Wappinger 261 f feet to a
point, said point being the southwesterly corner of said lands of Bostwick and a point in
the easterly line of said lands of the Town of Wappinger; thence running northeasterly
along the easterly line of said lands of the Town of Wappinger and the southerly line of
said lands of Bostwick, the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Phillips, Liber
1635, Page 309 and the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Guarino, Liber 829,
Page 12, 320 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said lands of
Guarino and the southwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly Haunch, Liber 1053,
Page 334; thence running northwesterly along the easterly line of said Guarino, the
westerly line of said Hausch and the westerly line of lands of now or formerly Holden,
Liber 647, Page 489, 281 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of
said lands of Holden, said point also being on the southerly line of Middlebush Road;
thence running along the southerly line of Middlebush Road and the northerly line of said
lands of Holden 145 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said
lands of Holden and a point on the westerly line of Pleasant Lane; thence leaving said
point and running northeasterly along the southerly line of Middlebush Road 50 ± feet to
a point, said point being a point on the easterly line of Pleasant Lane and the northwest
corner of lands of now or formerly McDonough, Liber 1622, Page 348; thence running
northeasterly along the southerly line of Middlebush Road, the northerly line of said
lands of McDonough and the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Von Bergen,
Liber 1036, Page 550, 380 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of
said Von Bergen and a point on the westerly line of Cameli Drive; thence running
northeasterly along the southerly line of Middlebush Road 50 ± feet to a point, said point
being a point on the easterly line of Cameli Drive and the northwesterly corner of lands
of now or fornierly Pascarella, Liber 1469, Page 183; thence leaving said point and
running southeasterly along the easterly line of said Cameli Drive and the westerly line of
_____said lands of Pascarella 80 f feet to a point, said point being on the eastern tine of
Cameli Drive, the southwesterly corner of said lands of Pascarella, and the northwesterly
corner of lands of now or formerly Gauzza, Liber 1518, Page 494; thence running
southeasterly along the southerly line of said lands of Pascarella, the northerly line of said
lands of Gauzza and the southerly line of lands of now or formerly La Susa, Liber 1840,
Page 029, 365 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said lands of
Gauzza and a point on the westerly line of lands of now or formerly Lamando, Liber
1328, Page 689; thence running southeasterly along the easterly line of said lands of
Gauzza and the westerly line of said lands of Lamando 704 t feet to a point, said point
being the southwest corner of said lands of Lamando and the southeast corner of said
lands of Gauzza, and a point on the westerly line of tax map parcel 552790; thence
leaving said point and running southwesterly along the southerly line of said lands of
Gauzza and along the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Ferraro, Liber 1475,
Page 578, and along the northwesterly line of lands of now or formerly Djinghirian,
Liber 1598, Page 803, and along the northwesterly line of lands of now or formerly
Engleman, Liber 1751, page 338, 720 f feet to a point, said point being on the southerly
line of said lands of Ferraro and a corner of said lands of Engleman and a corner of said
lands of Town of Wappinger; thence running northeasterly along the northerly line of
said lands of Town of Wappinger, 170:h feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly
comer of said lands of Town of Wappinger; thence running southeasterly along the
easterly line of said lands of Town of Wappinger 50 t feet to point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said lands of Town of Wappinger and a point on the westerly line
of said lands of Engleman; thence leaving said point and running northeasterly through
said lands of Engleman 180 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of
lands of now or formerly Central Hudson Gas & Electric, Liber 944, Page 581; thence
running northeasterly along the southerly line of said lands of Central Hudson Gas &
Electric 600 1 feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of lands of now or
formerly Newhall, Liber 1280, Page 605, and a point on the southerly line of said lands
of Central Hudson Gas & Electric; thence running northwesterly through said lands of
Central Hudson Gas & Electric and along the westerly line of lands of now or formerly
O'Dell, Liber 1223, Page 212, 240 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly
corner of said lands of O'Dell and a point on the easterly line of said lands of Djinghirian;
thence running northeasterly along the northerly line of said lands of O'Dell and the
southerly line of said lands of Djinghirian 290 f feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said lands of O'Dell and a point on the westerly side of Old Post
Road; thence running northeasterly across Old Post Road 50 t feet to a point, said point
being on the easterly line of Old Post Road and a point on the westerly line of lands of
now or formerly Strang, Liber 1775, Page 674; thence leaving said point and running
northeasterly along the easterly line of Old Post Road, the westerly line of said lands of
Strang, 660 t feet to a point, said point being the intersection of the easterly line of Old
Post Road and the westerly line of Old Route 9; thence running northeasterly across Old
Route 9, 60 ± feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of Old Route 9 and a
point on the westerly line of lands of now or formerly Hartmann, Liber 1578, Page 175;
thence running southeasterly along the easterly line of Old Route 9 and the westerly line
of said lands of Hartmann 25 ± feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly comer
of said lands of Hartmann and the northwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly _ `
Weiner, Liber 1714, page 757; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of
said lands of Hartmann and the northerly Iine of said lands of Weiner 425 ± feet to a
point, said point being the northeast corner of said lands of Weiner and a point on the
westerly line of US Route 9; thence running southwesterly along the westerly line of US
Route 9, the easterly line of said lands of Weiner, the easterly line of lands of now or
formerly Svope, Liber 1062, Page 177 and the easterly Iine of Salvati, Liber 1712, Page
303, 735 f feet to a point, said point being on the westerly line of US Route 9 and the
southeasterly comer of said lands of Salvati; thence running southeasterly across US
Route 9 190 ± feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of US Route 9 and
being a point in the westerly line of lands of now or formerly Wappingers Falls
Properties, Liber 1648, Page 221; thence leaving said point and running northeasterly
along the easterly line of US Route 9 and the westerly line of said Wappingers Falls
Properties 1,400 t feet to a point, said point being the northwest corner of said
Wappingers Falls Properties and the southwest corner of lands of now or formerly
Santandra, Liber 1234, Page 408; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of
said lands of Santandra and the northerly line of said Wappinger Falls Properties, 137 f
feet to a point, said point being the southeast comer of said lands of Santandra and the
southeast comer of lands of now or formerly Hudson Valley Development Corporation,
Liber 1296, page 358; thence running northeasterly along the easterly line of said lands of
Hudson Valley Development Corporation and the westerly line of lands of now or
formerly Parsons, tax map parcel 682906, 260 f feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said lands of Hudson Valley Development Corporation, the
northwesterly corner of said lands of Niessen, and a point on the southerly line of Myers
Corners Road; thence crossing said Myers Corners Road and running northeasterly, 150
f feet to a point, said point being the southeast corner of lands of now or formerly Mobil
Oil Corporation, Liber 1231, Page 466, the southwest corner of lands of now or formerly
Wappinger Falls Plaza Associates, Liber 1613, page 001, and a point on the northerly line
of Myers Corners Road; thence running northeasterly along the easterly line of said lands
of Mobil Oil Corporation and the westerly line of said lands of Wappingers Falls Plaza
Corporation, 175 f feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of said lands of
Mobil Oil Corporation and a point on the westerly line of said lands of Wappingers Falls
Plaza Corporation; thence running southwesterly along the northerly line of said lands of
Mobil Oil Corporation and the westerly line of said lands of Wappinger Falls Plaza
Associates, 21.5 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said lands
of Mobil Oil Corporation and a point on the easterly line of US Route 9; thence running
northwesterly along the easterly line of US Route 9, the westerly line of said Wappingers
Falls Plaza Corporation and the westerly line of lands of now or formerly Greer, Liber
1671, Page 523, 840 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly comer of said
lands of Greer and being a point on the southerly line of Village of Wappingers Falls;
thence running southeasterly along the southerly line of Village of Wappinger Falls, the
northerly line of said lands of Greer and the northerly line of lands of now of formerly
Greer, Liber 1744, Page 169, 640 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly
corner of said lands of Greer, Liber 1744, Page 169; thence running southeasterly along
the easterly line of said lands of Greer, Liber 1744, Page 169, the easterly line of said
lands of Wappinger Falls Plaza Association, and the Village of Wappingers Falls 1,080
feet to a point, said point being the southeast corner of said lands of Wappingers Falls
Plaza Associates, and a point on the northerly line of Myers Corners Road; thence
running southeasterly crossing Myers Corners Road 65 f feet to a point, said point being
on the southerly line of Myers Corners Road and the northeasterly comer of said Iands of
Parsons, tax snap parcel 682906; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of
Myers Corners Road, the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Niessen, Liber 1014,
Page 351, and the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Lewis, Liber 1014, Page
341, 825 t feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of said lands of Lewis and
a point on the westerly line of Losee Road; thence running northeasterly crossing said
Losee Road, 65 ± feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of Losee Road and
being the northwesterly comer of lands of now or formerly Oracz, Liber 1477, Page 025;
thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of Myers Corners Road; the
northerly line of said lands of Oracz and the northerly line of lands of now or formerly
Rybacki, Liber 1708, Page 704, 200 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly
comer of said lands of Rybacki and the northwesterly comer of lands of now or formerly
Crane, Liber 1741, Page 068; thence running southeasterly along the easterly line of said
lands of Rybacki and the westerly line of said lands of Crane, 96 ± feet to a point, said
point being the southwesterly corner of said lands of Crane and the northwesterly corner
of lands of now or formerly Costa, Liber 1776, Page 801; thence running northeasterly
along the southerly line of said lands of Crane and the northerly line of said lands of
Costa 200 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said lands of
Crane and a point on the westerly line of Henry Drive; thence running northeasterly 50 f
feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of said Henry Drive, the southwesterly
comer of lands of now or formerly Seckow, Liber 1401, Page 582, and the northwesterly
corner of lands of now or formerly Zivica, Liber 1613, Page 626; thence running
northeasterly along the southerly line of said lands of Seckow and the northerly line of
said lands of Zivica 160 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said
lands of Seckow and a point on the westerly line of lands of now or formerly Nicholas,
Liber 1730, Page 875; thence running northwesterly along the easterly line of said lands
of Seckow and the westerly line of said lands of Nicholas, 164 ± feet to a point, said point
being the northeasterly corner of said lands of Seckow and a point on the southerly line of
said Myers Corners Road; thence leaving the southerly line of said Myers Corners Road
and running northwesterly 50 ± feet to _a point, said point being on the northerly line of
said Myers Corners Road and on the southerly line of tax map parcel 858982; thence
running southwesterly along the northerly line of said Myers Corners Road, the southerly
line of tax map parcel 858982, and the southerly line of tax map parcel 831969, 600 f
feet to a point, said point being the southwest comer of tax map parcel 831969, and a
point on the easterly line of the Village of Wappingers Falls, and a point on the northerly
line of said Myers Corners Road; thence leaving said point and running northwesterly
along the easterly line of said Village of Wappingers Falls and the westerly line of said
tax map parcel 831969, 201 ± feet to a point, said point being the southwest comer of
lands of now or formerly Berens, Liber 1458, Page 832 and now the Town of Wappinger,
and the easterly line of said Village of Wappingers Falls; thence running northwesterly
along said lands of Berens and now the Town of Wappinger, 2,265 f feet to a point, said
point being the southwest corner of lands of now or fonnerly Cranberry Hills, Liber
1746, Page 50 and Filed Map 7127, said point also being on the easterly line of said
Village of Wappingers Falls; thence running northwesterly, leaving said Village of
Wappingers Falls and running along the said lands of Cranberry Hills, 1,500 f feet to a
point, said point being on the westerly line of said Cranberry Hills and the southerly line
of Pine Hills Drive; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of Pine Hills
Drive 76± feet to a point, said point being on the southerly line of said Pine Hills Drive
and on the westerly line of said Cranberry Hills; thence running along the lands of
Cranberry Hills, the following courses and distances:
southeasterly 207± feet,
southeasterly 96 ± feet,
northeasterly 440 ± feet,
northwesterly 835 ± feet,
northeasterly 261 ± feet,
northwesterly 88 ± feet,
northwesterly 210± feet
to a point, said point being on the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills and being on the
southerly line of Widmer Road; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of
Widmer Road and the northerly line of Cranberry Hills, 180 ± feet to a point; thence
leaving said Widmer Road and running along the northerly line of Cranberry Hills the
following courses and distances:
southeasterly 235 ± feet,
northeasterly 65 ± feet,
southeasterly 25 ± feet,
northeasterly 276 ± feet,
southeasterly 163 ± feet,
northwesterly 310 ± feet,
northwesterly 141 ± feet
to a point, said point being in the southerly line of Widmer Road and the northerly line of
said Cranberry Hills; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of said
Widmer Road and the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills, 154 ± feet; thence leaving
said Widmer Road and running along the northerly line of Cranberry Hills the following
courses and distances:
southeasterly 373 ± feet,
northeasterly 533 ± feet,
southeasterly 837 ± feet,
northeasterly 288 ± feet,
northeasterly 320 ± feet,
northeasterly 80 ± feet,
northeasterly 400 ± feet
to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6158-02-880530
(n/f Widmer Inn Restaurant aka Villa Borghese) and a point on the northerly line of
Cranberry Hills; thence along the northerly line of Cranberry Hills and the southerly and
easterly lines of tax map parcel 6158-02-880530 (n/f Widmer Inn Restaurant aka Villa
Borghese) the following courses and distances:
southeasterly 203 ±feet,
-------------------------- --------------------------------------------
northeasterly 117 ± feet,
southeasterly 16 ± feet,
northeasterly 320 ± feet,
northeasterly 160 ± feet,
northwesterly 27 ± feet
to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6158-02-880530
(n/f Widmer Inn Restaurant aka Villa Borghese) and also being a point on the northerly
line of said Cranberry Hills and a point on the southerly line of Widmer Road; thence
northeasterly along the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills and the southerly line of
said Widmer Road 75 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot
B, Filed Map 5454 and a point on the southerly line of Widmer Road; thence leaving the
southerly line of Widmer Road and running southwesterly along the lands of now or
formerly Cranberry Hills, 1,504 ± feet to a point, said point being the southwest corner of
Lot B, Filed Map 5454 and a point on the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills; thence
running southeasterly 250 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeast corner of Lot B,
Filed Map 5454 and the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills; thence running
northeasterly along Lot B Filed Map 5454 and the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills,
I 10± feet to a point, said point being the southwest corner of Lot 103, Filed Map 3431
and a point on the northerly line of said Cranberry Hills; thence running along the
northerly line of said Cranberry Hills and the southerly line of Filed Map 3431 the
following courses and distances:
southeasterly 189 ± feet,
southeasterly 285 ± feet,
southeasterly 184 ± feet,
southeasterly 85 ± feet,
northeasterly 332 ± feet,
northwesterly 118 ± feet,
northeasterly 71± feet
to a point, said point being on the northerly line of Cranberry Hills and being the
southeast corner of Lot 29, Filed Map 3431; thence running northeasterly along Lots 29,
28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20,19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 5, 4, and Lot 1, 2,303± feet to
a point, said point being the southeast comer of Lot 1, Filed Map 3431 and also being on
the northerly line of Cranberry Hills; thence running northeasterly 131 ± feet to a point,
said point being the northeast corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 3431, also being on the
southerly line of said Widmer Road and also being on the northerly line of Cranberry
Hills; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of Widmer Road and the
northerly line of said Cranberry Hills 1,350 ± feet to a point, said point being the
southwest comer of lands of now or formerly Roth, Liber 1691, Page 848, and also being
on the southerly line of Widmer Road; thence leaving said Widmer Road and running
southeasterly along the said lands of Roth 505 ± feet to a point, said point being the
southeast corner of said lands of Roth and a point on the westerly line of lands of now or
formerly Sung, Liber 1396, Page 309; thence running southeasterly along the westerly
line of said lands of Sung, 1,015 ± feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of
tax map parcel 6258-03-376432 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327) and a point on the
easterly line of said Cranberry Hills; thence running northeasterly along
6258-03-376432 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327) 340 ± feet to a point, said point being
the northeast corner of tax snap parcel 6258-03-376432 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327);
thence running southeasterly along the easterly line of lands tax map parcel 6258-03-
376432 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327), 2,135 f feet to a point, said point being the
southwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6258-03-482460 (n/f Diesing) and a point on the
easterly line of tax map parcel 6258-03-376432 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327); thence
running southeasterly along the easterly line of tax map parcel 6258-03-376432 (n/f
Humeston, Filed Map 6327) and the southerly line of tax map parcel 6258-03-482460
(n/f Diesing) 470 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of tax map
parcel 6258-03-482460 (n/f Diesing) and a point on the northerly line of said Myers
Corners Road; thence crossing said Myers Corners Road and running southeasterly 70 f
feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of tax map parcel 6258-03-376432
(n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327) and a point on the southerly line of said Myers Comers
Road; thence leaving the southerly line of said Myers Corners Road and running
southeasterly 535 f feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of Old Myers
Corners Road and the southeast corner of tax map parcel 6258-03-376432 (n/f Humeston,
Filed Map 6327); thence crossing said Old Myers Corners Road and running
southeasterly 45 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of tax map
parcel 6258-0.4-506335 (n/f Andlyn Associates) and the northeasterly corner of tax map
parcel 6258-03-472305 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327) and a point on the southerly line
of said Old Myers Comers Road; thence running along the easterly line of tax map parcel
6258-03-472305 (n/f Humeston, Filed Map 6327) the following courses and distances:
southwesterly 850 f feet,
southwesterly 215 ± feet,
southwesterly 1,015 f feet
to a point, said point being the southerly corner of tax map parcel 6258-03-472305 (n/f
Humeston, Filed Map 6327) and the southeasterly comer of corner of Lot 3, Filed Map
5389 and a point on the northerly line of Lot 4, Filed Map 5389; thence northeasterly
along the northerly line of said Lot 4, Filed Map 5389 and the southerly line of Lot 9,
Filed Map 10772, 353 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said
Lot 4, Filed Map 5389 and a point on the southerly line of said Lot 9, Filed Map 10772
and the northwesterly corner of Lot 97, Filed Map 3975; thence northeasterly along the
northerly line of said Lot 97, Filed Map 3975, 505 t feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said Lot 97, Filed Map 3975 and a point on the westerly line of
Pippin Lane; thence crossing said Pippin Lane and running northeasterly 52 f feet to a
point, said point being on the easterly line of said Pippin Lane and the northwesterly
comer of Lot 96, Filed Map 3975; thence northeasterly along the northerly line of said
Lot 96, Filed Map 3975, 743 t feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of
said Lot 96, Filed Map 3975; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Lots No. 96,
95, 94, 93 and 92, 512 f feet to a point, said point being on easterly line of Lot 92, Filed
Map 3975; thence southwesterly along the easterly line of Lots No. 92, 91, 90, 89 and 88,
438 t feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of Lot 88, Filed Map 3975;
thence southwesterly along the easterly line of Lots No. 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83 and 82,
Filed Map 3975, 538 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot 82
Filed Map 3975 and the northeasterly comer of Lot 81 Filed Map 3552; thence
southwesterly along the easterly line of said Lot 81 Filed Map 3552, 153 f feet a point,
said point being the southeasterly corner of said Lot 81 Filed Map 3552 and a point on
the northerly line of Kent Road; thence running southeasterly along the northerly line of
Kent Road and the southerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 8705, 473 t feet to a point, said
point being the southeasterly corner of said Lot 1, Filed Map 8705 and a point on the
westerly line of Robin Lane; said point being the southeasterly comer of said Lot 38,
Filed Map 8705 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 37, Filed Map 8705 and a point on
the northerly line of Kent Road; thence northeasterly along the southerly line of Lot 37,
Filed Map 8705 and the northerly line of Kent Road, 77 f feet to a point, said point being
the southeasterly coiner of said Lot 37, Filed Map 8705 and a point on the westerly line
of All Angels Hill Road; thence crossing said All Angels Hill Road and running
northeasterly 75 t feet to a point, said point being within the right of way of All Angels
Hill Road and in range with the easterly line of said All Angels Hill Road; thence leaving
said point and running northwesterly and along the westerly line of lots 53, 2 and 1, Filed
Map 3364, 375 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly comer of Lot 1, Filed
Map 3364 and the southwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6258-04-713166 (n/f Cohen)
and a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence traversing
counterclockwise around tax map parcel 6258-04-713166 (n/f Cohen) the following
courses and distances:
easterly along the northerly lines of Lots 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Filed Map 3364, 480 f
feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said tax map parcel
6258-04-713166 (n/f Cohen) and the southwesterly corner of Lot 35, Filed Map
6611 and a point on the northerly line of Lot 6, Filed Map 3364,
northwesterly along the westerly line of Lots 35 and 36, Filed Map 6611, 298
feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said Lot 36, Filed Map
6611, the southwesterly comer of Lot 37, Filed Map 6611 and a point on the
easterly line of said tax map parcel 6258-04-713166 (n/f Cohen),
northwesterly along the westerly line of Lot 37, Filed Map 6611, 59 f feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said tax map parcel 6258-04-
713166 (n/f Cohen) and a corner on the southerly line of Lot 37, Filed Map 6611,
northwesterly along the southerly line of said Lot 37, Filed Map 6611 and the
northerly line of said tax map parcel 6258-04-713166 (n/f Cohen), 372 t feet
to a point, said point being the northwesterly comer of said tax map parcel 6258-04-
713166 (n/f Cohen) and the southwesterly corner of said Lot 37, Filed Map 6611 and a
point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence northeasterly along the easterly
line of All Angels Hill Road and the westerly lines of Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40, Filed Map
6611, 756 f feet to a point, said point being the on the westerly line of said Lot 40, Filed
Map 6611 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152 and a point on the
easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence traversing counterclockwise around Lot 2,
Filed Map 7152 the following courses and distances:
northeasterly along the northerly lines of Lots 40 and 41, Filed Map 6611 and the
southerly line of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152, 266 f feet to a point, said point being the
southeasterly corner of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152 and the southwesterly corner of Lot
3, Filed Map 7152,
northeasterly along the easterly line of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152 and the westerly_
line of Lot 3, Filed Map 7152, 177 f feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152 and a point on the southerly line of
Lot 1, Filed Map 7152,
northwesterly along the northerly line of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152 and the southerly
line of Lot 1, Filed Map 7152, 170 f feet
to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Filed Map 7152 and a point
on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence northwesterly along the easterly line
of All Angels Hill Road and the westerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 7152, 242 ± feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 7152 and a point on
the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence traversing counterclockwise around 5
tax map parcels on the easterly side of All Angels Hill Road, the following courses and
southeasterly along the northerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 7152 and the southerly
line of tax map parcel 6258-04-723319 (n/f Close), 365 ± feet to a point, said
point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 58, Filed Map 6611 and a point on the
northerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 7152,
northwesterly along the westerly line of Lots 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63 and 65, Filed
Map 6611, 853 ± feet,
northwesterly along the southerly line of Lots 65 and 66, Filed Map 6611, and
the northerly line of tax map parcel 6258-04-691374 (n/f Kleinhenz) 279 f feet
to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 66, Filed Map 6611 and the
northwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6258-04-691374 (n/f Kleinhenz) and a point on
the easterly side of All Angels Hill Road; thence northwesterly along the easterly line of
All Angels Hill Road and the westerly line of Lot 66, Filed Map 6611, 156 f feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 66, Filed Map 6611 and a point on
the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence clockwise along the perimeter of Filed
Map 6611 the following courses and distances:
northeasterly along the northerly line of Lot 66 385 f feet to the westerly line of
Sherwood Heights Road,
northeasterly across the right of way of Sherwood Heights Road 50 f feet to the
easterly line of Sherwood Heights Road,
northeasterly along the northerly lines of Lots 1 and 2,570 f feet,
southeasterly along the easterly lines of Lot 2 through Lot 25 inclusive, 3,264
to a point, said point being the common point of the southeasterly corner of Lot 25, Filed
Map 6611 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 26, Filed Map 6611 and the southwesterly
corner of the Lucato Lot, Filed Map 9942, and a point on the northerly line of Lot 3,
Filed Map 5240; thence northeasterly along the northerly lines of Lots 3 and 4, Filed Map
5240, 393 ± feet northeasterly to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot
4, Filed Map 5240 and the northwesterly corner of the Ropes Lot, Filed Map 9942;
thence southeasterly 323 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot
5, Filed Map 5240 and the southwesterly corner of the Ropes Lot, Filed Map 9942 and a
point on the northerly line of Lot 39A, Filed Map 3187; thence southwesterly along the
southerly line of Lot 5, Filed Map 5240 and the northerly lines of Lots 39A (partial), 39,
and 37, Filed Map 3187, 338 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly
comer of Lot 37, Filed Map 3187 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 36, Filed Map 3187
and a point on the southerly line of Peel Lane, Filed Map 5240; thence southwesterly
along the common line between said Lots 36 and 37, Filed Map 3187, 266 f feet to a
point, said point being on the common line between said Lots 36 and 37, Filed Map 3187
and the northerly line of Edgehill Drive; thence northwesterly along the northerly line of
Edgehill Drive and the southerly lines of Lots 36 and 35, Filed Map 3187, 200 f feet to a
point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 35, Filed Map 3187 and the
southeasterly corner of Lot 6, Filed Map 5240 and a point on the northerly line of
Edgehill Drive; thence leaving said Edgehill Drive and running northeasterly along the
common line between Lot 35, Filed Map 3187 and Lot 6, Filed Map 5240, 200 f feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 35, Filed Map 3187 and the
northeasterly corner of Lot 6, Filed Map 5240 and a point on the southerly line of Peel
Lane; thence running southwesterly along the southerly line of said Peel Lane and the
northerly line of said Lot 6, Filed Map 5240, 218 f feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of said Lot 6, Filed Map 5240 and a point on the easterly right of
way of Carlen Drive, Filed Map 10430; thence crossing said Carlen Drive right of way
southwesterly 100 f feet to a point, said point being on the westerly right of way of
Carlen Drive, Filed Map 10430 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 7, Filed Map 5240
and subsequently revised to be the northeasterly corner of Lot 7A, Filed Map 10430;
thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Carlen Drive, Filed Map 10430 and the
easterly lines of Lots 7A and 7B, Filed Map 10430, 258 f feet on a tie course to a point,
said point being the southeasterly comer of Lot 7B, Filed Map 10430 and a point on the
westerly right of way of Carlen Drive and a point on the northerly line of Edgehill Drive;
thence southwesterly along the southerly line of Lot 7, Filed Map 5240 and subsequently
revised to be the southerly line of Lot 713, Filed Map 10430 and the northerly line of
Edgehill Drive, 165 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 713,
Filed Map 10430 and the southeasterly comer of Lot 34, Filed Map 3187 and a point on
the northerly line of Edgehill Drive; thence leaving said Edgehill Drive and running
counterclockwise around Lot 34, Filed Map 3187 the following courses and distances:
northwesterly along the common line with Lot 7B, Filed Map 10430, 178 f feet,
southwesterly along the common line with Lot 19, Filed Map 3364, 134 f feet,
southeasterly along the common line with Lot 33, Filed Map 3187, 179 ± feet
to a point, said point being the southwesterly comer of Lot 34, Filed Map 3187 and the
southeasterly corner of Lot 33, Filed Map 3187 and a point on the northerly line of
Edgehill Drive; thence crossing said Edgehill Drive and running southeasterly 75 f feet
to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot 7, Filed Map 3187 and the
northwesterly corner of Lot 8, Filed Map 3187 and a point on the southerly line of
Edgehill Drive; thence northeasterly along the northerly line of Lot 8, Filed Map 3187
and the southerly line of Edgehill Drive, 160 f feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of Lot 8, Filed Map 3187 and the northwesterly corner of Lot 9,
Filed Map 3187; thence leaving said Edgehill Drive and running southeasterly along the
common line between Lot 8, Filed Map 3187 and Lot 9, Filed Map 3187, 202 f feet to a
point, said point being the common point of the southeasterly corner of Lot 8, Filed Map
3187 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 9, Filed Map 3187 and a point on the northerly
line of Lot 6, Filed Map 3427; thence northeasterly along the northerly lines of Lot 6
(partia ), Lot 75 Lot 8 and Lot 9, Filed Map 3427, 416±- feet to a point, said point being
the northeasterly corner of Lot 9, Filed Map 3427 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 12,
Filed Map 3187 and a point on the westerly line of Magura Road; thence crossing said
Magura Road and running southeasterly 50 �-- feet to a point, said point being on the
easterly line of said Magura Road and the northwesterly corner of Lot 10, Filed Map
3427 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 13, Filed Map 3187; thence running
northeasterly along the southerly perimeter of Filed Map 3187 and the southerly lines of
Lots 13, 14, 15, 16 and a portion of the southerly line of Lot 18, Filed Map 3187, being
the same line as the northerly perimeter of Filed Map 3427 and the northerly lines of Lots
10 through 15 inclusive, Filed Map 3427, 725 t feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly comer of Lot 15, Filed Map 3427 and the northwesterly corner of Lot 19,
Filed Map 3187 and a point on the southerly line of Lot 18, Filed Map 3187; thence
running southeasterly along the easterly perimeter of Filed Map 3427 and the easterly
lines of Lots 15 through 21 inclusive, Filed Map 3427, being the same line. as the
westerly perimeter of Filed Map 3187 and the westerly lines of Lots 19 through 28
inclusive, Filed Map 3187, 973 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner
of Lot 21, Filed Map 3427 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 28, Filed Map 3187 and a
point on the northerly line of Pye Lane; thence running northeasterly along the northerly
line of Pye Lane and the southerly line of Lot 28, crossing Beatty Road, continuing along
the southerly lines of Lots 88, 87 and a portion of Lot 86, Filed Map 3187 to a point in
range with the easterly line of Lot 98, Filed Map 3427, 605 f feet to a point; thence
leaving said northerly line of Pye Lane and running southeasterly, crossing said Pye
Lane, 50 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot 98, Filed Map
3427; thence leaving said Pye Lane and running southeasterly along the easterly lines of
Lots 98 and Lot 97, Filed Map 3427, 288 f feet to a point, said point being the
southeasterly comer of Lot 97, Filed Map 3427 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 120
Filed Map 3812; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Lot 120, Filed Map 3812,
200 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot 120, Filed Map
3812 and the northeasterly corner of Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map 3812;
thence northwesterly along the common line between Lot 120, Filed Map 3812 and
Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map 3812, 227 f feet to a point, said point
being the southwesterly corner of Lot 120, Filed Map 3812, a northwesterly corner of
Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map 3812, and a point on the southerly line of
Deer Run Road; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of Deer Run Road and the
northerly line of Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map 3812, 53 ± feet to a point,
said point being a northwesterly corner of Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map
3812, and the northeasterly comer of Lot 119, Filed Map 3.812 and a point on the
southerly line Deer Run Road; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of Lot 119,
Filed Map 3812 and the westerly line of Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map
3812, 202 t feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lands of Hilltop
Waterworks Corp, Filed Map 3812 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 119, Filed Map
3812; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of Lot 119 and a portion of the
southerly line of Lot 118, Filed Map 3812, 220 ± feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of Lands of Hilltop Waterworks Corp, Filed Map 3812, and the
northeasterly corner of the Recreation Area, Filed Map 3812 and Filed Map 3427 and a
---- point on the southerly line of Lot 118, Filed Map 3812; thence southeasterly along the
westerly line of said Recreation Area, Filed Map 3812 and Filed Map 3427, 446 f feet to
a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said Recreation Area, Filed Map
3812 and Filed Map 3427, and the southwesterly comer of Lands of Hilltop Waterworks
Corp, Filed Map 3812, and a point on the northerly line of a Parcel to be Conveyed to the
Central Wappinger Water Improvement #1, Filed Map 6300; thence southwesterly along
the northerly line of Parcel to be Conveyed to the Central Wappinger Water Improvement
#1, Filed Map 6300 and the southerly line of the Recreation Area, Filed Map 3812 and
Filed Map 3427, 143 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly comer of Parcel
to be Conveyed to the Central Wappinger Water Improvement #1, Filed Map 6300 and
the northeasterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 6300 and a point on the southerly line of the
Recreation Area, Filed Map 3812 and Filed Map 3427; thence running clockwise along
the perimeter of Lot 3, Filed Map 6300 the following courses and distances:
southeasterly 202 t feet,
northeasterly 150 ± feet,
southeasterly 320 t feet,
southwesterly 1,185 ± feet
to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 6300 and a point
on the easterly line of Lot 2, Filed Map 6300; thence clockwise along the perimeter of
Lot 2, Filed Map 6300 the following courses and distances:
southeasterly 150 f feet,
southwesterly 798 feet,
northwesterly 249 f feet along the northerly line of Brown Road,
northeasterly 349 feet,
northwesterly 100 f feet,
southwesterly 301 f feet,
northwesterly 200 t feet along the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road,
northeasterly 617 f feet,
northwesterly 338 f feet
to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Filed Map 6300, the
northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 6300 and a point on the southerly line of Lot 6,
Filed Map 11610; thence southwesterly along the northerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 6300
and the southerly lines of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Filed Map 11610 to a point, said point being
the southwesterly corner of Lot 9, Filed Map 11610, the northwesterly corner of Lot 1,
Filed Map 6300 and a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence
northwesterly along the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road and the westerly lines of
Lots 9 and 10, Filed Map 11610, 484 f feet to a point, said point being on the easterly
line of All Angels Hill Road, and the northwesterly corner of Lot 10, Filed Map 11610
and the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 4956; thence northeasterly along the
northerly line of Lot 10 and a portion of the northerly line of 11, Filed Map 11610, and
the southerly lines of Lots I and 2, Filed Map 4956, 352 f feet to a point, said point being
the southeasterly corner of Lot 2, Filed Map 4956 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 3,
Filed Map 4956 and a point on the northerly line of Lot 11, Filed Map 11610; thence
tracing along lots as shown on Filed Map 4956 the following courses and distances:
clockwise around Lot 3 (included in the district): northwesterlv 325 f feet_
northeasterly 125 ± feet, southeasterly 325 t feet,
counterclockwise around Lot 4 (excluded from the district): northeasterly 141 f
feet, northwesterly 339 ± feet,
northeasterly along the southerly line of Pye Lane and the northerly line of Lot
14, Filed Map 11610, 100 t feet,
counterclockwise around Lot 5 (excluded from the district): southeasterly 339 f
feet, northeasterly 144 f feet, northwesterly 325 ± feet,
clockwise around Lot 6 (included in the district): northeasterly 125 f feet,
southeasterly 325 f feet,
counterclockwise around Lot 7 (excluded from the district): northeasterly 78 f
feet, northwesterly 326 f feet
to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot 7, Filed Map 4956, and the
northwesterly corner of Lot 17, Filed Map 11610 and a point on the southerly line of Pye
Lane; thence running northwesterly and crossing said Pye Lane, 50 f feet to a point, said
point being in range with the easterly line of Lot 7, Filed Map 4956 and the westerly line
of Lot 17, Filed Map 11610 and a point on the northerly line of Pye Lane and a point on
the southerly line of Lot 37, Filed Map 3427; thence running along the northerly line of
Pye Lane and the southerly line of Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40, Filed Map 3427, 415 f feet,
and continuing along the northerly line of Pye Lane and the southerly line of Lot 4, Filed
Map 7869 140 t feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 4, Filed
Map 7869 and the southeasterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 7869; thence northwesterly
along the common line between Lots 3 and 4, Filed Map 7869 337 f feet to a point, said
point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 4, Filed Map 7869 and the northeasterly
corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 7869 and a point on the southerly line of Lot 47, Filed Map
3427; thence southwesterly 36 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner
of Lot 47, Filed Map 3427; thence northwesterly 124 f feet to a point, said point being
the northwesterly comer of Lot 47, Filed Map 3427 and the southwesterly comer of Lot
48, Filed Map 3427; thence northwesterly and northeasterly along the westerly line of Lot
48, Filed Map 3427, 329 t feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot
48, Filed Map 3427 and the northwesterly corner of Lot 49, Filed Map 3427 and the
southwesterly corner of Lot 78 Filed Map 3427; thence along the westerly line of Lot 78,
Filed Map 3427, 101 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot 79,
Filed Map 3427; thence southwesterly along the southerly line of Lot 79, Filed Map
3427, 279 + feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 79, Filed
Map 3427 and a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence running
southwesterly and crossing said All Angels Hill Road, 53 f feet to a point, said point
being in range with the southerly line of Lot 79, Filed Map 3427, and a point on the
easterly line of Lot 2, Filed Map 11070 and on the westerly line of All Angels Hill Road;
thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of said All Angels Hill Road,
crossing Tor Road, continuing southeasterly along the westerly line of Old All Angels
Hill Road and crossing Alpert Drive, 925 f feet total to a point, said point being the
southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 3494 and a point on the westerly line of Old All
Angels Hill Road; thence northeasterly 80 f feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-02-950772 (n/f Schneider); then clockwise
around the perimeter of said tax map parcel 6257-02-950772 (n/f Schneider) 1,168 t feet
to a point, said point being the previously noted northwesterly corner of tax map parcel
6257-02-950772 (n/f Schneider); thence southwesterly 80 t feet to a point, said point
being the previously noted southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 3494 and the
previously noted point on the westerly line of Old All Angels Hill Road; thence leaving
said Old Angels Hill Road and running southwesterly along the southerly lines of Lots 1,
3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and part of Lot 19, Filed Map 3494, 836 f feet to a point, said
point being the northwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-02-893746 (n/f Watkiss) and
the northeasterly corner of Lot 314, Filed Map 3425 and a point on the southerly line of
said Lot 19, Filed Map 3494; thence running southeasterly along the easterly perimeter of
Filed Map 3425, 1,922 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly comer of Lot
298, Filed Map 3425 and a point on the westerly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence
running southeasterly and crossing said All Angels Hills Road, 60 f feet to a point, said
point being the northeasterly comer of Lot 54, Filed Map 3426 and the southwesterly
corner of Lot 53, Filed Map 3426 and a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill
Road; thence northeasterly along the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road and the
westerly line of Lot 53 to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 53,
Filed Map 3426 and a point on the southerly right of way for Regency Drive and a point
on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence running northeasterly and crossing
said right of way for Regency Drive to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner
of Lot 1, Filed Map 3426 and a point on the northerly right of way of Regency Drive and
a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence northeasterly along the
easterly line of All Angels Hill Road and the westerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 3426 189
f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 3426 and
the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 4953 and a point on the easterly line of All
Angels Hill Road; thence leaving said All Angels Hill Road and running southeasterly
along the northerly perimeter of Filed Map 3426, 1,401 f feet to a point, said point being
the northeasterly corner of the Water Supply Parcel, Filed Map 3426, the southeasterly
corner of Lot 6, Filed Map 4953 and a point in the center of Sprout Creek; thence
southwesterly along the center of said Sprout Creek to a point, said point being the
southeasterly corner of the Open Lands Parcel, Filed Map 3426, and the northeasterly
corner of Lot 7, Filed Map 11210 and a point in the center of Sprout Creek; thence
southwesterly along the southerly line of Filed Map 3426, 1,886 ± feet to a point, said
point being the southwesterly corner of Lot 23, Filed Map 3426, the northwesterly corner
of Lot 1, Filed Map 11210, and a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road;
thence running southwesterly and crossing said All Angels Hill Road, 60± feet to a
point, said point being on the westerly line of All Angels Hill Road, and the southeasterly
corner of Lot 56, Filed Map 3425 and the northeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-04-
919433 (n/f Raju); thence southwesterly along the southerly perimeter of Filed Map
3425, 1,092 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of tax map parcel
6257-04-919433 (n/f Raju), and the southwesterly corner of Lot 84, Filed Map 3425 and
the southeasterly corner of Lot 86, Filed Map 3425; thence southeasterly along the
southerly perimeter of Filed Map 3425, 601 f feet to a point, said point being the
southeasterly corner of Lot 91, Filed Map 3425 and the southwesterly corner of tax map
parcel 6257-04-919433 (n/f Raju) and a point on the northerly line of Old Hopewell
Road; thence southeasterly 60 f feet to a point, said point being on the southerly side of
Old Hopewell Road and a point on the northerly line of Lot 15, Filed Map 11210A;
thence southeasterly 700 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly confer of Lot
15, Filed Map 11210A and a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road and a
point on the westerly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence running southeasterly and
crossing said All Angels Hill Road, 60 f feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger); thence
along the northerly line of said tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger)
and the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road, 1,000 ± feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger)
and a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road and a point in the center of
Sprout Creek; thence leaving said Old Hopewell Road and running along the easterly
boundary of said tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger) and along the
center of Sprout Creek southwesterly, southeasterly, northeasterly and southeasterly to a
point, said point being the southeasterly comer of tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f
Town of Wappinger) and the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 8693 and a point in
the center of Sprout Creek; thence northwesterly along the southerly line of tax map
parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger) and along the northerly line of Lot 1,
Filed Map 8693, 802 t feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of tax
map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger) and the northwesterly comer of
Lot 1, Filed Map 8693 and a point on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road; thence
northwesterly along the westerly line of tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of
Wappinger) and along the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road, 235 f feet to a point,
said point being the on the easterly line of All Angels Hill Road and the westerly line of
tax map parcel 6257-04-994343 (n/f Town of Wappinger) and in range with the southerly
line of Lot 15, Filed Map 11210; thence northwesterly 65 f feet to a point, said point
being on the westerly line of All Angels Hill Road, and the southeasterly corner of Lot
15, Filed Map 11210; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along the southerly line of
said Lot 15, Filed Map 11210, 2,336 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly
comer of Lot 15, Filed Map 11210A and the northwesterly corner of Lot 6, Filed Map
11210A; thence northwesterly along the westerly line of Lot 15, Filed Map 11210A,
2,050 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 15, Filed Map
11210A and a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence running
northeasterly and crossing Old Hopewell Road, 50 f feet to a point, said point being on
the northerly line of Old Hopewell Road and being the southwesterly corner of Lot 120,
Filed Map 3425; thence along the westerly perimeter of Filed Map 3425, 1,795 f feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Lot 345, Filed Map 3425 and a point
on the southerly line of Lot 49, Filed Map 11963; thence along said southerly line of
Filed Map 11963 the following courses and distances:
southwesterly 569 f feet,
southeasterly 462 feet,
southwesterly 886 f feet,
southeasterly 384 ± feet
to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot 62, Filed Map 11963 and a
point on the northerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence northwesterly 478 f feet to a
point, said point being the southeasterly corner of the right of way for Road A, Filed Map
11963 (now called Shamrock Hills Drive); thence running southeasterly and crossing Old
Hopewell Road 50 t feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of tax map
parcel 6257-03-430260 (n/f Cedar Hill LLC); thence southeasterly and southwesterly
along the eastern and southern boundary of tax map parcel 6257-03-430260 (n/f Cedar
Hill LLC), 3,833 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot 2,
Filed Map 11080 and the southeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-03-400122 (n/f
Marinaccio) and the southwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-03-430260 (n/f Cedar
Hill LLC); thence clockwise along the perimeter of Lot 2, Filed Map 11080 the following
courses and distances:
southeasterly 325 f feet,
southwesterly 192 f feet,
northwesterly 125 f feet
to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 11080 and a
point on the westerly line of Lot 2, Filed Map 11080; thence southwesterly along the
southerly line of Lot 1, Filed Map 11080, 438 ± feet to a point, said point being the
southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 11080 and a point on the centerline of Cedar
Hill Road, thence northwesterly along the center of Cedar Hill Road, 85 f feet to a point,
said point being on the centerline of Cedar Hill Road and in range with the northerly line
of tax map parcel 6257-03-368048 (n/f Beaudway); thence southwesterly 25 ± feet to a
point, said point being on the westerly line of Cedar Hill Road and a point on the easterly
line of tax map parcel 6257-03-368048 (n/f Beaudway); thence running southeasterly
along the westerly line of Cedar Hill Road, 1,493 ± feet to a point, said point being on the
westerly line of Cedar Hill Road and the northeasterly comer of Lot 1, Filed Map 8212;
thence northeasterly 85A: feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of Cedar
Hill Road and the southerly line of Rosewood Drive and being the northwesterly corner
of tax map parcel 6256-01-455940 (n/f Barrett); thence clockwise around said tax map
parcel 6256-01-455940 (n/f Barrett) the following courses and distances:
northeasterly 244 f feet,
southeasterly 174 f feet,
southwesterly 243 f feet,
northwesterly 173 ± feet
to a point, being the same above described point on the easterly line of Cedar Hill Road
and the southerly line of Rosewood Drive and being the northwesterly corner of tax rnap
parcel 6256-01-455940 (n/f Barrett); thence southwesterly 85 ± feet to a point, being the
same above described point on the westerly line of Cedar Hill Road and the northeasterly
corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 8212; thence southwesterly along the northerly lines of Lots 1,
2, 3 and 4, Filed Map 8212, 751 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly
corner of Lot 4, Filed Map 5212 and a point on the easterly line of Parcel II, Filed Map
7102 (also described as tax map parcel 6257-03-430260 (n/f Cedar Hill LLC)) and the
northeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6256-01-375882 (n/f Velasquez); thence clockwise
along the perimeter of Parcel Il, Filed Map 7102 the following courses and distances:
southwesterly and southeasterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-375882 (n/f
Velasquez), 505 y feet,
southwesterly along Cedar Hill Road 57 f feet,
---------------------northwester)y,-south-westerl-y-and--southeasterly-along-tax m-ap-parcel-62-56-0-1----------
256-0.1-------- 364864 (n/f Marinaccio) 496 t feet,
southwesterly along Cedar Hill Road 131 f feet,
northwesterly and southwesterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-330883 (n/f
Cullen) 1,048 f feet,
northwesterly and southwesterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-282900 (n/f
Southern Dutchess & Putnam Sportsman's Association) 1,373 f feet,
southwesterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-249864 (n/f Campbell) 456 f feet,
northwesterly and southwesterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-160933 (n/f Chao)
1,055 f feet,
northwesterly along Smithtown Road 50 ± feet,
northeasterly and northwesterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-125958 (n/f
Scherer) 428 f feet,
northeasterly, northwesterly and northeasterly along tax map parcel 6256-01-
117983 (n/f Anjos) 538 t feet,
northwesterly, southwesterly and northwesterly along tax map parcel 6257-03-
092038 (n/f Denardo) 1,016 f feet
to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Parcel II, Filed Map 7102 and a
point on the southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 12108; thence southwesterly along the
southerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 12108, 893 f feet to a point, said point being the
southwesterly corner of Lot 3, Filed Map 12108; thence northwesterly 1,009 f feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly comer of Lot 3, Filed Map 12108; thence
generally northeasterly along the northerly line of Lot 3, Filed Map 12108, 1,314 f feet to
a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-03-013186
(Siler per Filed Map 12108 and n/f Retained Realty, Inc.) and the southwesterly comer of
Lot 5, Filed Map 2722 (Santiago per Filed Map 12108) and a point on the northerly line
of Ada Drive; thence leaving said Ada Drive and running northwesterly along the
westerly line of Lots 5, 4 and 3, Filed Map 2722, 647 f feet and continuing northwesterly
along the westerly line of Lot C8, Peter Drive, Lot C7, Lot B9, Michael Drive and Lot
B8, 889 ± feet to a point; thence running northeasterly along the northerly lines of Lots
B8, B7 and B6, 675 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Lot B6,
Filed Map 2614 and the northwesterly corner of Lot B5, Filed Map 2614 and the
southwesterly corner of Lot 9, Filed Map 2604; thence northwesterly along the westerly
line of Lot 9, Marlyn Drive and Lot 10, Filed Map 2604, 451 t feet to a point, said point
being the northwesterly corner of Lot 10, Filed Map 2604 and a point at about midway
along the southerly line of tax map parcel 6257-03-015435 (n/f Hilmar); thence
northeasterly and northwesterly along the perimeter of tax map parcel 6257-03-015435
(n/f Hilmar), 693 t feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of tax map
parcel 6257-03-015435 (n/f Hilmar) and the northwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6257-
03-630434 (n/f Ferraro) and a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence
running northwesterly and crossing Old Hopewell Road, 60 f feet to a point, said point
being in range with the common lot line between tax map parcel 6257-03-015435 (n/f
Hilmar) and tax map parcel 6257-03-630434 (n/f Ferraro) and a point on the northerly
line of Old Hopewell Road; thence bisecting tax map parcel 6157-02-996521 (n/f Di
Pietro) such that the easterly portion is within the district boundary as defined by aline
running northwesterly from the said point on the northerly side of Old Hopewell Road,
1215 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Lot No. 28, Filed Map
4700 and the southeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6157-02-943582 (n/f Matthews);
thence running southwesterly along the southerly line of said tax map parcel 6157-02-
943582 (n/f Matthews) and the northerly line of said excluded westerly portion of tax
map parcel 6157-02-996521 (n/f Di Pietro), 880 t feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of tax map parcel 6157-02-996521 (n/f Di Pietro) and a point on the
easterly line of Losee Road; thence running southwesterly and crossing Losee Road, 50 f
feet to a point, said point being in range with the southerly line of said tax map parcel
6157-02-943582 (n/f Matthews) and the northerly line of said excluded westerly portion
of tax map parcel 6157-02-996521 (n/f Di Pietro) and being a point on the westerly line
of Losee Road and a point on the easterly line of tax map parcel 6157-02-899515 (n/f Li
Care); thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of Losee Road and the
easterly line of tax map parcel 6157-02-899515 (n/f Li Care), 240 f feet to a point, said
point being the southeasterly corner of tax map parcel 6157-02-899515 (n/f Li Care) and
a point on the westerly line of Losee Road; thence running southeasterly and crossing Old
Hopewell Road, 160 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of
MacFarlane Road and a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road and said point
also being the northeasterly corner of White gate Condominiums; thence running
southeasterly along the easterly line of White gate Condominiums, 510 t feet to a point,
said point being on the westerly line of MacFarlane Road and the southeasterly corner of
said White gate Condominiums; thence running southwesterly along the southerly line of
White gate Condominiums, 270 f feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of
MacFarlane Road; thence running southerly crossing said MacFarlane Road, 50 f feet to
a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of Gate White Associates; thence
running southeasterly along the easterly of Gate White Associates and the westerly line
of lands of now or formerly Winklharrer, Liber 1526, Page 080, 520 f feet to a point,
said point being the southwesterly corner of said lands of Winklharrer and a point on the
easterly line of Gate White Associates; thence running northeasterly along the southerly
line of said lands of Winklharrer 140:L feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly
corner of Filed Map 8389; thence running southwesterly along the easterly line of Gate
White Associates and the westerly line of said Filed Map 8389, 1,120 t feet to a point,
said point being on the easterly line of said Gate White Associates and on the westerly
line of said Filed Map 8389; thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of said
Filed Map 8389, 600 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of said
Filed Map 8389 and the southeasterly corner of said lands of Gate White Associates;
thence running southwesterly along the southerly line of said Gate White Associates, the
northerly line of lands of now or formerly Barrington, Liber 1613, Page 266 and along
the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Lafko, Liber 1388, Page 947, 610 f feet to
a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of Gate White Associates and the
easterly line of lands of now or formerly Williams, Liber 1663, Page 159, the easterly
line of lands of now or formerly Cohen, Liber 1250, Page 043, the easterly line of lands
of now or formerly Rose, Liber 1776, Page 466, and the easterly line of Filed Map 8689,
1,650 ± feet to a point, said point being on the westerly line of said Gate White
Associates and also being the southeast corner of lands of now or formerly _Cutrone,_
Liber 1509, Page 137; thence running northwesterly along the easterly line of said Filed
Map 8689, the easterly line of said lands of Cutrone and the westerly line of said lands of
Gate White Associates 590 ± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of
said lands of Gate White Associates and a point on the southerly line of MacFarlane
Road; thence running northwesterly crossing MacFarlane Road, 60 f feet to a point, said
point being on the northerly line of said MacFarlane Road and a point in the southerly
line of lands of now or formerly Defazio, Liber 1626, Page 872; thence running
southeasterly along the northerly line of said MacFarlane Road and the southerly line of
said DeFazio 110 f feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of said lands
of Defazio and the southwesterly corner of lands of White gate Condominiums; thence
running northeasterly along lands of White gate Condominiums and the easterly line of
lands of now or formerly Deednaniya, Liber 1641, Page 587, 570 f feet to a point, said
point being on the southerly line of said White gate Condominiums and the northeasterly
corner of said lands of Deednaniya; thence running northwesterly along the northerly line
of said Deednaniya and the southerly line of said White gate Condominiums 520 ± feet to
a point, said point being in the southerly line of said White gate Condominiums and the
northwesterly corner of said lands of Deednaniya; thence running southwesterly along the
westerly line of said Deednaniya, the southerly line of said White gate Condominiums,
and the westerly line of said DeFazio 270 ± feet to a point, said point being on the
westerly line of said White gate Condominiums and the southeasterly comer of lands of
now or formerly Barka, Liber 1540, Page 792; thence running northwesterly along the
easterly line of said lands of Barka and the westerly line of said White gate
Condominiums, 720 f feet to a point, said point being the northeast comer of said lands
of Barka and to a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence running
northwesterly along the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road, along the northerly line of
said lands of Barka, the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Reilly, Liber 1544,
Page 526, the northerly line of lands of now or formerly King, Liber 1009, Page 532, the
northerly line of lands of now or formerly Battaglia, Liber 1376, Page 878, the northerly
line of lands of now or formerly Farley, Liber 872, Page 322, the northerly line of Filed
Map 8502, and the northerly line of lands of Drovin, Liber 1822, Page 111, 1140 f feet to
a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said lands of Drovin and also being
on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence running northwesterly crossing said
Old Hopewell Road 60 ± feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of Old
Hopewell Road, said point also being the southeasterly corner of Filed Map 4955; thence
running northeasterly along the easterly line of said Filed Map 4955 and the westerly line
of lands of now or formerly Olivieri, Liber 1644, Page 737, 660 f feet to a point, said
point being the northeasterly corner of said Filed Map 4955 and a point on the southerly
line of Filed Map 6820; thence running northwesterly along the northerly line of said
Filed Map 4955 and the southerly line of Filed Map 6820, 380 f feet to a point, said point
being the northwest corner of said Filed Map 4955 and.a point on the easterly line of US
Route 9; thence running northeasterly along the easterly line of said US Route 9, the
westerly line of said Filed Map 6820, the westerly line of lands of now or formerly
BGHKR Realty, Inc. Liber 1838, Page 119, the westerly line of lands of now or formerly
Leroy, Liber 1704, Page 297, and the westerly line of said lands of Wappingers Falls
Properties, 1,150 f feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of said US Route 9
and on the westerly line of said lands of Wappinger Falls Properties; thence running
northwesterly crossing said US Route 9, 200 f feet to a point, said point being in the
westerly line of said US Route 9, said point also being in the easterly line of lands of now
or formerly Elgen Associates, Inc., Liber 1773, Page 072; thence running southeasterly
along the westerly line of said US Route 9, the easterly line of said lands of Elgin
Associates, Inc., the easterly line of LeRoy, Liber 1661, Page 506, the easterly line of
lands of now or fonnerly Leonard, Liber 1630, Page 206, the easterly line of lands of
now or fonnerly Duhamel, Liber 1625, Page 689, the easterly line of lands of now or
formerly Hartmann, Liber 1679, Page 333, and the easterly line of lands of now or
formerly Greer, Liber 1838, Page 677, 1,710 ± feet to a point, said point being at the
intersection of the westerly line of US Route 9 and the easterly line of Old Route 9;
thence running northwesterly along the easterly line of said Old Route 9 and the westerly
line of said lands of Greer, 620 t feet to a point, said point being on the easterly line of
said Old Route 9 and. a point on the westerly line of said lands of Greer; thence running
northwesterly crossing said Old Route 9, 50 ± feet to a point, said point being on the
westerly line of Old Route 9 and the southeast corner of Filed Map 7606; thence running
northwesterly along the southerly line of said Filed Map 7606 and the northerly line of
Curry Road 150 t feet to a point, said point being at the corner of Lot 2 and Lot 3 of said
Filed Map 7606 and a point on the northerly line of Cunt' Road; thence running
northeasterly along said Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Filed Map 7606, 200 f feet to a point, said
point being the northeasterly corner of said Lot 3 of Filed Map 7606; thence running
northwesterly along the northerly line of said Lot 3 of Filed Map 7606, 200 f feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said Lot 3, Filed Map 7606 and a point
on the easterly line of lands of now or formerly Sammartino, no Liber or Page; thence
running southwesterly along the easterly line of said Sammartino and the westerly line of
said Lot 2, Filed Map 7606, 70 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner
of said lands of Sammartino and the southeasterly corner of lands of now or formerly
Sammartino, Liber 768, page 165; thence running along the southerly line of said lands of
Sammartino, Liber 768, Page 165, 770 ± feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of said lands of Sammartino, no Liber or Page, and a point on the
southerly line of said lands of Sammartino, Liber 768, Page 165; thence running
northwesterly along said westerly line Sammartino, no Liber or Page, 20 t feet to a point,
said point being on the southerly line of said Sammartino, Liber 768, Page 165; thence
running southwesterly along the northerly line of said Sammartino, no Liber or Page, 60
± feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said lands of Sammartino,
no Liber or Page; thence running southwesterly along the westerly line of said
Sammartino, no Liber or Page, and the easterly line of Sammartino, Liber 768, Page 165,
270 ± feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly corner of said Sammartino, no
Liber or Page, and a point in the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Gilligan,
Liber 1834, Page 65; thence running southeasterly along the southerly line of said
Sammartino and the northerly line of said lands of Gilligan, 60 f feet to a point, said
point being the northwesterly corner of Curry Road and the northeasterly corner of said
lands of Gilligan; thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of said Curry Road
and the easterly line of said lands of Gilligan, 50 f feet to a point, said point being the
southwesterly corner of Curry Road and the northwesterly corner of lands of now or
formerly Cassidy, Liber 993, Page 124; thence running southeasterly along the easterly
line of said lands of Gilligan and the westerly line of said lands of Cassidy 140 f feet to a
point, said point being the southwest corner of said lands of Cassidy and the
northwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly Deppe, Liber 931, Page 382; thence
running northeasterly along the northerly line of said Deppe, the southerly line of said
lands of Cassidy, the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Gigler, Liber 1471, page
370, and the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Guido, Liber 856, Page 208, 430
± feet to a point, said point being the northeast corner of said lands of Deppe and the
northwesterly corner of lands of now or formerly Caccaro, no Liber or Page; thence
running southwesterly along the westerly line of said lands of Caccaro and the easterly
line of said lands of Deppe, 520 f feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly
corner of said lands of Caccaro and a point on the northerly line of Old Hopewell Road;
thence running northeasterly along the northerly line of Old Hopewell Road and the
southerly line of said lands of Caccaro, 215 ± feet to a point, said point being the
southeasterly corner of lands of said Caccaro and the southwesterly corner of lands of
now or formerly Rodriguez, Liber 1610, Page 567 (also known as La Fonda Del Sol);
thence leaving said northerly line of Old Hopewell Road and traversing clockwise around
the said lands of now or formerly Rodriguez (also known as La Fonda Del Sol), the
following courses and distances:
northwesterly 551 feet,
southeasterly 438 ± feet,
southeasterly 335 f feet
to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of lands of now or formerly
Rodriguez (also known as La Fonda Del Sol) and a point on the westerly line of Old
Route 9 North; thence southeasterly along the westerly line of Old Route 9 North and the
easterly line of lands of now or formerly Rodriguez (also known as La Fonda Del Sol)
232 ± feet to a point, said point being the northerly end of the arc at the southeasterly
corner of lands of now or formerly Rodriguez (also known as La Fonda Del Sol) and a
point on the westerly line of Old Route 9 North; thence clockwise along the arc at the
southeasterly corner of lands of now or formerly Rodriguez (also known as La Fonda Del
Sol) 39 ± feet along said arc to a point, said point being the westerly end of the arc at the
southeasterly corner of lands of now or formerly Rodriguez (also known as La Fonda Del
Sol) and a point on the northerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence running
southeasterly crossing Old Hopewell Road, 130 ± feet to a point, said point being on the
westerly line of US Route 9 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 'A', Filed Map 3674;
thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of US Route 9 and the easterly line
of Filed Map 3674 and the easterly line of lands of now or formerly Sofadr, Liber 1377,
Page 558, 1,330 ± feet to a point, said point being on the westerly line of US Route 9 and
the southeasterly corner of said lands of Sofadr; thence running northeasterly and
crossing US Route 9 and Old Post Road, 197 ± feet to a point, said point being on the
easterly line of Old Post Road and the northwesterly corner of Parcel `A', Filed Map
11554 (aka Friendly Motors); thence running southeasterly along the northerly line of
said Parcel 'A', 543 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly comer of said
Parcel 'A; thence running southeasterly along the westerly line of Lots No. 6, 5 and 4,
Filed Map 3276, 307 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of Parcel
'A', Filed Map 11554, the northeasterly corner of Adams, Filed Map 12295; thence along
the westerly line of Lots No 4, 3, 2 and 1, Filed Map 3276 and the easterly line of Adams,
Filed Map 12295, 537 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner of
Adams, Filed Map 12295 and the southwesterly corner of Lot 1, Filed Map 3276; thence
clockwise along the southerly and westerly lines of Adams, Filed Map 12295 the
following courses and distances:
southwesterly 635 f feet,
northwesterly 349 t feet,
southwesterly 260 1 feet,
northwesterly 168 f feet,
northeasterly 99 ± feet,
along a curve to the right with a radius of 75' for an arc length of 92 feet,
northeasterly 106 t feet,
northwesterly 79 f feet,
southeasterly 146 feet,
northwesterly 65 f feet
to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Adams, Filed Map 12295, the
northeasterly comer of tax map parcel 6157-04-614382 (n/f Masch, Liber 22005, Page
10261 and Liber 1945, Page 572) and a point on the southerly line of Parcel `A', Filed
Map 11554; thence northwesterly along the northerly line of n/f Masch and the southerly
line of Parcel `A', Filed Map 11554, 158 f feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of n/f Masch and the southwesterly comer of Parcel `A', Filed Map
11554 and a point on the easterly line of Old Post Road; thence northeasterly along the
westerly line of Parcel `A', Filed Map 11554 and the easterly line of Old Post Road, 412
± feet to point, said point being the northwesterly corner of Parcel `A', Filed Map 11554
and a point on the easterly line of Old Post Road (as previously described); thence
running southwesterly and recrossing Old Post Road and US Route 9, 197 f feet to a
point, said point being on the westerly line of US Route 9 and the southeasterly corner of
lands of Sofadr and the northeasterly corner of Lot No. 1, Filed Map 7776 (as previously
described); thence running southwesterly along the westerly line of US Route 9 and the
easterly line of Lot No. 1, Filed Map 7776, 288 f feet to a point, said point being the
southeasterly comer of Lot No. 1, Filed Map 7776 and the northeasterly corner of Lot 2,
Filed Map 7776 and a point on the westerly line of US Route 9; thence running clockwise
along the southerly and westerly lines of Lot No. 1, Filed Map 7776 the following
courses and distances:
southwesterly 250 ± feet,
northwesterly 207 t feet,
northwesterly 246 t feet,
northeasterly 40 ± feet,
northeasterly 238 ± feet
to a point, said point being a northeasterly corner of Lot No. 1, Filed Map 7776 and the
southeasterly corner of lands of now or formerly Zottola, Liber 1621, page 625; thence
running northwesterly along the easterly line of said lands of Zottola and the westerly line
of Sofadr, 490 f feet to point, said point being on the easterly line of Zottola and the
northwesterly corner of Sofadr and the southwesterly corner of Lot No. 1, Filed _Map
2872; thence running northwesterly along the easterly line of Zottola and the westerly
lines of Lots No. 1 and 2, 141 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly comer
of Zottola and the northwesterly point of Lot No. 2, Filed Map 2872 and being also the
common point of Lots 2, 4 and 5, Filed Map 2872; thence running southwesterly along
the southerly line of said Filed Map 2872 and the northerly line of said lands of Zottola,
809 ± feet to a point, said point being on the northerly line of said lands of Zottola and
the southwesterly corner of Filed Map 2872; thence running northwesterly along the
westerly line of said Filed Map 2872 and the easterly line of lands of now or formerly
Rymer, Liber 1714, Page 438, 560 f feet to a point, said point being a point on the
easterly line of said lands of Rymer and the southwesterly corner of lands of now or
formerly Ash, Liber 1348, Page 794; thence running northeasterly along the southerly
line of said lands of Ash, 150 ± feet to a point, said point being the southeasterly corner
of said lands of Ash; thence running northwesterly along the easterly line of said lands of
Ash and the westerly line of said Filed Map 2872, 410 ± feet to a point, said point being
the southwesterly corner of Filed Map 4889, said point also being on the easterly line of
said lands of Ash; thence running northwesterly along said Filed Map 4889 and the
easterly line of said Ash 570 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly comer of
said Filed Map 4889 and a point on the southerly line of Old Hopewell Road; thence
running northwesterly crossing said Old Hopewell Road, 60 f feet to a point, said point
being in the northerly line of said Old Hopewell Road, said point also being in the
southerly line of lands of now or formerly The Wappinger Bible Fellowship Church,
Liber 1819, Page 774; thence running northwesterly along the northerly line of said Old
Hopewell Road, the southerly line of said lands of The Wappinger Bible Fellowship
Church, the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Sammartino, Liber 768, Page 165,
the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Liberman, no Liber or Page and the
southerly line of Filed Map 9145, 1,780 f feet to a point, said point being the
southwesterly corner of said Filed Map 9145 and the southeasterly corner of lands of now
or formerly Scott, Liber 1252, Page 358; thence running northeasterly along the westerly
line of said Filed Map 9145 and the easterly line of said lands of Scott, 300 f feet to a
point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said lands of Scott and a point on the
westerly line of said Filed Map 9145; thence running northwesterly along the northerly
line of said lands of Scott and the westerly line of said Filed Map 9145, 320 ± feet to a
point, said point being the northwesterly comer of lands of now or formerly Caputo,
Liber 1791, Page 403 and a point on the easterly line of Filed Map 7361; thence running
northeasterly along the westerly line of said Filed Map 9145, the easterly line of said
Filed Map 7361 and the easterly line of lands of now or formerly Souza Liber 1612, page
521, 680 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said lands of Souza
and a point on the westerly line of said Filed Map 9145; thence running northwesterly
along the northerly line of said lands of Souza, the northerly line of lands of now or
formerly Atkins, Liber 599, Page 595 and the westerly line of said Filed Map 9145, 450 t
feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said lands of Atkins and a
point on the easterly line of NY Route 91); thence running northwesterly crossing said
NY Route 9D, 80 t feet to a point, said point being on the westerly line of said NY Route
9D and also being the southeasterly corner of lands of now or formerly Allen, Liber
1087, Page 640; thence running northwesterly along the southerly line of said lands of
- Allen, the southerly line of lands of now or formerly Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817, the
northerly line of lands of now or formerly Reese, Liber 1213, Page 233, the northerly line
of lands of now or formerly Reese, Liber 507, Page 155 and the northerly line of lands of
now or formerly Hait, Liber 796, Page 416, 2,305 f feet to a point, said point being the
southerly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817, and the northwesterly corner
of said lands of Hait; thence running northeasterly along the southerly line of said lands
of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817, and the easterly line of lands of now or formerly Rey,
Liber 978, Page 401, 85 f feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said
lands of Rey and a point on the southerly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page
817; thence running northwesterly along the southerly line of said lands of Reese and the
northerly line of said lands of Rey, 200 ± feet to a point, said point being the
northwesterly corner of said lands of Rey and a point on the southerly line of said lands
of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817; thence running southwesterly along the westerly line of
said lands of Rey and the southerly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817, 85
f feet to a point, said point being a point in the westerly line of said lands of Rey and a
point in the southerly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, page 817; thence running
northwesterly along the southerly line of said Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817, the northerly
line of Connor Road, the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Kless, Liber 1531,
Page 170, and the northerly line of lands of now or formerly Hamilton, Liber 1377, Page
936, 360E feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of said lands of
Hamilton and a point on the easterly line of Creek Road; thence running northeasterly
along the easterly line of said Creek Road and the westerly line of said lands of Reese,
Liber 1233, Page 817, 580 ± feet to a point, said point being the northeasterly corner of
lands of now or formerly Reese, Liber 1252, page 540, and a point on the westerly line of
said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817; thence running southeasterly along the
northerly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817 and the southerly line of said
lands of Reese, Liber 1252, Page 540, 300 f feet to a point, said point being the
southeasterly corner of said lands of Reese, Liber 1252, page 540, and a point on the
northerly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817; thence running northeasterly
along the easterly line of said lands of Reese, Liber 1252, page 540 and the northerly line
of said lands of Reese, Liber 1233, Page 817, 100 f feet to a point, said point being the
northeasterly corner of said lands of Reese, Liber 1252, Page 540 and a point in the
westerly line of lands of now or formerly Town of Wappinger Recreation Park, Liber
412, Page 012; thence running northwesterly along the northerly line of said lands of
Reese, Liber 1252, Page 540, and the westerly line of said lands of Town of Wappinger
Recreation Park 325 f feet to a point, said point being the northwesterly corner of said
lands of Town of Wappinger Recreation Park and a point in the easterly line of said
Creek Road; thence running northeasterly along the easterly line of said Creek Road, the
northerly line of said Town of Wappinger Recreation Park, and the northerly line of lands
of now or formerly Lund, Liber 1926, Page 309, 910 f feet to the point or place of
And excluding there from all those certain lands that are otherwise within the described
boundary and situated in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, State of New York,
---- ---said-lands-being-bounded--and-desenbed-as-fol-lows=-------------------------__------------_.------_.---- .---._.-.__------. ----
➢ Tax map parcel 6258-04-793022 (Filed Map 3187, Lot 29, corner of All Angels
Hill Road and Edgehill Drive, 1 Edge Hill Drive, n/f White)
➢ Tax map parcel 6257-02-820976 (Filed Map 8160, Lot 1, corner of All Angels
Hill Road and Hilltop Drive, 229 All Angels Hill Road, n/f Desai)
➢ Tax map parcel 6257-02-828990 (Filed Map 8160, Lot 2, 5 Hilltop Drive, n/f
➢ Tax map parcel 6257-02-839998 (Filed Map 8160, Lot 3, 7 Hilltop Drive, n/f
➢ Tax map parcel 6257-02-949930 (Filed Map 4956, Lot 7, 16 Pye Lane, n/f