1989-09-14 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger
on September 14, 1989, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, to consider the Establishment
of the Wappinger Sewer Transmission District.
Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:30 P.M.
Irene Paino, Supervisor
Vincent Farina, Councilman
David Reis, Councilman
Constance Smith, Councilwoman
Robert Valdati, Councilman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Thomas Wood, Attorney
Joseph Paggi, Jr., Engineer
The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and
Publication duly signed and notarized.
The Minutes of this Hearing were recorded by Robin DiMichele, Senior
Court Reporter and are on file in the Town Clerk's Office under
subject matter.
OWA).. \,>1 SIA-MAILL,
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk
Southern Dutchess News
914 297-3723
NEW YORK - 12590
State of New York,
County of Dutchess,
Town of Wappinger.
Elisabeth Inacker of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York,
being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several
times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper
newspaper printed and published every Wednesday
in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New
York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly
published in the said newspaper for one weeks
successively in each week, commencing on the
...2 7. 'l day of 19 89 and on the
following dates thereafter, namely on
and ending on the 27th day of Sep .
190.9.. both days inclusive.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 27th day of September 19 89............. g..
Notary Public
My commission expires
# 14-.:t355902 (�
,'''1215 Page 798thence running nor -.9 Wappingers ' Libor 412 ' Page 012 ly 310 ±lfeet ' northwesterly 1417* ••
: • , 4thwesterly along the lands now or.ir.,.;and on the 'southerly line of now or ;7, feet, to a point, said point being In the ,
. • • ,
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the ',61, formerly pecillt, Libet 1215' 'Pa9e '11: formerly Village of Wappingers Falls;4;1southerly line of Widmer Road and
following Resolution was duly4.1,1„:4798,' 1000 ± feet to a point said point 4„therklOsoutheaaterlY 1 alOng ' lands T.Irthe northerly line of said Cranberry
' adopted by theTown Board of the ii3O,being the southwest corner of lands ..,'',.".1:now or formerly •Tpwri,fof Wapp.10-11111; liber,1746, Page 501; thence.
Town of Wappinger at a meeting ',
,Y,now or formerly Schouten,'Liber 770,1fingers: Liber 412, Page 012 and the 11. running northeasterly along said
held on the 17th day of August, 1989: '
' 099; ',; thence -runninehor, osoutherly line of said now or former.,:rridrner,Road and the northerly line
WHEREAS, The Town Board has '111thwesterly along the lands of now or ly Village of ,WappIngers Falls,11berqofsaId 'Crenberry Hills, fiber 1746,'..
previously ' authorized - the Town ' ',.
1*-- formerly Schouten, Liber 770, Page `,,1412:- Page f012;' 4180 t'tfeet-,,to a.Z, page 501,154 ± feet; thence leaving
Engineer to. study and prepare a
, ‘,il()99,-144 ± feet to a point said point -;.',. ..,pointP said /pointt, being • onJ the , iit-t.said '1Widmer . Road • and running
' ,,,
Map, Plan and Report with respect hr;'•itteing all the southwest' corner of, ,,-; ssoutherlY line of said lands a now along the northerly line of Cranberry
to the ''WAPPINGER ,. SEWER- /or
.,,..lands now or formerly .Kusukawa,,t+,4'or formerly Village 'of Wappingers,,:''Hills,•,lber 1748, Page 501 the follow -
TRANSMISSION DISTRICT, and • •f". -k Liber 1225,‘ Page 847; thence runn-14,Falls,iUben 412, page 012, and a ;1, Inn .1;:courses•q and distances;
WHEREAS, The Town Board has , ;:'ing northwesterly along the lands of !--.'„'point Int he lands now or formerly :rsoutheasterly,' 350 +' feet; • nor- ,
previously sought to be designated :r ,•
. now' or formerly' Kusukawa,' Libel*•,4•, Meyers; Liber 525, Page 247; thence , theasterly 552 1`•feet,' southeasterly :a
as Lead Agency In accordance with . n,,
SEOR, and ,',' . :. 1225, Page 847, 760 ± feet to a point, Y running aouthgeasterly along the -.:. 835* 'feet, norlheasterly 112* leet,
said point being on the southerly line r ' southerly line . of now or lormerly ... northeasterly , 175* feet, nor....,
WHEREAS, .the Town Board hs 01 of lands now or formerly Central . Village ofWappingers Falls, Liber •,• theasterly 308* feet, northeasterly li
• previously received the Engineer's ; Hudson Gas and Electric .Corpora- .i; 412, Page 012, and through the '' 490j leet, and northwesterly 32± .
Report entitled, "Proposed Wapp- -• tion, Liber 631, Page 480; thence - f. lands . of now or formerly Meyers, ', ' feet 10S point; said point being on
Inger Sewer Transmission Districr„, ". running northwesterly along the. ;-, i Liber 525, Pae 247 and lands now. the lhe southerly line of Widmer Road .,
and , r.,
• , lands of Central Hudson Gas and. or or formerly, VonBurg, Liber 1554, r• • and also being on the northerly line
... . .
WHEREAS, the Engineer to the , ,f, Electric Corporation, Liber 631, Pagel.t, page 704:to a point ssaid point be. ;-: of said Cranberry Hills Liber, 1764,
Town has filed with the Town Clerk, .' 41A80, 385 t feet 10 a point said point .1,7,,.. ing Inthe southerly line of now or p -Page :,,501; i'thence • leaving : the
his Map showing the boundaries a' ',:v,, being the southwest corner of lands*, formerly Village of WappIngerill;LIber l',.7./,'soultilrlY line of Widmer Road and . !I
the proposed District, and a general ' ti'k.riow or formerly LaPane, Liber1705;1,11.412; Page 012,' and a point In The ?;.runningSOuthewsterly... along . the
Plan for the District, and a Report of 4,,
F Page 461; thence running along the If!' lands of now or formerly 'VonBurg, i.•;; lands , nowor formerly Cranberry .:•
the proposed method of oepration,
lands now or formerly LaPane nor.,:.;! Liber 1554, page 704,- thence runn- ; .:Hills; Liber 1746, page 501; 1845*
and financing, and,describes thar•1.:-. '
. !:
'-'r-thwesterly,' Liber 1705, page 461, t 11. ing nonheasterly 460* feet through . feet to a point, said point being the ,) A
Easements to be acquired, etc., and. ,i--: 660 ± feet to a point, 'said point be- ' ',' the lands now or formerly,VonBurg, • southwest corner of Lot B, File Map ,
WHEREAS, the Engineer to the '', 'r•
-.., ing the northwest corner of lands ''',3 Liber 1554, ' Page 1704,',. crossing 1,',No. 5454 and the northerly line of. : ' soutneasterly along the tarn
Town has filed these plans with the'. r
: .. now or formerly LaPane, Liber 1705, South Avenue, through the following' i:said ;Cranberry • hills, Liber 1746, .. " R.E.8, W. Assoc., Liber 1454, F
Town Clerk of the Town of Wapp- :• -; Page 461; thence northeasterly ';';-• lands now or formerly LeGuillou, : YPage".." 501; thence • running ' • ," 0092, 145 I feet to a point, con'
Inger, and . ' - '' - 1 .:, u. along the lands now or formerly .i.!,Liber 914, Page 6" now or former- :-.; southeasterly 250 I feet to a point, ,,,•,‘, Ing northerly along landls of R
WHEREAS, annexed hereto and '
' . LaPane, - liber , 1705, Page • 461,-, ;,,:iy Amoia, Liber 1261, page 071, now !,...'said point being the southeast cor- , W. Assoc., Liber 1454, Page 0
made a part hereof, is a Schedule i'..,.1140 i' feet to a point said point be- ''; or formerly Latino, Liber 1657, Page :::...'ner of Lot B, File Map No. 5454 and 1 ' 't• 325 ± feet to a point, said point
"A" describing the metes and , '
..,,' ing the southeast corner of lands .',• 489 and now oPfOrmerly'JennIngs, 'F,ithe northerly line of said Cranberry "-,; ing the southwest corner of la
bounds 01 the proposed District, and.
'-',-, ' now or formerly Reese, Liber 441,i N;Liber 1282, Page 439 to a point, said 1",,,,Hills: Liber 1746, Pgae 501; thence , • now or formerly Johnson, Liber
. ,
WHEREAS, the maximum amount '; page 177; thence 'running ' norl'. point being on the southerly Inc of .'! running northeasterly along Lot B ') • Page 212,.' thence running '
proposed to be expended on the part,
' ..,•,,
.,'thwesterly along the lands of.Reese,;.p. lands now or formerly village of wan. ',i;JFile Map No, 5454 and the northerly ... thwesterly along ' said lands
of the new Wappinger Sewer ,y
Libor 441; Page 177, 883 t feet to.; .i pingara Fab, Liber 412, . Page 012, : line of said Cranberry hills, LIMN Johnson, Lbw 969, page 2122
Transmission District shall not ex -,"".c i' ' a Point said 'want being the southeast ',..•‘;r and also on the westerly line of ' 1746, Page 501, 110 ± feet to a '.%; feet to a point, said point being
ceed $6,058,002.00, and that said 4.. corner of lands now or formerly',Adams STreet; thence running nor- •,,:!point, said point being the southwest , . northwest corner of landis no
funds will be raised through the is-:- :44 Reese, Liber 441; Page 177;thence ';!' theasterly 345± feel crossing said . „roomer of Lot No. 103, File Map No, ' formerly Johnson, Liber 969, P
suance of a Municipal Bond, and - !k.1, running northwesterly along ' thel.:tg Adams Street and running through A3431 and a point ont he northerly line ; 212, 219 ± feet to a point, said p
WHEREAS, the Map, Plan and
` i.' lands of now or formerly Reese, Liber ; , the following lands now or formerly . , of said Cranberry Hills, Liber 1746, ' being the northwest corner 01 18
- !
Report are on file in theTown Clerk's ; -..441, Page 177, 390* feet to a point : ' Harlin, Liber 880, Page 431, now or r page 501; thence running along the -0 now or formerly Johnson, Liber I
Office and available for public in- • said point being the southwest cor-formerly Ruger, Liber 1897, Page i northerly line of said now or former. Page 212 and also being the poii
spection, and" '' • ' , ner of lands now or formerly Reese, • ., 344. nor or formerly Lopez, Liber ly Cranberry Hills, Liber 1746, Page , the southerly line of Maloney Ili
WHEREAS, the charges against ' . . Liber 441, Page 177, said point also ' 1697, Page 344 and now or former- ' .501' endthe southerly Inc of File thence running easterly along
the property owners located within being on the easterly line of Route • ly Lopez, Liber 1086, Page 060 to a • , Map No. 3431 the following courses southerly line of Maloney Road
said District will be made on ad ..,, go; thence ,running northeasterly point, said point being In the souther- i - and dislnces; southeasterly 189j the northerly line of Johnson, L
valorum basis, and ' , ''.' along lands now or formerly Reese s ly line of the Village of Wappingers ' - feet, southeasterly 285± feet, .. • 969, Page 212, 230± feet to a pi
WHEREAS, the Town Board has , and the easterly line of Routeo9D,,'• Falls and also onl he westerly line of .; southeasterly 184 ± . feet, aid point being the northeast co
circulated its notice of its intention to , I i : 500 * feet to a point ont he easterly ' , Ingalls Street' thence running nor- .. southeasterly 85 * , ' northeasterly' ' of lands now or formerly R:E. !
assume the position of the Lead , . . line of Route 90; thence running nor- .• theasterly 330 t feet crossing said .. 332 t feet, northwesterly 116* feet„ Assoc., Liber 1454, Page 0(
Agency, and
'.•'..'thwesterly crossing said Route 9D to ,, .Ingalls Street and running through ; 7 and • northeasterly 71 t - feet to a thence running easterly along s
.' t .. ,' .:, - '. I
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT '.41,; a point said point being the southeast :" the following lands now or formerly. Point, said point being ont he nor- ,' Maloney Road 325 t feet to a pc
RESOLVED that 1110 Town Board -; corner of lands now or formerly Walz, ',?'' MencOneri. Liber 1371, Page 761, - therly line of ; now or formerly ,: : said point being northwest corn(
- shall conduct a Public Hearing with . ''Liber 1701, Page 040; thence runn- 2 now or formerly Menconerl, Libel:' Cranberry Hills, Liber 1746, Page W.I.H. Assoc., Liber 1531, Pagel
respect to the proposed establish- , •.• ing northwesterly along the lands of : 1371, Page 767 and now or former- .: 1501 and the southeast corner of Lot - thence running easterly air
ment of the Wappinger Sewer'T.,. 'Walz, Liber 1701, pqage 040;230 v.1„ ly Wappingers, • Central School :,.. No. 29, File Map No. 3431; thence ' Maloney Road, 919 ± feet ti
Transmission District and said Public L.', , feet to a point said point being the , District to a point, said point being on ' ' running nonheasterly along Lots 29, • ppoint, said point being the north(
Hearing will be held on the 14th day , southeast corner of lands now or , the southerly line Of Maple Street •,? 28, 27, 28, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, I - corner of lands now or form
of September, 1989 at 7:30 P.m. at . ''. formerly Reese, Liber 441, Page 177; : also ont he southerly line of now or. , .18, 17, 16, 15,14, 13, 5, 4, and Lot W.I.H. Liber 1531. page 818; the
the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, .. asterly along said Malo
,r thence northwesterly along landls of ',. formerly Village of Wappingers Falls -'. No. 1.; 2303 ± feet to a point, said running e
Wappingers Falls, New York, and '. ,, now or, formerly Reese, Libor 441; ;'.. and also being a Point int he norther- i. point being the southeast corner of ,. Road, 1725 ± feet to a points
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that -.4" Page 177, 840 ± feet ' to the ' ly line of Wappingers Central School ,.,;Lot No.. 1, File Map No. 3431 and , point being a point ont he south.
the Map, Plan and Report filed !, .
., southwest corner of lands now or ' ?; District; thence running southeaster- 1,r also being on the northerly line of ' line of Maloney Road and on
herein shall be availabale for public ..; formerly Reese, Liber 441; Page 177;, ., ly along Inc southerly line oI .said ‘'• • „now , or formerly Cranberry Hills,. , :westerly line of lands now or torn
inspection in the Office of the Town .' -,I thence ' continuing ,northeasterly.', Maple Street and along the norther- i.,, Libor 1746, Page 501; thence runn- . ly Consolidated Rail Corporafi
Clerk during business days between. .‘-;• along said lands Reese, Liber 441,%--,t: ly line of lands now or formerly Wan-. • 1 Mg northeasterly 131.8 to a point, -. Liber 1666, page 184; thence Is
8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., and : :, Page 177, 1600± feet to a point said . :',.Inger Central School District 560 i - I -.. Said point being the
THAT A COPY OF THIS Order and . '1(
:',i of lands nw Or . formerly D'Amico:, the southerly line of Village of Wap- :.1' being on the southerly 'line of said ' &Mated Rail Corporation 278
point being et the southwest corneyt feet to a point, said point beinv on ''',!-of Lot No, 1, File Map No. 3431, also • along the westerly line ofC
northeast corner 4. - ing said Maloney Road and run
complete itemization of the metes' af'i Libor 1647, Page 084; thence runn,...3±,; pingers Falls and on the westerly line il Widmer, Road and. being the nor- - feet to a point, said point being
and bounds description of said',
4 ;Inc; northeasterly along lands now or',..iir of now or formerly Wappingers Cen.,,Ithwest 'comer; thence running nor- northeasterly comer of landss nov
District shall be published at least, i.!. formerly D'Amico, Liber 1647; Page ..:‘44 tral School District; thence running 1!•',. theasterly•along the southerly line of , formerly Pent Liber 1701, Page 2
once in the official newspaper of the . , 084, 194 * feet to a point said point i •'-, northeasterly along the southerly line ;':WidmerRoad and the northerly line thence running southerly along
Town not less than len (10), no more :""" being the southwest corner of lands, of now or formerly Village of Wapp-.'4!'.'cif said,.now or formerly Cranberry lands of Peni, Liber 1701, Page 2
than twenty (20) days before the date ,*., now or formerly' Zoich, Litter 1035, ':,.., ingers FalLs, and the westerly line of,. ' . Hills, Libor 1746, Page 501 1350 i 3665* feet to a point, said point
set herein for the Public Hearing and .:.', Page 008; - thence 'running ' nor--..' said now. or formerly . Wappingers' feet to a point, said point being the - mg the southeast comer of ler
be it further ressoNed, that the. theasterly along the lands of w or'ir,- Central School District, 385 ± feet to! aouthwest corner of lands now or -Y,r now or formerly Pent Uber '17
Town Clerk shall post said Resole -7' kformady zoios,i. Libor 1035, - .
.I a point said point being the nor- formerly Roll, Liber 1691, Page 846, . „Page 262 and being on the nortt
lion and Notice of Public Hearing on •,; ,,,, 006, 227* feet to a point sald 7
the official Pasting Board of the Town ' ;, thwest comer of land* now or forrner- , and also being on the southerly (Inc ! ly line of Didefi Road; thence cro
*bei the southwest comer of I ,; ly Wappingers Central 'School, CIS Widmer Road;thence running nor- Ing saki Didell Road and maga(
of Wappirwr, and - ' ., :,',.• now or frwmerly CiOinti. Ube; 11324 flistrint and the southerly line of said
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ,,k, page theasterfir along • the 'lands now or IF.: the northeast corner of lands nom
186; thence , running nor,r, now or formerly Village of Wane, , '. formerly FM Lmer len; page am W....wry ww.....,,,......... ''.
.1'•il.• " ' . the Town Board does hereby declare
Itself to be the Lead AGency with ,.
., ',!' theasterly along lands now or MrmertA• ingers i Falls;' -4 thence, running. and the southerly line of said Widmer i• ,:: tiltcs1 leilltriLard7350
the±f fittillorlyaline
'',' ly Goins, liber 1232, Page 186, 150 t ') , southeasterly along the southerly line ;'.', Road, '160 ± feet, to a point, said
r, i: /'" respect to this matter pursuant 10 6 ' feet to a point said point being the '' ofsaid now or formerly Village of ,'. point being the southwest corner of , ,.:,said point being the northwest c
NYCRR Part 617.6. - , northwest corner of lands now or t Wappingers ' Falls 535 ± ' feet to a - lands now or formerly Riccioudi,:i ii.ner of lands now or formerly Sab
BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD formerly Goins and also being a point . -,i• point, said point being the northeast Liber 1597, Page 536 and also be-114Liber 1717; page 579; thence rur
. TOWN OF WAPPINGER •,'westerly along the south
.., ont he southerly line of New Ham -;;;-comer of lands now or formerly Wap. Ing on the southerly line of said4,;1-,r Ing north
. ,
r burg Road; • thence '.: running , .• rangers Central School District and ' .. Widmer Road; thence running nor- i,.:,ly IncIof Didell Road, 395j feet
t, 1 OWN CLERK ':..- -
- th.,,SOUtheasterly along the southerly ^..4being a point ont he westerly line of „, theaSterly along the lands now or f,.. a POint, Said point being the n
T ,,
, ' ' ' ;4' r r . ' ' . F.t,..4c said New Hamburg Road and along:1., lands now or•fOrrnerly Town of Wag. r„:', formerly Riccioudi, Liber 1597, Page .1 thwest calmer of lands now Or Wm
• . DISTRICT ' , BOUNDARY .-i.: lands now or formerly Gains, Liberi.,: pingers,,l-q•liber1290, • Page 90 ;,r,: , 536 and the southerly line of Widmer ;:illy Sabla4Liber-1822, :Page 41
DESCRIPTION ' . " ' : -,,..r.,
'' 1;.-='0232, Page 186, 100 ± feet to a point,., ;thence running northeaSterly along ' ..• , Road,. 150*- feet to .a .point, said :.,Tthencr running northeasterly air,
• ies?-said point being the northeast cOrner‘i!• -lands now oflormerly Town ol Wap. ., • point being the northwest -corner of the southerly line 'of Didell Rol
TRANSMISSION DISTRICT ‘' '-' '• , 'IA.. of lands now or formerly Goins and, ,-'!"zpInger,;Ubet,A290,'.,Page. 905 and . ' , Norl if13',i7AtREfictftf951iiY figtrIWYRIAlkitl%44184111-'444rtY)AVROICW. ands now or formerly Sung, liber;
:':,, 307 t feet to a point, said point 1
Ifni AVM i A ,-•-, 1 9P fj192.4D.-91*Ld?.? i?eiTrhl .: 'i'..r_mIng. the........n?irPoer ItccTlis ,Vaond? sor!
corner of Lot No. 13, File Map No. . ' lands now iv formerly Rey. Liber 978, t ly along lands„ a Lnow; or formerly, . 1792, Page 390 and also being in the „rile ap No.neEle, 15± met
- 2956; thence running southwesterly 4 page 401;. ' thence running , '' Boma,' Liber 1458, Page 832,:, center line of a stream; thence run- i, point said point being the southv
• along " the line of Lots :, 1 -
`Tr southwesterlf along lands now or .; 2265 t feet to a point, said point be,. nIng southerly along said stream .. corner of lands of now or form
13,14,15,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and Lot No. ‘.., formerly Rey, Liber 978, page 401, .,; ing the southwest corner of lands 1240* feet to a point said point be- .,•, vest, Liber 1201, page 495; thr
8, 1287 t feet to the southeast cor-%
.1.,100 ± feet to a point, said point be- pnow or fortnerly 'Cranberry Hillsing a stream intersection and a point • running northwesterly along the I
ner of Lot No. 8, File Map No. 2956; ,4„. !,•ing ont he southerly line of lands now I, Libel; 1746, Page 501 point also be-.. . Into lands now or formerly Red(, Leber of Vest, 277 ± feel to a point, i
thence running nonhwesterly along t, ; or formerly Reese, Liber 1233, Page „,. Ing on the easterly line of said Village: ' 1792, Page 390; thence running nor-, point being the southwest corns
the , lines of - Lots , 817; thence ' running northwestrly :', of Wappingers Fallas; thence runn-. , therly along a stream and through ' lands now or formerly Driscoll, L.
8,9,10,11,16,15,14,13,12, and Lot • , along lands now or formerly Reese, • '.,ing northwestertY. , leaving said the tans of Melero, Liber 1594, Page 789, Page 048; thence running 1
No. 11, File Map No. 2956, 1167 + ...l
, Liber 1233, Page 817, 370 ± feet to :1 Village of Wappingers Falls and run-',. 547 and Bala, Liber 1570, Page 031 thwesterly along the land of Oast
, feet to a point, said point being the,,, a point said point' being the .4 fling along the lands now or former-' to a point, said point beim] - ', , 187± feet to a point, said point
. • southwesterly corner of lands now or 'i; southwest corner of lands ' now or , ly Cranberry Hills,' Liber 1746, Page ' in the southerly line of Route 376; r
•,,,, Ing the southwest corner of la
formerly Osborne, Liber 1432, Page formerly Fleese, Liber 1233, • Page '.I:s 501, 2115 ± feel to a point, said poin1. thence running northeasterly cross- ,:. now or formerly Morley, Liber 1E
772; thence running northwesterly ,'.11 817; and said point also being on.,.'4 being on ,lhe westerly (Ine of said ; in Route 376 to the southwest cot.' • ! page' 722;- thence 'running i
along lands of Osborne; Liber 1432, '
''.' easterly line of Creek Road; thence -.1; Cranberry Hills, ' Liber 1746, Page ner of lands now or formerly Stoetzet ,A,thwesterly along the land of Mor
'., Page 772, 11340 * feet to a point said 4, running northeasterly along lands ‘':,•;- 501 and to southerly line of Cedar' Libor 1484, Page 340; thence runn- •
i.,., Liber 1618, Page 722, 165 t fee
point being the southwesterly Cornell 1,:; new or formerly Reese and aWo the ''•';' Lana' thence running northeasterly i Ing northeasterly along the lands of , a point said - point being
.: of lands now or formerly (Death Cer-1."" easterly line ' of said Creek Road '4 along the ssoutherly line of Ceder, now or formerly Stoetzel, Liber 1484, ' southwest corner 01 (110 lands
'',.' -
' falcate 03-12-1984) Colwenberg„, : ; 643 i feet to a point and point being . 'Lane 76 * feet to a point, said point:, ' Page 340, 1340 t feet to a point, Moreley. Libor 953, rage 0
860 ± feet to a point,'said point be- '', the southwest corner of lands now or it' being ont he aoutherly line of said: said point being the southwest cor- thence running Northwesterly ak
ing the southwesterly corner of lands -Ili formerly Reese, Libel 1252, page :TCedar Lane and ont he westerly line ner of landis now or formerly ,' the tans of Moreley, Liber 953, Pi
now or formerly Becker; Liber 1621, ' 540 and also on the easterly line of , of said Cranberry Hills, Liber 1746,' LaRotondz, Liber 1613, Page 0855; ; 089, 143 t feet to a point, said pi
Page 173; thence • nonhwesteriy ,t1 said Creek Road; thence nor. f Page 501; thence running along the thence running nonheasterly along '4- being the southwest corner of lai
along lands now or formerly Becker; '. theasterly along lands nw or former- , . lands ofCranberry hills, the following -i . 'the lands of LaRotondz, Liber 1613 now or formerly Beaudway, Libe
Liber 1621, Page 173, 390feet to ..1 ly Reese, Liber 1252,'Page 540 and - E•courses and..distnces; ssoutherly Page 0855, 760 ± feet to a point, .., Beaudwway, Liber 829, page 4
a point said point being at the .„',;: along the easterly line of said Creek , '. easterly 207,t feel southeasterly; said point being the.northeast corner i' 83 ± feet to a point, said_point be
' 5. southwesterly corner of lands now or .t,., Road 100 feet 10,a point; said point ' 4-96* feet, northeasterly 440* feet,) of Lot No., 9, pile Map No, 3983; the southeasterN line of Fife Map 1
,.. .: formerly Gobbi, Liber 815 page 073; :..i..: being the southwest corner of lands '-1....northwesterly . 835 * feet, ' nor -,1 thence running northeast corner of ' ,' 7102; thence running along File k
,,,,.`,, .' ., thence running northwesterly along : ,i now or formerly Town of Wappinger, 7:., theasterly 261,t, feet, northwesterly ;' . Lot No. 9, File Map No. 3913; thence 4 No' , 7102, 3980* feet to a po
;!... the lands of Gobbi, Liber 315, Page 6_7,:,, Liber 412, page 012 and also being '1,: 88 t" feet and northwesterly 210 t i running nortwesterly along the "
thence.,,, running through the land:
1,1 41.; ,
073, 200 ± feet to a point, said point i a point onthe easterly:side ofsaid -.': feet to a point, said point being onts southwesterly line ol (ands now or lfShort, Liber 1131, page 041, 831
qr.', -:{i,;, feet to a point, said point being
,.i• being in the southerly line of Lot No. ' " Creek. Road; thence running nor. ri;. he northerly' line ofsaid Cranberry, lormerly R.E. & W . Associates, liber .
3:?.1 4,1
• .
. 3, F le Map No. 7275; thence runn- 4F theasterly along lands now or former- ;; Hills, Luber Page 501 and be 1454, Page 0092, 545 t feet to a` f
• southeast corner of lands now
Ing southwesterly along the lands of , T-
ly ,Town - olWappingers ' and the A' M
Ing on the southerly line of Widmer' point, said point being the northwest
Lot No. 3, 1460 + feet to a point said ',..4. easterly side said Creek Road 7; Road; thence running northeasterly • COMM' of Lot No. 7B, File Map No2. i., lomierly Short; thence running ak
,n. the lands of short, Liber 1131, Pe
point being the southwest coiner of ••••,.• 680 ± feet to a point said point be,' '1," along the southerly line of Widmer: 3913; thence running northeasterlz !!'' 041, 790 ± feet to a point, said pc
,.i,.! T. Lot No. 3, File Map No:7275; thence '..i ing the southwest corner of lands • 4- Road and the: northerly , line of: along lands noww or formerly R.E. being northwesterly corner of Stu
,•.!: . running northwesterly along the ,•4, now or formerly Lupparelli and also --f Cranberry hills, Libor 1746, Page: W. Associates, Liber 1454, page 1' Liber 1131, page 041, said point
lands of Lot No. 3, Fite Map No....:, being . on the easterly line of said i/,•501,180t ' feet to a point; thence 0092; thence running northwesterly i being the southwest corner of la
7275, 480* feet to a point, said point ' ::": Creek Road;:thence northeasterly ' leaving said Widmer Road and run -i along the lands of R. E.11, W. ' now or formerly Fredrick, Liber 18
being the southwest corner of Lot , ," _along lands now or formerly Lep., 4. ning along the northerly line ot' Associates Liber 1854, Page 0092, !' Page 358; thence running along 1
No. 1, File Map No. 7275; thence e" pareili and said 'Creek Road 235 ± ' '` Cranberry Hills, Liber 1746. Page 303± feet to a point said point be- •'Iandls of Fredrick, Libor 1824, pa
running northwesterly along the ' teat to a point said point being the .. 501 the following courses and • Ing ont he easterly line of New '356, 1340 ± feet to a point, said pc
Lands of Lot No. 1 File Map No. northwesterly corner of now or ' distances; southeasterly 235 t feet,' Hackensack Heights Road; thence - being the sutheaat comer ofFile IV
: . , , • ; :-.. 7275, 460* feet to a point said point formerly Lupparelli and a point on the -nonheasterly 65± feet. southeaster- running northerly along lands of N°' 3795; .thence runni
being the southwesterly corner of said point being the northwest cor- . ly 25 ± feet, northeasterly 276* feet WEI, W. Associates Libor 1454, - southewesterly along File Map 1 f4,' .,,-, ,f-- Lands now or formerly Pacilli, Liber ' net of lands lower formenyT9wn of ,:, dpiyaredyMu 183* feet nonhwester-:. Page 0092, 785 ± leet to a point, .F9§, 1080±
- .feet to .point, s.