1989-05-01 RGMAGENDA TOWN BOARD TOWN OF WAPPINGER MAY 1, 1989 1. SUPERVISOR CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG 3. ACCEPT MINUTES: Spec. April 13th - Reg. April 3, 1989 4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: T/Justices (3-1) Rec. of Taxes (3-1) Sup/Compt (March) Hydrant report, March & April: Bldg. Insp. & Zng. Adm.(3-1) 5. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS N./a. T/W Ping. Bd. re: Positive Declaration Notice of intent to prepare DEIS for Alpine Co., Notice of Public Hearing & Consent that T/W Ping. Bd. serve as Lead Agency Vb. Notice of Public Hearing from T/Pk on Zng. Ord. Amendment c. Petition from Chas. May, P.C., with request for discussion ons Expansion of Mid Point Pk Sewer District ✓ d. Thos. Bartush, Hearthsonte Dr. re: illegal dumping & suggestion for Street light to deter perpetrators e. Jermone Cauda, Note of Appreciation to K. Croshier, H. Supt. ./ f. Comments from T. Logan, Assessor, re: various proposed State Legislation regarding Real Property Taxes, etc. g. Reports & recommendations from J. Paggi, P.E.,Eng. to Twn: (1) Bojman drainage, Valley Rd., 0%2) Recreation Bldgs at Robinson Lane, '13) Proposed town Salt Storage Facility (Highway), and (4) Notice to T/Bd of scheduled Field Test for Pizzagalli Booster Station on 5/11/89 ✓ h. Recreation Commission request permission to use $1,500± of Schlathaus Funds to fix light on Flag Pole at Schlathaus Park, etc. or i. Justine C. Winters, Principal, requesting permission to hold a "Myers Run Against Drugs" on May 6, 1989 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. RESOLUTIONS or a. J. Railing, P.E., requesting water service for lands of J. O'Neil b. J. Montfort - re: accept deed for Cedar Hill Rd. Easement c. Term expires for H. Stoller as Member of Recreation Comm. (5/1/89) d. Consider reappointment of T. Logan as Sole Assessor (9/89) 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Drainage complaints a. J. Paggi, P. E., Eng. to Twn, response to additional Sucich Place/ b. Paul Palmateer re: extension of T/Water Service for his second lot 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT REMINDER: Public Hearing on Atlas Water District at 7:00 P.M. L 89 The Regular Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on May 1st, 1989 at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Supervisor Paino opened the meeting at 10:17 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Thomas Wood, Attorney Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer A Public Hearing was held earlier this evening on the proposed Establishment of the North Wappinger Water District and although the Town Board did not plan on considering taking action on this matter tonight, the residents of that area who attended the Hearing requested the Board to vote against the proposal. The residents expressed their opinion that it was not the concept of the Town buying the system that they objected to but rather the fact that the present users of Atlas Water System were being charged the bulk of the assessment and operation and maintenance charges for a service they already had without the additional cost. Those in other districts of the Town apparently needed the water and their bill was considerably less. MRS. PAINO moved to reject the proposed Establishment of the North Wappinger Water District, as presented, but not precluding the concept of purchasing the water system at a future date pending the reevaluation of distribution of cost to the involved districts. Seconded by Mr. Farina Motion Unanimously Carried Mrs. Paino explained that there could, in the distant future, be the opportunity for further negotiations and in the event it appeared to be more acceptable, then a public hearing would be held for the residents to again voice their opinion. 90 MR. REIS moved to adjourn the meeting to Thursday, May 4th, 1989 at 7:30 P.M. Seconded by Mrs. Smith Motion Unanimously Carried This action was taken due to the lateness of the hour because of the Public Hearing. MR. REIS moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:18 P.M. Reg. Mtg. 5/1/89 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk AGENDA TOWN BOARD TOWN OF WAPPINGER MAY 1, 1989 adjourned meeting MAY 4, 1989 1. SUPERVISOR CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG ACCEPT MINUTES: April 3, 1989 Reg. - April 13th Special 4. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: T/Justices Rec. of Taxes Sup/Compt Bldg. Insp. Zng. Adm. (all March) Hydrant report, March & Ap=i1 5. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS a. T/W Plnng. Bd. re: Positive Declaration Notice of Intent to prepare DEIS for Alpine Co., Notice of Public Hearing, & Consent that T/W Ping. Bd. serve as Lead Agency b. Notice of Public Hearing from T/PK & T/LaGrange on Zng Ord. Amendments c. Petition from Chas. May, P.C., with request for discussion on, Expansion of Mid Point Pk. Sewer district d. Thos. Bartush, Hearthstone Dr. re: illegal dumping & Suggestion for Street light to deter perpetrators e. Jerome Cauda, Note of Appreciation to K. Croshier, H. Supt. f. Comments from T. Logan, Assessor, re: various proposed State Legislation regarding REal Propety Taxes, etc. g. Reports & Recommendations from J. Paggi, P.E.,Eng. to Twn.: (1) Bojman drainage, Valley Rd., (2) Recreation Bldgs at Robinson Lane (3) Proposed Town Salt Storage Facility (Highway), and (4) Notice to T/Bd of scheduled Field Test for Pizzagalli Booster Station 5/11 h. Recreation Commission request permission to use $1,500± of Schlathaus Funds to fix light on Flag Pole at Schlathaus Park, etc. i. Justine C. Winters, Principal, requesting permission to hold a "Myers Run Against Drugs" on May 6, 1989 j. Herman Osten request Town adopt Ordinance in order to erect "NO Littering" signs along various Town and County Roads k. Request from Wappinger Central School District to use 8 T/W Voting Machines for Budget vote May 24th * * * * * * 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. RESOLUTIONS a. J. Railing, P.E., requesting water service for lands of John O'Neil b. J. Montfort - re: accept Deed for Cedar Hill Rd. Easement c. Term expires for H. Stoller as Member of Recreation Comm. 5/1 d. Consider reappointment of T. Logan as Sole Assessor 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS +c a. J. Paggi, P.E.,Eng. to Town, response to additional Sucich Place Drainage complaints b. Paul Palmateer re: extension of T/Water Service for his second Lct c. Consider accepting renewed Letter of Credit from G & S Properties 9. NEW BUSINESS 10. ADJOURNMENT *** Added to this agenda A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 1, 1989, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, with respect to the proposed Establishment of the North Wappinger Water District. Supervisor Paino opened the Hearing at 7:02 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Vaidati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Councilman Farina arrived at 7:06 P.M. Others Present: Thomas Wood, Attorney Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized and attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing. Philip Stillerman, Registered Professional Reporter, recorded the Minutes of the Hearing and the original transcription is on file at the Town Clerk's Office under subject er. Lig Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk RESOLUTION IEREAS, The Town Board has iip ously authorized the Town T seer to study and prepare a out (\ rj7 77 n A [`I lel^) 1 A tT,- Plan and Report with respect a Atlas Water System and the isilion by the Town of said n System, Its wall lields and; button lacllilies, and -1EREAS, the Town Board has received the Engineer's Report led, "Proposed North Wepp- r Water District", and ' HEREAS, the Engineer to the n has Illed with the Town Clerk, I dap showing Ms boundaries of troposed District, and a general 1 tar the District, and a Report of 1-., proposed method of operationI _ • ,4--.1'^^..^ : ' r l r• ,4'• 11rin'r t5 linanclltgr end that said Plan, Lasko -Alexander Property" on Isle In courses and.,. dletanoes: shows the source of the water .the Oulche99 County Clerks Office • South 39° 18' 00" West 92.40 ply, describes the land to be ac• as Map Number 3107; thence leas feel, South 70° 34' 00" West 14.20 ad, etc., and tHEREAS, the Engineer Io the rn has Med these plans wllh the • mClerk. pi the Town ol Wapp- Ir, an /FIEF' annexed 116,610 end . to 8 sreof, Is a Schedule rg the metes and nd 8 'reposed District, and /H the maximum amount to be expended on the part he new North Wappinger Water hid shall not exceed .0,000.00, and that said funds will raised through the Issuance of a nicipal Bond, and YHEREAS, the Map, Plan and ort are on File in the Town Clerk's ice and available for public tn- Klion, and NHEREAS, the charges against properly owners located within d District will be made on a benefit tesament basis, and NHEREAS, the Town Board is Ih ly agency Involved with improving s project, and for the purposes of :ORA will thus be the Lead Agen- and WHEREAS, an Environmental isessment Form has been spared and Is part of the iglneer'a Report, and is available ' public inspection, NOW THEREFORE, BE ' IT _SOLVED !hal the Town Board all conduct a Public Hearing with spec) to the proposed establish - ant of the North Wappinger Water strict and said Public Hearing will t held on the 1st day o1 May, 1989, 7 p.m. at the Town Hall, 20 Mid. ebush Road, Wappingers Falls, ew York, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ,e Map, Plan and Report filed ,rein shall be available for public in - section in the Office of the Town lerk during business days between :30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m- and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copy of this Order and complete emlzation of the metes and bounds ascription of said District shall be ublisheo 01 least once in the official ewsp ' the Town not less than to more than Twenty (20) ay he date set herein for se oaring and B •THER RESOLVED that ha Town Clerk shall post said leaolution and Notice of Public Hearing on the othinafP osdv1g-BrWd,. Nine Town of Wappinger, and '1 {- BEE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pate.. Interested and in being on both the Environmental Form and the proposed District Establishment, should be present 81 the aforementioned date and time to be heard, and ' • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board does hereby declare hell to be the Lead Agency with respect to this matter pursuant to 8 NYCRR, Pen 617,6. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF WAPPINGER BY: ELAINE SNOWDEN -TOWN CLERK North Wappinger Water District • District Description Beginning at a point said point be- ing al the northeast corner of Lol Number 1 as shown on a Map entitl- ed "Wildwood Forest -Section 2, fil- ed Map Number 3431 and Section 2A" on file In the Dutchess County Clerks Office as Map Number 3431, sald point also being on the southerly line of Widmer Road; thence leaving said northeast corner and running along the southeasterly line of said Subdivision the lollowing courses end distances: South 17° 24' 00" West 131.85 beet, South 55° 55' 50" West ,1,893.63 feet, South 52° 49' 10" West 717.06 feet, South 19° 10' 10" East 118.00 teal and South 56° 55' 20" West 332.29 feet to a point be - Ing the southerly rrosl corner of said Subdivision, said point also being the southerly corner of Lot Number 67; th aving said corner and run- nin the southwesterly and me of said Subdivision the :ourses and distances: 3° 20' 50" West 647.75 57° 35' 50" West 207.53 31° 02' 10" Eas11,738.10 feet' rint being the northwester- ly corner o1 the herein. described Subdivision, said point also being the northwest corner o1 Lot Number 86, 914 297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET --WAPPINGERS FALLS NEW YORK - 12590 Ing said common corner and runn- feel, South 38° 01' 00 Wesl 91.88 . Ing along the westerly line of Bald FIF feel, South 34° 28' 00" West 74.38 ad Map Number 3107 North 52. 64' , feet and South 38. 32',00" West 40" West 790.65 feel to a point be- ; ,190.48 feet to a point being .the Ing the westerly corner of said Filed southerly corner of said Lol Number't Map, sald point also being the . 8, said 'point also • being. the southeast corner .01 Lands now or ° soulheeNarly Corner of Lot Number formerly Gunson, Liber 1355, Page 33 as shown on a Map entitled "Map ' 309; thence leaving said common - 01 Subdivision of Meadow Heights 1 corner and running along the on file in the Dutcheaa County Clerks . southerly line of said Gunson end the iOfflce as Map Number 3051; thence 1 southerly Ione . of Lands now or ,leaving said common corner and formerly Crane, Liber 1756,. Page _ .continuing along the northerly line of 484, and the aoutherty and westerly said New Hackensack Road to a line of Other Lands o1 Crane, Libor ' point being the southwest corner Of 1587, Page • 257 the following sald Subdivision, said point also be courses and distances: Ing the southwest corner. oI Lot South 820-19' 20" West 108.24, ' Number 1 as Shown thereon; thence South 82° 05' 00" West 108.24 feet, , leaving said northerly road line and South 82° 05' 00" West 134.00 and , said southwesterly corner and runn- North 37° 55' 00" West 251.30 feet' ! Ing along the westerly line of said said point being the westerly corner : Subdivision 'the ,lollowing courses.) of said Crane, said point also being and distances: : • • on the southerly line of New Hacken-' ' North 34° 44' 00" West 152.30 sack Road; thence leaving said nor- ,;feel, North 37° 02' 00" West 79.22 thwesterly corner and crossing said , feel, North 34° 34' 00" Weal 115.67 Hackensack Road and running to the feel, North 31° 33' 00" West 158.13 southwesterly corner of Lands now feet, North 37° 57' 00" West 82.79 or formerly the Town of Wappinger : feel, North 28° 02' 00" West 92.57 as described In Liber 1401, Page feet, North 34° 47' 00' West 68.79 344, said point also being on the nor• ' feel, North 38° 00' 00" West 62.70 1 therly line of Hackensack Road; ! feel, and North 34° 04' 00'1 West 1 thence leaving said northerly road,77.31 feel to a, point being on the line and running aloe the westerly westerly line oI Lot Number 8, said point also being the easterly corner of Lot Number 17, Block Bag shown on a Map entitled "Quiet Acres" on 1 Isle In the Dutchess County Clerks 011lco as Map Number 2938; thence leaving said westerly line of Lot Number 8 and said easterly corner and running along the southerly Ione of said Lol Number •17 and the southeasterly Ione of said Map Number 2938 the following courses and distances: South 50° 13' 10" West 155.72 -feel, South 12° 52' 50" East 27.65 feel, South 50° 00' 00" Weal 333.10 (gel, South 50.62' 00" East 100.28 feel, South 02. 06' 00" East -50.52 leg), South 18° 40' Do" West 162.14 feel, South 04.34' 00" East 112.87 • feel, South 21. 14' 00" East 250.38. feel to a point being the southeast corner of Lot Number 1, said point also being on the northerly line of said New Hackensack Road; thence il • leaving said southeasterly corner Ilne of said Town of utaFpinger the lollowing courses and distances; Nonh 49° 51' 40" West 43.14 feet, North 56° 17' 50" West 159,18 feet, ; North 72° 39' 20" West 128.91 feet, North 55° 35' 50" West 23.73 feet, North 58° 43' 30" West 12.88 feel, North 67° 52' 30" West 24.61 feel, North 80° 48' 50" West 65,33 feel, North 50° 16' 30" West 51.78 feel and North 80° 52' 20" West 35+ feet to a point being on the souther- ly bank of the Wappinger Creek, said point also being on the westerly Ione of Lol Number 10 • Block A as shown on a Map entitled "Quiet Acres" on r file in the Dutchess County Clerks Office as Map Number 2938; thence leaving said northwesterly corner and running along the westerly line of Lot Number 10 and the westerly line o1 Lot Numbers 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Block A along said creek bank to a point be - Ing at the northerly corner of Lot Number 20; thence leaving said nor- therly corner and running along the northerly lone of said Lot Number 20 South -37° 30' 00' 4 East:14i+ lot W a point being the easterly corner of sald Lot Numbr 20 said OM also being on the northerly 9aa sl Helen Drive; thence leavktg said easterly corner and running alor �. sold nor.' therly road line North 53°' 30' 00" East 50.00 feel to a point being the southerly corner of Lol Number -33; - thence leaving said northerly road line and said southerly corner and running along the southwesterly lone of said Lol Number 33 North 37° 30' 00" West to the southerly corner of a parcel identified by Tax Grld No. 6158.02.753881 of said parcel • (6158-02.753881) feel; thence runn- ing along the southeasterly and nor- theasterly line to a point being the westerly corner of Lot -Number 32; thence leaving said corner and run- point being the northerly corner of I ning along the northerly lone of said,,. said Lol Number 114, said point also Lot Number 32 and Lot Numbers 31,E being the northerly corner oI the 30 and 29 North 47° 41' 00" East herein described Subdivision; thence 340.00 feet to a point being the nor- • leaving said northerly corner and therly corner of said Lot Number 29, running along the easterly line ol said ; the westerly corner of Lot Number 28 Subdivision the lollowing courses and the southerly corner of Other and dlatanmu:. " ' •'• ' Lands of the Town of Wappinger as South 27. 51' 30" East 199.37 described in Liber 1244, Page 757; Si Net, North 57. 85' 30" East 170,07 thence leaving said common corner u feel, South 27. 49' 20" East 419.55 and running along the southwester- feet, South 24.37' 00" East 259.29 ly line of said Town of Wappinger fest, South 26° 52' 30" Eas1448.73 North 42° 19' 00" Wes! 417.00 feel Net, South 14° 47' 60" West 409.00 ' to a point being the northwesterly feel to a point being the easterly oar - corner of said Town of Wappinger,, icier of Lot Number 55, said point abo , said point also being in the centerline, ' being the northeast corner o1: Lot of the Wappinger Creek; thence leas- Number 2 as shown on a Map entitl- ing said northwesterly corner and ' ed "Two -Lot Subdivision Map of running along said Creek centerline Lands of Trojan Homes" on fife in the the following courses and distances: Dutchess County Clerks Office as North 39° 00' 00" East 04.00 feet, Map Number 5653; thence leaving ' North 30° 00' 00" West 125.00 feet, ersid common corner and running North 28° 30' 00" Easl 75.00 feet, along the easterly line o1 said Lot ; North 80° 00' 00" Eesl 70.00 feel, Number 2 South 15° 30' 00" Weal and North 37° 44' 00" East 234.74 340.00 feet to the southeast corner feel to a point being the northerly cor= - of said Lol Number 2, said point also ner of said Lands of the Town of being on the,nonhedy line of Widmer `Wappinger, saidpoint also being the Road; thence leaving said f; northwesterly corner of Other Lando southeasterly corner and said, nor, , of the Town of Wappinger as descrlb- •, therly road line and crossing said ed In Liber 1244, Page 753; -then . Widmer Road lo the ,poIntl ol, leaving said common corner and r beginning. " ' 1- Y•, !, 1, end- said point also being on the.' continuing along said -' Creek ' i The above description la' a coo- $ •°uth•rty en° of %aid Widmer Road:, Centerline the following courses and ! pilatlon of existing (lied maps and f thence leaving said northwesterly• dislencee• „r-^. •t deed soirecord"Thedescriptio'• AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York, County of Dutchess, Town of Wappinger. Elisabeth Inacker of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is, and at the several times hereinafter was, the Bookkeeper of the SOUTHERN DUTCHESS NEWS, a newspaper printed and published every Wednesday in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one weeks successively in each week, commencing on the 19th. day of April 19 8 9 and on the following dates thereafter, namely on and running along said New Hacken- sack Road to a point being the nomr 19 ill on corner of Parcel E as shown and ending on the on a Map enticed "PIN of Wlldwood Manor on Butyl of Litho-AlexanderProperty" on lila In the Dutche DutchessColyClerk. Office u Map • 19.P.9. both days inclusive. Number 3107, said point also being on the southerly Ione of said New Hackensack Road; thence leaving said northeasterly corner and runn• Ing along Bald eeslerly Subdivision Line South 28. 11' 10 East 644.75 Net to a point, Bald point being the northwesterly corner of Lol Number 118 as shown on a Map entitled "Map 01 Wildwood Forest" on lite in • the Dutchess County Clerks Office' e5 Map Number 3176; thence leav,, ing said northwesterly corner and y running along Inc northerly line of Lot Numbers 116, 115 and 114 North" 59° 343' 10" East 377.01 feel 10 a `t r3 corner end running along said i Widmer Road to the southwesterly corner of Lands now or formerly Rood, Liber 1074, Page 100; said point also beingon the northerly line of said Wldner Road; thence leaving said southwesterly caner and said northerly road line and running along the westerly line of said Rood North 30° 51' 20" East 1,229.66 feet 10 a point being the northwest corner of .said Rood, said point also being on the southerly line of Lot Number 30 as shown on a Map entitled "Map of gg Wildwood Forest' on file in the Dut- on hie in the Dutchess county Clerks. chess County Clerks Office as -Map` - Office as Map Number 3051; thence Number 3176; thence leaving said, : leaving said common corner and run-' • northwesterly corner and said ' •., ning along the northerly Ione of said ' southerly 101 line end running along ' Subdivision South 34° 07' 40" East: I sill line of Lot Number 30 and the - 1,209.61 feel to a point being the 4 westerly bine of the herein described ' westerly corner o1 Lot Number 5 as s• Subdivision the following courses: '. shown on a Map entitled, "Swenson• ' I North 46° 42' 50" East 250.93 , sub)acl10 what an accurate survey, V feet, North 56° 52' 00"East 290.00 1 r^-° may disclose. ,yjr��t iylr • ; feet to a point being the northerly cor [ ti ;, ._ , _ ner of said Lends of Town of Weep- .r Inger; thence leaving said northerly corner and running along the nor- 1 • Iheaslany line of said Town of Wap- pinger South 34° 07' 40 East 445.00 feet to a point being the easterly corner of said Town of Wap• pinger, said point also being the nor- . therly corner of Lots Numbers 17 and • 18 as shown on a Map entitled "Map of Subdivision o1 Meadow Hei his day of .April Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of April 41. Notary Public My commission expires RACHEL WISHART NOTARY PUpUC, STATE DF NEW YORK OUALIFIED IN DUTCHESS COUNTY II 14-4E55902 [Qj, COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 31, 191J, TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NORTH WAPPINGER WATER DISTRICT STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 17th, 1989, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing to consider the Establishment of the North Wappinger Water District, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. SIAAS)A Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this /die day of Guile/ 1989. 0 Notary Public CECILE S. HAWKSLEY NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YOU NO. 4866032 QUALIFIED IPI DUTCHESS COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG. 4,19.=