1988-07-07 SPM205 A Special Meeting was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on July 7, 1988, at the Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Supervisor Paino opened the Meeting at 7:35 P.M. Present: Irene Paino, Supervisor Vincent Farina, Councilman David Reis, Councilman Constance Smith, Councilwoman Robert Valdati, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Joseph E. Paggi, Jr., Engineer This Meeting was called by Supervisor Paino for consideration of four items. Notices were sent to the Town Board on June 29, 1988 calling said Meeting for July 7, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. Notices were also sent to the three newspapers and three radio stations and posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Baord on the same day. The first item for the Board to consider is the acceptance of the Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Report. This document pertains to an additional alternate submitted by the Engineer and it was recommended by Saratoga Associates and Wardlaw Associates that a Supplemental D.G.E.I.S. be preapred for the new alternate. Mr. John Behan of Saratoga Associates was present to comment on the D.G.E.I.S. which was received by the Board on July 6, 1988. The purpose of this step in the SEQRA process, he stated, is for the Town Board to determine that the document is adequate and complete to the point that it is ready to go to public hearing for comments from the Town Board, the public and involved agencies. The document is self explanatory, he continued, and at this time he did not want to go into detail, as the time for that would be at the public hearing. He would, however, answer any questions the Board may have regarding its completeness. There were no comments or questions from the Town Board. SUPERVISOR PAINO moved to adopt the following Notice: 206 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF SUPPLEMENTAL DGEIS AND NOTICE OF SEQR HEARING Lead Agency: Town Board Town of Wappinger Address: Town Hall 20 Middlebush Road Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590 July 7, 1988 This Notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 and Local Law #2 of the year 1977 as amended by Local Law #2 of the year 1986 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. A Supplemental Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement (DGEIS) has been completed and accepted for the proposed action described below. Comments on the Supplemental DGEIS are requested and will be accepted by the contact person until August 8, 1988. A Public Hearing on the Supplemental DGEIS will be held on July 25, 1988, 7:30 P.M. at Town of Wappinger, Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, N.Y. 12590. Name of Action: Town of Wappinger Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan Description of Action: The Town of Wappinger, located in Dutchess County, New York, is considering several alternatives for providing new wastewater treatment facilities in the central core area of the Town. The existing Oakwood Knolls Sewage Treatment Plant which services Wappinger Sewer Improvement Area NO. 1 is presently in violation of its SPEDES permit limitations, and the Town is under orders from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to comply with the applicable limitations. A DGEIS was completed and accepted in April, 1988 which dealt with three alternatives for wastewater treatment available to the Town. These three alternatives were: 1) expansion of the Oakwood Knolls Wastewater facility; 2) construction of a new wastewater treatment facility at Reese Park; and 3) expansion of the Tri - Municipal wastewater treatment facility. During the public comment period for this DGEIS, the feasibility of a fourth alternative became apparent. This fourth alternative, known as the New Wappinger Regional Option, is addressed in the Supplemental DGEIS. It involves construction of a new wastewater treatment facility identical to the one proposed for alternative two (Reese Park) on land adjacent to Reese Park in the Town of Wappinger to process flows from Phase I and Phase II. Location: The new wastewater treatment facility for the New Wappinger Regional Option would be located on privately owned, undeveloped property approximately 500 ± feet south of Reese Park in the Town of Wappinger. Potential Environmental Impacts: Potention environmental impacts for the New Wappinger Regional Option are similar to those set forth in the DGEIS for the Reese Park option with two exceptions. First, the implementation of this fourth alternative would not require the loss or alienation of parkland, thereby eliminating any legal proceedings required in connection with the Reese Park option. Second, additional odor control would be necessary due to the proximity of the wastewater treatment facility to residential properties. A Copy of the Draft EIS may be obtained from: 207 Contact Person: Robert F. Bristol Address: The Saratoga Associates 443 Broadway Saratoga Springs, N.Y. 12866 Tel. No. (518) 587-2550 Seconded by: Councilwoman Smith Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays The Town Clerk was requested to publish the required notices in both the Southern Dutchess News and the Poughkeepsie Journal. In response to a resident's question on the availability of the document, Mrs. Paino noted that it is available at the Town Clerk's Office and also at the Grinnell Library. The second item to come before the Board for their consideration was the use of tickets in lieu of cash for the Saturday Morning Refuse Disposal Program. Mr. Farina, Councilman in charge of this program, reported that he and the Comptroller discussed the matter of monies being collected at the Highway Garage each Saturday for this disposal program and after considering the requirements of the State Audit and Control Department, determined that it would be better bookkeeping to sell the tickets at the Town Hall rather than have money collected at the site. There would be better control, better records and for these reasons they agreed to use the ticket system. MR. FARINA moved to approve the use of the ticket system for the Saturday Morning Refuse Disposal Program at a cost of $3.00 each to regular residents (blue tickets) and $2.50 each to senior citizens (pink tickets) age 60 and over. Seconded by Mr. Valdati Motion Unanimously Carried It was further agreed by the Board, following a discussion on the implementation of this program, that tickets would be collected at the site starting July 23, 1988, following press releases in the Southern Dutchess News and Poughkeepsie Journal each week up to mid- September with the date of September 10, 1988 being the date that money will no longer be collected at the Highway Department for this disposal service. Proof of age for senior citizens will include driver's license, Dutchess County Senior Citizen Card, or any other document showing date of birth. 208 The third item was a resolution authorizing transfer of money for the tractor purchased by the Recreation Commission through the bidding process. The following resolution was offered by COUNCILMAN REIS who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board authorized the purchase of a tractor from F.P.C. at a price of $15,059.00, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board authorize a transfer of funds from A Fund 1910.40 to A Fund 7110.20 in the amount of $15,059.00. Seconded by: Supervisor Paino Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays The final item was authorization by the Board to allow Mark Liebermann, Fire Inspector, to attend a Juvenile Firesetters Seminar at the Dutchess County Fire Training Center in Poughkeepsie, New York on July 8th and 9th, 1988. MRS. SMITH moved to allow Mr. Liebermann to attend the Juvenile Firesetters Seminar as requested, and milage at $.22i per mile plus $10.00 registration fee will be a Town charge. Seconded by Mr. Valdati Motion Unanimously Carried There was no other business to properly come before the Board. MR. REIS moved to close the Special Meeting, seconded by Mrs. Smith and unanimously carried. The Special Meeting closed at 7:45 P. Spl. Mtg. 7/7/88 auk( aine H. Snowden Town Clerk