1987-07-09 SPM182
A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was
held on July 9th, 1987, at the Town Hall, Middlebush Road, Town
of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
Supervisor Paino opened the meeting at 7:05 P.M.
Irene Paino, Supervisor
Vincent Farina, Councilman
David Reis, Councilman
Robert Valdati, Councilman
June Visconti, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Others Present:
Joseph E. Paggi, Jr. Engineer
Thomas Wood, Attorney
The Supervisor called a Special Meeting for the purpose of addressing
two resolutions, one relating to negotiations with New York City on
tapping into the Delaware Aquaduct; the second to set a date for the
Public Scoping Session for the Wastewater Facility Plan; and also
to consider various personnel appointments.
Notice of this meeting was sent to all Town Board Members on July 2,
1987, calling said meeting for Thursday, July 9, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. -
notice was also sent to the three local newspapers and radio stations
on the same day and in addition, a notice was posted on the Town Clerk's
Bulletin Board on July 2, 1987.
Mrs. Paino explained that a few meetings previous, the Town Board
authorized her to enter into negotiations with New York City relating
to this Town tapping into the Delaware Aquaduct. On this matter, she
and Councilman Reis met with two engineers in New York City about two
weeks ago and she felt it was a very positive meeting and possibly,
that the door was open to the Town in the future to tap into this
Aquaduct. During a discussion with Mr. Paggi, Engineer to the Town,
he indicated that he would like to have preliminary discussion with
an engineering firm who specializes in this field, prior to the Town
going any further with this project. Mr. Paggi felt that it would be
in the Town's best interests to consult with such a firm. He had
been informed that the firm of Brinnier and Larios, Kingston, New
York have had recent similiar experiences with Orange and Ulster
County and in his opinion, the Town should have their services
MRS. PAINO moved to authorize the Engineer to the Town to consult
with the firm of Brinnier and Larios, on a preliminary basis at a fee
not to exceed $75.00 per hour.
Seconded by Mr. Reis
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes Mrs. Visconti --- Nay
Motion Carried
Prior to her Nay vote, Mrs. Visconti requested to discuss the motion
and proceeded to explain that she had contacted Lucille Pattison
Dutchess County Executive, to receive further documentation since all
the information she had was from the newspapers. It was her intention
to have a member of the Dutchess County Water Resources Policy Group
speak to the Town Board, prior to any action they take, to fully
inform them on this matter. Since this group was involved in this
issue, they could be a help to the Town with their expertise. Mrs.
Pattison was receptive to this request, but could not arrange it on
such short notice and suggested that it be at a future meeting.
Councilman Reis then informed Councilwoman Visconti that our Supervisor
was a member of that group and as such, she, too, is knowledgable of
what the matter entails; she has been a member for the last year and
a half and at this point, the County has nothing in place pertaining
to solving the water situation. Through research he found that each
municipality is on its own when it comes to getting water from New
York City; at this time there is not one county wide water district
that has applied to New York City for water. Orange County is in the
process of putting a plan together to accomplish this. A newspaper
article pointed out that the Supervisor is very interested in contacting
other municipalities that need water. The water is needed now and
definitely more so in the next three to five years and that is the
reason he and the Supervisor traveled to the City to get the ball
rolling, so to speak. This project is a specialty item and the Town
needs an experienced firm to advise them on procedure and cost involved.
Mr. Farina pointed out that in the meeting that this subject came up,
the fact was brought out that the Supervisor had thoroughly researched
the history of New York City water and the various laws that were
enacted. He complimented the Supervisor for taking the initiative
to try to implement this action; in addition, the Town has been compli-
ment by Norm Benson and Roger Akeley for taking the initiative to protect
our watershed.
Mr. Valdati also wished to make comments and felt that if the County
group was willing to share their input it would be most helpful to the
Town and could save the expense of procuring it otherwise. Perhaps
it would be feasible for the County to enter into negotiations and
doing studies, using their funds, instead of ours.
Mrs. Paino pointed out that there would be no cost to the taxpayers
as consortium monies allotted to the protection of the Hilltop Aquifer
could be used for this purpose. Discussion continued to the point
when the Attorney's opinion was requested and prior to his statement,
Mrs. Paino introduced Thomas Wood, the newly appointed Attorney to the
�✓ Town, who proceeded to note that he had previously done some minor
research and it appeared that there was no actual prohibition against
Wappinger tapping into the Aquaduct, but he did find there were certain
municipalities, where the reservoirs are located, that have been given
proper legislative permission to immediately tap into the Aquaducts.
He went on to explain that some of the information that may be required
from the Town, prior to New York City considering their application,
is how water could be feasibly drawn from the tap, etc. and this will
be the information the Engineer will be seeking from the specialized
engineering firm. This engineering data, Mr. Wood pointed out, can be
used in a two fold way --- if there isn't a bar, which he feels does
not exist, based on his preliminary evaluation, the information will
be used in discussion with New York City and if, in fact, there were
a legal bar, the same data could be used to perhaps persuade the
legislature to allow the tap for whatever quantity could be tapped
out, according to the information provided by the firm.
In answer to a query from Nick Johnson on procedures of distributing
the water from the Chelsea Area to Central Wappinger Water Improvement
Area, the Engineer responded that if the Aquaduct proves to be a
realistic source of water, at that point in time, the Town will then
determine in what direction they want to go. In his opinion, a town
wide water system would be the way to go.
Reference was then made to the interconnection with CWWIA and the
Atlas Water Company, a privately owned company, which generates a
plentiful source of water, as Mr. Johnson understands the situation.
This "marriage" was finalized by an agreement between the Town and
Atlas in December of 1983 and provides a backup of water supply which
more than doubles the capacity of CWWIA. This also gives the Town
the ability to expand the system if the Town so chooses and add
customers as it grows. On the other hand, if they started where no
water district exists, the cost would be considerably higher than
where you have more development. The source is there within the
Atlas Water Company and perhaps the Town should consider purchasing
this Company to assure a plentiful water supply, rather than run pipes
from the unserviced area of the Town.
Mrs. Paino had a few reasons why this would not be practical ---
there has been previous discussions relative to Mr. Johnson's
recommendation, however, he must be aware that the pipes have been
there a number of years and if the Town bought the system, they would
have to expend a considerable amount of money to replace the pipes.
Also the interconnection has produced a number of problems on both
sides of the system, which has been determined by both the Engineer
and the operators of the plants, Camo Pollution Control. Mr. Paggi
elaborated on these problems and pointed out that the intent was for
emergency purposes. Another fact brought out by Mrs. Paino was that
the airport and balefill sit to the north of the Atlas system which
causes a concern for contamination.
Ron Lafko, resident of the Town and co-owner of Atlas Water Co.
agreed that the conditions mentioned by the Engineer do exist. There
are conditions that are plus and minus on both sides and the intent
of the "marriage" is to bring out the advantages of both systems at
the least cost to the residents. He supports the Town in its endeavor
to probe for the facts relating to a future water source; he intends
to cooperate with the Town and expects the same from them in regard
to providing a good water source to the people in the Town.
The vote was then taken on Mrs. Paino's motion to authorize the
Engineer to consult with the engineering firm of Brinnier and Larios,
at an hourly rate of $75.00. The motion was carried with all but
Mrs.Visconti voting in favor; Mr. Valdati voted for the motion due
to the fact that it wasn't costing the Town any expense and Mrs.
Visconti voting against because she felt a member of the Dutchess
County Water Resources Policy Group should meet with the Town Board
to provide them with additional information. Mrs. Paino added a final
comment that anytime anyone wanted information from this Group, she
would be happy to provide them with any details they desired.
On the second item, prior to the resolution setting a date on the
Scoping Session for the Wastewater Facility Plan, Mrs. Paino noted
that the Town is most anxious to continue with the E.I.S. on each of
the three alternates included in said report.
The following Resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR PAINO who moved
its adoption:
WHEREAS, on January 5, 1987, the Engineering firm of Paggi and
Martin, made a public presentation of its Town of Wappinger Waste
Water Treatment Facilities Plan and
WHEREAS, on January 26, 1987, the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger circulated a notice pursuant to ARticle 8 of the Environmental
Law seeking lead agency status on the analysis of three major options
presented by the Engineers to the Town with respect to sewage services
within the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS, by Order dated March 31, 1987, the Town Board of the
Town of Wappinger was designated by the Commissioner of Environmental
Conservation to be the lead agency, in accordance with Article 8 of
the Environmental Conservation Law, and
WHEREAS, the Town has previously retained the services of the
Saratoga Associates as Consulting Planners with respect to the
preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement for the above
project, and
WHEREAS, now that the Town Board has been designated the lead
agency Saratoga Associates are prepared to undertake the preparation
of a draft Environmental Impact Statement in preparation for the
final preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement for this
project, and
WHEREAS, the input from as many members of the community as
possible is desired by all parties involved,
THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that Saratoga Associates shall
conduct a public meeting to receive public comment on the Town of
Wappinger Waste Water Treatment Facilities Plan as presented by
Paggi and Martin, Engineers for the Town, said meeting to be held
on August 3, 1987, at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall, Town of Wappinger,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that anyone wishing to submit written
comments or statements addressed to the scope of the DEIS being
considered herein may submit the same to the office of the Town Clerk
of the Town of Wappinger up to and including Friday, August 7, 1987 at
4:00 P.M. and any comments or statements so submitted shall be considered
as part of the record of the public meeting, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of this meeting shall be
published in the official newspaper of the Town of Wappinger immediately
following the adoption of this Resolution, and posted on the official
Town Bulletin Board, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Attorney for the Town be and
hereby is authorized to retain the services of a stenographer for the
public meeting to record all of the comments and concerns and issues
addressed at said meeting, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Saratoga Associates shall conduct
said public meeting and shall receive all said comments either at
the said public meeting on August 3, 1987, or submitted up to and
including August 7, 1987 and address the same in the scoping document
to be prepared in anticipation of the DEIS, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution and
the notice of Public Hearing shall be forwarded to agencies notified
of the Town Board's designation as lead agency.
Seconded by: Councilman Farina
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays
Mrs. Visconti referred to the concept document for implementation
Titles 2 & 6 of the Water Quality Act of 1987 and read excerpts from
a letter from the Department of Health stating that the only viable
option for the Town was the Tri -Municipal alternate ---Reese Park is
above and beyond the restrictions of the deed for the park land;
also a letter from Park & Trust stating that the restrictions precluded
them from using the Reese Park alternative. She then referred to
Page 16 of the document which describes the grant program authorized
by Title 6 of the Clean Water Act which, in essence, makes loans
available from the State to muncipalities constructing wastewater
treatment facilities, below market interest rate or possible zero
interest rate. These loans are available only through a regional
approach, which in this case, would be the Tri -Municipal Sewer
Improvement Area. The Town has already expended funds, Mrs. Visconti
pointed out, on Tri -Municipal, engineering costs, and the contract with
Saratoga Associates. Since there appears to be money available for
this alternative, the Town should dispense with other alternatives and
adopt Tri -Municipal, apply for the monies and proceed with the project.
The Attorney pointed out that even if they went that way, an E.I.S.
would have to be prepared and as part of that process, an E.I.S. would
have to be prepared for the other alternatives to determine their
impact, so they were actually, at this point, having the required
studies done by Saratoga Associates which would be needed for any of
the avenues they pursued.
Further discussion ensued on the subject at which time the Engineer
disclosed information that his firm had contacted the grants and loan
department of the D.E.C. and received correspondence stating that
there were no grant monies available and furthermore the Town of
Wappinger would be scored on its own merits. Mrs. Paino added that
correspondence was an addendum to the Engineer's report and is included
in the rear of the document. This discussion was extended to the floor
and upon recognition by the Chair, Frank Versace, resident of the Town,
questioned the Attorney on whether a referendum would be required if
the Town Board decided Tri -Municipal would be their choice, since that
was the procedure the Town followed to withdraw form the project. The
Attorney advised him that he would have to research the answer and
was then requested by Mr. Versace to inform him in writing when he
had that information. As a point of information, Mrs. Paino noted
that the Tri -Municipal Commission has ruled that the Town of Wappinger
cannot be a part of the Commission in any other capacity but as a
tenant to the Tri -Municipal. The Mayor of the Village of Wappingers
Falls was also recognized and questioned whether the studies done by
the Town for the Tri -Municipal could be used for the present project
to save the Town additional expense and was informed by the Engineer
that the E.I.S. prepared for Tri -Municipal would be included in the
one now being prepared ---the procedure would be -reference that study.
The roll call vote was taken on the resolution and resulted in it
being unanimously approved.
Next on the Agenda was the resignation of Frances Patterson from her
position as Assistant Court Clerk to the Town Justices, due to personal
MRS. PAINO moved to accept Mrs. Patterson's resignation with regret
and forward a letter of thanks to her for her services to the Town.
Seconded by Mr. Farina
Motion Unanimously Carried
The following Resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR PAINO who moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Maureen Ann Straub, be and she is hereby appointed
Assistant Court Clerk to the Town Justices of the Town of Wappinger,
to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Frances Patterson,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said Maureen Ann Straub will
be compensated for her services as Assistant Court Clerk at the
prorated annual salary of $10,000.
Seconded by: Councilman Reis
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays
The Assessor's Office also had a vacancy in the position of Clerk to
the Assessor.
The following Resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR PAINO who moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Linda Liucci be and she is hereby appointed as
Clerk to the Assessor to the Town of Wappinger to fill the vacancy
created by the resignation of Anna May DeMilio, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said Linda Liucci will be
compensated for her services as Clerk to the Assessor at the
prorated annual salary of $10,000.
Seconded by: Councilman Reis
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays
Several members of the Conservation Advisory Council have recently
resigned and a recommendation has been received from Matthew Landi,
Chairman of this Council, for members to replace those who have
Mrs. Paino brought up the fact that one individual has failed to
send in his resignation although he has not been active on this
Council for a year and a half. The Chairman was present and noted
that this individual has been a problem; although several communica-
tions were forwarded to him and have not been returned, he has failed
to inform the Board of his intentions relating to remaining as a member,
although an inactive one, or his intent to resign. The Attorney noted
that if there is no formal resignation and until they can follow a
procedure to remove this individual from the Council, he will have to
remain as such and at this time, three new appointments can be made
but the fourth one will have to be entertained at a future meeting.
The following Resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR PAINO who moved
its adoption:
RESOLVED, that Cathy Parades, James Justivig, and Richard
Dobdins, be and they are hereby appointed to the Town of Wappinger
Conservation Advisory Council to fill the vacancies created by the
resignations of Patricia Kelley, Roger Mann and Oscar Scherer, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the term of the three newly appointed
people to the Conservation Advisory Council will expire in June of 1988.
Seconded by: Councilman Farina
Roll Call Vote: 5 Ayes 0 Nays
There was no other business to come before the Board.
MR. REIS moved to close the Special Meeting, seconded by Mr. Farina
and unanimously carried.
The Special Meeting closed at 8:00
Spl. Mtg. 7/9/87
Elaine H. Snowden
Town Clerk