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The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held
Wednesday, January 6,2010 at Schlathaus Park, 126 All Angels Hill Road, Town of
Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York.
Recreation Commission Minutes
January 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman, Ralph 1. Holt with the
following persons present: Vice - Chairman Gary Trudell and Kay vonReyn, Senior
Director. Commission Members in attendance were Bruce Lustig, Meera Dave and Uma
Minutes for the November and December meetings were approved with no
1. A fax was sent to Mrs. Normil ofthe Dutchess Co. PSS verifying the employment
of Bryan and Bruce Terrelonge in our summer playground program.
2. A memo was sent to Supervisor Colsey requesting salary approval for our year-
round and winter programs. Mr. Holt stated that this memo brought about the
raise in the playground fee to $200 and $250. Mr. Holt also asked that the fees be
raised for the use of the lighted fields. This fee went from $100 to $125 per use.
3. A letter was sent by Kay vonReyn to Adams Fairacre Farms requesting a donation
of oranges for the seniors attending the Christmas Party at the Villa Borghese.
This was followed up by a thank you note to them.
4. A thank you was also sent by Ms. vonReyn to Outback Steakhouse for their
generous donation of a gift card for the Senior Christmas Elks Party raffle.
5. A thank you was also sent by Ms. VonReyn thanking each individual member of
the RCK string quartet that played at the Senior Christmas party at the Villa
Borghese. This group will be one of the youth groups performing at Winterfest.
6. Thank you letters were sent from Recreation to all those who donated money
and/or raffle prizes for the two annual Senior Elk's Christmas parties.
7. A copy oflast year's resolution was sent to the Supervisor to submit, again, the
2010 Youth Bureau grant for our "Learn to Swim" program.
1. A letter was received from the Dept. of Veterans Affairs at Castle Point thanking
the Golden Tone Singers of the Wappingers Senior Center for entertaining the
veterans on November 18, 2009.
2. A letter was received from M.A. Day Engineering, PC indicating that the 151 base
dugout on SL2 at Robinson Lane has been built to specification and approved its
construction in adherence with the plans presented to the builder. This was
Recreation Commission Minutes
January 2010
forwarded to the Supervisor's Office so that payment could be made for the
completed job.
3. A letter was received from Ecological Specialist Corp. outlining the costs to
repair components to the Chelsea Dock. Installation at the site would be done by
our maintenance men. The cost for this project will be approximately $1182.00.
Mr. Holt said that the dock is in very bad shape and needs this repair. Mr. Lustig
questioned whether the Parkland Fund could be used for this repair. Mr. Holt said
he would find out.
4. A form was received from the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation
approving Doug Haan as a licensed pesticide technician. We need Mr. Haan to be
able to use pesticides, when needed, as Recreation Maintenance does not have a
license to do so.
5. A copy of a memo was received from the Town Accountant re-allocating funds
between various accounts to account for shortfalls in others. Mr. Holt stated that
he worked with Mrs. Manning on selecting the funds from which money could be
6. A copy of a letter was received from the Dutchess Co. Youth Bureau indicating
that the 2010 allocations will be about 12.5% lower that the 2009 amount.
7. A copy of the agenda for the Dec 21, 2009 Town Board meeting was received
with the following matters pertaining to Recreation:
a. Res. #2009-379 - Per item #5 above - approval ofre-allocation of funds.
b. Res. #2009-381 - Asking that the pay scale be set for our Gymnastics,
Basketball, Aerobics, Volleyball and Baton Twirling instructors. This
resolution was approved with no raises given to instructors returning from
last year.
8. A memo was received from the Supervisor asking that subsequent paper product
orders be placed with BJ' s Warehouse, if their prices are the lowest.
9. A memo from Supervisor Colsey questioned the installation of an aftermarket kit
to convert manual windows to electric. The window in one of our Recreation
trucks did not work so the Supervisor asked our Highway dept. to repair it. The
repair of same was done by Highway, however, the Supervisor wanted to know
who authorized the installation of this unit as it was not previously authorized.
Mr. Holt said that he would look into this matter.
10. A memo was received from Supervisor Colsey with an attachment outlining the
safety inspection done on the Emergency services building and the need for
numerous repairs. The supervisor is asking that the Parks & Maintenance staff
address as many of these items as possible. Mr. Holt passed this along to Joe Jr.
and Joe Sr. and will go over with them how this project is to be handled.
11. An e-mail was received from the principal of Myers Comers School asking if
Schlathaus Park could be used as an information and staging area should there be
an emergency situation at the school. She would appreciate a determination on
this at our earliest convenience. Mr. Holt mentioned that he would check to see
how we need to proceed with this matter. The matter will have to be taken to the
Town Board in any event..
12. A copy of the agenda for the January 4,2010 Town Board meeting was received
with the following matters pertaining to Recreation.
Recreation Commission Minutes
January 2010
a. Res. #2010-8 - Amending the Town schedule of business operations.
This indicates a possible change in Town Hall hours. Mr. Holt stated that
they were looking at the possibility of a four-day work-week but it was
voted down.
b. Res. #2010-10 - Authorizing fees for 2010 Recreation Programs. The
cost for summer camps will go up from $125 to $200 for a regular day (6
hours) and from $175 to $250 for an extended day (8 hours). Also note
c. Res. #2010-11 - Authorizing fees for 2010 Recreation Programs. Field
usage fees all higher including the raise in prices for lighted fields to
$125.00 per use and League fee for over 50 people is up to $350.00 from
$200.00. Program fees that were raised: Aerobics from $30 to $35,
Volleyball from $30 to $35 and Baton Twirling from $30 to $35. All
others remain the same. Adopted
d. Res. #2010-24 - Establishing Petty Cash funds for offices. Recreation
will receive its usual $200 for Petty Cash with an allowance of $500 to be
used as start-up money during registration. Adopted
e. Res. #2010-25 - Adjustment of mileage rates for 2010. The new rate is
.50c per mile. Adopted
f. Res. #2010-37 - Appointing Liaison to the Town Recreation Committee.
Person un-named.
g. Res. #2010-38 - Appointing a member to the Town Recreation
Committee. Person un-named
13. A letter and forms were received from the D. C. Youth Bureau requesting that the
forms and a narrative report be submitted by January 11,2009 to complete our
application for Recreation's 2009 grant for our "Learn to Swim" program.
14. An e-mail was received from the Supervisor asking Mr. Holt to attend a meeting
on 1-11-10 with Rob Wilson and Chris Schoen of Little League and Al Roberts.
The meeting was asked for by Little League as the new president and vice-
president need some guidelines. Mr. Holt recapped a meeting that he had with
these gentlemen in November where they outlined some of the things they would
like to see done at Robinson Lane including the water situation and some work to
be done in the concession stand. Any work done would have to be approved by
the Town Board.
Ms. vonReyn began by stating that the average attendance for the month of
December was slightly down. Although the parties are well attended the other days are
lighter because of the holidays and the weather. The Senior Tea Party at Van Wyck
J.H.S. was cancelled due to weather but will be rescheduled for the spring. Eighty-nine
seniors attended the center Christmas party at the Villa Borghese on December 16th.
Special guests included Ralph and Sylvia Holt, Supervisor Colsey and Violet Curry,
senior ballroom dance instructor. Pizza bingo was held on December 18th with 35 people
in attendance and forty-five people attended the December birthday party.
Recreation Commission Minutes
January 2010
Ms. vonReyn asked Eileen Manning if she would like to have the Golden Tone
Singers sing Christmas carols through the Town Hall. The caroling took place on
December 23rd and a great time was had by the chorus and the employees alike.
Sixteen Christmas cards were sent out to Seniors who are in nursing homes, out
sick or have recently moved away. Three cards were sent to people who helped us out in
many ways this year. We got one new member and one member passed away, Regina
Dixon, at 97 years of age.
The audio-visual system has been set up with the exception of a small controller.
Many thanks to the Supervisor and Joe DeRosa for making that happen. We also now
have a new boom-box which can be used with batteries or electric and has enough amps
to be used for large rooms or outdoors. Mr. Holt suggests that we do a ribbon cutting
when the A V system is ready to use.
Uma attended her first Christmas Elks party and said that it was a wonderful
Mr. Lustig has no report at this time.
Mrs. Dave also attended her first Christmas Elks party and was very impressed.
Mr. Trudell began by thanking Florence Graff for making up the flyers for
Winterfest II. The program that will be given out at the schools and at the game is still
being finalized as some information still needs to be gathered. Mr. Trudell went to
Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) and confirmed that they will allow us to use eight (8)
pairs of snowshoes for our snow-shoe clinic. They are also providing ski poles and an
instructor for the clinic which will take place at I PM. Mr. Trudell also visited Potter
Brothers and they will be at the event with a tent and snowboards and cross country skis.
The chapel has been set up with tables and chairs for the performers, the audience, the
food table and the vendor tables. The wreath decorations are being put together by Kay
vonReyn and will be placed in each window in the chapel.
Mr. Trudell said that he found birds in the room under the chapel. He has asked
Joe DeRosa to seal off the open spaces over the fans to keep out the birds and the cold.
Ms. vonReyn asked ifit would be possible to put Winterfest on the Town website. All
agreed that that was an excellent idea but would have to be done through the Supervisor's
. .
Recreation Commission Minutes
January 2010
Mr. Holt began by stating that the budget for 2010 has been cut to the bone. A
purchase of any size will have to be approved by the Supervisor and the accountant
before approval is given.
Mr. Holt addressed the publishing of this year's Recreation Guide. It seems likely
that there will not be one similar to what we have had in the past. He would like to put
together a committee including Jackie Smith, Max Dao and Roland Norris to sell space in
the guide as other towns in the area do. Mr. Norris puts together a yearbook for the
Wappingers Yankees each year and will be able to guide us to those who may be
interested in buying an ad. Mr. Holt feels that this is the only way we could afford to put
out a guide this year.
Mr. Holt questions the impact of the raise in the fees for our Summer Playground
Program. He has spoken to Jackie Smith and asked her to be careful about the number of
counselors that she hires for the summer as that number is based on the number of
registrants. The resolution also states that no pay will be given for rain days. This may
also have an impact on those who will return as directors and counselors.
Mr. Holt asked Gary Trudell to put together a spread sheet showing budget line
amounts versus income to make sure that all programs are paying for themselves.
Although in the past the Summer Playgrounds have not done so, we are hoping that
because of the raise in prices the deficit will be lower than in past years. Mr. Holt also
stated that he and Mrs. Manning will have to look at the salary line for the maintenance
men to determine how long we will be able to have them work. He will then present the
figures to the Town Board.
On Monday Ralph Holt will be meeting with the President and Vice-President of
Little League, Supervisor Colsey and the Town attorney to discuss the 2010 season.
There is, evidently, some disagreements between the different factions ofthe
The tournament that was held last fall netted about $30,000, $24,000 of which
was turned back into Little League programs and $6000 of which was given to the
charity. Mr. Holt questioned whether all of Little League benefited or if only parts of the
organization benefited.
Mr. Holt reiterated that he wants everyone on the commission to help out at
Winterfest. He is hoping that the shuttle bus will be funded by donations, as that is the
only real expense involved in this event. A short discussion was held to iron out a few
small points about details regarding Winterfest.
Eileen Manning
Recreation Secretary