1985-03-21 RGM i:f A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on March 21, 1985 at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Supervisor Versace opened the Meeting at 7:10 P.M. Present: Frank Versace, Supervisor Renata Ballard, Councilwoman Joseph Incoronato, Councilman Gerard McCluskey, Councilman Irene Paino, Councilwoman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk This Meeting was called at the Regular Bimonthly Meeting of March 18, 1985 for the sole purpose of considering payment of Morris and Andros vouchers relating to special drainage projects. A breakdown was received from Morris and Andros at the March 18, 1985 meeting and the Supervisor felt the Board had ample time to review them for this meeting and be prepared to ask any questions they might have. Mrs. Paino noted that they had received information from the Comptroller regarding the hourly rate for different positions in the engineering firm, but it is difficult to determine this rate since they have no way of knowing who rendered the service. Mr. Michael Morris, Senior Partner of Morris and Andros pointed out that if he or his partner did the service it would be close to $70.00 an hour---in order to determine the hourly rate they will submit the name of the individual on each item. Actually it depends on_the job--~if it requires his attention it could be $60.00 an hour, on the other hand if a draftsman can handle it, the charge would be $20.00 and hour. Mr. McCluskey questioned the normal top hourly fee---is it $45.00 per hour. Mr. Morris responded that they were raising their fees, however, these particular vouchers came under the old rate. Letters have been sent out to their clie~ts indicating the new rates which they found necessary to do because of increase working expenses. He apologized to the Board for this increase and would understand if they wished to stop business with them but felt these rates are comparable with the rates other engineering firms were charging. Mr. Versace wished to clarify a point that this firm worked on hourly rate whereas, the previous Engineer to the Town based his fees on a percentage of the project. In 1984 many more drainage q~ projects were rev.iewed and implemented which resulted in a $12,000 to $14,000 increase over 1983. Previous bills did not have breakdowns, the total amount based on percentage was submitted monthly. Mrs. Paino pointed out that the bills from Morris and Andros would not have a breakdown either unless she requested it. Mr. Versace complimented Mrs. Paino on this request to Morris and Andros, however, if they were going to require such breakdowns from the engineering firm, the same procedure should be followed for all vouchers submitted for payment. Mrs. Ballard noted that she did some mathematics and considered the work that was done and in most cases found that the Senior Engineer had done that particular service; the vouchers agreed with her figures. Mrs. Paino retorted that she followed the same procedure and some of the amounts she could figure out, others she could not. On one voucher she arrived at the rate of $46.25 per hour and there's no one listed at that rate. Another voucher was $2,000 for field work; going back to a request from the Engineer at the March 18, 1985 meeting for $4,500 to complete engineering work on Hilltop and pye Lane---is this in addition to the $2,000. Mrs. Ballard's answer to that was it was additional and related to drawing up the design for the work they intended to do in back of the homes for the easement. The study is done first and when approved, there is a more detailed engineering pr. '.n done for the project. This prompted a question from Mrs. Paino on when this project was approved. Discussion contined on the amounts of the vouchers, the projects involved and the actual work done and whether they had received Town Board approval. During the discussion Mr. Versace pointed out that there were no maps available in the Town, no topos, no water and sewer district maps, drainage maps, etc. which resulted in more work by the engineer. Mrs. Paino persisted in determining the actual date of Town Board approval on this project; Mrs. Ballard noted that this phase was included in the ones they did last fall; they were different phases of the overall drainage project previously approved---is it necessary to give approval to each step when they are ongoing projects. Mrs. Paino disagreed noting that at the last meeting the matter was tabled until they met with the residents of that area to inform them what would be going on in their area. They did not give approval to the r f 9S- I extent of the work outlined on the voucher. Mr. McCluskey asked Mr. Morris when they would be supplied with complete breakdowns on these vouchers and Mr. Versace replied that if the Board insisted on this procedure they would have to follow it with all vouchers submitted for payment. He reiterated that L previous Town Boards never were presented with the vouchers for approval; they were submitted to the Comptroller and audited by that person. The proper procedure is to transfer money out of Downstream Drainage into the "B" account and then pay the voucher. Mrs. Garrisson, Comptroller, explained the procedure recommended by Audit and Control which they would follow. The vouchers were presented to the Town Board so they would be knowledgeable of the expenditures and have better control. The following resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR VERSACE who moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the sum of $3,837.40 be and is hereby appropriated from Downstream Drainage for payment to Morris and Andros for L Special Drainage Projects, Phases III, IV & V and various other project preparations completed at the request of the Town Board. Seconded by: Councilman Incoronato Roll Call Vote: Councilwoman Ballard Councilman Incoronato Councilman McCluskey Councilwoman Paino Supervisor Versace Aye Aye Aye Abstain Aye Motion Carried Mrs. Paino felt there were questions that needed answering--- thus her reason for abstaining. There was no other business to come before the Board. L MR. VERSACE moved to close the Special Meeting, seconded by Mr. Incoronato and unaninmously carried. The Special Meeting closed at 7:36 P.M. ~~~ Town Clerk Spl. Mtg. 3/21/85 .~ L ~~ , . L BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS 8r SURVEYORS. P.C. U5 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590 RICHARD G. BARGER. P.E. II< L.S. ROBERT L. C....MPBELL. L.S. ROBERT J. GR....Y. P.E. JOHN E. R.....LING. P.E. TELEPHONE 297-9435 297-4775 297-5775 February 25, 1985 Deed Description Conservation District - Kendell Farms All that parcel of land situate in the Town of Wappingers, County of Dutchess and State of New York anc being known as a Conservation District as found on a maD entitled "Revised Subdivision Plat, Kendell Farms", said~rnaD filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Filed MaD #1o~~ bounded and described as follows: - Beginning at a point on the Northerly side of Hopewell Road, said point ~arkinq the Southwest corner of the herein described parcel and the Southwest corner of Kendell Farms as found on Filed Ma? #7025 and the Easterly line of lands now or formerly Sbuttoni, running thence Northeasterly alonq the ~lesterly line of the herein described parcel and the Easterly line of Orchard Park, North 260-39'-40" East 500.00 feet, North 710-02'-50" East 91.77 feet, North 350-28'-00" West 105.17 feet, North 180-21'-10" West 50.18 feet, North 350-28'-00" West 128.96 feet, thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 314.59 feet and an arc length of 119.36 feet, North 030-09'-40" East 221.00 feet, thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 695.00 feet and an arc length of 813.47 feet, North 630-54'05" West 48.54 feet, North 260-05'-53" East 99.38 feet, North 780-49'-54" vTest 106.30 feet, thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 30.00 feet and an arc length of 39.31 feet, South 260-06'-00" Nest 138.51 feet, North 630-54'-00" West 50.00 feet, North 260-06'-00" East 138.50 feet, North 300-17'-20" East 11.50 feet, and North 550-40'-00" West 69.28 feet to a point marking the most Nqrthwesterly corner of the herein described parcel, running thence the following along the Northerly line of the herein described parcel and the Southerly line of lands now or formerly Owners Maintenance, running thence along the same South 780-08'-30" East 311.08 feet, South 790-04'-50" East 226.80 feet, South 780-49'-30" East 253.51 feet, South 790-33'-00" East 80.13 feet, North 640-07'-10" East 287.29 feet, North 620-31'-00" East 1050.72 feet, and North 610-15'-00" East 571.59 feet to a point marking the most Northerly corner of the herein described parcel, thence continuing the following two courses and distances along the aforementioned Owners Maintenance South 160-57'-00" East 829.42 feet and South 730-03'-00" East 150.00 feet to a point marking ~ '-" ~: .;.;:".:.."." . ."-'.I,., , .1'". --.1 L "'""" BARGER. CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS 8r SURVEYORS. P.C. 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS. NY 12590 RICHARD G. BARGER. P.E. l!II L.S. ROBERT L. CAMPBELL. L.S. ROBERT J. GRAY. PE. JOHN E. RAILING. P.E. paqe 2 TELEPHONE 297-9435 I 297-4775 297-S775 Deed Description - Conservation District - Kendell Farms the Easterly division line of the herein described ~arcel and the Westerly line of the aforementioned Owners Maintenance, running thence the following along the same South 160-57'-00" East 186.00 feet, thence continuing along Owners Maintenance South 620-44'-30" West 1655.37 feet, South 270-56'-00" East 263.40 feet and South 050':'27'-00" West 536.78 feet to a point marking the Southeasterly corner of the herein described p~rcel and the Northerly line of lands now or formerly Central Hudson Gas and Electric Cor?oration, running thence Southwesterly along the same South 650-46'-00" West 150.00 feet to a point marking the most Southerly corner of Lot 46, running thence the following along the Easterly line of said Lot 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, and 53 North 360-51'-47" East 176.00 feet, North 050-32'-00" East 451.96 feet and North 270-56'-00" West 240.79 feet to a point marking the Northeast corner of Lot 53, running thence Southwesterly along, the Northerly line of said Lot 53 South 750-00'-00" West 110.00 feet to a point on the Easterly side of Nicole Drive, running thence Northwesterly along the same North 230-11'-30" West 100.73 feet, thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 445.00 feet and an arc length of 79.84 feet, North 330-28'-15" West 101.32 feet, thence on a curve to the right with a radius 225.00 feet and an arc length of 58.09 feet to a point marking the Southerly line of Lot 56, running thence the following two courses along the Southerly and Easterly line of said Lot 56 North 640-30'-00" East 131.10 feet and North 150-47'-00" ~est 73.34 feet to a point on the Southwesterly side of Lot 64, running thence the following two courses along said Lot 64 South 530-39'-00" East 53.79 feet and North 290-00'-00" East 115.00 feet to a point on the Southerly side of Lenny Court, runnin~ thence along the same on a curve to the left with a radius of 50.00 feet and an arc length of 155.57 feet to a point mark~ng the Southerly line of Lot 66, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 670-35'-32" East 106.04 feet to a ~oint marking the Easterly line of said Lot 66, running thence Northwesterly along the Easterly line of said Lot 66, 67, 68 and 69 North 150-47'-00" West 180.00 feet thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 305.00 feet and an arc length of 232.05 feet to a point marking the Westerly line of said Lot 69, running thence Southwesterly along the same South 300-37'-27" West 130.00 feet to a point on the Northerly side of Lennv Court, thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 175.00 feet and an arc length of 67.16 feet to a ~oint marking the Easterly llne of Lot 70, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 080-38'-12" East 130.00 feet to the Northerly line of the aforementioned Lot 70, running thence along the Northerly , _.-J l L c BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS 1Il SURVEYORS. P.C. 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590 RICHARD G. BARGER. P.E. 1Il1..S. ROBERT L. CAMPBELL. I..S. ROBERT J. GRAY. P.E. JOHN E. RAILING. P.E. TELEPHONE 297-9435 297-4775 297-5775 Page 3 Deed Description - Conservation District - Kendell Farms line of Lot 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 17 and 16 on a curve to the left with a radius of 305.00 feet and an arc length of 129.99 feet South 740-13'-00" West 210.00 feet, South 620-19'-50" West 140.53 feet and North 780-08'-25" West 265.87 feet to a point marking the Northwesterly corner of Lot 16, and the Easterly line of a 50 foot strip to be deeded to the Town of Wappinger for hiqhway purposes, running thence Southeasterly along the same South 250-42'-40" East 122.53 feet to a point on the Northerly side of Kendell Drive, thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 50.00 feet and an arc length of 52.51 feet to a point marking the Easterly line of Lot 15 and the Westerly line of the aforementioned 50 foot strip, running thence Northwesterly along the same North 250-42'-40" West 157.41 feet to a point marking the most Northerly corner of Lot 15, running thence along said Lot 15 South 550-47'-55" West 114.94 feet and South 060-46'-32" West 96.26 feet to a point marking the Southwesterly corner of Lot 15 and the most Westerly corner of Lot 14, running thence along the Westerly line of Lot 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 45, 7, and 6 South 420-20'-20" East 50.00 feet, thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 725.00 feet and an arc len~th of 575.74 feet, South 030-09'-40" West 113.00 feet, South 590-49'-27" East 96.80 feet, South 340-54'-05" East 160.00 feet to the most Southerly corner of Lot 6 and the Northwesterly line of a 50.00 foot strip to be ddeded to the Town for highway purposes, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 550-05'-55" East 140.00 feet to a point on the Westerly side of Kendell Drive, running thence Southeasterly along the same South 340-54'-05" East 50.00 feet to the Northwesterly side of Lot 5 and the Southeasterly side or the afore~enticned 50.00 foot ?trip, runninq thence Southwesterly along the same South' 550-05'-55" West 140.00 feet to a point marking the most Westerly corner of Lot 5, running thence along the Westerly line of said Lot 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 27 South 350-28'-00" East 80.00 feet, South 220-00'-00" East 75.00 feet, South 060-00'-00" East 95.00 feet, South 140-16'-28" West 130.84 feet, and South 230-06'-04" West 104.00 feet to a ?oint marking the Southerly line of Lot 27, running thence Southeasterly along the same South 660-52'-56" East 125.00 feet to a point on the Westerly side or Kendell Drive, running thence along the same South 230-06'-04" West 266.00 feet to a point on the Northerly side of Old Hopewell Road, running thence along'the same North 570-22'-10" West 155.19 feet and North 650-57'-10" West 18'.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. , Containing 44.4 acres of land, more or less. - , ~. ~'l' .;-~ .,j,....~<,: ''-,,;,('"'' l L c BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS 8r SURVEYORS. P.C. _ 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590 RICHARO G. BARGER. P.E. 8r L.S. ROBERT L. CAMPBELL. L.S. ROBERT J. GRAY. PIi. JOHN E. RAILING. P.E. TELEPHONE 297-9435 297-4775 297-5775 Page 4 Deed Description - Conservation District - Kendell Farms Excepting and reserving from the above described parcel a 50.00 foot strip to be deeded to the Town of Wappinger for highway purposes, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Westerly side of Kendell Drive, said point marking the Northwesterly division line of the herein described parcel and the Southeasterly line of Lot 6, running thence Southeasterly along said Kendell Drive South 340-54'-05" East 50.00 feet to a point marking the Southeasterly line of the herein described parcel and the Northwesterly line of Lot 5, running thence Southwesterly along the same, in part, South 550-05'-55" West 178.57 feet to a point marking the South- westerly division line of the herein described parcel, running thence Northwesterly along the same North 180-21'-10" West 50.18 feet and North 350-28'-00" West 1.90 feet to a point marking the Northwesterly division line of the herein described parcel and a point in range with the Southerly line of Lot 6, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 550-05'-55" East 164.30 feet to the point to place of beginning. Containing 0.2 acres of land, more or less. Further excepting and reserving from the above described parcel a 50.00 foot strip to be deeded to the Town of Wappinger for hiqhway pur?oses, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly side of Kendell Drive, said point marking the Westerly line of Lot 16 and the Easterly line of the herein described parcel, running thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 50.00 feet and an arc length of 52.51 feet to a point marking the Westerly division line of the herein described parcel and the Easterly line of Lot 15, running thence Northwesterly along the same, in part, North 250-42'-40" West 177.60 feet to a point marking the Northerly division line of the herein described parcel, running thence Southeasterly along the same South 780-49'-30" East 62.51 feet to a !?oint marking the Easterly division line of the herein described parcel and a point in range with the Westerly line of Lot 16, running thence Southeasterly along the same South 250-42'-40" East 143.66 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 0.18 acres of land, more or less. Subject to the rights of public utilities and or easements of record, if any. ,.' I ~ L L BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS a SURVEYORS. P,C. 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS. NY 12590 RICHARO G. BARGER. P,!:. a L.S. ROBERT L. CAMPBELL, L.S. ROBERT J, GRAY, P E. JOHN E. RAILING. P,E. TELEPHONE 297-~3S 297-.775 297-5775 Page 5 February 25, 1985 Deed Description Conservation District - Kendell Farms All that parcel of land situate in the Town of Wappingers, County of Dutchess and State of New York and being known as a Conservation District as found on a map entitled "Revised Subdivision Plat, Kendell Farms", said map filed in the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Filed Map #?O~~~ bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly side of Old Hopewell Road, said point marking the Southeast corner of the herein described parcel and the Southeast corner of Kendell Farms as found on Filed Map #7025, running thence Northwesterly along said Old Hopewell Road North 710-58'-00" West 179.98 feet, North 680-55'-00" West 201.89 feet, North 640-30'-00" West 144.51 feet and North 620-23'-00" West 233.91 feet to a point marking the Northwesterly division line of the herein decribed parcel and the Southeasterly line of lands now or formerly Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation, running thence Northeasterly along the saMe North 650-46'-00" East 720.11 feet to a point marking the Northerly line of the herein described parcel and the Southerly , line of lands now or formerly Owners Maintenance, running thence the following along the Northerly and Easterly line of the herein described parcel South 810-03'-00" East 194.47 feet, South 150-31'-30" West 364.00 feet and South 140-13'-00" West 220.33 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 6.14 acres of land, more or less. Also all that parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Northerly side of Old Hopewell ~ Road, and the Easterly side of Kendell Drive, running thence North- easterly along said Kendell Drive North 230-06'-04" East 118.34 feet to a point markina the Northerly line of the herein described parcel and the Southerly line of Lot 40, running thence along the Southerly line of Lot 40 and the Southerly line of Lot 65 South 660-53'-56" East 110.00 feet and South 840-27'-55" East 126.77 feet to a point marking the Southeasterly line of the herein described parcel and the Northwesterly line of lands now or formerly Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corporation, running thence ,. _..-. '-..0,.. '"0 .' ~ . , -- ~ l c BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS 8r SURVEYORS. P.C. 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS. NY 12590 RICHARD G. BARGER. P.E. e. L.S. ROBERT L. CAMPBELL. L.S. ROBERT J. GRAY. P.E. JOHN E. RAILING. P.E. TELEPHONE 297-9<&35 2974775 297.5775 Page 6 Deed Description Conservation District - Kendell Farms Southwesterly along the same South 650-46'-00" West 220.38 feet to a point on the Northerly side of the aforementioned Old Hopewell Road, running thence Northwesterly along the same North 630-04'-30" West 81.69 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 0.43 acres of land, more or less. Also all that parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Easterly side of Kendell Drive, said point marking the Northerly division line of the herein described parcel and the Southerly line of Lot 36, running thence Southeasterly along the Southerly line of said Lot 36, South 660-53'-56" East 130.00 feet, running thence Northeasterly along the Easterly line of Lot 36 and Lot 37 North 230-12'-25" East 153.00 feet to a point marking the most Northerly point of the herein described parcel and the Westerly line of Lot 44, running thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 44 South 090-25'-28" West 55.96 feet, South 050-32'-00" West 50.00 feet, thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 160.00 feet and an arc length of 73.83 feet to a point on the Northerly side of Nicole Drive, running thence along the same on a curve to the right ~T;th a radius of 195.00 feet and an arc length of 139.94 feet North 660-53'-56" Nest 42.83 feet, thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 25.00 feet and an arc length of 39.27 feet to a point on the Easterly side of the aformentioned Kendell Drive, runnig thence Northeasterly along the same North 230-06'-04" East 35.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. ; Contiaining 0.299 acres of land, more or less. Also all that parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Beginning .at a ?oint on the Easterly side of Ke~dell Drive, said point marking the Southerly line of the herein described parcel and the Northerly line of Lot 37, running thence Northerly along the Easterly side of Kendell Drive on a' curve to the left with a radius of 185.00 feet and an arc length of 23.53 feet to a point marking the Southerly line of Lot 38, running l L c BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS a. SURVEYORS. P.C. o 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. WAPPINGERS FALLS. NY 12590 RICHARD G. BARGER. P.E. a. L.S. ROBERT L. CAMPBELL. L..S. ROBERT J. GRAY. P.E. JOHN E. RAILING. P.E. TEL.EPHONE 297-9435 297-.775 297-5775 Page 7 Deed Description - Conservation District - Kendell Farms thence Northeasterly along the same North 780-08'-00" East 126.20 feet to a point marking the Easterly line of Lot 38, running thence Northwesterly along the same and along the Easterly line of Lot 39 North 110-21'-00" West 240.00 feet to a point marking the North- westerly line of Lot 39, running thence Southwesterly along the sarne South 600-29'-00" West 132.29 feet to a point on the Easterly side of Kendell Drive, running thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 355.00 feet and an arc length of 30.69 feet to a point marking the Southerly line of Lot 28, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 600-29'-00" East 142.70 feet to a point marking the Easterly line of said Lot 28, running thence North- westerly along the Easterly line of Lot 28, 29, 30 and 31 North 340-54'-05" West 340.00 feet and North 320-19'-30" West 26.51 feet to a point marking the Northerly line of Lot 31, running thence Southwesterly along the same South 600-15'-00" West 130.00 feet to a point on the Easterly side of Kendell Drive, thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 425.00 feet and an arc length of 46.36 feet to a point marking the Southerly line of Lot 32, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 660-30'-00" East 130.00 feet to a point marking the Easterly line of Lot 32, running thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 32, 33, 34, 35 and 18 North 160-52'-00" West 68.36 feet, North 090-29'-05" West 140.00 feet, North 150-25'-45" West 172.31 feet and North 320-46'-00" West 86.31 feet to a point on the Southerly side of Lenny Court, running thence along the same on a curve to the right with a radius of 550.00 feet and an arc length of 41.44 feet to a point marking the Westerly line of Lot 19, running thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 19, 21, 22, 23, and 24 South 290-40'-00" East 136.16 feet, South 180-57'-08 East 169.47 feet, and South 150-47'-00" East 195.00 feet to a point marking the Southerly line of Lot 24, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 670-20' -00" East 133.00 feet to a point on the ~\lesterly side of Nicole Drive, running thence along the same on a curve to the right with a radius of 275.00 feet and an arc length of 51.86 feet to a point marking the Northerly line of Lot 25, running thence Southwesterlv alonq the same South 560-31'-45" Nest 130.00 feet to a point markIng th~ West~rly line of Lot 25, running thence South- easterly alonq the W~sterly line of Lot 25 and 26 South 330-28'-15" East lsi.20 feet to a point marking the Southerly line of Lot 26, running thence Northeasterly along the same North 590-24'-39" East 121.01 feet to a point on the Westerly side of Nicole Drive, running thence Southeasterly along the same South 230-11'-30" East 250.73 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Lot 41, running thence ~ L c BARGER, CAMPBELL, GRAY & RAILING ENGINEERS 8r SURVEYORS. P.C. 115 NEW HACKENSACK RD. W APPINGERS FALLS, NY 12590 RICHARD G. BARGER. P.E. 8r L..S. ROBERT L.. CAMPBELL.. L..S. ROBERT J. GRAY. P.E. JOHN E. RAILING. P.E. TELEPHONE 297-9435 297-4775 297-5775 Page 8 Deed Description - Conservation District - Kendell Farms Southwesterly along the same South 620-46' -27" ~-vest 120.30 feet to a point marking the Westerly line of Lot 41, running thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 41, 42, and 43, in part, South 070-01'-30" West 247.84 feet to a point marking the Northerly line of the aforementioned Lot 37, running thence Northwesterly along the same North 750-00'-00" West 133.36 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 2.615 acres of land, more or less. Subject to the rights of public utilities and or easements of record, if any. , : ...c.....,..,.:.,.,..,. "