1984-06-04 RGMAGENDA
JUNE 4, 1984
3. ACCEPT MINUTES Reg. May 7, 1984 & May 21, 1984
a. Correspondence from State Assembly Members re: Statewide system
of Public Power
b. D.C. Schner, Real Estate Project Manager for Pizzagalli Dev. Co.
Corr. to R. Evangelista re: Water Improvement Area
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d. Report of Examination by NYS Dept. of Audit & Control of the
Town Federal Revenue Sharing.
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a. Local Law to Repeal the Exemption on R al Property, as provided
by Sect. 485 (b) of Real Property Tax
b. Reintroduction of Amendment of.Junk Yard Ordinance
c. B/D Contracting rezoning request - Introduce Zoning Ordinance
a. Martin Leskow - request to become Tenant to Watch Hill Water Dist.
The Regular Bi -Monthly Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger was held on June 4th, 1984 at the Town Hall, Mill Street,
Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York.
Supervisor Versace opened the meeting at 8:04 P.M.
Frank Versace, Supervisor
Renata Ballard, Councilwoman
Gerard McCluskey, Councilman
Irene Paino, Councilwoman
Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk
Joseph Incoronato, Councilman
Others Present:
Bernard Kessler, Attorney
Ronald Evangelista, Engineer (arrived at 9:25 P.M.)
The meeting started with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Mr. Versace asked the public to join with the Town Board and
other officials present in a moment of silence in honor of Bert
Burns who passed away last week; Bert was a reporter with the
Wappinger and Southern Dutchess News and covered the Town Board
meetings for nearly two years.
The Minutes for the Regular Bi -Monthly Meetings of May 7th and
May 21st, 1984, having previously been sent to all Board Members
were now placed before them for their consideration.
Mr. Versace objected to a statement in the May 21st meeting on Page
4 which indicated that he had refused to set up a work shop for
Mr. McCluskey in relation to the Junkyard Ordinance Amendments.
He clarified his refusal by stating that he said he was willing to
have a work shop session with Mr. McCluskey and the other Board
Members if he would set the date and time since he had not regularly
attended previous work shops and Mr. Versace wanted to make sure he
would attend one that he himself had requested; he added that Mr.
McCluskey's attendance at the work shops was one out of four.
Mr. McCluskey debated the issue on the number of work shops he
missed and reminded Mr. Versace that he was told to contact the
Supervisor's Secretary to set up a work shop. He contended that
it was the Supervisor's job to set up the agenda for the workshop
and wanted it to be on the record that Mr. Versace refused to
set a work shop for this item. Mr. Versace rebutted that since
the minutes are a public record and he admitted that he did refuse
Mr. McCluskey's request he wanted the record to state the reason
for his refusal.
Mrs. Ballard clarified for the record that at the June 14th work
shop the Board will consider the Junkyard Ordinance as is the
policy for items that are set for public hearings on the following
MR. VERSACE moved that the Minutes of May 7th and May 21st, 1984
be and they are hereby approved as submitted by the Town Clerk.
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
There were no Reports of Officers submitted for this meeting.
A cover letter enclosing a package of materials addressed to the
Governor supporting a statewide system of public power was received
from the State Assembly office. The Supervisor noted that it was
on file in his office for anyone who wished to view it.
MRS. BALLARD moved to place it on file for those who wished to
review the contents.
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Item 5b, correspondence from Douglas Schner, Pizzagalli Development
Company to Ronald Evangelista was tabled until the Attorney and
Engineer were present. (They had been requested to attend a
Planning Board meeting in the Town Clerk's Office).
MR. VERSACE moved to table Item 5b until later in the meeting.
Seconded by Mrs. Ballard
Motion Unanimously Carried
Item 5c was removed from the Agenda at the request of the
The New York State Department of Audit and Control forwarded a
report of the Town Federal Revenue Sharing which had recently been
examined by them. The cover letter stated that correct procedures
were followed by the Town of Wappinger regarding the Federal
Revenue Sharing Program.
MRS. PAINO moved to accept this report and place it on file.
Seconded by Mrs. Ballard
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Paino referred to the third paragraph of the letter regarding
the fact that the report included a Federal Revenue Sharing Com-
pliance Audit but did not include a financial statement since the
Town was audited by a public accountant. They requested a copy of
the public accountant's report on our municipalities financial
statement for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1983.
Mrs. Crosby responded that this will be done in August of 1984.
A request was received from Ivans Strazdins owner of a three
family house at 143 Myers Corners Road for permission to become
a tenant to the Central Wappinger Water Imprdvement Area although
the property was in the Atlas Water Company franchise area. The
situation was one of extreme urgency since the well was contaminated
which was verified by a report from the Dutchess County Department
of Health (Richard Robbins, Senior Public Health Sanitarian) who
strongly recommended that the Town take the necessary steps to
grant permission to Mr. Strazdins to connect to the Town water
system. This would be a simple request to consider since the
lines passed in front of this house, however, the problem is that
the property is in the Atlas area. The matter was referred to the
who was still in attendance at another meeting.
Although a decision could not be made at this point, Mr. McCluskey
urged that they act on it tonight due to the drastic conditions that
existed and were detrimental to the health of three families. He
also mentioned to Mr. Strazdins who was present that he would be
required to adhere to the tenant policy of the Town which stated
that the tenant would have to pay a $500.00 hookup fee and double
the rates of the charge to the residents in the district.
Strazdins was aware of this condition and stated that he had no
choice and would agree to these requirements.
MR. MCCLUSKEY moved to table action on this matter until the
Attormey was present to advise the Board what procedure could be
taken to aid Mr. Strazdins.
Seconded by Mrs. Ballard
Motion Unanimously Carried
Committee Reports ---Mrs. Ballard, Building and Housing Committee,
reported that a press notice went out last week to the three local
newspapers announcing a public information hearing on the proposed
Town Hall on THursday, June 7th, 1984 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town
Hall, Mill Street, for the purpose of having the residents of
the community hear a presentation by Mr. John Kane of Hayward &
Pakan Associates, the firm that designed the new Town Hall. Mrs.
Crosby will make a presentation concerning the cost of the current
housing arrangements for the Town. If there are no objections
to this proposal by the citizens of the community, Mrs. Ballard
recommended that the Town Board hold a Special Meeting immediately
following the informational meeting for them to act on the next
step toward the building of the Town Hall.
MRS. BALLARD moved to set a Special Meeting on June 7th, 1984
immediately following the Public Information Meeting for the
purpose of authorizing the firm of Hayward & Pakan Associates to
prepare specifications for the bidding process on the Town Hall
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Ballard, Recreation Committee, -Citizens Advisory Committee
will continue their tour of the recreation facilities and then
present recommendations to the Town Board and the Recreation
Commission. Two more people volunteered for this Committee and
she can use additional help if anyone is interested.
Mrs. Paino, Airport Liaison Committee, reported that she had
attended a meeting on May 30th, 1984 regarding the Airport Plan;
she received a copy of the plan prior to the meeting and noted that
it is a hefty report. Suggestions were made to the draft report,
perhaps the most helpful being to include a table of contents.
This report does not provide for a realignment of Route 376 to
extend the runway, however it does not preclude that it might be
extended in the far future, at least not in the next
ten years, according to the NYSDOT; extension of the runway of
1,000 feet was included in the Master Plan ten years ago. After
she reviews this plan she will turn it over to the Town Clerk for
filing for anyone interested in viewing it. She has requested
the Commissioner of Aviation to forward another copy with a
table of contents.
Mrs. Snowden noted that a copy of blue prints had been delivered
to her office during the past week, and the cover letter assured
her she will receive the final copy.
Mrs. Paino, Landfill Committee, reminded the residents that the
Castle Point Landfill Site will be open the first Saturday of
each month from 8 A.M. to 12 Noon. She asked that no tires be
brought to the site, however, they will be picked up this fall
during the clean-up program.
Mrs. Paino, Vandalism --Warmer weather has brought more complaints
on vandalism; the Town Patrol is doing the best they can; Deputy
Sheriff Carl Amburgey has given her information on a Neighborhood
Watch Program. She invited residents to contact her if they are
interested in setting up such a program in their area.
Mr. McCluskey, Airport, noted that he had a copy of the Plan
Mrs. Paino referred to and agreed it was difficult to read
without a table of contents. He noted that the powers to be
in Dutchess County would like to -see the runway extended across
Rt. 376 and are in favor of really realigning Rt. 376. The state
threw a wet blanket on this project and told them to forget it in
so many words.
MR. MCCLUSKEY moved that the Town Board direct a letter to the
Dutchess County Executive and the Wappinger County Legislators
informing them that the Board is against any extension of the
airport runway.
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. McCluskey referred to the recent rains we had and noted that
Dutchess County considered this a thirty learflood and he recom-
mended that the Town Board express their thanks to the fire
companies for their help during this time. He added that some
of these volunteers worked around the clock for four days.
MR. MCCLUSKEY moved that the Town Board send letters to the
New Hackensack Fire Company, Chelsea Fire Company, Hughsonville
Fire Company and in the Village, W. T. Garner and S. W. Johnson
Engine Companies expressing their appreciation for the time and
effort these volunteers offered to help the residents of the Town
during this emergency.
Seconded by Mr. Versace
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Versace noted that his office has already sent letters of
thanks to these fire companies but he was in favor of the Town
Board also expressing their gratitude.
A Public Hearing having been held on a proposed Local Law to
Repeal the Exemption on Real Property, as provided by Section
485 (b) of Real Property Tax Law on June 4th, 1984, the matter
was now placed before the Board for their consideration.
MR. VERSACE moved to adopt Local Law #4 of 1984 as folios :
A Local Law to repeal the exemption on real property as
provided by Section 485-b of the Real Property Tax Law.
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger
as follows:
Section 1. This Local Law shall be known and cited as
Town of Wappinger Local Law No. 4, 1984, repealing the exemption
on real property provided by Section 485-b of the Real Property
Tax Law of the State of New York.
Section 2. Legislative Intent
This Local Law provides that the exemption authorized by
New York State Law for real property constructed, altered,
installed or improved for the purpose of commercial, business,
or industrial activity shall not be exempt from taxation, special
ad valorem levies and service charges, since it is in the best
interest of the Town not to allow such exemption.
Section 3. Pursuant to the authority set forth in
subdivision 7 of Section 485-b of the Real Property Tax Law,
the partial exemption from taxation, ad valorem levies and
service charges is hereby repealed in so far as the exemption
would have been applicable to eligible real property assessed
by the Town for Town purposes.
Section 4. This Local Law shall take effect upon its
filing with the Secretary of State and with the State Board of
Equalization and Assessment.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Paino
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
Mrs. Paino added that during her research on this law she learned
that the Town has lost approximately a quarter of a million dollars
because of this law being in effect. The intent of the state in
passing this law was to help New York City during their financial
difficulties and she felt that the Town of Wappinger cannot be
compared to New York City; she felt strongly that the state law
should be repealed.
Mr. Versace added that he too had researched and learned that
the surrounding communities do not have this law on their books
and are receiving the total taxes from new industries and the
Town of Wappinger should be entitled to receive the same.
At the last meeting Mr. Incoronato introduced a Schedule of
Amendment to the Junkyard Ordinance and set a public hearing for
June 18th, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. Since then revised Amendment had
been forwarded to the Board and it was now necessary to reintroduce
the Amendments. The proper legal notice for the public hearing
had been forwarded to the W & S. D. News.
MR. VERSACE moved to reintroduce the following Schedule of
Amendments to the Junkyard Ordinance:
The paragraph starting with the words, "At the time of
making the application" shall be amended by adding in at the
end of the said aforementioned phrase the following words:
"and at each annual renewal application", and otherwise to
read as is.
The paragraph commencing with the words, "A person presently
engaged in or conducting an activity or business such as described
herein on real property within the Town of Wappinger must apply
for a license therefor within thirty days of the adoption of
this article" shall remain as is, but the remainder of that
paragraph shall be deleted commencing with the words, "If the
place where he conducts..."etc.
Section 5: THE LICENSE
The first paragraph shall be amended by increasing the
fee for the license from $25.00 to $200.00, and the words,
"necessary inspections" shall be amended to read, "initial
inspection". At the end of the sentence ending with the work
"prescribed", the following shall be added thereto: "Any
subsequent inspection resulting from failure to comply shall
cost $50.00 per inspection. If non-compliance with this
ordinance shall exist thirty days after such initial inspection,
the application theretofore made shall be deemed to be null and
void and the applicant shall then cease and desist from all
types and manner of junkyard operation".
The last paragraph of this section commencing with the
words, "In the event that an applicant for a license..." shall
be deleted in its entirety.
The second paragraph of this section shall be amended to
indicate that the licensee shall erect a six foot fence and
otherwise is to remain the same, except to have added thereto,
after the word "business", the following language: "All
junkyard materials, equipment and structures shall be kept
and maintained at least one hundred feet from any residential
boundary lines of adjacent and contiguous properties, except
that crushing operations and equipment shall be located no
closer than four hundred feet from any such residential
The first sentence of the fourth paragraph of this
section shall remain as is. However, the second sentence,
commencing with the words, "All burning shall..." including
the next sentence, ending with the words, "legal holiday"
shall be deleted . A final sentence - to be added to this
paragraph - shall read as follows: "There shall be no stacking
of vehicles except for the absolute minimum required for crushing
The second paragraph of this section shall be amended to
read as follows: "For every violation of any provision of this
article, the person, entity, corporation or partnership violating
the same shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dollars".
The third paragraph of this section shall be amended by
increasing the civil penalty from the sum of $25.00 to the sum
of $100.00.
Seconded by: Councilwoman Paino
Item 7c, Introduction of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment requested
by B/D Contracting Company was tabled until the Attorney returned.
Item 8a, Request by Martin Leskow to become a Tenant to the Watch
Hill Water District was also tabled for the Attorney's presence.
MR. VERSACE moved for a ten minute recess until the Attorney was
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
The Meeting was recessed at 8:38 P.M.
The Meeting was resumed at 9:00 P.M.; all four Board Members were
present, Mr. Incoronato was absent, and the Attorney had returned
from the Planning Board Meeting.
The next item for the Board's consideration was Item 5b, Mr.
Schner from Pizzagalli Development Company to Mr. Evangelista
re their inclusion into Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area
or Cranberry Water Improvement Area. The Attorney reviewed the
history of this particular item---Pizzagalli had previously
petitioned the Town Board to establish a water distribution district,
then withdrew this petition, and recently reinstated same. Now this
communication to include the former Cornell -Drake parcel's water
line improvements into the CWWIA or Cranberry's Area. Mr. Kessler
felt this could be accomplished but needed input from the Engineer.
It was Mr. Versace's opinion that Pizzagalli could not be included
in CWWIA since they were outside of the boundary and there were a
lot of pros and cons on joining Cranberry. He recommended that a
meeting be held with principals involved.
MR. VERSACE moved to direct a letter to Mr. Schroer requesting that
he contact the Supervisor's office for a possible work shop session
for a presentation from his firm to the Town Board on the benefits
to be derived from the interconnection of two water districts; after
receiving Mr. Schner's response, the Town Board will consider a work
shop meeting.
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Item 5e was placed before the Board for their consideration and
Mr. Versace asked for the Attorney's opinion.
Upon reviewing this situation the Attorney advised the Board that
permission would have to be obtained from the private water comp any
to allow this property owner to become a tenant to a Town district.
Discussion followed on the proper procedure to follow.
Mr. Versace requested a one minute executive session to pose a
question to the Attorney.
The Town Board went into executive session with the Attorney at
9:10 P.M.
The meeting resumed at 9:13 P.M. All four Town Board Members and
the Attorney were present, Mr. Incoronato was absent.
Mr. Versace stated that the Attorney would explain the conditions
that would be required in order for the Board to consider Mr.
Strazdins request.
Mr. Kessler reiterated Mr. Strazdin's situation and noted that the
Town Board indicated that they were extremely anxious to assist
this resident and in order to do so it will be necessary for the
applicant to make an application to the Atlas Water Company to
obtain permission to take his building out of that district by a
waiver from Atlas to allow him to connect to the Town district.
The Attorney will outline the conditions for the waiver from
Atlas in a letter to them and Mr. Strazdins so he, too, is aware
of them. If these conditions are met, the Town Board will then
consult with the Engineer to the Town for the necessary procedures
to grant permission to the property owner to become a tenant to
MR. MCCLUSKEY moved that the Town Board act on the advise of the
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. Versace noted that Mr. Strazdins must adhere to the Tenant
Policy which was previously stated and the Board will address
the decision of individual meters or a master meter when the
mechanics described by the Attorney have been put into place.
Mr. Kessler added that although the Board is taking this affirmative
action, it should never be construed as a precedent for any similar
application by another resident. This action is due to the extreme
urgency of this particular situation.
There were five residents present from Carroll Drive who wished
to address the Town Board on drainage problems. Mr. Versace said
he would entertain them at this time and requested the Engineer's
presence. Mr. Evangelista arrived at the meeting at 9:25 P.M.
and listened to the discussion that followed on these problems.
Patricia Chappas, 47 Carroll Drive, complained that storm drains
have not been cleaned for two years by the Highway Department, and
as a result when it rains, the area floods. This condition is
apparently not due to the recent bad rains, but started back in
November; her 3' fence was totally submerged in November and last
week the water level was even with her 4' pool. She had 6" of
water in her home which ruined rugs and her situation was not
an isolated one - her neighbors were also experiencing the same
problems. She and her neighbors have spoken to Mr. Croshier and
his secretary on several occasions trying to get assistance in
getting the drains cleaned. Last year they were presented with
permission forms for their signatures; all of them signed with
the exception of one family who refused to sign, therefore the
drains were not cleaned. Now, this resident is willing to sign
the permission form. The Highway Superintendent has stated that
irregardless of whether this resident signs the form or not, his
department will c&ean the drains but refuses to give them even an
approximate date of when they will do it. Mrs. Chappas continued
her presentation to the Board and stated that they have been waiting
since November and have been through three floods. All they receive
is promises and she urged the Town Board to assist them and at least
tell them when they would get relief. She was very upset and said
she could not live with/any longer. The Fire Company assisted them
last week with sand bags.
Mr. Versace noted that a letter went out from his office today to
Mr. Croshier asking for a time schedule for storm drain cleaning
for all areas of the Town. He would contact the residents when
Mr. Croshier responds with this information.
Mr. McCluskey asked if there was any legal action they could take
to resolve the problem of the one resident who refused to sign.
Mr. Versace clarified the difference between the storm drain cleaning
and the situation they were discussing at present relating to one
resident who was halting the project which was the stream cleaning
program. This was partially completed and Drew Court will be
completed this year when bids go out on the next stream cleaning
project. Storm drain cleaning, he emphasized, did not require
release from the home owner.
Sumit Dasgopta, 5 Drew Court was recognized by the Chair asked if
the stream cleaning on Drew Court and Carroll Drive would be #1
on the list this year and Mr. Versace responded that Drew Court
has priority since it should have been completed last year, Carroll
Drive and Balfour Drive is being considered as part of another
program - they are being done in sections.
Mr. Dasgopta complained that some storm drain cleaning had been
done last year but they were still flooding and he asked that
they consider installing larger pipes.
Alberta Roe, Regency Drive noted that there was a problem last
year or the year before in her area with a tree interfering with
the drainage pipe and asked if that had been taken care of ---that
could account for the backup at Carroll Drive if they had neglected
to remove it.
Mr. Evangelista was familiar with this incident and reported that
three years ago an entire tree went down the culvert and was trapped
in one of the catch basins and later removed with chain saws. There
would be no relation to this present situation.
Further discussion followed on the procedures to be followed if
this one resident did not sign the release form for the stream
cleaning project and Mr. Versace noted that if they were informed
by Mr. Croshier that objections still existed to the validation of
the release form by this resident, the Town would then pursue the
matter legally through the Attorney to the Town.
The following Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the Town of
Wappinger was introduced by SUPERVISOR VERSACE:
Section 1. The Town of Wappinger Zoning Map, adopted
March 10, 1980, and as amended from time to time, is hereby
further amended by rezoning the following described parcel of
land from R-40 Residential to Al -2A Airport Industry, 2 acres
classification, which said real property is more particularly
described as follows:
All that tract or parcel of land sit uate in the Town of
Wappinger, County of Dutchess and the State of New York,
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the westerly line of All Angels
Road, said point being the northeasterly corner of lands
now or formerly Kotowski (Liber 1074, cp309); running
thence along the northeasterly line of the said lands
now or formerly Kotowski (Liber 1074, cp 309) North
39-00-00 West 243.65 feet to a point; thence still
along the said lands now or formerly Kotowski (Liber
1074, cp 309) and also along the northeasterly line of
lands now or formerly D. Brescia Construction Corp.
(Liber 1333, cp 874), said line also being the mean
center line of a stone wall, North 31-50-00 West
524.90 feet to an intersection of stone walls; thence
along the southerly line of Parcel "B", lands now or
formerly Alexander (Liber1388, cp 932), and also Parcel
"A", lands now or formerly Richardson (Liber 1532, cp 344),
Parcels "A" and "B" shown on a map entitled "Sub-
division Plat for John Alexander", filed in the
Dutchess County Clerk's Office on 11/26/79 as map
No. 5776, and running partially along the mean
center line of a stone wall the following two
courses: North 78-30-00 East 180.14 feet to a
point and North 79-05-00 East 440.00 feetIto the
westerly line of All Angels Road; thence along the
westerly line of All Angels Road South 13-18-00
West 775.34 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Containing 5.22 acres of land, more or less.
Subject to the existing easements and rights -of way
of record, if any.
The present owner is Coert B. Van Voorhis, tax grid number
Section 2. This amendment shall become effective
upon adoption, posting and publication as prescribed by the
The following resolution was offered by SUPERVISOR VERSACE
who moved its adoption:
WHEREAS, a piece of land containing 5.22 acres is
presently owned by Mrs. Coert B. Van Voorhis; and
WHEREAS, B & D Contracting Co. with the permission of
the said fee owner made an application to the Town Board of
the Town of Wappinger to amend the said land classification
from R-40 Residential to A1 -2A Airport; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger wishes
to hold a public hearing to consider the matter,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the
Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York that a public
hearing be held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger,
County of Dutchess and State of New York, at the Town Hall,
Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York on the 18th day of
June, 1984 at 7:00 P.M. to consider the adoption of an
amendment to the Zoning Map and Ordinance within the Town of
Seconded by: Councilwoman Paino
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
At the last meeting a request from Martin Leskow to become a
tenant to the Watch Hill Water District had been referred to the
Attorney for review and recommendation due to the fact that this
property was in the Town of Fishkill and the Board was hesitant
to consider the request without legal advise.
Mr. Kessler reported that he had researched the matter and
determined that the Town has the right to allow Mr. Leskow
to become a tenant to the Watch Hill Water District subject to
a contract or agreement with him and setting the rates determined
by the Board.
MR. VERSACE moved that upon the recommendation of the Attorney
to the Town, Martin Leskow, resident of the Town of Fishkill,
be allowed to become a tenant to the Watch Hill Water District
at a cost of $500.00 hookup fee, double the rates that the
residents of the district are paying and adherence to all other
conditions specified in the Town Tenant Policy.
Seconded by Mr. McCluskey
Motion Unanimously Carried
A memo was received from Amelia Crosby, Comptroller suggesting
that the Board approve the Procedure for Violation of Discrim-
ination Against the Handicapped (the Non-discrimination Against
the Handicapped Rule was previously adopted by the Town Board).
This action is in accordance with FRS regulations.
MR. VERSACE moved to adopt the following Procedure for Violation
of Discrimination Against the Handicapped:
1. Written notice of discriminatory action to Supervisor.
2. Supervisor action within (20) twenty day investigative
period relative department, i. e. Highway, Recreation,
General Office, etc., and report from such department.
3. Meeting within (10) ten days following investigative period
with plaintiff, Supervisor, a Town Board Member, and relative
department representative.
4. Written report of findings to plaintiff no later than 40 days
after receipt of initial written notice to Supervisor.
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. McCluskey commented that he wholeheartedly supported this
rule and the procedures but questioned if the Town would be in
violation if they did not provide a ramp to the Meeting Room for
the Handicapped to vote. Mrs. Crosby responded that we are
allowed three years to comply with the rules and procedures.
Since the Town Board had recently adopted a Local Law to
Establish a Conservation Advisory Council, the Attorney advised
them to reappoint the present members for a two year term
commencing June 1st, 1984.
MRS. BALLARD moved the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that Edward Hawksley, Oscar Scherer, Gerald
Webb, Kenneth Duxbury, Herbert Elman and Patricia Kelley be
and they are hereby appointed as members of the Town of
Wappinger Conservation Advisory Council pursuant to Local
Law No. 2 of 1984 and it is further
RESOLVED, that the aforesaid persons are hereby appointed
to the said Conservation Advisory Council for a term which shall
expire June 1st, 1986.
Seconded by: Mr. McCluskey
Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays
MRS. BALLARD moved to appoint Edward Hawksley as Chairman of
the Conservation Advisory Council, pursuant to Local Law No. 2
of 1984 for a two year term which shall expire June 1st, 1984.
Seconded by Mr. McCluskey
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mrs. Ballard noted that the Council still needed one more
member and if anyone was interested in becoming a member they
should contact any Board Member.
Jim Janos, 11 Cider Mill Loop, was recognized by the Chair and
asked to speak to the Board regarding a problem he was having
with the Carmel Heights Development, relating to the three
existing structures formerly owned by Cohen Farm. The destruction
of the one building, the debris that was left at the site which
eventually became a home for rodents and the present situation
of the burning permit issued to Mr. Segal by the D.E.0 for
controlled burning by the New Hackensack Fire Company has caused
Mr. Janos continued aggravation and anxiety for the past fifteen
months. He could not understand why the Town would allow this
activity and since he felt that the health and safety was being
threatened, he sought assistance from the Town for relief from
the situation.
Mr. Kessler recommended that Mr. Gunderud, Building Inspector
contact him the next day to discuss the matter and endeavor to
assist Mr. Janos and his family.
MR. VERSACE moved to notify Mr. Gunderud to contact Mr. Kessler
to discuss the problem presented to the Town Board by Mr. Janos
Seconded by Mrs. Ballard
Motion Unanimously Carried
Mr. McCluskey asked that the proper authorities be notified to
cease the burning activity until the Town has cleared the present
MRS. BALLARD moved to notify Mr. Gunderud to stop the issuance
of building permits in the Carmel Heights Subdivision until this
particular situation is resolved.
Seconded by Mrs. Paino
Motion Unanimously Carried
Michael Hirkala was recognized by the Chair asked if it was
part of the approval for the sbbidivsion to remove the buildings.
Mrs. Ballard responded: that she had investigated this matter and
was assisted by the Building Inspector and the Zoning Administrator
and they had researched the Planning Board resolution and found
no condition to remove these structures before building permits
were issued for that subdivision. When Mr. Hirkala asked if the
buildings in question were on the map, Mrs. Ballard believed they
were and he then stated that this was an oversight on the part of
the Planning Board.
Discussion followed on the matter and Mrs. Ballard said she first
was informed of the situation on April 30th, 1984 and certainly
was not happy about the burning permit but the fact remained that
the D.E.C. was willing to issue the permit and the New Hackensack
Fire Company was willing to conduct the controlled burning, now
the Town has the problem.
Mr. Janos thanked the Board and Mrs. Ballard particularly for
giving him the opportunity of having his "day in court".
Mr. Richard Tallman, 22 Roberts Road, was recognized by the
Chair and requested the Town Board to have the Dog Control
Officer look at the situation over a period of time and as
soon as possible pertaining to the dog problem in his area
and further requested that the report from this Officer be
received at the first Town Board meeting in July. The matter
is presently in litigation and his attorney advised him to
bring the situation up to date. Since this matter involves a
violation of the Town Dog Ordinance, he felt the Dog Control
Office should pursue this investigation.
Alberta Roe, Regency Drive, had previously requested that the
Rockingham recreation area be cleared of the debris since last
year the area children had set fire to the brush and she did
not want a repeat performance.
Mrs. Ballard assured her that this would be taken care of in
the very near future but the wet spring had put the Recreation
Commission maintenance men behind schedule.
MR. MCCLUSKEY moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mrs.
Paino and unanimously carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:14 P.M.
Reg. Mtg. 6/4/84
E aine H. Snowden
Town Clerk