1981-05-05 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 5, 1981, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Prohibiting Parking or Standing by any Motor Vehicle in Lanes Marked Fire Lanes Within Those Parking Areas and Driveways Maintained by the Wappinger Plaza. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:07 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutesof this Hearing). Mr. Diehl asked for comments from the public. No one spoke for or against the Local Law. Mr. Johnson moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Mills and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:10 P.M. 1 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW PROHIBITING PARKING OR STANDING IN FIRE LANES MAINTAINED BY WAPPINGER PLAZA STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) says: AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING } ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes - and,. • That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting r Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 16, 1981, your deponent posted a copy of the attached Notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law Prohibiting Parking or Standing in Fire Lanes Maintained by Wappinger Plaza, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this day of MALT 1981. Notary J Public vino !o N:MAIWZZ, -JR. Mlslsry r s c Nor York ibis OeddU* M Ulmer Coun Q � solowlsMss sutra Norsk 30 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk DISPLAY ADVERTIS an 3. D. NEWS 1.' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET • WAPPINGERS FALLS .._1 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN % t .t thara has boon duly prsssntad and traduced batora tM.Town Board.of.Iho`. Town of Wappingori Dutch's*County, 5 = Naw:1(Mlyon A •13th,1gtll, agopoa-A_ ad Local Law Prohibiting Parking Standing by any trotorrahlol. In lanasa, marked thy lanes Within those parking . areasand.driveways maintained by the,- WaNOT1 is FURTHERd1YEN heal Uiw`' Town Board of the Town of Wapp$n will conduct a Public Hearing on tin. aforeaaldroed twat Law et tea. Town- Hal .Milt Street,: Wappingers Fall., Now oft on ttw5tlyday of May,'; 19at P,Mr Mint such data at: whlcf limaa1tpafisaintaraarted be, lraard' a;d.,C. !'rS:rr� F .t act! iFii NOTICE IB: RJRT1f@t;GIVEN copies of the aforeaaldpropo/.d Local' Law. wilt: biravallablir for staminatlar. and lnsr�ppoecctti1oonnatthe offlc ottheTown Cl.*o •m.•Tor,otWappkgarInMr, Town Hilt between th.-hqun-of Wad' • A.M. and tOO P.M EST on all business_ daysnbst.ssei Mgr demi otAhls notlow and tMAwdtllf public tN�tir .,•• , Date*AprN1Ij1 • AFFIDAVIT OP PUBLICATION Seta of New York. County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. • GiEsrala Sclutitz of the Town of Wappinger. Dutcher) County. New Yak. being duly sworn. says that he is. End R the several... times hereinafter was. the Bookkeeper of W. Sr .S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday In the year in the Town of Wappinger. 'Dutcher' County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published In the said newspaper for elle week successively...9M ..1n each week. commencing on the. .r .� ... day of... April 1814 and on the following dates thereafter. namely on and ending on the 22ai day of.. Aarll mitt both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nfi day of Aril 1931 Notary Public My commission expires AL.8ERT M. OSTEr NOTARY FL;EUC, STATE, PF t:E17 YORK 14•32'.C763 1:t)Mli;S;;IGN =X';Rr.� MARCH 30,1H.:71 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on May 5, 1981, at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York, on a proposed Local Law Providing for the Administration and Enforcement of the New York State Fire Prevention Code in the Town of Wappinger and shall establish powers, duties and responsibilities in connection therewith. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:15 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Hans Gunderud, Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the Minutes of this Hearing). Supervisor Diehl asked if anyone wished to speak for or against the Local Law. No one had any comments on the Local Law either for or against. Mr. Johnson moved to close the Public, Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Reilly and unanimously carried. The Hearing closed at 7:22 P.M. CX.Lt_U__ ZI4le4s Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LOCAL LAW PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE NEW YORK STATE FIRE PREVENTION CODE IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappingers County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on April 16, 1981, your deponent posted a copy of the attached Notice of Public Hearing on a proposed Local Law Providing for the Administration and Enforcement of the New York State Fire Prevention Code in the Town of Wappinger, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this -44 40-ty 1981. day of Nota n+ Public YWRG111O HERNMDEZ, JL Awn, iummic of b. !'arx gun iddine is t W1ar Comely 'MOMS 14=6 Igo l54 ,3 Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk anci 5. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING "` • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET . WAPPINGERS FALLS , 'egress anri kolas • - iNOTICE Its.. HEREBIR,- GIVENetlat fightin0 M ttrere has beer, duly D tad and In. town, to cause-Attn. sense.. ro be . traduced beton theaovum Board of the-.� Irdawns f nwid , m ovidas tor • ' Town of W Dutch..' County, firs zones of parking within n.trlebd Nes York, on 1131h;11151. s propos• of zones as well am twenty fest • ..d Looal Law IRMOI g for , the ad• of tin hydrants' « review •lpa.. Th. ministration ard" enforcement, of th.'1' shalt abo•.."ca to span,. New 'fork State Fin Prevention Code In .' - manta, wuh fire Gomes to agaric . the Townpowers, of: Wepp*ngr and- sheik'-_ minhuaits, b,domamN.�rpcsialal�oapnpolrgpan..raa�F establish owe otlIoon therewith...-. ties and om; • hydrant locationwithin the wna, and- - mIs local law wIa provide -for the ' aecaas to hydrants of well as the man. ` iprr, n adr"rniehytlon and enface-. .r and occupancy of plaeas of public ; ir+ of tree tluouprt ` assembly: T s nu .hal also York 8s. Fin Cods' a. Bunn* of .Fire Prwenttorr:'dehI composed � which bureau, rea of and • the: of req hr ,� cent.ro, commaelal or•.-•,pan.rat apeetor, shall have the respomlblllty butanes,. n 'buildl1nrrips. as a pra�ond1Uon for issuing permits se required under • . : ro obtainingPrOvision . building permit. -,c•',..4...',,!..,•-i. the local. law. rwtewing ,compHancs penalties Is mads In the ices* law fo. with penins oondflons, and ravokhig , penalties In the went of vlolatiar,, permitsof owners found to be In- viola- thereof, and the putaabhmant 01 Sri • Bon of the condltlwri or their pamrtt'« Madetotcorant seo r impri • o meetproulas Is.:' the local law. -; , - =, :. ;�,. a tor.ftrr, p n Imprlsdnd In q wet The local Ian -Also defines•thpii q *us.. for civil, 0.1*11ae ,and In ihrities \tor which permits • wHl be rsr This local law els* makes . Vulrad, Incl dlnp-acetyI.n. generators,',-, tot manual 01 as automobile wrecking Yards, bowNng . structures upon«o "vim, of , aabtlahmertr% use. `of 20 a. mored r bounds . of • cef lulote nitrate motion..?. bed procedureshe with the Impo.F Ictun Sint, storage of cellulose nitratb,{... tion of the cost- them,. on tin: hr>w; Iestice, storage of combuatlWt fib" -.. SCE *8IRFRT EER GIVEN t1a1'th. t,. excess of 1011 Wblc late pros ,.,. Town Board of the Town of, Wappinger, plume. Storage of eompnsesd oa "r-- yrill most 'a- Public Hearing on the• ;M... "rs;oU pt.,,,,4,d.•01 dines,.' aforesaid Local Law at the :, �M .,lards,,, prod�warq• Plants.- Tostw ..•..,,,,.,,--'4-,,,„,•.arrF=.< :.Fal n N.w ork onBthe _5th aey offnMaayy 01, • basun. agsntsa dsfIn1 band eo.... =, 190it 7:15 P.M. EOT.on such date a . Negate UgWraaar...". d by tlf. local ";which time all les Interested wilt be.- • aw, - hazardous 'chemkrale, :.lumber-. pelt • Ys+ds. ain't"'etatlona, o0.raticn oil'' , i.11.a'0.. �1Iac.s of aaaembtyy, welding and -NOTIce is- FURTHER, GIVEN that., tlnnpp operaUaa,,ttammabls finishing.;•. copies of the aforesaid proposed Lose*. • act iville.g.,.Butt '"rlpenlod- proceses..;• .� *11 be available- for exfmhaUonl 'fumigqation• • and tthMerrmmaall MeseUeldaj-r'.. Clerk and of the Totth.otnc.o*theTown fogging operation, and otter activities .. Clerk of the Town Of h e hours. r in the defined BY lin lace love ' , ' Town Hao between the noun. of business - The *nest law-ernpowsra the Bun.0 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. EDT on all is notice of Inspectors to make Inspections of 511 dada adalebetween tin date of -this nolle. premises within the -Town of Wappi 1110 Medals of the public hartnngg. to ascertain compllance with then •ELAINE H. SNOWDEN code. - - . Town The Bureau of Fin Prevention te sten ' - .. .- -- --- Town of Wappl empowered to designate- mars.: - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutcheu. Town of Wappinger. Gisela Scltaitz of the Tqwn of Wappinger. Dutchess County. New Yak. being duly sworn. says that he is. Find a't the several .. times hereinafter was. tbe.DOCtkieept r of W. Si S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published every Thursday in the year In the Town of Wappinger. •Dutchess County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for OIIO • week succeulvely ... Ph410..1n each week. con,m'encIng on the 22" day of A114.1.•••• ..... 19.9k and on the following dates thereafter. namely on and ending on the day of...44ria 19.$3, both days inclusive. fi'l`GYer i .r Subscribed and sworn to before me this 222*4 .... day of.... A}�» • ID� Notary Public My commission expires ALBERT ht O!T-y NOTARY PtilltIC, QU, L,FiLl �.'... ,..lt•! � • COMM;SSION EXPIRES MARCH 30, ig