1980-10-30 PHA Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on October 30, 1980, at Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York, on an Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger, Section 461.81 Sign Regulations in Shopping Center Districts. Supervisor Diehl opened the Hearing at 7:04 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk Others Present: Jon Holden Adams, Attorney Hans Gunderud, Building Inspector/Zoning Administrator The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavit of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. (These Affidavits are attached hereto and made part thereof of the minutes of this hearing). Comments were received from the Zoning Administrator, recommenda- tions were received from the Town of Wappinger Planning Board and the Dutchess County Department of Planning. The Town Planning Board recommended that the amendment be adopted based upon their review of the material which was presented. The Dutchess County Planning Board recommended that the proposed sign amendment be disapproved, (letter on file in Town Clerk's office). Mr. Adams suggested, upon the recommendation of the zoning Administrator that two small additions be made for the purposes of clarification ---Section 416.8121, add the words "up to" before 20 linear feet, Section 416.82, there should be added at the end of the paragraph "at a location to be specified by the Planning Board". Mr. Gunderud added that 416.93 at the end of the paragraph "place" should be changed to "location", and also clarified the mixup in numbers, substitute the number "9" for "8" in all instances. Mr. Albert Roberts, attorney with the firm of Rosen, Crane and Wolfson, representing Myers Corners Development Corporation. He referred to Section 416.25 of the Zoning Ordinance --Signs for non-resident district, which made no provision for a shopping center. The requirements limited the size of the signs to 2' in height and 100 square feet total. The firm submitted an amendment to this section for consideration by the Town Board. He submitted a map of the proposed shopping center which had been filed with the Building Inspector and also a proposed directory sign identifying the center as Wappinger Plaza. He pointed out the signs to be installed on the two anchor stores, Channel and Waldbaums. He took exception to some of the facts mentioned in the Dutchess County Planning letter --they referred to five free- standing buildings, there would be only three structures, he said. They were not allowing maximum square feet as spelled out in Sections 416.912 and 416.9126. Waldbaum's should be allowed two signs since it was on a corner and should be identified on the Route 9 side and the Myers Corners Road side. In reference to their comment that the existing regulations of Section 416.513, 514, and 416.7 should be included, he noted that the ordinance did not state what illumination really is. Waldbaum's sign would be a self - illuminating, low glow sign, which was, he thought, a better way to identify the structure, and a request within reason. He then introduced Bernard Cacchio, representing the developer of the center. At Mr. Versace's request, the Board recessed at 7:24 P.M. The meeting Mr. Cacchio the subject 2 or 3 free identified. Mrs. Mills referred to Section 416.93, Identification Sign, and wished to add after "one free standing sign"-- "name of plaza only" and asked the attorney if this would affect the public hearing. Mr. Adams recommended that it read ---"one free standing sign. identifying the name of the shopping,:renter". It now reads -- "one free standing directory sign", and it was agreed by the members that the word "directory" be deleted, and the word as recommended by the attorney be written into that section. resumed at 7:32 P.M. and all Board Members were present. then spokerand commented that Mr. Roberts had covered very well and emphasized the fact that when you have standing buildings in a large area, they had to be t 78 Mr. Versace had no objection to one free standing sign for the purpose of identifying the shopping plaza, but would not agree to any other free standing sign. Mr. Cacchio said they had in mind that when the chain restaurant was ready, a menu board for the drive-in window, would that be considered a free standing sign. As it was now, for a 15 acre shopping parcel, they were ending up with 3 signs and one free standing sign. Some of the tenants would not locate there unless they were permitted a free standing sign, they would go elsewhere. The restaurant would need more identification since they were apart from the other buildings. If the sign was on the front, a person could drive around the other three sides and not identify the building unless they went to the front. A small 5'x8' sign as approved by the Planning Board was what they had in mind, and he did not feel this would be objectionable. Mr. Versace repeated his objection to allowing any more than one free standing sign identifying the plaza. It is a neat project as it is now, he did not want it spoiled with signs, it is not attractive as you drive along the highway. Mrs. Mills asked if there were provisions for signs under the canopies identifying the store when you went in. She was not objecting to this, rather she was looking for it. There were no other comments. Mr. Johnson moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Mr. Versace and carried. The Hearing closed at 7:45 P.M. a4LxgegA_ Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk %.0 TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER AFFIDAVIT OF OF POSTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, SECTION 461.81 SIGN REGULATIONS IN SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICTS STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on October 14, 1980, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Wappinger, Section 46..81 Sign Regulations in Shopping Center Districts, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. aso afw-AZA, Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Sworn to before me this day of oL -"O ga 1980.. ' Zf2 Notary Public DONALD G. RUCK Notary rub of if my York Stats Residing Outches&Counts Commission expires listen 30. 19 J Z cand 5. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISI G • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET • WAPPINGERS FALLS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE' that the Town -Board of the Town of Wappinger •will conduct a Pubfc.HSarl et the -Town, Mak;. IMileStrest, . Wappln „Falls, Noir York; on October -30, 1D6D at 7AD P.M.; EST to hear -all persons concsminrqp thr amendment: to -.the Town of WappInger Zoning Ordinance _ Section 416,81 Sign Regulations In Shopping Canter districts. The following Ordinance was In- troduced by Supe isor;_DNhi, who. :atovad111 BE R R LVED and.ordained by' Ms Town Board of th Town of Wap .Inger, Outcries. County; -New Yore pursuant to the authority -conferred by the Laws of the Stats of New York, as., follows SECRON'MhoTown of Wappinge Zoning. Ordinance- adopted March 10,'' 1980,1 and emended from time to Is further amended as follows:41 to Section 418.81 Bien Regulations N• • Slopping Center . Districts, Is. hereby added as follows: ORDINANCE - 416.81 Sl:-Repulatlons'In Shopp�% Irq Gersten, t 11r1 shopping .center-..dlstrIcts the, owing signs are hereby authorized:.:. • Not more than one (1) sign, per each retell or business outlet, affixed. and parallel to the outer wall of the, structure.within-which Abe.. -retell- or. business outlet. ; s situated, facing . upon. either the principalstreet giving access to suc struueettuure a upon the parking lot pertinent to such structure,: PgvMed thal; 416.811 te area- of iri fav such•sion±atfY�Ot-stioiacrthC following: 4NLB41..FoiN' refats,;oe= bustness:ou feet of floor area ca- foot .tor every e0.cPri P.01.ot:fs ansa: -. ' re f1:6T121'"'Fo► ,'Yepall" of ;' business- outlits:utllzlng'over 5,000; square feet of floor., arse, one ,(1).,- square toot for every 100 square fest.;:. Alf floor area, not ,toexceed 500 square flet total.- .,;.•+,:,;� ,�;r,,,. 413.8113 : ItAher,; retail f or business outlet Is contained within a structure lacing -NW*:fai principal:1 strata giving .ccees.ta,such stn—' ture (caner store), two (2) signs shall,j be permitted and the -total area off signs -shall not exoeed' 150%• of the allowable sign area -as. set forth in paragraphs 415.8111 Ind. 416.8112. however, no sign shall exceed area permitted in paragraphs 416.8111 and, 416.9112,.._ „_ , Ssap''eals"aan ace %NNIM swam* 'noon. MON! 6.1810 . velem its .posoldsa.q maws nom 8dd,Z t:vaunt W10'10 .Lt Ynue Milt, 1188liaglpuoo Poo0 '81V140 ROOM 0NIM1 3NO '9099•te1 'OW Enlace 'Pie eq snow a 'e6.q 'sssollld . gi1M I40aca 1111101.1338 303Id t L /Zi-ccz 'mooTiVf N'llilldf1911 t lr1AN 1131111 1Y1Nly tun roma S3I1211fd is : solo, Auoy ; SNOO11V9 :W -8, 1r11n4.rw. wawa % .. w..ra : Nese tt'sedge Pact Maie a I IWp *del 13311 Ol 13311 014011A! II aus-ia agar req res Pine • owls -0MM aMq. pus 000M-0 AFFIDAVIT OP PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutchess. Town of Wappinger. • Bea -trice Osten of the Two of Wappingers Dutchess County. New York. being duly sworn. says that he 1s. rand !t the several .. Beres hereinafter was, the Co-3dit9r-PlitbJ,i4,(ler • W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed and published . every Thursday in the year In the Town of Wappinger. •Dutchcss County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published in the said newspaper for one week succeulvely.9 i' ...in each week. commencing on the -1.5 bh.. day of. A ctobtar.... 19.8Oand on the following dates thereafter. Gamely on and ending on the 75th day of oetober 1Q.80both days Inclusive. -� Subscribed and sworn to before me this....1-.5 th day of...9g tQbZr 100. Notary Public My commission expires .. .. -..= A, r.F .ISI NOT?.C; . :'a YORK 414-C24`;,i c"O rOMMISS+:;h EXPi , T,t;,,;hi 30, 193,