1978-06-20 SPM780 A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on June 20, 1978 at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Notice of said meeting was mailed to each Board member on June 16, 1978 calling the meeting for 7:30 P.M. on June 20, 1978, for the purpose of considering the adoption of a proposed Wappinger Sewer Improvement *IV and any other business that may come before the Board. Notices were also given to the three newspapers and four radio stations and a notice was posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board on June 16, 1978. Supervisor Diehl called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl._ Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman' Leif Jensen, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk The following resolution .was offered by Councilman JOHNSON,who moved its adoption: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $22,000 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO PAY THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN AND FOR THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. IV IN SAID TOWN. WHEREAS, pursuant to proceedings heretoforehheidaAddt,6151ken in accordance with the provisions of Article 12C of the Town Law and more particulary a resolution dated June 20, 1978, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, has determined that it is in the public interest to construct the sewer improvement hereinafter described in and for the area known as Town of Wappinger Sewer Improvement No. IV in said Town; and WHEREAS, no approval of the State Comptroller is required for this project since the maximum estimated cost is less than one-tenth of one per centum of the assessed valuation of taxable property in said Town; and WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the financing of said sewer improvement in accordance with said proceedings; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, as,follows: Section 1. The specific object or purpose of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, for which the serial bonds herein authorized are to be issued is the construction of a sewer improvement in and for the area known as Town of Wappinger Sewer Improvement No. IV, to consist of improvements to the Mid -Point Park sewer treatment plant consisting of improvements to the final clarifier by replacement of the collector gear drive, drive chain and drive sprocket, and the refurbishing of sand filters, including machinery, apparatus and equipment necessary therefor, substantially in accordance with the map, plan and estimate of cost heretofore prepared and filed in connection therewith. y 181 Section 2. The maximum estimated cost of such specific object or purpose is $22,000, and the plan for the financing thereof is by the issuance of $22,000, serial bonds of said Town, hereby authorized to be issued pursuant to the local Finance Law. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is forty years, pursuant to subdivision 4 of paragraph a o=f Section 11.00 of the local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. There shall annually be apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within said Town of Wappinger Sewer Improvement No. IV subdivision, which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefited by the improvement, an amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall he subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. The validity :of such bonds and bond anticipa- tion notes may contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or pur- pose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of publication, or 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 7. This resolution, which takes effect immediately, shall be published in full in the Southern Dutchess News, the official newspaper, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Seconded by Mrs. Reilly. Motion Unanimously Carried Mr. Ryan requested the Board to authorize a loan of $12,000 from General Fund Sewer Improvement sale of the bonds MR. JOHNSON moved "owr Wide -to the Capital Fund-Wappinger #IV to be paid back with interest upon the & receipt of cash proceeds from the bond. to authorize the Comptroller to transfer $12,000 from General Fund Town Wide to Capital Fund-Wappinger Sewer Improvement #IV and this sum will be paid back to General Fund Town Wide account with interest upon the sale of bonds. Seconded by Mrs. Reilly. Motion Unanimously Carried MR. JOHNSON moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by MRS. REILLY and unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 P.M. Spl.Meeting-6/20/78 oh, Elaine H. S o d , Town Clerk 782 1'6'77 A Public Hearing was held by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger on the 20th day of June, 1978 on a Proposed Sewer Improve- ment in the Town of Wappinger to be known as Wappinger Sewer Improve- ment #IV, at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Village of Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, New York. Supervisor Diehl opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 P.M. Present: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilwoman Janet Reilly, Councilwoman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Leif Jensen, Councilman Others Present: Matthew Ryan, Comptroller The Town Clerk offered for the record the Affidavits of Posting and Publication duly signed and notarized. Newspapers and radio stations had been notified and notice was posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. A "Fact Sheet" was presented to the Board and the public listing mandated improvements, the budget for the proposed Sewer Improvement And a schedule showing Principal, Interest, Number of Benefit Units and Benefit Assessments using 7% interest rate and a 20 year maturity schedule. Mr. Ryan stated that when we do go to bonding next month, it is very likely the interest rate will be 5/%, but because of the shaky condi- tion of the market, a 2% spread was advised. This fact could drop the Benefit Assessment figure. No one else spoke. Mrs. Mills moved to close the Public Hearing, seconded by Mrs. Reilly and carried. The Hearing closed at 7:20 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Tcwn Clerk TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF WAPPINGER DUTCHESS COUNTY: NEW YORK IN THE MATTER OF THE PROVIDING OF A PROPOSED SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN THE TOWN OF WAPPINGER, DUTCHESS COUNTY, NEW YORK,PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12c OF THE TOWN LAW. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF DUTCHESS ) ELAINE H. SNOWDEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 778 That she is the duly elected, qualified and acting Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger, County of Dutchess and State of New York. That on June 7th, 1978, your deponent posted a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing on a proposed sewer improvement in the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, pursuant to Article 12c of the Town Law, on the signboard maintained by your deponent in her office in the Town Hall of the Town of Wappinger, Mill Street, in the Village of Wappingers Falls, Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York. Sworn to before me this day of .0-0-4)e , 1978. StLet., Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Town of Wappinger Notary Public IN. anti 5. D. NEWS DISPLAY ADVERTISING 914-297-3723 84 EAST MAIN STREET - WAPPINGERS FALLS yv CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LEGAL NOTICE At a special meetinrgg of the Town Board of the Town of Wawinger, pppin r Me These LCounty, New York, Heid Hall; in Wappingers Fells, New York, in said Town, on the 5th day of June 1978, at 8:00 o'clock P.M. 'Eastern Daylight Saving Time. - PRESENT: Louis D. Diehl, Supervisor Leif Jensen Councilman Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Bernice Mills, Councilman Jane, Reilly, Councilman- •• In the Matter . of. . The Providing of a Proposed Sewer Improvement in the Town of Wappinger. Dutchess County.New York, pursuant to Article 12C of thTown Law. WHEREAS, a plan, report and map have been duly prepared In such manner and in such detail as has heretofore oeen determined by the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutch's' County, New York, relating t0 the providing of a proposed sanitary sewer Improvement in said Town to be kneed as Town of Wappinger Sewer Improvement No. IV; and I ER EAS, said plan, report and map have been prepared by Rudolf E. LePar, competent engineers duly licensed by the State of New York. and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk; and WHEREAS, the boundaries of the proposed benefited area determined f0 be benefited from said improvement are as follows: Description of Proposed Mid Point Park Sewer Improvement Area Beginning at a point on the southerly line of State Route 376, said point also being the north easterly corner of the - lands now or formerly of Gasser, Said point also being the-norwest corner of lot 5 Block "G ' the -north as laid down on a map entitled "Mid•POint Park" on file In the Dutchess County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3332, thence in an easterly direction along the southerly line of State Route '76 South 60 degrees Sr 00" East 31.98 set to a point, said point being, the ortheest corner of lot 5, Block 'G", ience along the easterly line of lot 5 lock "G", the northerly lines of lots 3 nd 4 Block "G" and the westerly line of 1, Block "G" of filed Map No. 3332, he following bearings and distances: South 17 degrees 07' 10" West 159.25 feet South 72 degrees 30' 30" East 112.29 feet South 73 degrees 50' 50" East 109.35 f North 9degrees 51' 30" East 114.07 feet to a point on the southerly line of State Route 376, said point bung the north west corner of lot 1 Block "G", thence in an easterly direction along the southerly line of State Route -376, the following . bearings and distances: South 70 degrees 29' 10" East 23.20 feet North 90 degrees 38' 30' East 84.54 feet North 75 degrees 22' 40" East 53.66 feet to a point, said point being the northwest corner of the lands now or formerly of Steele thence along the westerly, southerly, and easterly lines of the lands low or formerly of Stoehr, the following )earings and distances: A curve concave to the left radius of 25 feet length of 42.49 feet, South 22 degrees 00'00" East 159.59 feet A curve concave to the right, radius of 200 feet length of 114.33 fe'f, North 55 degrees 10'00' East 424.18 Ieet North 30 degrees 5040' West 199.83 to a point on the southerly side of State Route 376, said point also being the northwest eryaalluthn encstllorgthesoety I e N State Route 376 North 59 degrees 13'20" East 210.00 feet. hence along the h'laly,fwnyeoeasterly es stndog hfollowing bei ig and distances: South 30 degrees 50'40" East 164.94 feet orth 59 degrees 07'10" East 115.03 feet North 30 degrees 53'00' West 184.91 1.e1 point do the southerly line of State to 376, said point also being the heart corner Of the Janda- now or nerly of Wing: thence easterly along thinly line of the Stale Route 376, tir 9 rees 0000" East 50.00 het to n, said point being' the northwest :orner 0f the lands now or formerly Bitting; thence in a southerly diirrech n 11o,g the easterly line of formerly Emil an' (now Top•O•14111 RO.d) .ane Deering' and distances: ceS} uth 30 degrees 5370' East leen South 30 degrees 5410' East 127.21 «Sour 14 degrees 09'10" East 208.00 o 0 paint, said' point being the northwest order of lot 1, Block "A" Of said filed Aep No. 3332; thence Meng the nOrMerly me of lot 1, Block "A" end the easterl nes of lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6 and 7 Block "A" rossing a future road and continuing long the easterly boundaries oe sot 9, 9 0, 11, 12, 13.14, 15 and 16 Clock "A" 1 . following bearings and distances: �. North 72 degrees 07'30' East 2011.95 feet South 12 degrees 3310' East 239.34 feet South -12 degrees 06'50` East 228.44 ' feet South, 12 degrees 19'50" East 360.59 • South 13 degrees 38'40' East. 230.90 f South 13 degrees 34'10" East 198.60 feet South 14 degrees 49'50' East- 200.00. feel South -12 degrees' 1S'10' East 270.39 feet to a point, said point beithe southeast corner of lot 16 Block "A." on filed Map No. 3332; thence; along the southerly line of lot 16 Bleck. "A', crossing for. merly, Emil Lane now TOp-0•Hlll Road, continuing along the southern line of lots 1, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. 37: 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 43 -and 44 Block "B" the f0110W1119 bearings and distances: S uth 74 degrees 4S' 20" West 247.24. feet feet uth 76 -degrees 20' 40" West 496.20 , - South 76 degrees 10' 00" West 390.33 feet South 76 degrees 24' 30" West 308.29 feet South 76 degrees 29' 00" West 733.02 feel to -a point, said point beinngq the southwest corner of lot 44, Block "B" thence in a northerly direction along the westerly lines lot 45, across a future road, lot 46, lot 47, lot 48 and lot 49, Block 'B", of the Sewage Disaposal and Water the westerly Works Area and lot 11, Block "C" the following' bearings and distances: North 13 degrees 31' 10v ,West 234.22 feet . North 12 degrees Al' 50" West 474.99 feet North 16 degrees 07' 30" West 271.33 feet North 13 degrees 07' 40" West 690.59 feet North 13 degrees 37' 50" West 193.06 feet and North 11 degrees 49' 30" West 129.41 to to point,thence along the nor- •, thwesterly lines of lots 11, 10 and 9 "Block G," and the norther) lines of lot 9, 8, 7 and 6 Block "G" the following bearings and distances: North 44 degrees 56' 00' East 370.04 feet and ' South 79 degrees 06' 40". East 415.27 feet to a point, said point being the southeast corner of the lands, now or formerly of Gasser, thence in a northerly direction along the easterly line of the lands of Gasser, North 19 degrees 24' 40" East 300.51 feet to the point or place Of beginning.. ,and i WHEREAS, the improvemints proposed consist of improvements t0 the MPoint Park sewer treatmentplant consisting of improvements t0 me final clarifier by the replacement of the - collector gear drive, drive chain and drive sprocket, and the refurbishing of sand filters,- including machinery, ap- paratus and equipment necessary therefor. all as more fully described in the aforesaid plan, report and map; and WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for such Im- provament Is 122,000 and the proposed ' method of financing to be employed consists of the Issuance of serial bonds of said Town of Wappinger to mature in annual installments over a period not -exceeding forty years, such bonds to be payable from assessments uplift and collected from the several lots and parcels of land deemed benefited from said improvement and located In the aforesaid benefited area, so much upon and from each as shall be 311 lust proportion to the amount of the benefit which the Improvement shall confer upon the same: and WMER EAS, said Wan, report and Map argon file in the office of the Town Clerk' of the Town of WeOPinger ter public inspection: and WHEREAS. it Is now desired to call a public hearing for the purpose of cert. te Mir sled epencn%Interesstted In and subl•ct thereof end concerning the same, all in accordance with the ratguidons of Section 209q of the Town NOW ORDERED, Rby the EFORTeenlBeard o1 the Town of Wappinger Dutchess County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A public hearing will be Mkt at Town Nall, Mill Street, In said 'Teen on Ilk 20th day of June, 1978, at 7:00 O'clock P.M., Eastern Daylight Saving Time, tO consider tiso aforesaid plan, report and map and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof and caverning the same end to take such- e ction thereon as is required by law. _- Section Section 2. The Town Clerk of the Town. of Wappinger, is herroebpyy authorised • and be directed-fp lisMd onccausee In Me Wappof this rder 11n0p01er' & ppSoou�thern butches* News, and nlso ee-- board maintained opy hby the eef on the Town lose than ten nor more than twelfth d." Oeaigned tenlhrhaer'- as af01,0.1d, all in aecordahler with pprrovisions of Section 209q of.;tlN,T LaSection 3711111 order immedla . ' " The ion 01 - }Crediting arch waadnftlt . roll cal, which reauter t oro CoAT unethee i uncil/nee' INGAY COIMICi6Mnlan AY Cones clfee nese y NQ -AY i AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION State of New York. County of Dutchess. 'Town of Wappinger. '6" 7 J ' Beatrice Osten .of the Town of Wappinger. •Dutchess County. New Yak. beth duly y sworn, says that he 1s f aI .1:11. itth�Cnd £t the several times hereinafter was. tee .. • • ... sad published , W. & S.D. NEWS. a newspaper printed every Thursday in the year in the Town of Wappinger' Dutchess County. New York. and that the annexed NOTICE was duly published In the said newspaper for ....9'Y.. week successively ..... 4: ; U1 each a err` week commencing on the... +.�;1.. •day of..... 19.7. S and on the following dates thereafter, namely on ... ............... ...:attl.day of............. ..... and ending on the.... 19.7.c. both days inclusive. Subscribed and sworn to before ane JRAOr , 19. •7S this....... 7 t.4 .. • . day of........ My commission expires Notary Public NOTARYS`:+;E CF NEW YORK QUAL:FIE:) I:: 7iT:;i;ZSS COUNTY 414-S240760 (+6 COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 34.18S6 *