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1976-12-30 RGM
444 The Annual Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on December 30, 1976 at 4:30 P.M.at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Notice of said meeting was mailed to each Board member on December 14, 1976, calling the meeting for 4:30 P.M., December 30, 1976, for the purposes of encumbering funds for Town Depart- ments; accomplishing necessary transfers for the years end; recommended transfers recommended by Mr. Ryan as of December 13, 1976, and any other business that may properly come before the Board. Deputy Supervisor Clausen called the meeting to order at 4:40 P.M. Present: Louis Clausen, Deputy Supervisor Leif Jensen, Councilman Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine Snowden, Town Clerk Absent: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Others Present: Matthew Ryan, emptroller Mr. Clausen stated that, before starting on the agenda, Mr. Steinhaus, Planning Board Chairman, had asked what the Board's feelings were twward the request the Planning Board had made in regard to encumbering $1,500.00 of their 1976 Budget in order to cover anticipated expenses for services of the Dutchess County Department of Planning in several areas of subdivision review. Mr. Rappleyea had subsequently been contacted for an opinion by Mr. Ryan. Mr. Rynn then explained that Mr. Adams (of Mr. Rapple- yea's office) indicated that only those expenses that had legiti- mately and actually been incurred in the year 1976 could be encumbered, Therefore, the request of the Planning Board was untimely and these funds could not be encumbered, as it was not to be actually incurred until 1977. The Planning Board request, therefore, was not honored. Mrs. Crosby's request for $320.00 falls in the same category - unacceptable. The Comptroller requested authority to encumber the following accounts of various Town departments. Justice Court, Account #A1110.4 (2 obligations) $15.55 total; Highway, Account #DM5130.4 (5 obligations), DM5142.4 (2 obliga- tions) for a total of $2,070.29 and 1 obligation for A5010.4 - at $8.37; DR5110.4 (6 obligations ) at $6,778.15, DB5120.4 at $989.63, DM5130.4 (10 obligations) at $2,288.51, Animal Control Account #A3510.4 at $359.00, Town Clerk Account #A1410.4 at $4.95, Supervisor's Office, Account #A1220.4 @ $75.00, Recreation Account #A7110.4 (2 obligations) @$2,273.00; account #A7140.4 (4 obligations) $5,573.00, Zoning Administrator Account #B8010.4 (3 obligations) @ $191.00, Planning Board Account #B8020.4 @ $90.00, Miscellaneous Accounts #A1680.4 $46.00; A1620.4 (2 obligations) $9.55; B3120.4 (3 obligations) $202.50; A3310.4 $204.00; A9055.8 (2 obligations) $822.33; B8020.4 $25.00; A5132.4 $168.93. MR. JENSEN moved to authorize the Comptroller to encumber the necessary accounts in order to pay obligations incurred in 1976 as submitted and listed above, with the exception of the requests of the Planning Board and Amelia Crosby. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Roll Call Vote: 4 Nays 0 Nays The following memo was received from the Comptroller: Memo To: Town Board Members From: Matthew W. Ryan, comptroller Re: Transfers of enspent Capital Authorization As we prepare to close our books, we respectfully request the Town Board to return the project balances to the respective General Fund or to another cppital project. In the Town Wide Budget we must return $5,000.00 to the General Fund and in the Part Town Budget $10,000.00 must be returned. Land Acquitition Highway Garage Martz Park Brouthers Park General Fund - Town Wide $ 98©x,20 7,090.09 - 2,387.07 1,382.32 $11,839.68 General Fund - Part Town Storm Sewer - $20,568.82 Drainage Construction - 5,432.71 $26,001.53 These amounts do not reflect interest earned but not posted through the end of the quarter. The revenue accounts are A2954 and B2954. If these funds are transferred back to their respective General Funds and constitute surplus funds after the books are closed, they, at that time could be re -appropriated at a later date. I am sending this memo one week prior to our year end meeting so that any questions can be answered prior to the meeting. Sincerely, s/ Matthew W. Ryan Comptroller Mr. Clausen personally thought the Town Hall fund would be the most appropriate, or possibly the Down Stream Drainage Account. MR. JOHNSON moved to authorize the Comptroller to transfer the sum of $6,839.39, with accrued interest, of the unspent Capital General Fund -Town Wide into the Town Hall Capital Fund. Seconded by Mr. Versace. Motion Unanimously Carried MR. JENSEN moved to authorize the Comptroller to transfer $16,001.53 with accread interest, of the unspent Capital, General Fund, Part Town, into the Storm Drainage Debt Service Account. Seconded by Mr. Clausen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. CALUSEN moved that the Comptroller be authorized to return the sum of $5,000 to General Fund Town Wide and the sum of $10,000 to General Fund Part Town. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays 4 c6 The following memo was received from the Comptroller requesting approval of the following transfers of funds: MEMO TO: Town Board Members -FROM: Matthew W. Ryan, Comptroller PE: Transfers Please approve the following transfers: MID -POINT To From 13.40 SS1-8130.4 Sewage Tr. & Disposal SS8110.1 Admin. Pers. Service 39.20 II If SS8130.1 Sewage Tr. & Disposal Pers. Service 50.00 " ft SS9010.8 State Retirement :8.00 ft ft559030.8 Social Security 17.00 ft" SS9040.8 Compensation Ins. 2.00 " II SS9055.8 Disability Ins. 43.00 ft ft559060.8 Medical Insurance In addition, from surplus and unanticipated revenue increase line item SS1-8130.4 - $1858.35. December 30, 1976 FLEETWOOD 148.58 SS2-8130.4 Sewage Tr. & Disposal SS8110.1 Admin. Pers. Services 59.00 " SS8130.4 Sewage Tr. & Disposal - Contr. 29.00 ft ft559010.8 State Retirement 17.00 ft" SS9030.8 Social Security 8.00 ft ft559040.8 Compensation Ins. 2.00 If II SS9055.8 Disability Ins. 34.00 II II SS9060.8 Medical Insurance 1.36 ft ft559770.7 Debt Ser. Interest RAN's In addition, from surplus and unanticipated revenues increase line item 552-8130.4 - $788.17. )Rockingham 70.78 SS3-8110.1 Admin. Pers. Service SS8110.4 Administration Contractual WILDWOOD 317.81 40.08 95.00 51.00 31.00 6.00 99.00 2,236.10 SS4-8130.4 Sewage Tr. & Disposal SS8110.1 Admin. Pers. Service SS8130.1 Sewage Tr. & Disposal Pers. Service " ft SS9010.8 State Retirement SS9030.8 Social Security SS9040.88 Compensation Ins. SS9055.88 Disability Ins. " It SS9060.8 Medical Insurance " " SS9730.6 Debt Ser. Principal BAN's SEWER IMPROVEMENT #1 189.35 SS5-8130.4 Sewage Tr. & Disposal .54 91.20 32.00 20.00 9.00 2.00 37.00 5.20 2,358.60 " " OAKWOOD WATER SS8110.1 Admin. Pers. Service SS8110.4 Administration Contractual SS8130.1 Sewage Tr. & Disposal Pers. Service SS9010.8 State Retirement SS9030.8 FICA SS9040.8 Compensation Ins. SS9055.8 Disability Ins. SS9060.8 Medical Insurance SS9?30.6 Debt Service Principal BAN's SS9730.7 Debt Service Int. BAN's 207.21 .SW1-8320.4 Power & Pump. Contr. SW8340.2 Trans. & Distrib. Equipment FLEETWOOD WATER - 127,.90- '8W2-8320'.4 Power & Pump. Contr. _4.36 33.00 20.00 " " 32.00 2.00 37.00 ". SW8310.1 Admin. Ptrs. Services SW8340.1 Trans. & Dist. Pers. Services. SW9010.8 State Retirement SW9030.8 FICA • SW9040.8 Compensation Ins. SW9055.8 Disability Ins. SW9060.8 Medical Insurance To From Page 2 In addition, from surplus and unanticipated revenues please increase -8320.4 - $939.19. 1 Trees Water 47.49 15.00 40.76 23.00 13.00 18.00 2.00 24.00 SW3-8320.4 Power & Pumping 11 11 11 1, 1, 1 11 11 11 1, SW8310.2 Administration Equipment SW8310.4 Administration Contractual SW8340.1 Trans. & Distr. Pers. Service SW9010.8 State Retirement SW9030.8 FICA SW9040.8 Compensation Ins. SW9055.8 Disability Ins. SW9060.8 Medical Ins. In addition, from surplus and unanticipated income please increase SW3-8320.4 an additional $356.84. Central Wappinger Water 616.29 14.67 61.25 25.00 360.00 200.00 1:00 00 00 SW4-8310.4 Administration Contr. 11 11 SW4-8320.4 Power & Pumping 11 11 11 11 1I 11 11 11 11 11 I1 11 11 11 11 " 11 11 SW8310.1 Admin. Pers. Services SW8340.1 Trans. & Distr. Pers. Services SW8340.1 " " " " SW8340.4 Contractual SW9010.8 State Retirement SW9030.8 FICA SW9040.8 Compensation Ins. SW9055.8 Disability Ins. SW9060.8 Medical Ins. In addition, from unanticipated income please appropriate an additional $17,979.30 to SW4-8320.4. IN THE GENERAL FUND THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS ARE NEEDED: 87.36 A1220.4 Supervisor's Contr. 103.25 A1620.4 Town Bldgs. Contr. 481.90 " " " 11 322.97 11 It 11 11 2,163.32 " " 11 " 221.48 A1110.1 Justice Pers. Ser. 99.78 A1450.4 Election Contr. 21.00 A1620.44 Town Bldgs. Improv. 81.85 A1680.4 Central Data Processing 81.40 A3310.4 Traffic Control 72.30 A7020.1 Rec. Administration 466.38 A7550.4 Celebration Contr. 329.66 A7110.1 Parks Pers. Service 42.20 A7140.4 Playgrounds & Rec. Center 9?,.75 B3120.1 Police 110 .00 B3620.1 Bldg. Administration .95 B3120.4 Police A1010.4 Town Board Contractual A1010.4 " A1220.2 Supervisor Equipment A1330.1 Tax Collector Sal. A1355.1 Assessor Pers. Service A1110.4 Justices Contractual A1355.1 Assessor Pers. Service A1355.1 It A1355.1 " A1355.1 A1355.1 " " " A1355.1 " A1355.1 " A1355.1 11 B1990.4 Contingency B1990.4 Contingency B1990.4 Contingency Please set up the following account in the Anti -Recession Aid Account : AF1315 Fin. Admin. for $3,175.00 for the Comptroller's Office. Thank you, ,/ Matthew W. Ryan Comptroller Town of Wappinger In addition, please increase CF1315.4 - $36.87 Financial Administration. :148' 4 8' MR. JOHNSON moved to authorize and direct the Comptroller to make all the necessary transfers per his request, of December 30, 1976 for Mid -Point Sewer District; Fleetwood Sewer District; Rockingham Sewer District; Wildwood Sewer District; Wappinger Sewer Improvement #1; Oakwood Water District; Fleetwood Water District; Tall Trees Water Improvement; Central Wappinger Water Improvement, and the General Fund. Seconded by Mr. Jensen Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays A new contract for Sloper-Willen Ambulance Service was before the Board. MR. JENSEN moved to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract between the Town of Wappinger and Sloper-Willen Ambulance Service, subject to the review by the Attorney to the Town. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 4 Ayes 0 Nays MR. VERSACE moved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried. The Meeting adjourned at 4:58 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Annual Mtg. 12/30/76