1976-02-24 SPM79 A Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger was held on February 24, 1976 at 8:00 P.M. at the Town Hall, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, New York. Notice of said meeting was mailed to each Board member on February 19, 1976 at the request of Deputy Supervisor Louis Clausen, who called the meeting for 8:00 P.M. February 24, 1976, for the purpose of considering various recommendations made by Matthew Ryan, Comptroller regarding Water and Sewer Districts, the Lombardi problem,.and any other business that may properly come before the Board. Deputy Supervisor Clausen called the meeting to order. at 9:23 P.M. Present: Louis Clausen, Deputy Supervisor Nicholas Johnson, Councilman Frank Versace, Councilman Elaine H. Snowden, Town Clerk. Absent: Louis Diehl, Supervisor Leif Jensen, Councilman Others Present: Allan Rappleyea, Attorney to the Town Rudolph Lapar, Engineer to the Town Matthew Ryan, Comptroller The first order of business placed before the Board were several recommendations received from the Comptroller. Mr. Clausen asked Mr. Ryan to give to the Board his recommendation on the increase in the minimum water charge for Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area. Mr. Ryan recommended that, effective immediately, all those users in Central Wappinger Water Improvement who are in a metered area, whose meter is not functioning or does not have a meter, their fee be raised to $12.75 per quarter. MR. CLAUSEN moved that, effective immediately, the fee for users in the Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area who either have a non-functioning meter, or no meter at all, be increased to $12.75 per quarter. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes 0 Nays Mr. Clausen pursued Mr. Ryan's second recommendation which was that, effective immediately all meters purchased by the Town should be charged to the user as part of the O&M bill for the next quarter, Effectively, this recommendation was rejected in discussion, but none the less was now being considered. MR. CLAUSEN moved that the water meter be supplied by the District under an O&M charge. First, those meters that are non-functioning and need repair should be replaced. Second, in the future, upon request of water meters we will ascertain the amount of monies in the O&M District, and, if the demand on water meters is in excess of the monies available consideration of raising the O&M rates would be in order. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: Councilman Johnson nAye Councilman Versace Nay Dep. Supervisor Clausen Aye Motion Defeated Mr. Versace to add to Mr. Clausen's motion suggested that the Town Board spend some time in a study to find out if we are prepared to go into the meter business, and at that time thkeapproprriate vote should be taken. More work sessions should be put into it, and, if this is the intent of the Town Board to go into the meter business, then we should have the personnel to be able to follow through upon the servicing, inspection of it, and the reading of these meters. Mr. Clausen asked that Mr. Jensen and Mr. Versace, as members of the Water & Sewer Committee, come up with a proposal for the Town Board as to how we should handle meters as far as 81AI charges are concerned to those residents who request them. Mr. Versace said at this time he requested that the full Town Board be involved in this type of a proposal. He thinks it should be a Board discussion and doesn't believe the recommendation from the Sewer & Water Committee would be the appropriate thing to do. He thinks it should be a full Town Board function. A request from the Comptroller requesting the following appropria- tion accounts for Federal Revenue Sharing be set up: CF -7610---$7,000.00 Social Service for Aging CF -1315--- 6,000.00 Financial Administration CF -7410--- 2,000.00 Library and $148,900 be allocated to the appropriation account General Government. MR. CLAUSEN moved that the recommendations of the Comptroller be accepted, and the Comptroller be authorized to set up those recom- mended Federal Revenue Sharing accounts. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes 0 Nays The following resolution was introduced by COUNCILMAN JIt')HNSON who moved its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger has entered into a contract with Dutchess County for bus service for Senior Citizens called "Care -A -Van"; and WHEREAS, said contract sets forth a specific payment schedule including a maximum annual payment of $7,000.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Comptroller be authorized to issue checks from the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund, according to the payment schedule as set forth in the contract payment schedule. These monies shall not exceed $7,000400. Seconded by Mr. Versace Roll Call Vote: Councilman Johnson Aye Councilman Versace Aye Dep. Supr. Clausen Aye Resolution Duly Adopted The following request for a transfer was received: February 13, 1976 MEMO TO:Town Board Members FROM: Matthew W.Ryan, Comptroller RE: Meters Please authorize the following transfer of funds as we have sold meters from Central Wappinger Water to Oakwood ala $50.00 each FROM Oakwood Water TO AMOUNT Central Wappinger Water $200.00 SW 2650 The transferred serial numbers are 22186217, 18, 19 & 22. These meters were needed by Camo as per my previous memo's - we must keep the number of malfunctioning meters to a bare minimum to maintain a good cash flow. Thank you. Yours truly, s/ Matthew W. Ryan Comptroller MR. VERSACE moved that the recommendation of the transfer of monies from the Oa1ood Knolls Water District to Central Wappinger Water Improvement Area, in the amount of $200.00 be approved, with the stipulation that the meters are only to be used in an emergency purpose. Seconded by Mr. Johnson Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes 0 Nays A memo was received from Matthew Ryan, Comptroller requesting the Board to clarify his responsibilities and duties as purchasing agent. MR. CLAUSEN moved that Mr. Ryan, as Purchasing Agent for the Town of Wappinger, would be responsible for the purchasing of all the supplies, to review all contracts, write specifications for bids with the assistance of other Officers, publish the advertisement for the bids, making them returnable to the office of the Town Clerk, review and tabulate all bids and make his recommendations to the Town Board as to the awarding of them. Seconded by Mr. Versace Roll Call Vote: 3 Ayes 0 Nays Mr. Ryan asked to which standing Board Committee he should direct a request for purchasing equipment for his offices' use. Mr. Clausen indicated that it would probably be the Miscellaneous Committee. MR. VERSACE moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. Johnson and carried. The Meeting adjourned at 9:42 P.M. Elaine H. Snowden Town Clerk Spl. Mtg. 2/24/76